UFO Event Timeline, KWIC Index Page: misc

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Letters Directory:

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z numbers misc

Words Directory:

"#019" "#1" "#1+" "#1+2" "#10" "#1001" "#1002" "#10066"

"#101" "#1014" "#10193" "#10196" "#10247" "#10270" "#10291" "#10384"

"#10385" "#1061" "#10629" "#1065" "#10663" "#10739" "#1074" "#1077"

"#10781" "#1079" "#10798" "#1082" "#10872" "#10899" "#10942" "#10944"

"#1099" "#10996" "#11" "#11092" "#1113" "#11135" "#112" "#11239"

"#1124" "#1127" "#1128" "#1129+1131" "#11350" "#11383" "#11384" "#1144"

"#11454" "#11460" "#1148" "#11480" "#1151" "#11518" "#11541" "#11551"

"#11559" "#1160" "#1163" "#11677" "#1168" "#1176" "#11815" "#11869"

"#1194" "#1198" "#12" "#1201" "#1207" "#121" "#1212" "#1213"

"#1227" "#123" "#1232" "#1233" "#1236" "#1249" "#125" "#126"

"#1260" "#1261" "#1263" "#1270" "#129" "#1295" "#1298" "#13"

"#1305" "#1306" "#1308" "#131" "#1313" "#1319" "#1320" "#1321"

"#1323" "#133" "#1332" "#1335" "#135" "#1355" "#1361" "#1364"

"#1380" "#1382" "#1390" "#14" "#1409" "#1431" "#1436" "#1451"

"#1458" "#149" "#1492" "#1494" "#14p5" "#15" "#1501" "#1504"

"#1514" "#1516" "#152" "#1522" "#1533" "#1538" "#1554" "#1556"

"#1588" "#15p9" "#16" "#1628" "#164" "#165" "#1654" "#1664"

"#168" "#1680" "#169" "#17" "#17'73p16" "#1700" "#1702" "#1738"

"#1739" "#174" "#1747" "#1755" "#1758" "#176" "#1771" "#18"

"#1827" "#1870" "#19" "#1961" "#1972" "#1p16" "#1p22" "#1p25+"

"#1p30" "#1p43" "#1p72" "#1p75" "#1p84" "#1p99+" "#2" "#20"

"#2013" "#2023" "#204" "#2048" "#2062" "#207" "#2077" "#2085"

"#2086" "#2087" "#2089" "#2093" "#21" "#2100" "#2126" "#2128"

"#214" "#2142" "#2143" "#2155" "#216" "#2172" "#2175" "#2177"

"#2179" "#2196" "#22" "#2200" "#2202" "#2219" "#223" "#2246"

"#2253" "#2266" "#2267" "#23" "#2315" "#2323" "#2326" "#233"

"#234" "#2364" "#2365" "#2419" "#242" "#2426" "#2496" "#25"

"#2511" "#252" "#2521" "#2524" "#253" "#2543" "#2555" "#2577"

"#25p11" "#26" "#2601" "#2605" "#262" "#268" "#2692" "#272"

"#273" "#275" "#28" "#29" "#29-52" "#292" "#2937" "#294"

"#2962" "#2974" "#2976" "#2983" "#2997" "#2p15" "#2p26" "#2p27"

"#2p33" "#2p46" "#2p65" "#2p82" "#3" "#302" "#304" "#3072"

"#307p8" "#3088" "#311-military" "#3116" "#313" "#3149" "#315" "#3166"

"#3180" "#3182" "#3185" "#3189" "#319" "#32" "#321" "#3213"

"#3224" "#3226" "#3227" "#3260" "#326p34" "#3281" "#3287" "#33"

"#330" "#330+" "#330p18" "#331" "#332" "#3341" "#3352" "#3356"

"#3382" "#34" "#341" "#3414" "#3416" "#3427" "#35" "#36"

"#3673" "#37" "#371" "#3720" "#38" "#380" "#3800" "#381"

"#3862" "#3893" "#39" "#390" "#392" "#3969" "#397" "#3977"

"#3p22" "#3p3" "#4" "#4+flying" "#40" "#403" "#404" "#4050"

"#408" "#41" "#411" "#413" "#416" "#42" "#428" "#43"

"#4348" "#4379" "#4399" "#44" "#441" "#45" "#4543" "#458"

"#46" "#473" "#475" "#48" "#4847" "#4848" "#49" "#4928"

"#494" "#4959" "#497" "#4p23" "#4p37" "#5" "#50" "#5003"

"#501" "#5049" "#51" "#510" "#513" "#519" "#52" "#520"

"#5205" "#5227" "#526" "#53" "#533" "#537" "#54" "#540801"

"#55" "#555" "#56" "#57" "#5716" "#58" "#58-7055" "#5800"

"#585" "#5852" "#59" "#5999" "#5p28" "#5p36" "#5p60" "#5p74"

"#6" "#6027" "#6089" "#61" "#6148" "#6153" "#62" "#620"

"#629" "#6317" "#6400" "#6409" "#6446" "#645" "#650" "#6506"

"#6507" "#6534" "#6538" "#6543" "#6563" "#6600" "#6667" "#67'76"

"#6711" "#6721" "#6724" "#6727" "#678" "#682" "#6858" "#6914"

"#6929" "#6962" "#69p11" "#7" "#70" "#706" "#71" "#7133"

"#7134" "#7284" "#73" "#7417" "#7437" "#746" "#7491" "#7579"

"#758" "#77" "#773" "#7741" "#7754" "#7772" "#780" "#7818"

"#7823" "#7840" "#7841" "#7851" "#787" "#7927" "#793" "#7930"

"#7931" "#7957" "#7968" "#797" "#7p40" "#8" "#80" "#8020"

"#8034" "#8133" "#8182" "#819" "#82" "#821" "#8215" "#83"

"#8360" "#8363" "#8388" "#8434" "#845" "#847" "#85" "#8548"

"#8603" "#8604" "#864" "#8654" "#868" "#8729" "#8739" "#8788"

"#8811" "#8836" "#8839" "#8840" "#890405" "#890709" "#890912" "#8924"

"#8942" "#897" "#8973" "#9" "#900416" "#9008222" "#9031" "#904"

"#9049" "#908" "#909" "#910" "#911" "#912" "#913" "#914"

"#915" "#916" "#917" "#918" "#9183" "#92" "#920" "#921"

"#923" "#928" "#9301" "#9305" "#9389" "#94+" "#9411" "#9550"

"#962" "#964" "#9666" "#9675" "#9680" "#980" "#985" "#9864"

"#989" "#9890" "#99" "#9915" "#9970" "#9971" "#af4076" "#b1"

"#b3" "#b6" "#b7" "#b8" "#sunk" "#unknown" "$1"</a> <a href="#word_543">"$10"

"$100"</a> <a href="#word_545">"$107" "$10b"</a> <a href="#word_547">"$11" "$125"</a> <a href="#word_549">"$13" "$14"</a> <a href="#word_551">"$150"

"$16"</a> <a href="#word_553">"$175" "$183"</a> <a href="#word_555">"$2" "$20"</a> <a href="#word_557">"$200" "$21"</a> <a href="#word_559">"$22"

"$240"</a> <a href="#word_561">"$25" "$250"</a> <a href="#word_563">"$26" "$278"</a> <a href="#word_565">"$28" "$280"</a> <a href="#word_567">"$29"

"$294"</a> <a href="#word_569">"$3" "$300"</a> <a href="#word_571">"$340" "$35"</a> <a href="#word_573">"$380" "$4"</a> <a href="#word_575">"$40"

"$400"</a> <a href="#word_577">"$448" "$455"</a> <a href="#word_579">"$49" "$5"</a> <a href="#word_581">"$50" "$500"</a> <a href="#word_583">"$5000"

"$52"</a> <a href="#word_585">"$525" "$538"</a> <a href="#word_587">"$59" "$6"</a> <a href="#word_589">"$750" "$76"</a> <a href="#word_591">"$80"

"$800"</a> <a href="#word_593">"$81" "$9000"</a> <a href="#word_595">"$9b" "%20aug%20%2026" "%20greer" "%20march%20-%20skylook" "%20october"

"%20uk" "&1000s" "&attach" "''" "''electric" "''terrific" "'1639" "'1680"

"'1753" "'1871" "'1947" "'30" "'30cm" "'46" "'47" "'49"

"'50" "'52" "'53" "'54" "'55" "'56" "'57" "'58"

"'60s" "'61" "'64" "'65" "'66" "'67" "'68" "'69"

"'7" "'70" "'70s" "'71" "'72" "'73" "'74" "'75"

"'76" "'77" "'78" "'79" "'80" "'81" "'84" "'85"

"'86" "'87" "'89" "'90" "'92" "'93" "'94" "'95"

"'96" "'97" "'98" "'99" "'a" "'absolute" "'absorbing" "'acorn'"

"'airship'" "'allagash" "'amoebas'" "'apollo" "'arc-welder'" "'at" "'aviator" "'balloon'"

"'balls" "'band'" "'barn'" "'basket'" "'best'" "'bigger" "'bird'" "'blip'"

"'blobs'" "'blood'" "'blows" "'blue" "'blue-neon" "'boat'" "'bowl'" "'bowler"

"'box'" "'bright" "'buckle'" "'bunch" "'but" "'cabin'" "'came" "'capsule'"

"'car'" "'catch'" "'chains'" "'choppers'" "'cloudship'" "'coffin'" "'coin" "'comet'"

"'commander'" "'common" "'crackling" "'cronica'" "'crowns'" "'cucumber'" "'curious" "'cylindrical"

"'dad" "'danger" "'deliberately" "'dinner" "'dinner-plates'" "'dit-dit'" "'don't" "'donuts"

"'doped'" "'dot-dot-dash'" "'dragon'" "'dragonlike'" "'dropped" "'drops" "'eggplants'" "'elongated"

"'em" "'escort'" "'exclamation" "'explodes'" "'extra" "'falling" "'fast" "'feathers-shapes'"

"'ferris" "'fiery" "'fish'" "'flaky" "'flame'" "'flaming" "'flaps" "'flattened"

"'flip'" "'flir'" "'flir1'" "'flying" "'force" "'full" "'fusiform'" "'gamma'"

"'german'" "'ghost" "'ghost'" "'ghost-bomb'" "'gimbal'" "'glow'" "'goes" "'good"

"'great" "'green" "'grey" "'grid" "'grunt" "'h'" "'half" "'hats'"

"'haystack'" "'head'" "'headquarters" "'hello'" "'horrible" "'huge" "'huyo" "'hypnotized'"

"'i" "'illuminates'" "'imbedded" "'intelligent" "'it" "'james" "'keep" "'komsomolskaya"

"'lampshade-saucer'" "'lance'" "'large" "'lengthy" "'like" "'lisa" "'lit" "'lit-up"

"'little" "'long" "'look" "'luminous" "'maintenance" "'man" "'man'" "'martian"

"'men'" "'metallic'" "'meteor'" "'michelin-man'" "'missiles'" "'monkeys'" "'moon'" "'mother"

"'mothership" "'motors'" "'much" "'my" "'mystery" "'naked" "'national" "'neon-lit"

"'neptun'" "'no" "'o'" "'observes'" "'octagonal" "'operation" "'organ-music'" "'oumuamua'"

"'our" "'out" "'over" "'ozone'" "'pancakes'" "'parachute'" "'parachutes'" "'parent"

"'pear'" "'philadelphia" "'phonograph" "'ping'" "'planes" "'planes'" "'planet'" "'police"

"'portholes'" "'pot'" "'powered" "'probes'" "'projectiles" "'projectiles'" "'propane" "'propulsion"

"'quick'" "'radio'" "'radium" "'rain" "'repair'" "'resembles" "'richard'" "'roaring"

"'robot'" "'rocket'" "'rocket-bomb'" "'rockets'" "'round" "'round'" "'s" "'s'"

"'satellite'" "'saucer'" "'saucers'" "'saw-tooth'" "'scientific" "'ship'" "'shrouded" "'shutterbug'"

"'silence'" "'silvery" "'size" "'sizzles'" "'skinny'" "'sky" "'sky-men'" "'slow"

"'smart" "'snow'" "'solved'" "'sound" "'space" "'space-saucer'" "'space-ship'" "'spaceship'"

"'spherical'" "'splendidly" "'sponge'" "'spread-out" "'squares'" "'star" "'star'" "'stars'"

"'storm-lantern'" "'strangeness'" "'strip'" "'submarine'" "'sun'" "'suns'" "'table-knives'" "'talk-box'"

"'tempestaires'" "'the" "'thing'" "'tilted" "'tip-cat'" "'tire'" "'toadstool'" "'too"

"'took" "'torpedos'" "'tower'" "'toy" "'train'" "'transports'" "'trumpet'" "'uap"

"'uap'" "'ufo'" "'ufo's'" "'umbrella" "'unexplainable" "'unintelligible'" "'usa'" "'v'"

"'vessel'" "'victor" "'w" "'watermelon'" "'what" "'whatzits'" "'wheel'" "'wheel-like"

"'will" "'wind" "'windows'" "'wings'" "'you" "'z'" "+-" "+hi"

"--" "---" "---but" "--along" "--had" "--the" "-0" "-00"

"-1" "-10000" "-103" "-106" "-107" "-108" "-11" "-115"

"-116" "-118" "-124" "-126" "-13" "-137" "-138" "-139"

"-14" "-149" "-157" "-15°" "-169" "-17" "-1967-" "-1972"

"-1973" "-2" "-20" "-2000" "-21" "-22" "-23" "-28"

"-30" "-3736" "-38" "-4" "-46" "-47" "-48" "-49"

"-6000" "-60°" "-79" "-8" "-89" "-9" "-9°c" "-a"

"-amand" "-and-" "-andeol-de-fourchades" "-andre-treize-voies" "-apr" "-atlantic" "-auban" "-away"

"-b4" "-based" "-beaulize" "-bonnet" "-c" "-canadian" "-cesaire" "-chamas"

"-claude" "-coutant-le-grand" "-cyrille-de-wendover" "-de-serre" "-de-vence" "-dec" "-donald" "-donat"

"-drum" "-du-beal" "-estvevmktum" "-etienne-sous-barbuise" "-face" "-fairies" "-feb" "-feliu-d'avail"

"-felix" "-fs" "-genese" "-geneys" "-geoirs" "-georges" "-georges-les-baillargeaux" "-geours-de-maremne"

"-germain-du-bois" "-going" "-guenole" "-heads" "-hilaire" "-hilaire-les-cambrai" "-hovering" "-huerfano"

"-i" "-it" "-jean" "-jean-d'asse" "-jean-de-bournay" "-jean-du-falga" "-jean-du-luz" "-josse-ten-noode"

"-julien" "-julien-du-serre" "-just-de-claix" "-kilfyw2vjyk" "-laurent" "-laurent-blangy" "-laurent-du-var" "-leger-sur-dheune"

"-lights" "-like" "-line" "-long" "-louis" "-luc" "-luperce" "-man"

"-many" "-marie" "-martial" "-martin" "-martin-de-londres" "-martin-de-valamas" "-mathias-de-chambly" "-mathias-sur-richelieu"

"-michel" "-michel-sur-loire" "-michel-sur-meurthe" "-mons" "-monster" "-motor" "-méjanes" "-nov"

"-november" "-oct" "-ok" "-omer" "-ormation" "-pht" "-pierre-de-bost" "-pierre-de-fursac"

"-pierre-halte" "-pierre-sur-mer" "-plancard" "-point" "-pourcain-sur-sioule" "-prouant" "-pulsating" "-radar"

"-remy" "-ro21gyiliri" "-saucer" "-sauveur-en-puisaye" "-saw" "-sept" "-shaped" "-silent"

"-silvain-belgarde" "-size" "-soulle" "-stanislas-de-kostka" "-sun" "-that" "-the" "-the-wisp"

"-translation" "-tudel" "-turns" "-u" "-unfortunately" "-vaast" "-valery-sur-somme" "-vallier-de-thiey"

"-verand" "-vernal" "-x0bwglnelg" "-year" "<1" "<5" "=-" "=moulay"

">767" ">>" ">e" ">n" ">s" ">sse" "@21" "@altpropulsion"

"@richgel99" "@throwmasterjohn" "-" "^`c" "_blanche" "_bleue" "_rouge" "{ufo" "~10" "~1000mph" "~100m" "~12"

"~12km" "~2" "~20" "~20m" "~2200mph" "~25kph" "~30" "~300m"

"~35'" "~50" "~50'ovr" "~6" "~abatko" "~nagui" "£" "£10"

"©midwar" "«" "¬" "­orange" "°" "°c" "±2" "»"

"¼" "½" "¾ʺ" "à" "Álvaro" "Ángel" "Árbenz" "Árbol"

"Área" "Ávila" "Älmstä" "Ängelholm" "Åbo" "Ålen" "Årsteinfjellet" "Ås"

"Åsbygda" "Åse" "Åsta" "Çandarli" "Échallens" "Écureuils" "éd" "éditions"

"Élie" "Élisabethville" "Émile" "Épine" "étant" "état" "Étranges" "Étude"

"Études" "évidence" "Íslands" "Île" "Île-perrot" "Întorsura" "Öjebyn" "Örebro"

"Östergötland" "Østlandet" "Østre" "Øyfjellet" "út" "Ürümqi" "Ćirković" "İzmir"

"Łeba" "Łosice" "Śmiech" "Świat" "Świdnica" "Świecie" "Świętej" "Ştefan"

"Ştefanescu" "Šafařík" "Ţarcu" "Żuławka" "•"

Word: "#019", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

AN BUREN, OH Project Bluebook Case #019. 2 observer(s). 2 shiny fish-cigars 10/20/1947 #6415  

Word: "#1", 10 instance(s) (Back to Top)

DRY LAKE, CA Project Bluebook Case #1. F51 pilot and ground crew. Large sil 7/8/1947 #5814  
       Fate Magazine 1948 Volume 1 #1 page 26 reports on the Maury Island i 1/1948 #6503  
43 above the Army Observation Post #1, at 37°57'N, 125°31'E, flying from ea 11/4/1948 #6940  
a P2V3 patrol plane #4 of Squadron #1, reported a radar contact with a UFO  1/22/1950 #7742  
hangsong-ni and N of Nangnim Mt \- #1, North Korea (11 AM) silvery oval sha 5/15/1952 #10147  
RCE BASE, MD Vip? 2 large saucers. #1 going straight and level. #2 orbits # 8/6/1952 #11659  
oing straight and level. #2 orbits #1. More sightings / night.              8/6/1952 #11659  
tnesses:  USAF B-25 bomber pilots. #1 was a bright yellow light seen for 8  2/20/1953 #13160  
d and land on the roof of Building #1. Four silver-colored legs emerged fro 5/7/1974 #36144  
 study. Cattle mutilations. / r205 #1.                                      1/26/1992 #48744  

Word: "#1+", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

n. Observer(s) shoots 1. See / r72 #1+/ r249p353.                           11/26/1961 #22656  

Word: "#1+2", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 blazing spheres hover. 3rd joins. #1+2 suddenly going quickly west. #3 soo 9/8/1971 #33085  

Word: "#10", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ch) At 11:00 AM, TEST LAUNCH OF V2 #10, REACHING ONLY 3 KM ALTITUDE. RADIO  8/15/1946 #4693  
Blue Book issues its Status Report #10, classified “secret.”                2/27/1953 #13187  

Word: "#1001", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 French) First flight of a YF-12A (#1001) at Groom Lake, an interceptor cap 8/7/1963 #23680  
Translated from French) Have Blue (#1001), the prototype of the stealth fig 11/16/1977 #40200  

Word: "#1002", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 the 2nd F117 prototype Have Blue (#1002). (July 20)                        7/20/1978 #40996  

Word: "#10066", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

DDLETOWN, OH Project Bluebook Case #10066. Observer(s) = Tucker. Night ligh 11/4/1965 #25750  

Word: "#101", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

   PANAMA CZ Project Bluebook Case #101. 2 separate observer(s). Fireballs  11/25/1952 #12715  

Word: "#1014", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  Tuscumbia, MO Daylight landing, (#1014), occupants, close approach (NICAP 3/20/1967 #28213  

Word: "#10193", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ALISBURY, NC Project Bluebook Case #10193. Unidentified. 2 / (seen thru) bi 2/2/1966 #25955  

Word: "#10196", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

EDERLAND, TX Project Bluebook Case #10196. Street all lit / red. Saucer at  2/6/1966 #25969  

Word: "#10247", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

    MIMS, FL Project Bluebook Case #10247. USAF / NASA man. Night light pul 3/20/1966 #26098  

Word: "#10270", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

/ TEMPLE, OK Project Bluebook Case #10270. Laxson. Domed cylinder/cigar-sha 3/23/1966 #26142  

Word: "#10291", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 TEXHOMA, OK Project Bluebook Case #10291. Unidentified. Motor and lights f 3/26/1966 #26192  

Word: "#10384", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

    ALTO, TN Project Bluebook Case #10384. 2 observer(s). 30M cylinder/ciga 4/5/1966 #26350  

Word: "#10385", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

LYCOMING, NY Project Bluebook Case #10385. 1 observer 3M steaming sphere/or 4/5/1966 #26346  

Word: "#1061", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 NORTH KOREA Project Bluebook Case #1061. B29 crew. Blue cylinder/cylindric 2/23/1952 #9615  

Word: "#10629", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  KANSAS, OH Project Bluebook Case #10629. 1 observer. Wingless 60M cylinde 6/8/1966 #26677  

Word: "#1065", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ARLESTON, SC Project Bluebook Case #1065. 2 silver-blue saucers / 30° eleva 1/16/1967 #27571  

Word: "#10663", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

MITCHELL, NC Project Bluebook Case #10663. Bell-saucer hovers / 5 hours. La 6/18/1966 #26719  

Word: "#10739", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

KIRKWOOD, PA Project Bluebook Case #10739. 2 observer(s). 100' saucer lands 7/11/1966 #26786  

Word: "#1074", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

TREVILLE, MD Project Bluebook Case #1074. 2 observer(s). Dull orange saucer 3/20/1952 #9664  

Word: "#1077", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

NCEPTION, CA Project Bluebook Case #1077. B29 navigator and RADAR OP. Blip  3/24/1952 #9674  

Word: "#10781", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

EENVILLE, NC Project Bluebook Case #10781. Saucer chases car to 100mph and  7/25/1966 #26831  

Word: "#1079", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 / PECOS, TX Project Bluebook Case #1079. 4 Air Force B50D pilots and RADAR 3/26/1952 #9680  

Word: "#10798", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

QUE ISLE, PA Project Bluebook Case #10798. Top-hat maneuvers and lands. Swe 7/31/1966 #26855  

Word: "#1082", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

CE BASE, JPN Project Bluebook Case #1082. 2 pilots. 20cm saucer buzzes AT6+ 3/29/1952 #9694  

Word: "#10872", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

NNYBROOK, ND Project Bluebook Case #10872. Radio beeps. Silent 10M domed sa 8/19/1966 #26932  

Word: "#10899", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

LESVILLE, AL Project Bluebook Case #10899. NASA Aerospace engineer and 4. 9 8/26/1966 #26983  

Word: "#10942", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

GS, NY SR34. Project Bluebook Case #10942. Unidentified. UFO descends / clo 9/9/1966 #27047  

Word: "#10944", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  STIRUM, ND Project Bluebook Case #10944. Saucer lands / farm. No radiatio 9/13/1966 #27059  

Word: "#1099", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  TEMPLE, TX Project Bluebook Case #1099. 1 observer. 50-75 white saucers s 4/6/1952 #9758  

Word: "#10996", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 OSCEOLA, WI Project Bluebook Case #10996. Several observer(s). Small moon- 10/5/1966 #27153  

Word: "#11", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

Blue Book issues its Status Report #11.                                     5/31/1953 #13427  

Word: "#11092", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 BAY AFS, AK Project Bluebook Case #11092. Air Traffic Controller. White ob 10/26/1966 #27235  

Word: "#1113", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

LACROSSE, WI Project Bluebook Case #1113. Central airline(s)/airliner crew  4/14/1952 #9814  

Word: "#11135", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 SAGINAW, MI Project Bluebook Case #11135. Ground and F94 RADAR-visual (obs 11/8/1966 #27294  

Word: "#112", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  ASHLEY, OH Project Bluebook Case #112. Several observer(s). Large vertica 4/12/1948 #6627  

Word: "#11239", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  MONROE, OR Project Bluebook Case #11239. Several observer(s). 3 saucers r 12/25/1966 #27450  

Word: "#1124", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

NGMEADOW, MA Project Bluebook Case #1124. 2 engineers. Silent night lights  4/17/1952 #9851  

Word: "#1127", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

    YUMA, AZ Project Bluebook Case #1127. Numerous observer(s). Silent sauc 4/17/1952 #9850  

Word: "#1128", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

BETHESDA, MD Project Bluebook Case #1128. Parstell and 3. 7-15 silent orbs  4/18/1952 #9874  

Word: "#1129+1131", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 BROOK, NFLD Project Bluebook Case #1129+1131. Yellow sphere/orb/globe circ 4/18/1952 #9873  

Word: "#11350", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  ODESSA, DE Project Bluebook Case #11350. 2 observer(s). 50' Saturn-saucer 2/6/1967 #27732  

Word: "#11383", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

TOUGHTON, WI Project Bluebook Case #11383. 1 observer. Night light paces ca 2/16/1967 #27828  

Word: "#11384", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  OXFORD, WI Project Bluebook Case #11384. Ex-airman. Orange-red dome paces 2/20/1967 #27874  

Word: "#1144", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

OKINAWA, JPN Project Bluebook Case #1144. 6 military-air and more. 1+2+2 3' 4/22/1952 #9921  

Word: "#11454", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

N HARBOR, MI Project Bluebook Case #11454. Several observer(s). 15M cylinde 3/6/1967 #28052  

Word: "#11460", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ENDERSON, IL Project Bluebook Case #11460. Cop. Domed saucer / low altitude 3/6/1967 #28053  

Word: "#1148", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

MILTON, MASS Project Bluebook Case #1148. 3 RADAR experts. Silent odd-shape 4/24/1952 #9945  

Word: "#11480", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

   ONAWA, IA Project Bluebook Case #11480. Huge white disk going quickly ea 3/9/1967 #28117  

Word: "#1151", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  CLOVIS, NM Project Bluebook Case #1151. Unidentified. Military observer(s 7/24/1952 #11149  

Word: "#11518", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

y Hatch, U computer database, case #11518). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)  11/6/1975 #37903  

Word: "#11541", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 WAPELLO, IA Project Bluebook Case #11541. Observer(s) = Eutsler. Derby-hat 3/22/1967 #28237  

Word: "#11551", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

    BELT, MT Project Bluebook Case #11551. Many separate observer(s). Domed 3/24/1967 #28258  

Word: "#11559", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

NCHESTER, OH Project Bluebook Case #11559. 3+2 observer(s). Silent saucer t 3/26/1967 #28289  

Word: "#1160", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

OSEVILLE, MI Project Bluebook Case #1160. 4 observer(s). Ovoid and 2 cigars 4/27/1952 #9976  

Word: "#1163", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

    YUMA, AZ Project Bluebook Case #1163. Air Traffic Controller and milita 4/27/1952 #9977  

Word: "#11677", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

UTH HILL, VA Project Bluebook Case #11677. Crowder. Bullet-cylinder/cylindr 4/21/1967 #28494  

Word: "#1168", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

GOODLAND, KS Project Bluebook Case #1168. B29 bombardier. White fan-shaped  4/29/1952 #9997  

Word: "#1176", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RCE BASE, CA Project Bluebook Case #1176. 5 separate observer(s). 5 silent  5/1/1952 #10030  

Word: "#11815", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  AUSTIN, TX Project Bluebook Case #11815. Small car signals / headlights.  6/24/1967 #28892  

Word: "#11869", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 LIZELIA, MS Project Bluebook Case #11869. Car malfunctions due to EME (ele 7/10/1967 #29009  

Word: "#1194", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RCE BASE, CA Project Bluebook Case #1194. 2 F86's and 3 Air Traffic Control 5/9/1952 #10091  

Word: "#1198", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ELLENTON, SC Project Bluebook Case #1198. 8 small saucers / Savannah H-bomb 5/10/1952 #10106  

Word: "#12", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

nch) At 11:02 AM TEST LAUNCH OF V2 #12, REACHED ALTITUDE 164 KM.            10/10/1946 #4800  
 MINERAL, WA Project Bluebook Case #12. Kenneth Arnold. 9 saucers at 9000'  6/24/1947 #5091  
Blue Book issues its Status Report #12.                                     9/30/1953 #13751  

Word: "#1201", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RANCISCO, CA Project Bluebook Case #1201. Clear photo of ovoid / broad dayl 5/4/1952 #10055  

Word: "#1207", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

   PARIS, TX Project Bluebook Case #1207. 2 night lights make 90° turn. Sep 3/7/1967 #28065  

Word: "#121", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 ACWORTH, GA Project Bluebook Case #121. Eastern Airlines DC3. Circular blu 1/9/1948 #6535  
 French) The first A-12 Blackbird (#121) is trucked to Groom for testing. ( 2/26/1962 #22752  
test flight of the A-12 Blackbird (#121).                                   4/26/1962 #22833  

Word: "#1212", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ILLAMOOK, OR Project Bluebook Case #1212. Many observer(s). CE3+RADAR's. Wi 3/13/1967 #28172  

Word: "#1213", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

MAYAGUEZ, PR Project Bluebook Case #1213. Ex-Air Force pilot and Garcia. 2  5/14/1952 #10140  

Word: "#1227", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

NUT LAKE, MI Project Bluebook Case #1227. Hoffman and 6. Saucer with dark p 5/25/1952 #10181  

Word: "#123", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 (Translated from French) An A-12 (#123) tested from Groom Lake crashes due 5/24/1963 #23550  

Word: "#1232", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

FR INDOCHINA Project Bluebook Case #1232. Many observer(s). Cloud churns. S 5/28/1952 #10198  

Word: "#1233", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

UQUERQUE, NM Project Bluebook Case #1233. 2 firemen. 1+2+1 saucers / 50 min 5/28/1952 #10199  

Word: "#1236", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #1236. Air Force pilot / ground. Cylinde 5/29/1952 #10213  

Word: "#1249", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

LDA, GERMANY Project Bluebook Case #1249. Photograph-reconnaissance airman  6/2/1952 #10269  

Word: "#125", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 (Translated from French) An A-12 (#125) runs out of fuel 70 miles from Gro 1/5/1967 #27498  

Word: "#126", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

om French) At Groom Lake, an A-12 (#126) crashes immediately after takeoff. 12/28/1965 #25853  

Word: "#1260", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

! 90° turns. Project Bluebook Case #1260 / 7 June and #1263 / 8 June.       5/10/1952 #10102  
UQUERQUE, NM Project Bluebook Case #1260. B25 crew / 11.5K' altitude. 6' x4 6/7/1952 #10314  

Word: "#1261", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

MUGU NAS, CA Project Bluebook Case #1261. 3 / ship. 50cm saucer near remote 1/28/1953 #13034  

Word: "#1263", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

t Bluebook Case #1260 / 7 June and #1263 / 8 June.                          5/10/1952 #10102  

Word: "#1270", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ESH, MOROCCO Project Bluebook Case #1270. US radarman. Unidentified blip 65 6/12/1952 #10346  

Word: "#129", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

or the Lumières dans la Nuit (LDLN #129, Nov. 1973, p.24 ref.182) and passe 1906 #2156  
ESTFIELD, IN Project Bluebook Case #129. Private pilot. Small "Graf-Zeppeli 5/12/1948 #6668  
 1 observer. Project Bluebook Case #129. Cylinder/cigar-shape / terrific sp 5/31/1948 #6690  

Word: "#1295", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

-ROSWELL, NM Project Bluebook Case #1295. Staff Sgt. 5 grey saucers / arc-f 6/16/1952 #10392  

Word: "#1298", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RCE BASE, WA Project Bluebook Case #1298. Many observer(s) and theodolite.  6/17/1952 #10399  

Word: "#13", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ch) At 12:15 PM, TEST LAUNCH OF V2 #13. ALTITUDE REACHED 104 KM.            10/24/1946 #4804  
hree hours, a Hercules radar site (#13) at McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewi 10/2/1959 #21484  

Word: "#1305", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

NUT LAKE, MI Project Bluebook Case #1305. Soft white light jumps back and f 6/18/1952 #10420  

Word: "#1306", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

DAR confirm. Project Bluebook Case #1306.                                   7/30/1967 #29133  

Word: "#1308", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

OSE BAY, NFL Project Bluebook Case #1308. RADAR-visual (observation) / red- 6/19/1952 #10433  

Word: "#131", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

om French) Last flight of an A-12, #131, from Groom Lake to Palmdale and th 6/21/1968 #30581  

Word: "#1313", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 APPROXIMATE Project Bluebook Case #1313. USAF. 10' saucer circles area jus 6/20/1952 #10448  

Word: "#1319", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #1319. B29 crew. Brilliant 3'GUITAR-pick 6/21/1952 #10466  

Word: "#1320", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

witnesses, daylight, two objects, (#1320). (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)        10/8/1978 #41418  

Word: "#1321", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

D MARAIS, MN Project Bluebook Case #1321. 2 separate report(s). R / G / wes 9/5/1966 #27026  

Word: "#1323", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 753D RADAR. Project Bluebook Case #1323. Object hovers and flashes. 270° l 6/22/1952 #10487  
TE MARIE, MI Project Bluebook Case #1323. 2 Sergeants and RADAR and range f 9/18/1966 #27080  

Word: "#133", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 (Translated from French) An A-12 (#133) crashes during its final approach  7/9/1964 #24288  

Word: "#1332", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RCE BASE, WA Project Bluebook Case #1332. Civil and military observer(s). Y 6/23/1952 #10502  

Word: "#1335", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

WENSBORO, KY Project Bluebook Case #1335. 2 military. 2 huge soap-bubbles f 6/23/1952 #10499  

Word: "#135", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

int Mugu, but returns to the A-12 (#135) destroying it. The two crew member 7/30/1966 #26851  

Word: "#1355", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  TOPEKA, KS Project Bluebook Case #1355. 2 military. 200' sphere/orb/globe 6/27/1952 #10559  

Word: "#1361", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

SHKONONG, WI Project Bluebook Case #1361. 1 ground observer(s). White sauce 6/28/1952 #10570  

Word: "#1364", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 NAGOYA, JPN Project Bluebook Case #1364. ECM officer. Silent ovoid straigh 6/28/1952 #10569  

Word: "#1380", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

E CENTER, MI Project Bluebook Case #1380. 2 6m circular lights flash over c 7/3/1952 #10635  

Word: "#1382", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 CHICAGO, IL Project Bluebook Case #1382. 1 observer. 2 pastel disks straig 7/3/1952 #10637  

Word: "#1390", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

NORMAN, OKLA Project Bluebook Case #1390. 3 saucers hover until cop / priva 7/5/1952 #10653  

Word: "#14", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

French) At 13:31 TEST LAUNCH OF V2 #14. RADIO SHUTDOWN (EMERGENCY) CRASH BE 11/7/1946 #4807  
elation in bringing Special Report #14 up to date.”                         5/22/1959 #21182  

Word: "#1409", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

KUTZTOWN, PA Project Bluebook Case #1409. Farmer. Aluminum saucer tips mane 7/9/1952 #10684  

Word: "#1431", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

NNAPOLIS, MD Project Bluebook Case #1431. 2 observer(s). 4 white saucers fo 7/12/1952 #10722  

Word: "#1436", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RKSVILLE, MO Project Bluebook Case #1436. Many military RADAR operators and 7/12/1952 #10726  

Word: "#1451", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

LM BEACH, FL Project Bluebook Case #1451. Pilot and 2 / ground. Saucer dive 7/15/1952 #10790  

Word: "#1458", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RCE BASE, FL Project Bluebook Case #1458. Several observer(s). 4 night ligh 7/18/1952 #10880  

Word: "#149", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

HJORRING, DK Project Bluebook Case #149. 'Rockets' in blue-glow soar. 1 sto 1/19/1948 #6543  

Word: "#1492", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

LISTON, NDAK Project Bluebook Case #1492. Pilot / US85. Saucer dives. Light 7/19/1952 #10914  

Word: "#1494", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

INS PARK, PA Project Bluebook Case #1494. Unidentified. 1 star chases 2nd.  7/19/1952 #10912  

Word: "#14p5", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 Going down / 900M altitude. / and #14p5.                                   8/2/1957 #19083  

Word: "#15", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

rench) 9:55 AM - Test launch of V2 #15, altitude reached 100 km.            11/21/1946 #4809  

Word: "#1501", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 SALEM, MASS Project Bluebook Case #1501. USCG photos / 4 oval globs over c 7/16/1952 #10808  

Word: "#1504", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

VALLETTE, NJ Project Bluebook Case #1504. Unidentified. Chemical Professor. 7/20/1952 #10955  

Word: "#1514", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

DEN, GERMANY Project Bluebook Case #1514. USAF pilot and separate observer( 7/21/1952 #10982  

Word: "#1516", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #1516. Unidentified. Several observer(s) 7/21/1952 #10986  

Word: "#152", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ANAPOLIS, IN Project Bluebook Case #152. 20' saucer / 7' dome seen. No furt 7/1/1948 #6729  

Word: "#1522", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #1522. Air Force Captain. 15-20 night li 5/21/1952 #10168  

Word: "#1533", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RE HAUTE, IN Project Bluebook Case #1533. USAF man. Delta/triangle/box-like 7/21/1952 #10983  

Word: "#1538", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

S ALAMOS, NM Project Bluebook Case #1538. Air Traffic Controller and more/o 7/22/1952 #11018  

Word: "#1554", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

OTTSTOWN, PA Project Bluebook Case #1554 unidentified. 3 F94 crews. 3 silve 7/23/1952 #11088  

Word: "#1556", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ns past F94. Project Bluebook Case #1556. No further details.               7/22/1952 #11034  
ASS AND MORE Project Bluebook Case #1556. 2 5' saucers going quickly northw 7/23/1952 #11080  

Word: "#1588", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 TRENTON, NJ Project Bluebook Case #1588. Several F94 crews. Night lights g 7/22/1952 #11032  

Word: "#15p9", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

Levels. Going quickly NNE. / Issue #15p9.                                   7/13/1994 #50163  

Word: "#16", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

French) At 13:08 TEST LAUNCH OF V2 #16, ALTITUDE 167 KM.                    12/5/1946 #4819  

Word: "#1628", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ukon, Alaska Japan Airlines flight #1628, a Boeing 747 freighter, was cruis 11/17/1986 #46139  

Word: "#164", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

NIONTOWN, PA Project Bluebook Case #164. Several observer(s). 3 silent lumi 6/29/1948 #6716  

Word: "#165", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RCE BASE, GA Project Bluebook Case #165. 1 military observer(s). Cylinder/c 7/24/1948 #6766  
 AUGUSTA, GA Project Bluebook Case #165. 6 observer(s). Football glows bobs 7/26/1948 #6782  

Word: "#1654", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

QUANTICO, VA Project Bluebook Case #1654. Marines. Unknown round object lan 12/21/1953 #13968  

Word: "#1664", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

LMINGTON, DE Project Bluebook Case #1664? Observer(s) / 3rd floor / Drano b 7/25/1952 #11172  

Word: "#168", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ARNHEM, NETH Project Bluebook Case #168. 2 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shap 7/20/1948 #6756  

Word: "#1680", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

INAW BAY, MI Project Bluebook Case #1680. RADAR and 2 F94s RADAR-visual (ob 7/29/1952 #11403  

Word: "#169", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

rcraft for 82 minutes. VASP flight #169 was paced by the UFO from Pernambuc 2/8/1982 #44183  

Word: "#17", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

rench) At 10 PM, test launch of V2 #17 which reached 186 km in altitude. (1 12/17/1946 #4822  
ican Heritage Center (Box #34 Item #17).                                    3/31/1950 #8073  

Word: "#17'73p16", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 altitude. Plants scorched. / r156.#17'73p16.                               9/4/1973 #34699  

Word: "#1700", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ELBERG, GERM Project Bluebook Case #1700. Unidentified. Metal saucer beams  7/28/1952 #11329  

Word: "#1702", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ma station 2:35 a.m. Freight train #1702, consisting of 70 empty cars and a 2/1985 #45562  

Word: "#1738", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  MERCED, CA Project Bluebook Case #1738. Unidentified. Mitchell and 1. Sau 7/29/1952 #11397  

Word: "#1739", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 WICHITA, KS Project Bluebook Case #1739. Unidentified. Airport workers. Wh 7/29/1952 #11392  

Word: "#174", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

NSION PR, LA Project Bluebook Case #174. 1 observer. Silent cone going quic 10/1/1948 #6888  

Word: "#1747", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 / ENNIS, MT Project Bluebook Case #1747 / unidentified. 12 observer(s) / ( 7/29/1952 #11391  

Word: "#1755", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

UQUERQUE, NM Project Bluebook Case #1755. Newsman. 10 saucers change / V fo 8/1/1952 #11541  

Word: "#1758", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 ANTONIO, TX Project Bluebook Case #1758. Saucer / 5K' altitude rises to 10 7/30/1952 #11461  

Word: "#176", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

AN PABLO, CA Project Bluebook Case #176. 2 observer(s). Grey rectangle and  9/23/1948 #6867  

Word: "#1771", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ANCASTER, CA Project Bluebook Case #1771. 2 cops and more/others. 2 brillia 8/1/1952 #11530  

Word: "#18", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

uary 23?) 14:13 test launch of V-2 #18, altitude 115 km. Launch on January  1/10/1947 #4851  
. Resembles Gulf Breeze photograph #18.                                     6/10/1990 #47944  

Word: "#1827", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RCE BASE, JP Project Bluebook Case #1827. 2+2 Air Traffic Controllers. RADA 8/5/1952 #11630  

Word: "#1870", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RCE BASE, LA Project Bluebook Case #1870. 30cm disk zips over base going so 8/9/1952 #11707  

Word: "#19", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 the engineer, Joe Wright (Magonia #19, FSR 66,4) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 4/15/1897 #1785  
15 km. Launch on January 23 of V-2 #19, which only reached 50 km altitude.  1/10/1947 #4851  

Word: "#1961", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

HERMANAS, NM Project Bluebook Case #1961. Air Force F84 / 35K'. 2 6' silver 8/24/1952 #11924  

Word: "#1972", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ITTSBURG, KS Project Bluebook Case #1972. 75' saucer / 10' altitude. Figure 8/25/1952 #11952  

Word: "#1p16", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 minute(s). Away very fast. / r139 #1p16.                                   1/31/1955 #16960  

Word: "#1p22", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

up and down. Away sideways. / r139 #1p22.                                   2/10/1955 #16999  

Word: "#1p25+", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

g quickly southeast rising. / r141 #1p25+/ APRO Mar'57.                     1/17/1957 #18633  

Word: "#1p30", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 soars. No further details. / r141 #1p30.                                   1/26/1957 #18646  

Word: "#1p43", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

d rays. Going quickly west. / r139 #1p43.                                   3/25/1955 #17081  

Word: "#1p72", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

nose / Portuguese airliner. / r139 #1p72.                                   5/24/1955 (approximate) #17187  

Word: "#1p75", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

oats by. No further details / r141 #1p75.                                   3/13/1957 #18721  

Word: "#1p84", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

-formation. Light contrail. / r140 #1p84.                                   4/27/1956 #17925  

Word: "#1p99+", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

to] and going quickly east. / r143 #1p99+/ r8#485.                          3/31/1959 #21103  

Word: "#2", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)

t was observed at Observation Post #2 37°51' N, 125°17'E as well as the two 11/4/1948 #6940  
ing. The object circled above Post #2 before veering north. It resembled a  11/4/1948 #6940  
st. 2km altitude / 1200+Kph. / r93 #2.                                      9/6/1949 #7560  
roject Grudge issues Status Report #2 and a Special Report three days later 12/28/1951 #9484  
hangsong-ni and N of Nangnim Mt \- #2, North Korea (6 PM) silvery oval shap 5/15/1952 #10148  
cers. #1 going straight and level. #2 orbits #1. More sightings / night.    8/6/1952 #11659  
 yellow light seen for 8 minutes.  #2 was a bright light which flew on a co 2/20/1953 #13160  
osophical testament in his journal #2. (June 24)                            6/24/1969 #31848  

Word: "#20", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

nch) 11:16 am - Test launch of V-2 #20, reaching 109 km altitude. It is bel 2/20/1947 #4874  

Word: "#2013", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ADO SPRS, CO Project Bluebook Case #2013. Pilot Magruder. 3 silent 50' meta 8/29/1952 #12026  

Word: "#2023", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

H / YAAK, MT Project Bluebook Case #2023. 2+observer(s). RADAR-visual (obse 8/1/1952 #11532  

Word: "#204", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

iting Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue #204) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)   1966 #25859  

Word: "#2048", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  TUCSON, AZ Project Bluebook Case #2048. 2 observer(s). Teardrop object sp 9/6/1952 #12121  

Word: "#2062", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RABAT, MAROC Project Bluebook Case #2062. 6 silent saucers in formation goi 9/9/1952 #12144  

Word: "#207", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RCE BASE, MD Project Bluebook Case #207. Unidentified. Saucer and AT6 jet / 11/18/1948 #6958  

Word: "#2077", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ollows and circles Air Force plane #2077 / 40 minute(s). No further details 3/1968 #30292  

Word: "#2085", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

LLENTOWN, PA Project Bluebook Case #2085. 1 observer. Saucer dives going [t 9/13/1952 #12177  

Word: "#2086", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 BARBARA, CA Project Bluebook Case #2086. C54 pilot. Blue-white night light 9/14/1952 #12199  

Word: "#2087", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 NORTH YORKS Project Bluebook Case #2087. Saucer follows meteor jet. Incred 9/19/1952 #12264  

Word: "#2089", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

E LAKE, SDAK Project Bluebook Case #2089. Unidentified. Ground Observer Cor 9/14/1952 #12198  

Word: "#2093", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RCE BASE, PA Project Bluebook Case #2093. 2 civil observer(s). Humming. Blu 9/14/1952 #12195  

Word: "#21", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

om French) 11:23 AM - Launch of V2 #21, altitude 160 km.                    3/7/1947 #4884  
ht. / Belgian UFO Society (SOBEPS) #21 p19.                                 3/26/1973 #34284  

Word: "#2100", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RCE BASE, GA Project Bluebook Case #2100. 2 glowing-night lights going west 9/16/1952 #12237  

Word: "#2126", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

EST / AZORES Project Bluebook Case #2126. Unidentified. C124 crew paced / 2 9/26/1952 #12336  

Word: "#2128", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

INYOKERN, CA Project Bluebook Case #2128. Unidentified. Several / telescope 9/27/1952 #12344  

Word: "#214", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

Multiple police, landing, traces. (#214) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)          9/16/1965 #25611  

Word: "#2142", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RCE BASE, SC Project Bluebook Case #2142. Unidentified. RF80 pilot / 22K' a 10/1/1952 #12395  

Word: "#2143", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

SCAGOULA, MS Project Bluebook Case #2143. Unidentified. 4 civil. Sphere/orb 10/1/1952 #12396  

Word: "#2155", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

E BASE, MASS Project Bluebook Case #2155. Blinking white night light shoots 10/10/1952 #12435  

Word: "#216", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 pasture. No further details. / r8 #216. / l'Oeste-11 Oct. '54.             10/7/1954 #15629  

Word: "#2172", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 KILLEEN, TX Project Bluebook Case #2172. Unidentified. 2 observer(s). 10 b 10/17/1952 #12477  

Word: "#2175", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 35W-12° 17N Project Bluebook Case #2175. 2 / USAF C50. 100' yellow saucer  10/19/1952 #12498  

Word: "#2177", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 ANTONIO, TX Project Bluebook Case #2177. Unidentified. 3 silver saucers V  10/19/1952 #12497  

Word: "#2179", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

NOXVILLE, TN Project Bluebook Case #2179. Unidentified. / theodolite. 6 whi 10/21/1952 #12508  

Word: "#2196", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 DEPOT, GERM Project Bluebook Case #2196. Unidentified. 3 USAF. Saucer tumb 10/29/1952 #12559  

Word: "#22", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

utes before leaving again.(Magonia #22, 191) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/16/1897 #1816  
from French) At 13:10 launch of V2 #22, it reached 129 km altitude.         4/1/1947 #4900  
rom French) At 16:22, launch of V2 #22, altitude reached 140 km.            4/17/1947 #4912  

Word: "#2200", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

TTEVILLE, GA Project Bluebook Case #2200. Unidentified. Lt. Col. / car. "Bl 10/31/1952 #12571  

Word: "#2202", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #2202. 2 Air Traffic Controllers. Glowin 11/3/1952 #12590  

Word: "#2219", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

S ALAMOS, NM Project Bluebook Case #2219. Unidentified. 4 objects going qui 11/12/1952 #12624  

Word: "#223", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 going down. Project Bluebook Case #223.                                    12/8/1948 #7002  
ight sighting, single witness, HS (#223). (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)         1/19/1966 #25934  

Word: "#2246", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

NNANDALE, VA Project Bluebook Case #2246. Unidentified. Brettner and 1. Bas 11/24/1952 #12707  

Word: "#2253", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

SHINGTON, DC Project Bluebook Case #2253. Unidentified HIQ RADAR traces. No 11/30/1952 #12740  

Word: "#2266", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RCE BASE, AK Project Bluebook Case #2266. Ground RADAR and F94. Unidentifie 12/8/1952 #12790  

Word: "#2267", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 MADISON, WI Project Bluebook Case #2267. Unidentified. 2 / T33. 4 night li 12/9/1952 #12795  

Word: "#23", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

c stops execution of priest / r186 #23.                                     9/12/1271 #230  
from French) At 17:10 launch of V2 #23 which reached 103 km altitude.       4/8/1947 #4903  

Word: "#2315", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 / CRAIG, MT Project Bluebook Case #2315. Anderson. Saucer / lit windows. S 1/1/1953 #12920  

Word: "#2323", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RCE BASE, WA Project Bluebook Case #2323. 60+observer(s). RADAR-visual (obs 1/8/1953 #12945  

Word: "#2326", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

/ SONOMA, CA Project Bluebook Case #2326. 2 HIQ observer(s). Object / 90+18 1/10/1953 #12967  

Word: "#233", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 JACKSON, MS Project Bluebook Case #233. 2 pilots / private plane. Near cra 1/1/1949 #7057  

Word: "#234", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 Multi witness, daylight landing, (#234) occupants (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases 5/1966 #26561  

Word: "#2364", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  CORONA, CA Project Bluebook Case #2364. Unidentified. Observer(s) = Beyer 2/19/1952 #9598  

Word: "#2365", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

R ALBANY, GA Project Bluebook Case #2365. Saucer avoids F86. Air Traffic Co 1/28/1953 #13040  

Word: "#2419", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

AUSTIN, MICH Project Bluebook Case #2419. Unidentified. CE2+. Ground-RADAR  2/17/1953 #13149  

Word: "#242", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RCE BASE, NM Project Bluebook Case #242. Military guard. White 2' diamond / 1/6/1949 #7071  

Word: "#2426", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

STOCKTON, CA Project Bluebook Case #2426. Air Force B25 pilots. 2 separate  2/20/1953 #13158  

Word: "#2496", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 SEA / JAPAN Project Bluebook Case #2496. RADAR's and 10 / P2V-7. 90-100 sm 3/14/1953 #13229  

Word: "#25", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

anslated from French) Launch of V2 #25 at 06:47. It reached 143 km in altit 4/2/1948 #6603  

Word: "#2511", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  ELMIRA, NY Project Bluebook Case #2511. Unidentified. 4 Ground Observer C 3/21/1953 #13251  

Word: "#252", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

R CORTEZ, FL Project Bluebook Case #252. Cucumber with row square windows.  1/27/1949 #7088  

Word: "#2521", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 ANTONIO, TX Project Bluebook Case #2521. Military observer(s). 3+night lig 3/25/1953 #13268  

Word: "#2524", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

. TAYLOR, NM Project Bluebook Case #2524. Unidentified. 2 military-pilots.  3/27/1953 #13275  

Word: "#253", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

r, MO Multiple witness, daylight, (#253) photos (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)   11/22/1966 #27360  

Word: "#2543", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

REVEPORT, LA Project Bluebook Case #2543. 1 observer. 5 saucers / 10K' alti 2/26/1953 #13179  

Word: "#2555", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

CE BASE, NFL Project Bluebook Case #2555. Tower and air visual (observation 5/1/1953 #13353  

Word: "#2577", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 ANTONIO, TX Project Bluebook Case #2577. 2+observer(s). 9 silent night lig 5/27/1953 #13421  

Word: "#25p11", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

t passes over town. / Skywatch-RSA #25p11.                                  4/9/1973 #34327  

Word: "#26", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

anslated from French) At 16:08, V2 #26 was launched, reaching an altitude o 5/15/1947 #4941  

Word: "#2601", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

B.LABR, NFLD Project Bluebook Case #2601. F94 crew and ground observer(s) a 6/22/1953 #13473  

Word: "#2605", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

, BONIN, JPN Project Bluebook Case #2605. KB29 air RADAR. Blip maneuvers .5 6/24/1953 #13485  

Word: "#262", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

O, AZ US191. Project Bluebook Case #262. Salsbury and 1 / car. Green-white  2/14/1949 #7126  

Word: "#268", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

, IL Multiple witnesses, landing, (#268). (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)         3/21/1967 #28228  

Word: "#2692", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

EENVILLE, MS Project Bluebook Case #2692. Several Air Force men / ground. R 3/15/1953 #13237  

Word: "#272", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

AMBRIDGE, PA Project Bluebook Case #272. Railroad/railway men. 40 saucers / 4/26/1949 #7264  

Word: "#273", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ls. / UFO Newsclipping Service r60 #273 p8.                                 3/11/1992 #48817  

Word: "#275", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

AM FIELD, HI Project Bluebook Case #275. 1 observer. Silent saucer circles  1/4/1949 #7063  

Word: "#28", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

anslated from French) At 14:42, V2 #28 was launched, reaching 104 km.       12/8/1947 #6462  

Word: "#29", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ated from French) At 12:18 EST, V2 #29 was launched, reaching only 16 km in 7/10/1947 #5929  

Word: "#29-52", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

orce, prepares Intelligence Report #29-52, detailing Air Force, Navy, and M 7/11/1952 #10715  

Word: "#292", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

nknowns detected at Air Force Base #292 (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5 12/14/1976 #39044  

Word: "#2937", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

UR AB, MAROC Project Bluebook Case #2937. F86 can't catch UFO / going quick 3/12/1954 #14240  

Word: "#294", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 SPRINGS, CO Project Bluebook Case #294. 2 frosty-color objects zip over B2 4/15/1949 #7240  

Word: "#2962", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 CHICAGO, IL Project Bluebook Case #2962. 3 observer(s). Saucer skims lake. 4/8/1954 #14307  

Word: "#2974", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

TTSFIELD, ME Project Bluebook Case #2974. 2 observer(s). Domed coin-disk bu 4/23/1954 #14344  

Word: "#2976", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

HARTLAND, ME Project Bluebook Case #2976. Flashy domed silver ovoid going q 4/24/1954 #14356  

Word: "#2983", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  ATHENS, GA Project Bluebook Case #2983. 5 observer(s). Orbs / V formation 4/26/1954 #14365  

Word: "#2997", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 AIRPORT, VA Project Bluebook Case #2997. RADAR and many. 2 saucers going q 5/5/1954 #14397  

Word: "#2p15", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 altitude. Stack formation. / r139 #2p15.                                   7/10/1955 #17291  

Word: "#2p26", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ctro-magnetic effect (EME). / r140 #2p26.                                   5/10/1956 #17954  

Word: "#2p27", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

uickly south / V-formation. / r140 #2p27.                                   5/15/1956 #17959  

Word: "#2p33", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

saucer hovers / air. Sways. / r141 #2p33.                                   4/10/1957 #18772  

Word: "#2p46", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

g across sky / 4 minute(s). / r141 #2p46.                                   4/22/1957 #18793  

Word: "#2p65", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

erks and circles. Vanishes. / r141 #2p65.                                   5/1/1957 #18820  

Word: "#2p82", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 Low altitude. Drone sound. / r139 #2p82.                                   8/31/1955 #17483  

Word: "#3", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)

eases Project Grudge Status Report #3, in which he reviews the geographic d 1/31/1952 #9572  
 an excerpt from "SAGA UFO SPECIAL #3" as the source of his assertion. But  7/21/1969 #31914  
 #1+2 suddenly going quickly west. #3 soon follows going quickly east.      9/8/1971 #33085  
t 50M ovoid 30M over nuclear plant #3. 4 jets chase. Going quickly east / l 11/6/1973 #35357  

Word: "#302", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 (Haines, 1994, p. 44, from UNICAT #302.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)  12/24/1967 #30082  

Word: "#304", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  DILLON, MT Project Bluebook Case #304. 4 observer(s). Classic 20' metal s 4/3/1949 #7206  

Word: "#3072", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

IAN LAKE, OH Project Bluebook Case #3072. Private pilot. 40' saucer / cone  6/25/1954 #14624  

Word: "#307p8", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ng Lot. / UFO Newsclipping Service #307p8.                                  12/5/1994 #50445  

Word: "#3088", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

NEAR BERMUDA Project Bluebook Case #3088. B56 RADAR. 6 saucers around large 7/3/1954 #14682  

Word: "#311-military", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

rs / 250mph. Project Bluebook Case #311-military observer(s). 100' saucer-c 5/5/1949 #7312  

Word: "#3116", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

NORMANDY, MO Project Bluebook Case #3116. Unidentified. Observer(s) = Chamb 7/18/1954 #14725  

Word: "#313", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 HOMER, MICH Project Bluebook Case #313. 2 men / factory. 6 silver disks in 4/28/1949 #7277  

Word: "#3149", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

WESTLAKE, OH Project Bluebook Case #3149. Observer(s) = Schroeder. Silver o 8/2/1954 #14802  

Word: "#315", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 FT HOOD, TX Project Bluebook Case #315. Many report(s) since February. Sau 4/27/1949 #7269  

Word: "#3166", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #3166. C47 crew. Saucer makes 45° turn t 8/15/1954 #14864  

Word: "#3180", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

DIR, ICELAND Project Bluebook Case #3180. Farmer. 2' x 5' cylinder/cylindri 8/24/1954 #14907  

Word: "#3182", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

DANVILLE, VA Project Bluebook Case #3182. 2 6m domed saucers hover. Orange  8/26/1954 #14913  

Word: "#3185", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

HESTER, MASS Project Bluebook Case #3185. Unidentified. 7 teardrop-shapes s 8/27/1954 #14921  
  BUTLER, MO Project Bluebook Case #3185 / 89. 2 observer(s). 25 night ligh 9/4/1954 #14994  

Word: "#3189", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

TIAN, GREENL Project Bluebook Case #3189. KLM DC4 pilot. 3 dark lens saucer 8/29/1954 #14941  

Word: "#319", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ORT HOOD, TX Project Bluebook Case #319. Fireballs etc. mimic actual flare  3/17/1949 #7179  
eres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) #319.                                    10/5/1954 #15562  

Word: "#32", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 the observation ended. (Phenomena #32 p. 23) The commander of a plane flyi 12/4/1995 #51263  

Word: "#321", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RA FALLS, NY Project Bluebook Case #321. USAF RADAR-visual (observation). W 7/25/1957 #19032  

Word: "#3213", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 BASE, KOREA Project Bluebook Case #3213. 1 Air Traffic Controllers and wea 9/18/1954 #15112  

Word: "#3224", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

MENT, AZORES Project Bluebook Case #3224. 10' saucer lands. Aerials. Pseudo 9/21/1954 #15158  

Word: "#3226", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RSHFIELD, MO Project Bluebook Case #3226. 4 observer(s) and more. Odd shape 9/22/1954 #15172  

Word: "#3227", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

TLINBURG, TN Project Bluebook Case #3227. Unidentified. 2 observer(s)? 2 "4 9/23/1954 #15188  

Word: "#3260", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

, FR MOROCCO Project Bluebook Case #3260. Weatherman / theodolite. Flat sil 10/13/1954 #15876  

Word: "#326p34", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

eres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) #326p34.                                 6/6/1744 #673  

Word: "#3281", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

HO AB, JAPAN Project Bluebook Case #3281. USAF pilots / ground / (seen thru 10/28/1954 #16406  

Word: "#3287", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

LAND, AZORES Project Bluebook Case #3287. Many observer(s). 4M cylinder/cig 10/25/1954 #16327  

Word: "#33", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

on quietly disappeared. (Phenomena #33, p. 25) IN REALITY: the observation  8/14/1996 #51641  

Word: "#330", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

eres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) #330.                                    6/17/1952 #10398  

Word: "#330+", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

eres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) #330+/ r11p203.                          9/23/1951 #9275  

Word: "#330p18", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

eres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) #330p18.                                 12/11/1950 #8790  

Word: "#331", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 HANFORD, WA Project Bluebook Case #331. RADAR and telescopes. Disk 18K' ov 5/21/1949 #7373  

Word: "#332", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

OUNTAINS, AZ Project Bluebook Case #332. 700' metal cylinder/cigar-shape /  4/28/1949 #7278  

Word: "#3341", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 MANILA, PHL Project Bluebook Case #3341. Unidentified. Physicist. 65' sauc 11/28/1954 #16699  

Word: "#3352", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

GULFPORT, MS Project Bluebook Case #3352. Observer(s) Mellen / boat. Grey t 12/3/1954 #16732  

Word: "#3356", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

PINGTON, RSA Project Bluebook Case #3356. Weatherman. White dome drifts / t 12/7/1954 #16751  

Word: "#3382", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 COCHISE, AZ Project Bluebook Case #3382. B25 pilot and 1. 130' metal sauce 1/1/1955 #16908  

Word: "#34", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  EMMETT, ID Project Bluebook Case #34. United Airlines (UAL) DC3 flight 10 7/4/1947 #5427  
 the American Heritage Center (Box #34 Item #17).                           3/31/1950 #8073  
ile west of the junction of P.T.H. #34 and 2, he observed an oval disc shap 6/4/1975 #37257  

Word: "#341", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ipped with a radar masking device (#341, the first prototype) crashes durin 4/4/1957 #18758  

Word: "#3414", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 COCHISE, AZ Project Bluebook Case #3414. Vibrant bright. Red and white sph 2/1/1955 #16966  

Word: "#3416", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

AMAR NAS, CA Project Bluebook Case #3416. Navy Commander. 100' object drops 2/2/1955 #16972  

Word: "#3427", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

BETHESDA, MD Project Bluebook Case #3427. HIQ observer(s) = Stein. Yellow s 2/10/1955 #17002  

Word: "#35", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

Ticonderoga. Project Bluebook Case #35. 36' saucers going [to] horizon goin 11/11/1947 (approximate) #6440  
 from French) Launch at 7:15 of V2 #35. It reached 140 km altitude and weig 5/27/1948 #6685  
de. Possible spin. Fades? See case #35.                                     3/26/1967 #28293  

Word: "#36", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

D-SUISUN, CA Project Bluebook Case #36. Air Force pilot. Saucer wobbles 3X. 7/6/1947 #5549  
 French) At 10:17 AM, launch of V2 #36 which reached an altitude of 112 km. 2/6/1948 #6565  

Word: "#3673", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

COLUMBUS, NE Project Bluebook Case #3673. 1 observer. 4 orange and 1 white  7/29/1955 #17344  

Word: "#37", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

from French) Launch at 03:22 of V2 #37 which reached 63 km altitude. It car 6/11/1948 #6698  

Word: "#371", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

994, pp. 88-89; Smith 1997, UNICAT #371). (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)      4/17/1967 #28460  

Word: "#3720", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RLINGTON, VA Project Bluebook Case #3720. Amateur astronomer. 5 separate ni 8/23/1955 #17455  

Word: "#38", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

anslated from French) Launch of V2 #38, at 0:54. It reached 56 KM.          4/19/1948 #6635  

Word: "#380", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

AK RIDGE, TN Project Bluebook Case #380. Teacher and scientist/science and  6/22/1949 #7435  

Word: "#3800", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

OOGOOTEE, IN Project Bluebook Case #3800. Prather and Ahern. Silver-white s 10/8/1955 #17570  

Word: "#381", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

EAR LIMA, OH Project Bluebook Case #381. Metal ovoid going down [to] highwa 6/11/1949 #7418  

Word: "#3862", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

AKE CITY, TN Project Bluebook Case #3862. Several observer(s). 2 semi-trans 11/20/1955 #17660  

Word: "#3893", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

WASHBURN, ME Project Bluebook Case #3893. Domed saucer lights farm. Observe 12/21/1955 #17706  

Word: "#39", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

rom French) At 16:10, launch of V2 #39 which only reached 5 km.             3/19/1948 #6587  

Word: "#390", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

IA Multiple witnesses, HS traces. (#390) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)          7/13/1969 #31895  

Word: "#392", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

MOUNTAIN, OR Project Bluebook Case #392. 1 / private plane. 7 20' ovoids /  5/27/1949 #7392  

Word: "#3969", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

OSE BAY, NFL Project Bluebook Case #3969. 2 F89s RADAR-visual (observation) 2/12/1956 #17812  

Word: "#397", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RCE BASE, AL Project Bluebook Case #397. Saucers going down [to] and going  6/18/1949 #7428  

Word: "#3977", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 HOUSTON, TX Project Bluebook Case #3977. Unidentified. Airline crew. Inten 2/19/1956 #17833  

Word: "#3p22", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

over/all about copper belt. / r140 #3p22.                                   8/9/1956 #18187  

Word: "#3p3", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ds going quickly northwest. / r141 #3p3.                                    5/26/1957 #18869  

Word: "#4", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)

t commander of a P2V3 patrol plane #4 of Squadron #1, reported a radar cont 1/22/1950 #7742  
Flying Saucer Review (FSR) Special #4.                                      4/12/1950 #8157  
udge issues a secret Status Report #4, classified “secret.”                 2/25/1952 #9626  
t #6 alerted his colleague at post #4 who confirmed, but there was more: a  5/31/1952 #10221  
 moving to the E (Battelle Unknown #4) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7/19/1952 #10924  
al In Arkansas" case from STIGMATA #4(1978). At that time, it was not known 4/1973 #34306  

Word: "#4+flying", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

s. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) Si #4+Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v5#6.      6/27/1959 #21238  

Word: "#40", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

anslated from French) Launch of V2 #40, it reached 96 km altitude.          6/26/1948 #6715  

Word: "#403", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

, pp. 91-92, from UNICAT catalogue #403.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)         5/6/1967 #28607  

Word: "#404", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

observer(s). Project Bluebook Case #404. 2 white round objects hurl going e 7/18/1949 #7463  

Word: "#4050", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

MCKINNEY, TX Project Bluebook Case #4050. 2 observer(s). 2M UFO lands / fie 4/4/1956 #17893  

Word: "#408", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

/ DELPHI, IN Project Bluebook Case #408. 2 fishing / quarry and 1. 12m meta 7/23/1949 #7466  

Word: "#41", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

rom French) At 23:43, Launch of V2 #41, Altitude 129 km.                    3/21/1949 #7185  

Word: "#411", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RT WORTH, TX Project Bluebook Case #411. Air Force Captain and Major. 7 dul 7/24/1949 #7475  

Word: "#413", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 SPOKANE, WA Project Bluebook Case #413. Man / ground. 8 disks 1000' over B 7/26/1949 #7488  

Word: "#416", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ROUTDALE, OR Project Bluebook Case #416. Airliner and Portland Air Traffic  7/30/1949 #7494  

Word: "#42", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

m French) At 9:08 AM, launch of V2 #42 which reached 108 km.                12/9/1948 #7007  

Word: "#428", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

K ISLAND, AK Project Bluebook Case #428. Geodetic scientist/science. Whine. 8/22/1949 (approximate) #7542  

Word: "#43", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

abduction" by two beings. (Magonia #43, Quincy) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)  1921 #2882  
rom French) At 05:07, launch of V2 #43 which reached 167 km.                8/5/1948 #6827  

Word: "#4348", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 JUNIATA, PA Project Bluebook Case #4348. 2 observer(s). Domed disk rises g 8/27/1956 #18265  

Word: "#4379", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  DALLAS, TX Project Bluebook Case #4379. Military observer(s) and family.  9/4/1956 #18320  

Word: "#4399", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

IGHLANDS, NC Project Bluebook Case #4399. Cop and 1. 14 saucers southwest g 9/14/1956 #18358  

Word: "#44", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

rom French) At 15:35, Launch of V2 #44, it rose to 145 km.                  11/18/1948 #6956  

Word: "#441", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 approach, human effects, traces. (#441) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)          8/30/1970 #32518  

Word: "#45", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

t, but nothing was found. (Magonia #45, Fort 639) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 9/9/1922 #2909  
from French) At 10:20 Launch of V2 #45, it rises to 59 km. Weight 13,340 kg 1/28/1949 #7093  

Word: "#4543", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RCE BASE, SC Project Bluebook Case #4543. Many military observer(s). UFO go 11/30/1956 #18515  

Word: "#458", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

) float down. Talk gibberish. / r8 #458.                                    1/26/1958 #20155  

Word: "#46", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

   TEMPE, AZ Project Bluebook Case #46. Photograph / manta-saucer with smal 7/7/1947 #5714  
from French) Launch at 8:15 of V-2 #46, only 8 km altitude, poor performanc 5/5/1949 #7309  

Word: "#473", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

OLLAND, MICH Project Bluebook Case #473. Vibrant bright saucer going west i 10/2/1949 #7600  

Word: "#475", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

MBOLDT, NEBR Project Bluebook Case #475. Observer(s) = Nemechek. Ovoid made 9/29/1949 #7595  

Word: "#48", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 journalists arrived. (Inforespace #48 of 1979, p. 29) Two policemen observ 7/7/1947 #5653  
 French) At 10:00 AM launch of V-2 #48 which reached 127 km. It weighed 132 2/17/1949 #7134  

Word: "#4847", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

LEVELAND, OH Project Bluebook Case #4847. Airline(s)/airliner flight 841 ch 7/29/1957 #19059  

Word: "#4848", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 OLDSMAR, FL Project Bluebook Case #4848. Observer(s) = Henkins. Gold fireb 7/29/1957 #19058  

Word: "#49", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

m French) At 9:58 AM, Launch of V2 #49, Altitude 151 km.                    9/29/1949 #7593  
 The capsule is lost. (Inforespace #49, 1980, p. 14, 15) Capsule with monke 12/13/1958 #20863  

Word: "#4928", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 BASE, JAPAN Project Bluebook Case #4928. Unidentified. 5 daylight photos / 9/1/1957 #19184  

Word: "#494", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                      Delphos, KS (#494) confirming witnesses (NICAP: 06 -  11/2/1971 #33227  

Word: "#4959", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ASE, OKINAWA Project Bluebook Case #4959. 3 military. Silent glowing ovoid. 9/20/1957 #19243  

Word: "#497", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

TH FALLS, OR Project Bluebook Case #497. CAA technician. 6 silent metal pla 6/1949 (approximate) #7403  

Word: "#4p23", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

d blips all over/all about. / r136 #4p23.                                   8/5/1952 #11629  

Word: "#4p37", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ing up [to] extremely fast. / r140 #4p37.                                   9/21/1956 #18369  

Word: "#5", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

Blue Book issues its Status Report #5.                                      3/31/1952 #9711  
shes 1 / second(s). / GUB Bulletin #5 1980.                                 8/17/1979 #42432  

Word: "#50", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

e been found at the spot. (Magonia #50, GEPA Dec., 68) (NICAP: 02 - Close E 9/1943 #3819  

Word: "#5003", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

KE SITE), WA Project Bluebook Case #5003. 2 military observer(s). 2 small d 10/8/1957 #19305  

Word: "#501", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

, HONSHU, JP Project Bluebook Case #501. F80 pilot. 60x20' rectangle. 500mp 11/21/1949 #7647  

Word: "#5049", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

nt, Joint Staff Information Report #5049, “Belgium and the UFO Issue,” stat 3/1990 #47715  

Word: "#51", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ange cloying smell behind (Magonia #51, FSR 61, 3) (Needs to be checked. Th End of 8/1944 #4003  
E OSWEGO, OR Project Bluebook Case #51. 1 observer. 12-15 silver saucers ov 9/3/1947 #6310  

Word: "#510", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  OXFORD, MS Project Bluebook Case #510. Several farmers and more. Silent u 11/16/1949 #7641  

Word: "#513", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

HENDON, MASS Project Bluebook Case #513. Many observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-s 9/26/1949 #7586  

Word: "#519", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

       EAST / TYRONE, PA AA flight #519 / 18k' altitude. Small UFO's all ov 7/28/1952 #11318  

Word: "#52", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

km northwest of the town. (Magonia #52, Atic) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 1945 #4138  
ments above the road. (Inforespace #52 of 1980 p. 8) During a football matc 10/22/1954 #16245  

Word: "#520", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

EY FIELD, VA Project Bluebook Case #520. Military observer(s). White curvy  12/28/1949 #7680  

Word: "#5205", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  BOERNE, TX Project Bluebook Case #5205. 5M red ovoid hovers / 4M altitude 11/6/1957 #19647  

Word: "#5227", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

IUM SPRS, NM Project Bluebook Case #5227. Several cops and more. Red blob q 11/6/1957 #19660  

Word: "#526", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

. Africa Daylight, multi witness, (#526) long duration (NICAP: 06 - Trace C 6/26/1972 #33566  

Word: "#53", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

at the end of a clearing. (Magonia #53, FS May., 59) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 3/1945 #4223  
nslated from French) Launch of V-2 #53 at 11:00 AM, reached altitude 148 km 2/17/1950 #7795  

Word: "#533", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

, AK Multi witness, long duration (#533) landing (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)  8/17/1972 #33771  

Word: "#537", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

Multi witness, two events, animal (#537), EM effects (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cas 9/14/1972 #33847  

Word: "#54", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

fter circling their ship. (Magonia #54, Evidence 30) [NICAP UFO Evidence, 1 3/1945 #4225  
 DUTCH COAST Project Bluebook Case #54. RAF Mosquito chases RADAR blip 22K' 1/16/1947 #4853  
slated from French) At 13:14, a V2 #54 was launched, only reaching 2 km.    1/18/1951 #8875  

Word: "#540801", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 by AFU staff, and was marked item #540801. The letter covers Pan-American  8/1/1954 #14794  

Word: "#55", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

from French) At 06:48 launch of V2 #55, explosion.                          6/14/1951 #9066  

Word: "#555", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RSE CITY, MI Project Bluebook Case #555? unidentified. Heller and many. Pho 8/18/1965 #25436  

Word: "#56", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

(Translated from French) V2 Launch #56 at 09:03, altitude 124 km. (November 11/18/1949 #7644  

Word: "#57", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

m French) At 8:16 PM, launch of V2 #57, Operation Blossom, altitude 3 km, 1 3/8/1951 #8969  

Word: "#5716", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ALDSBURG, CA Project Bluebook Case #5716. 2 observer(s). 1M saucer lands /  3/14/1958 #20253  

Word: "#58", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

R BETHEL, AK Project Bluebook Case #58. Local pilots. Very large dark fusel 8/4/1947 #6192  

Word: "#58-7055", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ssauga, Ontario The first Avrocar, #58-7055, rolls out of the Avro Malton f 5/1959 #21154  

Word: "#5800", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 ISLAND, PHL Project Bluebook Case #5800. Airline pilot. Shiny metallic obj 5/9/1958 #20358  

Word: "#585", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

      Columbia, MO Multi witness, (#585) human reaction, EM effects (NICAP: 6/28/1973 #34518  

Word: "#5852", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  PUEBLO, CO Project Bluebook Case #5852. Weatherman. 10M Saturn / 30K' alt 6/14/1958 #20437  

Word: "#59", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

R ISLAND, HI Project Bluebook Case #59. PAA crew. Night light splits / 2. T 9/13/1947 #6329  

Word: "#5999", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  WARREN, MI Project Bluebook Case #5999. 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. 20m s 8/17/1958 #20562  

Word: "#5p28", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

n. Huge wave / RADAR blips. / r138 #5p28.                                   11/21/1954 #16657  

Word: "#5p36", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

r. Going quickly northeast. / r140 #5p36.                                   11/30/1956 #18517  

Word: "#5p60", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

zags going west across sky. / r140 #5p60.                                   12/30/1956 #18569  

Word: "#5p74", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

/ 45 minute(s). 2 maneuver. / r138 #5p74.                                   12/26/1954 #16854  

Word: "#6", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)

French) LAUNCH TEST AT 12:25 OF V2 #6, ALTITUDE 107 KM.                     6/28/1946 #4521  
Blue Book issues its Status Report #6.                                      4/30/1952 #10010  
an angle of 45°. The guard at post #6 alerted his colleague at post #4 who  5/31/1952 #10221  
Anderson AFB, Guam Radar Sighting, #6 of 24 Incidents (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 4/5/1966 #26351  
manoid Contact Database 1968, case #6, citing Richard Heiden, quoting R. Ba 8/12/1968 #30848  
manoid Contact Database 1968, case #6, citing Richard Heiden, quoting R. Ba 8/12/1968 #30849  

Word: "#6027", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

IPOLI, LIBYA Project Bluebook Case #6027. Blue-white sphere/orb/globe grows 9/1/1958 #20600  

Word: "#6089", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

OUDSBURG, PA Project Bluebook Case #6089. 2 / car. Huge smoky ovoid going u 10/2/1958 #20664  

Word: "#61", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

from French) At 16:02 launch of V2 #61, explosion.                          10/26/1950 #8676  

Word: "#6148", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

AVEN DAM, MD Project Bluebook Case #6148. 2 observer(s). 30M saucer over br 10/26/1958 #20749  

Word: "#6153", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

   MINOT, ND Project Bluebook Case #6153. Military observer(s). Bright gree 11/3/1958 #20798  

Word: "#62", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

   LOGAN, UT Project Bluebook Case #62. Several separate observer(s). 5 gro 9/8/1947 #6324  

Word: "#620", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

. Nears observer(s) who runs. / r8 #620.                                    7/27/1964 (approximate) #24335  

Word: "#629", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 (Haines, 1994, p. 84, from UNICAT #629.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)    9/25/1967 #29552  

Word: "#6317", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 CORSICA, PA Project Bluebook Case #6317. Odd 20' "fish-shape" UFO hovers a 3/26/1959 #21091  

Word: "#6400", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

MONTON, ALTA Project Bluebook Case #6400. 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoc 6/18/1959 #21216  

Word: "#6409", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

observer(s). Project Bluebook Case #6409. 9x1 gold ovoid. 100mph. 4000' alt 6/30/1959 #21247  

Word: "#6446", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

NDEQUOIT, NY Project Bluebook Case #6446. 50' crescent with dome / center.  7/25/1959 #21326  

Word: "#645", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

S ALAMOS, NM Project Bluebook Case #645. 2+12 Atomic Energy Commission (AEC 2/24/1950 #7809  

Word: "#650", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RCE BASE, MI Project Bluebook Case #650. 2 RADAR's and visual (observation) 3/3/1950 #7840  

Word: "#6506", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

LLS ROCK, WI Project Bluebook Case #6506. Large fuzzy saucer going down / f 9/13/1959 #21430  

Word: "#6507", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

KER HILL, IN Project Bluebook Case #6507. Air Traffic Controllers and pilot 9/13/1959 #21431  

Word: "#6534", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ells canyon. Project Bluebook Case #6534. Vibrant bright night light hovers 10/25/1959 (approximate) #21540  

Word: "#6538", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ZON CITY, PI Project Bluebook Case #6538. 2 military observer(s). Saucer ch 10/4/1959 #21490  

Word: "#6543", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 LINCOLN, NE Project Bluebook Case #6543. 2 military observer(s). Round whi 10/6/1959 #21496  

Word: "#6563", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

AINVILLE, KS Project Bluebook Case #6563. USAF pilot. Bright yellow night l 10/19/1959 #21518  

Word: "#6600", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

TAL SPRS, MS Project Bluebook Case #6600. 1 observer. Row / red lights drif 11/18/1959 #21577  

Word: "#6667", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 DUBUQUE, IA Project Bluebook Case #6667. Pilot and several. 3 saucers / ro 3/4/1960 #21712  

Word: "#67'76", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

se. Dogs agitated. / Spaceview, NZ #67'76.                                  9/13/1972 #33840  

Word: "#6711", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  LACAMP, LA Project Bluebook Case #6711. Saucer going quickly south plows  4/12/1960 #21759  

Word: "#6721", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RCE BASE, MO Project Bluebook Case #6721. 2 / 48X-(seen thru) telescope. Re 4/17/1960 #21768  

Word: "#6724", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

MO BAY, CUBA Project Bluebook Case #6724. Unidentified. Poor naval photos / 4/21/1960 #21774  

Word: "#6727", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  SHELBY, MT Project Bluebook Case #6727. Unidentified. 3M orbs seen 5x sin 4/25/1960 #21778  

Word: "#678", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 OKINAWA, JP Project Bluebook Case #678. Military RADAR-visual. 500mph appr 3/27/1950 #8030  

Word: "#682", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

WBONE LK, TN Project Bluebook Case #682. 2 fishing. 3 black saucers maneuve 3/29/1950 #8053  

Word: "#6858", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

T. LOUIS, MO Project Bluebook Case #6858. 8+observer(s) / 3 nights. Small s 7/19/1960 #21897  

Word: "#6914", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 WICHITA, KS Project Bluebook Case #6914. Unidentified. "Japanese lantern"  8/23/1960 #21979  

Word: "#6929", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

   CRETE, IL Project Bluebook Case #6929. Unidentified. Brill silvery globe 8/29/1960 #21995  

Word: "#6962", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

DGECREST, CA Project Bluebook Case #6962. Military electrical Tech. Saucer  7/12/1959 #21285  
DGECREST, CA Project Bluebook Case #6962. 4 observer(s). 1 sees disk. 1 pho 9/10/1960 #22016  

Word: "#69p11", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ts" 1 touches observer(s)! / Sbdev #69p11.                                  6/6/1969 #31817  

Word: "#7", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

COND TEST FIRING WITH LAUNCH OF V2 #7, ALTITUDE REACHED 133 KM.             7/9/1946 #4544  
Blue Book issues its Status Report #7.                                      5/31/1952 #10231  
Anderson AFB, Guam Radar Sighting, #7 of 24 Incidents (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 4/27/1966 #26548  

Word: "#70", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

   MEDIA, PA Project Bluebook Case #70. Ex Air Force-pilot and 2. Saucer ho 8/6/1947 #6202  

Word: "#706", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  KOKOMO, IN Project Bluebook Case #706. 5M domed saucer 30m from observer( 4/8/1950 #8134  

Word: "#71", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

AS VEGAS, NV Project Bluebook Case #71. Ex-USAF pilot and more/others. Cont 10/8/1947 #6396  

Word: "#7133", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

LA VISTA, CA Project Bluebook Case #7133. 7 / trailer camp. Sphere/orb/glob 11/27/1960 #22103  

Word: "#7134", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 KYUSHU, JPN Project Bluebook Case #7134. Unidentified. 2 / T33 trainer. "S 11/29/1960 #22110  

Word: "#7284", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RK RIVER, MI Project Bluebook Case #7284. 13cm sphere/orb/globe maneuvers s 2/27/1961 #22222  

Word: "#73", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

VERETT, MASS Project Bluebook Case #73. Pilot and navigator. 15' glowing go 8/4/1947 #6191  

Word: "#7417", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RCE BASE, FL Project Bluebook Case #7417. Pilots and many. RADAR's / 2 days 5/20/1961 #22324  

Word: "#7437", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

A AFS, JAPAN Project Bluebook Case #7437. Several observer(s). Blue-white n 6/2/1961 #22347  

Word: "#746", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

Saskatchewan, CAN Close approach, (#746) daylight (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases) 9/1/1974 #36497  

Word: "#7491", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  BEULAH, MI Project Bluebook Case #7491. 4 observer(s). 2-3 saucers maneuv 7/8/1961 #22397  

Word: "#7579", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

SAS CITY, KS Project Bluebook Case #7579. 130' ovoid with lights over road  8/12/1961 #22440  

Word: "#758", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 ARSENAL, AL Project Bluebook Case #758. 2 civil observer(s). Bowtie object 7/13/1950 #8430  

Word: "#77", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RBORSIDE, ME Project Bluebook Case #77. Astronomer Cole. Series / 10 100' s 7/3/1947 #5337  

Word: "#773", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

MARCALA CREW Project Bluebook Case #773. 10' cylinder/cylindrical object /  8/4/1950 #8482  

Word: "#7741", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 OLDTOWN, FL Project Bluebook Case #7741. Huge saucer goes going up. Seen c 11/21/1961 #22639  

Word: "#7754", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

SHINGTON, DC Project Bluebook Case #7754. 3 observer(s). 10' diamond / 1200 12/13/1961 #22668  

Word: "#7772", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

e: Larry Hatch, *U* Database, case #7772, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, iss 1966 #25859  

Word: "#780", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

production F-117A Stealth Fighter (#780) to Groom Lake. (June 18)           6/18/1981 #43798  

Word: "#7818", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

KOTZEBUE, AK Project Bluebook Case #7818. 7 observer(s). Blue saucer follow 2/25/1962 #22748  

Word: "#7823", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

   SALEM, NY Project Bluebook Case #7823. 1 observer. 30cm x 10cm gold box  3/1/1962 #22761  

Word: "#7840", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

E BASE, GERM Project Bluebook Case #7840. Thin silver cylinder/cigar-shape  3/26/1962 #22778  

Word: "#7841", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

PERVILLE, IL Project Bluebook Case #7841. 2 observer(s). 6-8 red orbs / rec 3/26/1962 #22779  

Word: "#7851", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

WURTLAND, KY Project Bluebook Case #7851. Unidentified. 2 observer(s) / (se 4/3/1962 #22792  

Word: "#787", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ST / BERMUDA Project Bluebook Case #787. 8 civil and US B29 RADAR. Blip let 8/22/1950 #8523  

Word: "#7927", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

INGTON, MASS Project Bluebook Case #7927. Unidentified. 2 Polaroid shots /  5/15/1962 #22886  

Word: "#793", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

OSIA, CYPRUS Project Bluebook Case #793. 3+USAF. Small vibrant bright white 8/20/1950 #8516  

Word: "#7930", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

LANDFORD, MA Project Bluebook Case #7930. 6 USCG and more. Moon-size diamon 5/26/1962 #22920  

Word: "#7931", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  PALMER, AK Project Bluebook Case #7931. Unidentified. Numerous observer(s 5/27/1962 #22925  

Word: "#7957", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ANAPOLIS, IN Project Bluebook Case #7957. 3 / B52 bomber. 3 star-like night 6/21/1962 #22956  

Word: "#7968", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RICHMOND, VA Project Bluebook Case #7968. Observer(s) = Meadors. Red saucer 6/30/1962 #22976  

Word: "#797", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

disordered manner [[case Blue Book #797 unexplained]]. (September 3, 2 PM)  9/3/1950 #8564  
 SPOKANE, WA Project Bluebook Case #797. Air Force Major and 2. 3 30' sauce 9/3/1950 #8565  

Word: "#7p40", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ad very fast and very high. / r140 #7p40.                                   7/10/1956 #18075  

Word: "#8", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                             TRAIN #8 EAST / ANTELOPE, SSK 90M cylinder/cig 5/1947 (approximate) #4918  
Blue Book issues its Status Report #8, classified “confidential.”           12/31/1952 #12884  
UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, USA) V2 #8.                                      10/12/1976 #38891  
UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, USA) V2 #8.                                      4/18/1977 #39457  

Word: "#80", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

re-enters isolated cloud. / UFOLOG #80.                                     7/15/1967 #29032  
             US Civil Action, Case #80–1562, goes against the plaintiff and 11/3/1981 #44049  

Word: "#8020", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

METUCHEN, NJ Project Bluebook Case #8020. 2 observer(s). 4 silent night lig 7/19/1962 #23016  

Word: "#8034", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 SPRINGS, MS Project Bluebook Case #8034. Unidentified. Red rounded diamond 7/29/1962 #23030  

Word: "#8133", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

/ BILOXI, MS Project Bluebook Case #8133. Fishing boat. 2 red and black moo 9/21/1962 #23175  

Word: "#8182", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RMINGTON, UT Project Bluebook Case #8182. Duck Hunter. 3' silver ball trail 10/23/1962 #23241  

Word: "#819", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

AK RIDGE, TN Project Bluebook Case #819. Several RADAR's and visual (observ 10/15/1950 #8643  

Word: "#82", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

k, high speed, Project Grudge case #82. (Possibly 5/21/1947)                5/15/1947 #4940  

Word: "#821", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RCE BASE, NC Project Bluebook Case #821. 4 shiny 100' orbs 25' apart. DC4 c 10/15/1950 #8644  

Word: "#8215", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ADE CITY, FL Project Bluebook Case #8215. 2 observer(s). Night lights. 3 fi 11/17/1962 #23311  

Word: "#83", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

f CAUS, filed a Civil Action, Case #83–1932 (Judge Oliver Gasch) petitionin 6/24/1983 #44814  

Word: "#8360", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

PLYMOUTH, NZ Project Bluebook Case #8360. Unidentified. Blurry 60' disk che 5/18/1963 #23531  

Word: "#8363", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

QUANNOCK, NJ Project Bluebook Case #8363. 1 observer. 4 pink wheels spin ea 5/22/1963 #23541  

Word: "#8388", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 57E-14° 17N Project Bluebook Case #8388. Steamship Thetis. Luminous disk 1 6/15/1963 #23573  

Word: "#8434", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

EN ELLYN, IL Project Bluebook Case #8434. 1 observer / theodolite. Small ni 7/1/1963 #23615  

Word: "#845", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

NYUKI, KENYA Project Bluebook Case #845. 2 observer(s). Pearly glowing sauc 12/2/1950 #8748  

Word: "#847", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ver(s) age7 taken / hospital. / r8 #847.                                    6/1/1967 #28785  

Word: "#85", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                      AFOSI Letter #85 is issued, directing Air Force perso 2/8/1950 #7789  

Word: "#8548", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

SANVILLE, CA Project Bluebook Case #8548. 2 observer(s). Sphere/orb/globe / 9/14/1963 #23753  

Word: "#8603", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

MERIDIAN, ID Project Bluebook Case #8603. Several observer(s). Classic silv 10/23/1963 #23829  

Word: "#8604", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

identified / Project Bluebook Case #8604.                                   10/24/1963 #23835  

Word: "#864", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RT WORTH, TX Project Bluebook Case #864. 15' delta/triangle/box-like crafts 1/8/1951 #8850  

Word: "#8654", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RTH / MIDWAY Project Bluebook Case #8654. Observer(s) / military plane. Whi 12/16/1963 #23929  

Word: "#868", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 BENNING, GA Project Bluebook Case #868. 10+observer(s). Saucer hovers / 20 1/12/1951 #8856  

Word: "#8729", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

NTICELLO, WI Project Bluebook Case #8729. Scientist and 3 / car. 4 huge red 4/3/1964 #24010  

Word: "#8739", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 / HOMER, NY Project Bluebook Case #8739. Cop and MD and 2. Bright vertical 4/11/1964 #24025  

Word: "#8788", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 CHICAGO, IL Project Bluebook Case #8788. 1 observer. 3 green crescents / t 5/9/1964 #24124  

Word: "#8811", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

. VERNON, VA Project Bluebook Case #8811. Civil engineer. White ovoid split 5/18/1964 #24156  

Word: "#8836", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

AMBRIDGE, MA Project Bluebook Case #8836. Pilot / satellite tracker. 20' wh 5/26/1964 #24180  

Word: "#8839", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

SANTVIEW, PA Project Bluebook Case #8839. Saucer in field chased down road  5/26/1964 #24181  

Word: "#8840", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ico Witnesses: crew of B-25 bomber #8840 at 11,500'.  One rectangular alumi 6/7/1952 #10317  

Word: "#890405", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 from French) Mufon, UFO1303 File, #890405) Time: 03:40. Duration 12 minute 8/2/1989 #47233  

Word: "#890709", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

e: MUFON Investigation files, case #890709). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 6/17/1977 #39649  

Word: "#890912", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ted from French) Mufon, Case 1324, #890912 - Investigator: James Clarkson.  12/15/1988 #46906  

Word: "#8924", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

GHTON LK, MI Project Bluebook Case #8924. 4+2 night lights buzz and pace ai 7/16/1964 #24303  

Word: "#8942", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ITTLETON, IL Project Bluebook Case #8942. 1 / car. 20m saucer rises / trees 7/20/1964 #24317  

Word: "#897", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RCE BASE, AK Project Bluebook Case #897. Observer(s) = sells. 120' football 2/26/1951 #8951  

Word: "#8973", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  DENVER, CO Project Bluebook Case #8973. Observer(s) = Borsa. White car-si 7/27/1964 #24334  

Word: "#9", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

French) At 12:36 TEST LAUNCH OF V2 #9, REACHED ALTITUDE 167 KM.             7/30/1946 #4624  
Blue Book issues its Status Report #9.                                      1/31/1953 #13076  
UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, USA) V2 #9.                                      2/4/1977 #39246  

Word: "#900416", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ournal, May 1990, p. 17; MUFON Log #900416 (R,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases 3/20/1990 #47754  

Word: "#9008222", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ted from French) Mufon, Case 1336, #9008222, Time: 10:58 PM; Investigator F 1/21/1989 #46950  

Word: "#9031", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 ISLAND, PAC Project Bluebook Case #9031. Night light circles airport. Blin 8/10/1964 #24372  

Word: "#904", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

wo beings were standing." (Magonia #904; FSR 68, 5) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cas 2/1/1968 #30209  

Word: "#9049", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

YOSEMITE, CA Project Bluebook Case #9049. Campers. Whoosh! 3 silver orbs pl 8/15/1964 #24388  

Word: "#908", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

DELHI, INDIA Project Bluebook Case #908. 25 observer(s). 100' metal cylinde 3/15/1951 #8989  
red lights at the bottom. (Magonia #908; LDLN 95) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 6/14/1968 #30548  

Word: "#909", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 burned grass and shrubs. (Magonia #909, FSR 68, 5) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 6/16/1968 #30561  

Word: "#910", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

the witness, who fainted. (Magonia #910, FSR 68, 5) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cas 6/19/1968 #30568  

Word: "#911", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ces were found by police. (Magonia #911, LDLN 95) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 6/21/1968 #30588  

Word: "#912", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ivid light enveloped him. (Magonia #912, FSR 68, 5) (NICAP: 05 - Medical In 6/25/1968 #30604  

Word: "#913", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 tended to make him stay. (Magonia #913, FSR 68, 5) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cas 7/1/1968 #30637  

Word: "#914", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

n flew off at high speed. (Magonia #914, FSR 68, 6) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 7/1/1968 #30638  

Word: "#915", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

a bright, unknown object. (Magonia #915, FSR 68, 5) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cas 7/2/1968 #30651  

Word: "#916", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

yzed for several minutes. (Magonia #916, FSR 68, 5) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Rea 7/2/1968 #30652  
h, with three 50 cm legs. (Magonia #916, FSR 68, 5) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cas 7/2/1968 #30653  

Word: "#917", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 tall, wearing coveralls. (Magonia #917, LDLN 96) 68LateSummer Lake Norman  7/31/1968 #30799  

Word: "#918", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

s exposing only her face. (Magonia #918, FSR 69, 1) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cas 8/27/1968 #30924  

Word: "#9183", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 05E-34° 55N Project Bluebook Case #9183. Unidentified military observer(s) 11/19/1964 #24550  

Word: "#92", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 manoeuvres” , Project Grudge case #92                                      5/19/1947 #4950  
manoeuvres” , Project Grudge chase #92                                      5/19/1947 #4951  

Word: "#920", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

platform under the craft. (Magonia #920, FSR 69, 1) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cas 10/9/1968 #31101  

Word: "#921", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

mena were later recorded. (Magonia #921, 1) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 11/2/1968 #31183  

Word: "#923", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 to sight at the horizon. (Magonia #923, France-Soir Nov. 24, 1968) (NICAP: 11/22/1968 #31244  

Word: "#928", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RA FALLS, NY Project Bluebook Case #928. 3 military observer(s). Glowing sa 5/31/1951 #9043  

Word: "#9301", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ORVALLIS, OR Project Bluebook Case #9301. 2 / car. 3 night lights rise / gr 3/4/1965 #24793  

Word: "#9305", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

UNT AIRY, MD Project Bluebook Case #9305. 3 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-sha 3/8/1965 #24805  

Word: "#9389", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  OXFORD, MI Project Bluebook Case #9389. 1 observer. "Satellite" splits /  5/7/1965 #24899  

Word: "#94+", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

eres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) #94+.                                    8/5/1967 #29200  

Word: "#9411", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 World fair. Project Bluebook Case #9411. Good photo / donut shape or sauce 5/30/1964 #24193  

Word: "#9550", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

CASTALIA, OH Project Bluebook Case #9550. Amateur astronomer. Bright blue s 7/25/1965 #25165  

Word: "#962", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 MATADOR, TX Project Bluebook Case #962. 2 / car. Silent 50' pear crosses U 8/31/1951 #9210  

Word: "#964", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

LAREMONT, CA Project Bluebook Case #964. 2 USAF observer(s) / US66. 6 orang 9/6/1951 #9226  

Word: "#9666", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

n city! Also Project Bluebook Case #9666 = photo / saucer in Tulsa. P311.   8/3/1965 #25288  

Word: "#9675", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  DALLAS, TX Project Bluebook Case #9675. Red and blue night lights. Huge o 8/4/1965 #25316  

Word: "#9680", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

LEY PARK, IL Project Bluebook Case #9680. 2 teens. Night light maneuvers in 8/4/1965 #25319  

Word: "#980", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

COLUMBUS, OH Project Bluebook Case #980. Physicist. Bright ovoid with clipp 10/2/1951 #9296  

Word: "#985", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

RE HAUTE, IN Project Bluebook Case #985. CAA man and pilot. Huge metal ovoi 10/9/1951 #9314  

Word: "#9864", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

n lasted 3 to 4 s [[case Blue Book #9864 unsolved]]. (August 30, 10:30 PM)  8/30/1965 #25496  
  URBANA, OH Project Bluebook Case #9864. 3 observer(s). 6' plain sphere go 8/30/1965 #25498  

Word: "#989", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

NEAPOLIS, MN Project Bluebook Case #989. 2 / plane. Object circles research 10/11/1951 #9332  

Word: "#9890", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  EXETER, NH Project Bluebook Case #9890. 6 separate observer(s). 2 drop to 9/3/1965 #25534  

Word: "#99", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 VAASA, FINL Project Bluebook Case #99 / news. Saucer west going quickly ea 1/3/1948 #6507  

Word: "#9915", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

   DAMON, TX Project Bluebook Case #9915. 2 cops / car zapped / saucer. Wou 9/3/1965 #25537  

Word: "#9970", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

CHISHOLM, MN Project Bluebook Case #9970. 3 observer(s). 5 fast orange nigh 9/25/1965 #25640  

Word: "#9971", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 / RODEO, NM Project Bluebook Case #9971. Pilot / chemist and 1 buzzed / 2  9/25/1965 #25643  

Word: "#af4076", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

           NEAR JAMESTOWN, CA USAF #AF4076 circled / UFO's. Going quickly e 8/20/1953 #13630  

Word: "#b1", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

from French) Launch at 06:43 of V2 #B1, Bumper Program, altitude 112 KM.    5/13/1948 #6671  

Word: "#b3", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ench) Bumper Program: Launch of V2 #B3, it reaches 149 km, radio cut-off (e 9/30/1948 #6877  

Word: "#b6", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

nslated from French) Launch of V-2 #b6. Bumper Program. Altitude 150 km. Po 4/21/1949 #7246  

Word: "#b7", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

anslated from French) Launch of V2 #B7 at 06:25. Bumper Program.            7/29/1950 #8455  

Word: "#b8", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

from French) At 09:29 launch of V2 #B8, Bumper Program.                     7/24/1950 #8448  

Word: "#sunk", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

CRAMENTO, CA Project Bluebook Case #sUNK. Night light maneuvers / sky / 150 4/30/1966 #26555  

Word: "#unknown", 106 instance(s) (Back to Top)

LIN, GERMANY Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Unidentified. USAF C-47 transp 5/28/1948 #6687  
COLUMBUS, OH Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Unidentified. 1+2 separate obs 7/31/1948 #6802  
T / ROME, NY Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Lt. Col. Silver cylinder/cylin 9/20/1949 #7574  
RACELAND, LA Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 4 observer(s). Shiny fuselage- 11/18/1949 #7645  
6 second(s). Project Bluebook Case #unknown.                                6/5/1952 #10290  
 HALLOCK, MN Project Bluebook Case #unknown. GCI RADAR and Air Force pilot  7/28/1952 #11310  
URLEY, IDAHO Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 1 observer. V-formation / UFO' 7/28/1952 #11327  
TONVILLE, NC Project Bluebook Case #unknown. U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) pilot 2/9/1953 #13113  
V-formation. Project Bluebook Case #unknown.                                8/28/1953 #13670  
MARIETTA, OH Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Atha. Bright red 11/18/1953 #13874  
   PARIS, FR Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Several separate observer(s).  8/31/1954 #14957  
OURNE, AUSTR Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 2 / car. UFO comes within 70M. 1/3/1955 #16919  
e by UFO's). Project Bluebook Case #unknown.                                6/15/1955 #17237  
  COLFAX, IA Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Ground Observer Corps (GOC) ob 9/7/1955 #17499  
LANCA, MAROC Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 1 meteor-like night light-but  4/5/1956 #17897  
observer(s). Project Bluebook Case #unknown.                                11/23/1956 #18492  
NEW YORK, NY Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Horan. Disk = 9x 7/17/1957 #19004  
oing west. Dip down. Lost / cloud. #unknown. No further details.            8/5/1957 #19090  
BRIA AFS, CA Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 6 include/including USAF plane 8/21/1957 #19130  
 WICHITA, KS Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Flying military observer(s). A 8/29/1957 #19159  
, HESSE, GER Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). RADAR im 10/22/1957 #19382  
WNSVILLE, MD Project Bluebook Case #unknown. UFO explodes over state hospit 11/13/1957 #19818  
DEO, URUGUAY Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Photographs / UFO up close. 1  1/30/1958 #20162  
/ (USSR OCC) Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 2 10 minute(s) events / 1 obje 3/1/1958 #20228  
RCE BASE, NM Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 2 UFO's / 25 second(s). (Rumor 6/21/1958 #20456  
 05W-16° 00N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 1 UFO seen / 8 min. Time = GMT 7/17/1958 #20493  
[in] at all. Project Bluebook Case #unknown. ? / r246p134?                  9/17/1958 #20629  
GHAZI, LIBYA Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s) = rose. 1 2/16/1959 #20995  
RCE BASE, NH Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Many military observer(s). Mul 5/2/1959 #21155  
 TRENTON, NJ Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Vertical cylinder/cigar-shape  8/19/1959 #21387  
  ELBURN, IL Project Bluebook Case #unknown. United Airlines (UAL) FLT333 s 8/19/1959 #21388  
 SHELTON, CT Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Work crew. Bright star spirals 8/19/1959 #21389  
 30W-42° 55N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Military observer(s). No furthe 3/4/1961 #22239  
00E-22° 22N. Project Bluebook Case #unknown. US Navy boat observer(s). No f 5/10/1961 #22314  
55E-35° 26N. Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No furth 5/15/1961 #22317  
 00W-43° 46N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No furth 5/16/1961 #22319  
 10W-26° 03N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Military observer(s). No furthe 6/17/1961 #22369  
 19E-22° 27N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Observer(s) = Freytag. (SE / mi 8/6/1961 #22427  
her details. Project Bluebook Case #unknown.                                10/19/1961 #22579  
 00W-40° 00N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No furth 11/29/1961 #22659  
 30W-50° 31N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Military observer(s). No furthe 12/14/1961 #22673  
 00W-40° 00N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s) (usn ship 12/15/1961 #22674  
 45W-61° 15N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Military observer(s) (usn ship) 12/16/1961 #22676  
 20W-22° 00N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Observer(s) = Pan-AM flight. No 3/15/1962 #22771  
 15W-44° 45N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No furth 4/5/1962 #22797  
 40W-22° 00N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). CE2. RAD 4/12/1962 #22808  
RCE BASE, NV Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Blip going quickly northeast.  4/18/1962 #22817  
 30W-28° 23N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No furth 5/1/1962 #22855  
 40E-34° 42N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No furth 7/29/1962 #23029  
 WEST INDIES Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Dutch Navy ship observer(s). N 8/7/1962 #23060  
 44W-23° 34S Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No furth 8/29/1962 #23120  
 03E-34° 35N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = US Navy. 1 UFO s 9/3/1962 #23134  
 09W-61° 45N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Military observer(s). Satellite 10/16/1962 #23227  
 12W-37° 12N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No furth 10/18/1962 #23231  
TRAL PACIFIC Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Airborne observation. No furth 10/25/1962 #23247  
 49W-11° 59N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No furth 11/16/1962 #23309  
 30W-20° 21N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No furth 11/22/1962 #23318  
 58W-16° 08N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No furth 11/23/1962 #23320  
 30W-45° 50N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No furth 12/7/1962 #23335  
 15W-61° 38N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Military observer(s). No furthe 12/16/1962 #23350  
 41W-04° 35N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No furth 3/13/1963 #23474  
 19W-03° 45S Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Navy ship observer(s). No furt 3/15/1963 #23478  
 00W-42° 20N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s) = naval a 4/21/1963 #23503  
 00W-42° 20N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = US naval air. No 6/19/1963 #23585  
 25W-31° 45N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = US naval air cre 6/26/1963 #23597  
 09W-35° 20N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No furth 7/20/1963 #23641  
 19W-31° 45N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No furth 8/16/1963 #23719  
 ROMA, ITALY Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Classic saucer flies over Mr.  8/20/1963 #23725  
 00E-31° 57N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No furth 8/25/1963 #23734  
 27W-22° 00N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Hawaiian airline 9/9/1963 #23745  
near Hawaii. Project Bluebook Case #unknown. No further details.            10/25/1963 #23840  
FIC 174W-40N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Navy ship observer(s). No furt 11/3/1963 #23856  
FIC 173W-40N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Same Navy ship again. No furth 11/11/1963 #23861  
 40W-41° 20N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Military observer(s). No furthe 12/9/1963 #23909  
 00W-50° 40N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No furth 2/28/1964 #23991  
 40W-43° 01N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No furth 3/14/1964 #24003  
 00E-35° 50N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Cape Kennedy RADAR's object pu 4/9/1964 #24021  
  ELMORE, OH Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 2 cops include/including chief 6/12/1964 #24226  
 50W-36° 50N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No furth 7/2/1964 #24278  
 05E-20° 05N Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No furth 7/5/1964 #24281  
ARLESTON, OH Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Lookabaugh. Stil 10/30/1964 #24517  
OOD CITY, CA Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Meacham. Still p 11/2/1964 #24523  
ST-13° NORTH PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Military observer(s). No furthe 11/28/1964 #24568  
[in] at all. Project Bluebook Case #unknown.                                11/29/1964 #24570  
[in] at all. Project Bluebook Case #unknown.                                11/30/1964 #24573  
 BASE, JAPAN Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Ground-air visual and RADAR co 4/10/1965 #24866  
TTSBURGH, PA Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Silver saucer here and 3 count 7/22/1965 #25155  
A GRANDE, AZ Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Dill. Gold globu 8/4/1965 #25310  
S TRUST TERR Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observers. Type unkno 8/6/1965 #25345  
 CHRISTI, TX Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 4 separate sightings. Adams an 9/5/1965 #25557  
 44E-25° 04N PROJECT BLUEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Military observer(s). No furthe 11/16/1965 #25778  
 TANGENT, OR Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Blatchford. Lumi 12/8/1965 #25814  
WICK NAS, ME Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Luminous object lands / woods. 2/16/1966 #25992  
TOWNSHIP, NJ Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Wilgas. CE2+stil 3/30/1966 #26254  
ARINETTE, WI Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = J. Erdmann. Nigh 3/30/1966 #26257  
ND UNION, NJ Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 2+many observer(s). 20M saucer 4/3/1966 #26322  
 KITTERY, ME Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 4 observer(s) / (seen thru) bi 4/5/1966 #26348  
LE CREEK, MI Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 25M domed saucer / windows pac 4/18/1966 #26444  
 ASHBY, MASS Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Silent UFO / blue light / top  4/24/1966 #26520  
 HOLLY, MICH Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Todd. CE2. Still 5/1/1966 #26562  
SONVILLE, MD Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Nethken. CE2. Ph 2/13/1967 #27796  
 LEBANON, OH Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Separate observers. 50' saucer 3/16/1967 #28185  
AMPTON, MASS Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Deluce. 2 night  3/23/1967 #28247  
HESVILLE, MT Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) photos saucer. Cir 4/2/1967 #28352  
TTSVILLE, PA Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Schrieberg. CE2+ 8/21/1968 #30897  
RROLLTON, OH Project Bluebook Case #unknown. FAA Air Traffic Controller and 6/1969 #31790  

Word: "$1", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)

a requests $10,000 in expenses and $1,000 worth of communications equipment 9/1960 #22002  
 advisor J. Allen Hynek a raise of $1,000 per year and purchase one new pol 3/17/1961 #22252  
ace Sciences Committee gives him a $1,300 grant toward his research expense 10/5/1966 #27158  
n/entity takes taxi. Pays / yellow $1 bill! Featureless face. / Bloecher.   11/11/1973 #35387  
 local radio station even offers a $1 million reward for the capture of the 6/25/1988 #46725  
noid and refused to invest another $1.25 million, telling Hal he was “afrai 5/22/1991 #48477  
was worth between $800 million and $1 billion. The satellite was supposed t 8/12/1998 #52414  
onnel retrieved the gold totalling $1.2 trillion at the time. Sheehan state 10/2021 #54605  

Word: "$10", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)

mself as “Smith” and gives Barclay $10 to purchase lubricating oil, two chi 4/22/1897 #1920  
 term of 10 years and/or a fine of $10,000.                                 2/17/1954 #14164  
r penalty of 10 years in prison or $10,000 in fines (JANAP 146). “Nuts to t 12/21/1958 #20885  
y penalty of 10 years in prison or $10,000 fine (JANAP 146) is “nuts.” This 12/21/1958 #20887  
ess of the Junta.” Varona requests $10,000 in expenses and $1,000 worth of  9/1960 #22002  
AP that the Air Force spends about $10,000 on each major sighting investiga 5/25/1962 #22916  
e Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) A $10 million initial contract for the Adv 9/22/2008 #54044  

Word: "$100", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ndependent newspaper is offering a $100 reward for any information leading  10/18/1917 #2807  
bus, Ohio (which eventually spends $100,000 on the study, Subproject PPS-10 12/19/1951 #9465  

Word: "$107", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

to authorize $6,000 (equivalent to $107,000 in 2018 dollars) for the purcha 10/21/1939 #3487  

Word: "$10b", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

s collectively have budgets in the $10B range annually. Topics apparently i 2018 #54377  

Word: "$11", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

orton is ordered by a judge to pay $11.5 million to the SEC within 14 days. 1991 #48315  

Word: "$125", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

us "Death Triangle". It would cost $125 million to remedy it. (October)     10/1971 #33157  

Word: "$13", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

000 offered by the Air Force (plus $13,000 in operating expenses) attractiv Late 7/1966 #26836  

Word: "$14", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

opy can be obtained for (May 1999) $14.95 each, plus shipping $2.00, for a  10/7/1965 #25692  

Word: "$150", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

New York City hotel and offers him $150,000 for the “removal” of Castro. Ja 9/1960 #22002  

Word: "$16", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

lus shipping $2.00, for a total of $16.95 -- The buyer can also send a chec 10/7/1965 #25692  

Word: "$175", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

e and Pratt & Whitney were awarded $175 million each to develop engines/pro 4/1986 #45866  

Word: "$183", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 ultimately approves an additional $183,155, plus $29,750 for expenses, bri 7/1/1967 #28956  

Word: "$2", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)

Saucer.” Through 1958, Avro spends $2.5 million and the USAF $5.4 million f 3/1956 #17848  
1964, the CIA has spent a total of $2.6 million to finance the campaign of  9/4/1964 #24445  
y 1999) $14.95 each, plus shipping $2.00, for a total of $16.95 -- The buye 10/7/1965 #25692  
 Oklahoma City. Each attendee paid $2 for the lecture. Marshall Herf Applew 11/21/1975 #38000  
 an “Aurora” program in FY1986 and $2.3 billion in FY1987. This is more tha 1985 #45551  
g of the project allegedly reaches $2.3 billion in fiscal 1987, according t 3/1990 #47714  
gon President Donald Trump signs a $2.3 trillion government funding bill—th 12/27/2020 #54557  

Word: "$20", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ive authorizing Project Twinkle. A $20,000 half-year contract is signed wit 3/16/1950 #7940  
t in diameter and 15 feet high—for $20 million. He sets a date of December  2/3/1958 #20187  
 loss of members, paying himself a $20,000 contractor’s fee) leads to his r 10/1978 #41389  
rum sue the federal government for $20 million. On August 21, 1986, US Dist 12/29/1980 #43536  
eamed aboard and gives 7' aliens a $20 bill!                                6/8/1991 #48491  

Word: "$200", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)

on Ray Palmer wires Kenneth Arnold $200 to investigate the Maury Island, Wa 7/27/1947 #6119  
hods for anthrax. The CIA pays SOD $200,000 a year for these services until 11/19/1953 #13879  
y Crabb. They gave him an award of $200 in recognition of his superior perf 10/5/1955 #17566  
d been abducted by aliens and gave $200,000 to Robert Bigelow for it. Adam  5/22/1991 #48477  
 for Discovery Science in 1996 for $200,000 to study the sightings at the r Fall 1994 #50330  

Word: "$21", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

te University economist that found $21 trillion in unauthorized spending in 12/3/1999 #52720  
te University economist that finds $21 trillion in unauthorized spending in 12/11/2017 #54370  
or non-military efforts. The other $21.2 billion would go to the Military I 2/27/2018 #54395  

Word: "$22", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

el Inouye (D-Hawaii), Reid secures $22 million in black-project funding in  Fall 2007? #53943  

Word: "$240", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

hat funding for AAWSAP could reach $240 million. Kit claims the DIA sponsor 10/29/2008 #54054  

Word: "$25", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 5809 km. He won the Orteig Prize ($25,000).                                5/20/1927 #3005  

Word: "$250", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

duct and are sentenced to fines of $250 and 50 hours of community service.  1/5/2009 #54081  
kheed Martin received an emergency $250 million loan guarantee passed by th 10/21/2021 #54609  

Word: "$26", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

today's dollars would be more than $26 million. Project 1794 was cancelled  Late 2012 #54233  

Word: "$278", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

rch at Columbia and Princeton, and $278,000 at the University of Chicago. A 12/18/1941 #3584  

Word: "$28", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ce tag, adjusted for inflation, is $28 billion.                             7/16/1945 #4346  
nadian government is served with a $28 million dollar lawsuit by five diplo 2/6/2019 #54441  

Word: "$280", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

roject has requested an additional $280,000 to extend it into September. Co 7/1/1967 #28956  

Word: "$29", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

roves an additional $183,155, plus $29,750 for expenses, bringing the total 7/1/1967 #28956  

Word: "$294", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

t it will require 18,383 hours and $294,157.                                9/1979 #42499  
ire over 18,000 man hours and cost $294,157. Three years later it refuses t 9/1979 #42500  
to a FOIA request without charging $294,000. The fees were never waived and 6/1989 #47150  

Word: "$3", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 the presidency of Chile and spent $3 million in anti–Salvador Allende prop 9/4/1964 #24445  
ect's estimated cost was more than $3 million, which in today's dollars wou Late 2012 #54233  

Word: "$300", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ondon, who hesitates but finds the $300,000 offered by the Air Force (plus  Late 7/1966 #26836  
 The alleged additional savings of $300 million is insignificant. Analysts  11/22/1989 #47464  
 missile was estimated to be worth $300 million and the satellite was worth 8/12/1998 #52414  

Word: "$340", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

t Karl Taylor Compton is allocated $340,000 for nuclear reactor research at 12/18/1941 #3584  

Word: "$35", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

Dynamics were awarded an estimated $35 million each in contracts to develop 4/1986 #45866  
 He estimates its size as at least $35 billion (although by 2012 is has inc 9/1990 #48057  

Word: "$380", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

mes Todd hits 50' saucer with car. $380 / damage". / Toronto Star.          12/12/1974 #36739  

Word: "$4", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

t the Castro regime. Its budget is $4.4 million. Under the Cuban Project an 3/17/1960 #21724  

Word: "$40", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

tters admits the hoax and is fined $40 by a judge.                          7/7/1953 #13514  
allegedly states somewhere between $40 billion and $80 billion annually was 1994 #49864  
eer states at Pahute Mesa there is $40 billion in currencies in a “vault” t 4/5/2014 #54284  

Word: "$400", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

physicist Ernest Lawrence asks for $400,000 for electromagnetic separation, 12/18/1941 #3584  
s secret weapons. Despite tracking $400 million of Nazi funds to Argentina, 7/1945 #4328  

Word: "$448", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ravity was awarded a DOD grant for $448,970 in 2001 to continue anti-gravit 8/1/1997 #52097  

Word: "$455", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

985 US budget, as an allocation of $455 million for “black aircraft product 3/1990 #47714  

Word: "$49", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

o Park, California, a contract for $49,909 for an eight-month research proj 10/1/1972 #33905  

Word: "$5", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)

o spends $2.5 million and the USAF $5.4 million funding the project. Numero 3/1956 #17848  
theft after bilking a widow out of $5,000 for a worthless mining venture in 11/5/1957 #19605  
 man in Yukon, Oklahoma, and fined $5,000. Unable to pay, Carr works off hi 11/19/1959 #21581  
prize, but it has decided to award $5,000 to the Johnson family of Delphos, 3/12/1972 #33409  
 awards Walton and his coworkers a $5,000 prize for “best UFO case of the y 11/5/1975 #37896  
copied. Luxemburg contacted wanted $5,000 for this "work". By the end of Fe 9/14/1996 #51684  

Word: "$50", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)

the fireballs does not justify the $50,000 a year required for a useful mon 11/27/1951 #9431  
 two months to complete, and costs $50,000.                                 6/25/1965 #25002  
 The National Enquirer announces a $50,000 reward to “the first person who  3/12/1972 #33409  
 months later the CIA awards SRI a $50,000 contract.  https://www.remotevie 6/1972 #33522  
demy begins offering to the public $50 million worth of stock through a Reg 9/2017 #54358  

Word: "$500", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

the University of Chicago. Another $500,000 is earmarked for raw materials. 12/18/1941 #3584  
        Santa Monica, California A $500,000 effort by the McDonnell-Douglas 1967 #27469  
und for UFO Research Inc. provides $500 in funding to Elaine Douglas and Mr 9/19/1988 #46780  

Word: "$5000", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

raterrestrials, under penalty of a $5000 fine and a one-year prison sentenc 1/14/1979 #41994  

Word: "$52", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

though by 2012 is has increased to $52.8 billion, according to information  9/1990 #48057  
 The Pentagon’s black budget is at $52.6 billion, according to documents le 2013 #54235  

Word: "$525", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

or expenses, bringing the total to $525,905.                                7/1/1967 #28956  

Word: "$538", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

often thousands a month. There was $538 billion in “plugs” for the 2009 alo 11/18/2013 #54274  

Word: "$59", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

krolls US intelligence operations. $59.9 billion is earmarked for the Natio 2/27/2018 #54395  

Word: "$6", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 bomb, but is willing to authorize $6,000 (equivalent to $107,000 in 2018 d 10/21/1939 #3487  

Word: "$750", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ng will go the group, but at least $750,000 will be provided in support and 10/17/2019 #54497  

Word: "$76", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

e was at HUD, AMS’s actions led to $76 billion in undocumentable transactio 6/2004 #53576  

Word: "$80", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

nd others. Although furnished with $80 million in funding from Congress, it 11/18/1983 #44989  
partment of Defense plans to spend $80 million on an “Aurora” program in FY 1985 #45551  
 somewhere between $40 billion and $80 billion annually was going into proj 1994 #49864  

Word: "$800", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

nd the satellite was worth between $800 million and $1 billion. The satelli 8/12/1998 #52414  

Word: "$81", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 The Trump administration requests $81.1 billion, the largest amount ever,  2/27/2018 #54395  

Word: "$9000", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

... The driver had received nearly $9000 for his services and for the goods 1975 (approximate) #36776  

Word: "$9b", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

UFO black project by discovering a $9B discrepancy.  https://www.amazon.com 9/10/2003 #53464  

Word: "%20aug%20%2026", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

w.nicap.org/directives/AFR%20200-2,%20Aug%20%2026,1953.pdf                  8/26/1953 #13661  
w.nicap.org/directives/AFR%20200-2,%20Aug%20%2026,1953.pdf                  1960 #21648  

Word: "%20greer", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

Forbidden%20Knowledge%20Steven%20M.%20Greer.pdf (p92)     Note: To more dee 8/2004 #53594  

Word: "%20march%20-%20skylook", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

FON%20UFO%20Journal%20-%201973%203.%20March%20-%20Skylook.pdf               9/1956 #18304  

Word: "%20october", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ON%20UFO%20Journal%20-%201979%2010.%20October.pdf   https://archive.org/det 9/1979 #42500  

Word: "%20uk", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

nts/Downloads%20from%20Paul%20Dean,%20UK/DEPT%20 OF%20STATE%20BULK.pdf      1/19/1978 #40445  
nts/Downloads%20from%20Paul%20Dean,%20UK/DEPT%20OF%20STATE%20BULK.pdf *   h 2/25/1982 #44225  

Word: "&1000s", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ADAR and civil and military pilots &1000s / ground. Huge saucer turns going 7/12/1952 #10723  

Word: "&attach", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

und object intercept a long object &attach to it or disappear (NICAP: 01 -  9/14/1963 #23754  

Word: "''", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ous, their size did not exceed 3'3 '' feet. They wore a kind of box-shaped  8/14/1914 #2649  
his may be connected to the “MiLAB '' phenomena, i.e. fake alien abductions 7/2003 #53429  

Word: "''electric", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 and motor failed, passengers felt ''electric shock"; UFO passed ahead of c 10/27/1954 #16384  

Word: "''terrific", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

r circular object soared upward at ''terrific speed." [UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 0 7/4/1948 #6734  

Word: "'1639", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ver / one hour. Back again 18 Mar. '1639. No further details.               5/10/1614 #464  

Word: "'1680", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

). Altitude = 50km. Same / 22 Mar. '1680.                                   7/9/1686 #582  

Word: "'1753", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 Same Berks to/from Kent / 11 Dec. '1753.                                   12/8/1733 #645  

Word: "'1871", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 going [to] horizon. / Nature Oct. '1871.                                   8/1/1871 #1231  

Word: "'1947", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 report(s) / silver balls. 14 May. '1947. Silent 4' saucer going quickly no 6/10/1947 #4991  

Word: "'30", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

rom an airplane in flight, using a '30 caliber rifle (August 30th and 31st, 8/30/1910 #2496  

Word: "'30cm", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

United States Navy (USN) ship sees '30cm bar'. Glows red. Going north towar 8/20/1954 #14882  

Word: "'46", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 mountain peak. / L'Espoir 18 Sep. '46.                                     9/16/1946 (approximate) #4769  

Word: "'47", 18 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ound / Albuquerque Journal 29 Jun. '47.                                     9/11/1946 #4752  
 No further details. (AP) / 6 Jul. '47.                                     3/30/1947 #4889  
top. / Albuquerque Journal 29 Jun. '47.                                     6/22/1947 #5053  
n. No further details. See 04 Jul. '47.                                     6/24/1947 #5085  
up and Albuquerque Journal 20 Jun. '47.                                     6/25/1947 #5116  
uth. / Albuquerque Journal-27 Jun. '47.                                     6/25/1947 #5118  
hill. / Albuquerque Journal 2 Jul. '47. / r15p15.                           6/27/1947 #5137  
nd and Albuquerque Journal 01 Jul. '47. / r187#87.                          6/27/1947 #5142  
r late May / Vancouver Sun 28 Jun. '47.                                     6/27/1947 #5143  
tter to Albuquerque Journal 9 Jul. '47.                                     7/6/1947 #5573  
 (AP) Stockholm Aftonbladet 7 Jul. '47.                                     7/6/1947 #5592  
south. / Lake Co. Examiner 12 Jul. '47.                                     7/7/1947 #5681  
and fast. / L. Constitution 8 Jul. '47.                                     7/7/1947 #5687  
ing quickly northwest. Back 9 Jul. '47 / 0350hrs.                           7/7/1947 #5737  
details / B. A. Standard / 26 Jul. '47.                                     7/24/1947 #6107  
s. / r171p200+Ontario Argus 7 Aug. '47.                                     8/5/1947 #6197  
details. / Dalles Optimist 15 Aug. '47.                                     8/7/1947 (approximate) #6210  
/ The New York Times (NYT) 27 Jun. '47.                                     6/25/1950 #8366  

Word: "'49", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

r(s). 100' saucer-cigars / 48 Apr. '49.                                     5/5/1949 #7312  

Word: "'50", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

s altitude. Glows. Same to 10 Mar. '50.                                     8/19/1949 #7528  
ctober and 20 December and 11 Jan. '50.                                     10/23/1949 #7623  
) / their planet. Returned 14 Apr. '50!                                     12/4/1949 #7661  

Word: "'52", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)

n going west. Back / 11 19+21 Apr. '52.                                     4/4/1952 #9739  
/ The New York Times (NYT) 03 Aug. '52.                                     7/10/1952 #10698  
 when planes near. Back 18-23 Jul. '52.                                     7/17/1952 #10829  
s. Gone. / Atlanta Journal 24 Jul. '52.                                     7/21/1952 #10977  
Also night light maneuvers 11 Nov. '52.                                     9/21/1952 #12287  

Word: "'53", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

s woods and countryside to 13 Nov. '53.                                     11/3/1953 #13843  
her details. / La Montagne 26 Nov. '53.                                     11/15/1954 #16629  

Word: "'54", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)

nds. Emits red light. Back 01 Jan. '54.                                     12/21/1953 #13968  
t straight and level. Also 24 Sep. '54 luminous cylinder/cigar-shape going  9/17/1954 #15101  
disks. Also luminous sphere 8 Oct. '54 / r138#9p21. Hovers then going quick 10/7/1954 #15614  
ails. / r8 #216. / l'Oeste-11 Oct. '54.                                     10/7/1954 #15629  
r details / El Universal / 30 Nov. '54.                                     11/20/1954 #16653  
te night light maneuvers / 28 Apr. '54.                                     5/14/1965 #24907  

Word: "'55", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

uman/entity. Weightless. = 13 Jan. '55 / r139#4p9.                          12/9/1954 #16765  
 going quickly north. Back 22 Nov. '55.                                     8/15/1955 #17414  

Word: "'56", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

. Fades / 2 second(s). / APRO Sep. '56.                                     8/1/1956? #18169  

Word: "'57", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ucer Review (FSR) v6#6+/ APRO Jul. '57.                                     12/13/1954 #16792  
t! Jumps fence. / r8#386+APRO Mar. '57.                                     1/13/1957 #18618  
ht pair. Maneuvers. Same / 19 Aug. '57. / r141#2p65+#4.                     5/3/1957 #18832  
 northwest. / Paxton Record 6 Nov. '57.                                     11/5/1957 #19560  
 south. / Waco News-Tribune 8 Nov. '57.                                     11/7/1957 #19726  
rs. Separate observer(s) / 09 Dec. '57 / separate school..                  12/14/1957 #20019  

Word: "'58", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ly northeast. / r74p63+/ APRO Nov. '58.                                     10/3/1958 #20673  
Seen briefly. / Fresno Bee 12 Oct. '58.                                     10/11/1958 #20704  

Word: "'60s", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

r. Rumor / engineer shown saucer / '60s.                                    2/24/1989 #47014  

Word: "'61", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 Film going [to] USAF. / APRO Jul. '61.                                     8/23/1953 #13647  

Word: "'64", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

rginia A 31-year-old man driving a '64 Cadillac was at the intersection of  1/23/1965 #24703  

Word: "'65", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

slowly crosses sky. Date = 05 Jul. '65 / r78.                               7/11/1965 #25083  
and 24 November and several / Dec. '65.                                     10/5/1965 #25690  

Word: "'66", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)

seen 15+23 July;2 September;7 May. '66;19 May. '69.. . / news.              7/15/1965 #25096  
eams going down. Others to 11 Oct. '66. / APRO May'66.                      1/11/1966 #25895  
pe with spotlights back on 16 Apr. '66.                                     1/14/1966 #25906  
gged 24 separate nights to 15 May. '66!                                     3/31/1966 #26281  
 lights 1/2 mile away. / APRO Sep. '66.                                     9/5/1966 #27025  

Word: "'67", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)

to] behind road-bank. Back 26 Jul. '67 / power lines.                       12/13/1966 #27426  
jet planes. 2 saucers back 20 Apr. '67.                                     3/24/1967 #28257  
 bottom/underside. Back 19-20 Apr. '67.                                     4/11/1967 #28417  
ith 20 second(s) lag. Back 26 Oct. '67.                                     9/8/1967 #29430  
 military observer(s). Same 4 Dec. '67.                                     12/2/1967 #29999  

Word: "'68", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)

t light rises. Vanishes. Back Aug. '68 with zigzag sawtooth trajectory.     8/1966 #26867  
reball appears behind car. 18 Nov. '68 green fireball hits 2 separate cars. 11/19/1966 #27346  
hts and oval traces / grass / Nov. '68 / r180.                              7/13/1968 (approximate) #30697  
 down / bombing range. / APRO Nov. '68.                                     11/26/1968 #31272  

Word: "'69", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)

uly;2 September;7 May. '66;19 May. '69.. . / news.                          7/15/1965 #25096  
 and rejoin. / r114p83+/ APRO Mar. '69.                                     11/29/1968 #31292  
r lands(?) / woods. Back / 28 Mar. '69.                                     12/22/1968 #31361  
r tremor. Odd starry cloud 11 Apr. '69.                                     3/11/1969 #31590  
est fast. / Charente Libre 16 May. '69.                                     5/13/1969 #31739  
 takes photographs. / O Dia 6 Jun. '69.                                     6/4/1969? #31811  

Word: "'7", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  STOCKHOLM, SWD Many observer(s). '7 suns' circle city. Same over Weimar,  4/20/1535 #358  

Word: "'70", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ar collision. / r79p50+/ APRO Sep. '70.                                     10/10/1970 #32582  

Word: "'70s", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 Many observer(s). Similar / early '70s.                                    10/31/1969? #32090  

Word: "'71", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

owerful light in sky. Back 15 Jun. '71 / 2315hrs flying fast.               2/15/1965 #24768  
ORTUGAL 2 spheres pass / sky. May. '71 round nightlights become figure-8s.  9/3/1966 #27013  
nishes. Also saucer seen / 15 Feb. '71.                                     1/5/1971 #32699  

Word: "'72", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

egs" hovers / air. Back 11+13 Sep. '72. / r221p50.                          9/7/1972 #33829  

Word: "'73", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 east. Also night lights / 10 Feb. '73. / LDLN#132.                         1/15/1973 #34138  
 Cable burnt. Abduction-try / Mar. '73. LDLN#180.                           2/3/1973 #34167  
ral more 7' figure(s) / 24-25 Sep. '73.                                     9/20/1973 #34786  
 Cylinder/cigar-shape seen 10 Nov. '73 / 0445hrs.                           10/17/1973 #35069  
w altitude. / contact-USA v1#2p5 / '73.                                     11/3/1973 #35342  
0'74. Also bullet object / 12 Dec. '73.                                     11/13/1973 #35399  

Word: "'74", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 details. / N. China Daily 14 Jul. '74.                                     7/10/1947 (approximate) #5943  
ver and land / 14 dates to 24 Feb. '74. 90° turns etc.                      12/19/1973 #35577  
oing north over town. Same 11 Aug. '74.                                     8/28/1974 #36475  

Word: "'75", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)

rnt grass and indents. / APRO Jan. '75.                                     8/10/1965 (approximate) #25373  
ont / white clouds. / SKYLOOK Oct. '75.                                     2/12/1971 #32748  
/ churchyard. Exact same / 17 Oct. '75 / 0200h.                             10/12/1973 #34973  
ight lights back / Aveiro / 7 Aug. '75.                                     3/1975 #37005  
 UFO lands in same park as 12 Jan. '75 event. No further details.           1/15/1976 #38158  

Word: "'76", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)

as clouds pass. Saucer back 2 Jun. '76. / r251p90.                          2/3/1974 #35740  
er over house. Same again / 9 Apr. '76 / 1210hrs.                           12/8/1975 #38047  
) bright white trail. / NICAP Feb. '76.                                     1/9/1976 #38146  
urns / lights / edge. Back 18 Aug. '76.                                     8/15/1976 #38681  
, CA 7 mutilated cattle since Nov. '76. "Looks like someone wanted them fou 1/1977 (approximate) #39107  

Word: "'77", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

shes. Power outage. Same / 13 Jan. '77.                                     12/20/1976 #39069  
 shoot going down. Wave to 28 Jan. '77.                                     1/10/1977 #39166  
        BELEM, BRZ Wave until Oct. '77. UFO's north going quickly south. Ev 7/1977 (approximate) #39694  

Word: "'78", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 and 8 June and 150M UFO / 10 Oct. '78.                                     4/21/1978 #40727  
iver. 10' ovoid. Fuses blow / Apr. '78 / r60#106.                           5/20/1978 #40809  
ject going quickly south / 30 Aug. '78.                                     8/27/1978 #41171  
 circles fishing boat. Back 7 Nov. '78.                                     11/3/1978 #41532  
 toward(s) Iraq. Others to 13 Dec. '78.                                     12/1/1978 #41663  

Word: "'79", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

vel. 5 photographs. Same / 10 Mar. '79.                                     3/16/1979 #42141  

Word: "'80", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

            HARBIN, CH Also 8 Feb. '80. Several observer(s). Red star maneu 2/5/1980 #42869  

Word: "'81", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

heast. Hundreds / report(s) / Apr. '81.                                     4/13/1981 #43706  
at. Saucer rises / water / 01 Jul. '81.                                     6/20/1981 #43800  

Word: "'84", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

raphs. Also night lights / 22 Feb. '84.                                     3/20/1984 #45184  

Word: "'85", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 going [to] old mines. Back / Jan. '85. Poltergeists.                       1/31/1920 #2866  
ect (EME) / 4 observer(s) / 5 May. '85.                                     11/10/1985 #45734  

Word: "'86", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 pickup truck. Goes. Back / 3 Aug. '86.                                     7/30/1986 #46022  
all types over coast. 13 over Jan. '86 crash site. / 177p368.               11/28/1987 #46440  

Word: "'87", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

. Hovers over Belleville / 19 Apr. '87.                                     3/27/1897 #1645  

Word: "'89", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

anishes. Reappears. Back / 13 Jul. '89.                                     4/18/1978 #40721  

Word: "'90", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ts. Circular object seen / 18 Apr. '90.                                     12/18/1989 #47580  
tion. Photographs. Again / 28 Mar. '90!                                     3/27/1990 #47771  
ly northeast. Back again / 29 Nov. '90.                                     11/22/1990 (approximate) #48268  

Word: "'92", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ve / night lights and orbs to Apr. '92. Big MUFON study. Cattle mutilations 1/26/1992 #48744  

Word: "'93", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

tract. Also bright flashes 20 Feb. '93.                                     2/10/1993 #49323  
r to La cross, Wi object / 15 Mar. '93. No further details.                 3/18/1993 #49370  
  ETNA, CA Night lights since Feb. '93. Dive at observer(s). Sit still / sk 6/17/1993 #49517  

Word: "'94", 8 instance(s) (Back to Top)

st going quickly northeast. 4 Mar. '94. Night lights going quickly northeas 11/5/1990 #48200  
O Reporter (CUFOS Group, USA) Jul. '94.                                     7/15/1991 #48533  
act same / separate town / 14 Feb. '94 / 0330h.                             1/28/1994 #49911  
ing mall. / Richmond review 8 Oct. '94.                                     4/1994 #50007  
with 3 bright lights. Back 28 Aug. '94.                                     8/27/1994 #50243  
cer. Back several times to 22 Nov. '94.                                     11/16/1994 #50411  
RT, ME Several sightings into Dec. '94 / pilots etc. Night lights. Huge obj 11/21/1994 #50417  
95. 400 Essex sightings since Nov. '94.                                     3/14/1995 #50669  

Word: "'95", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)

er. UFO's and Men in Black to May. '95. Men in Black = phony linemen. Fix s 1/27/1968 #30191  
s). 2 white ovoids. Also / 10 Feb. '95. 400 Essex sightings since Nov. '94. 3/14/1995 #50669  
e ovoid seen. Similar seen 28 Mar. '95 / 2000hrs.                           3/30/1995 #50708  
void planes / lucky point / 7 May. '95.                                     6/8/1995 #50833  
ky. Speeds into wind. Back 16 Jul. '95.                                     6/27/1995 #50868  
ts maneuver over sea. Back 13 Oct. '95 / 0550hrs.                           8/25/1995 #51017  
 / high altitude. / r118v8#11 Nov. '95.                                     10/22/1995 #51182  

Word: "'96", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

] split / all directions / 25 Mar. '96.                                     3/5/1996 #51445  
en. 17 separate reports since Jan. '96. Orbs and saucers and night lights.  4/15/1996 #51515  

Word: "'97", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

y [to] as plane nears. / r118-Feb. '97.                                     2/22/1950 #7802  
ect going quickly SSE. / r118 Feb. '97.                                     10/24/1950 #8673  
 Follow road. No fire. Back 9 May. '97.                                     4/20/1995 #50745  

Word: "'98", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 hovers over trees. Back / 23 Aug. '98.                                     8/22/1989 #47261  

Word: "'99", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

s / gold claims. See dwg / MJ#Jul. '99 pg9.                                 6/16/1999 #52602  

Word: "'a", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

irship Passes Over City Of Newport 'A Mysterious Message' Dropped From The  4/23/1897 #1930  
south of High Point saw at 7:20 pm 'a ball of fire..' 'A huge object flying 7/11/1947 #5988  
 saw at 7:20 pm 'a ball of fire..' 'A huge object flying at very high speed 7/11/1947 #5988  

Word: "'absolute", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

        TIMPERLEY, MANCHESTER Dark 'absolute(ly) solid smoke-ring' speeds t 5/17/1950 #8285  

Word: "'absorbing", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 high tension wires," he reported, 'absorbing electricity, absorbing water, 5/16/1998 #52349  

Word: "'acorn'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

               MADISON, OH 12 Mx3M 'acorn' / 20M / altitude. Observer(s) ge 11/10/1957 #19787  

Word: "'airship'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

    BOLINAS RIDGE, CA Man hunting. 'Airship' / morning sky. 100M away over  10/31/1896 (approximate) #1544  

Word: "'allagash", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

llagash River in Maine (one of the 'Allagash 4' investigated by Raymond Fow 11/22/1993 #49812  

Word: "'amoebas'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

OTUS, ID 1 / car. 9-12 dark wiggly 'amoebas' going quickly west fast. Fade  7/8/1947 #5834  

Word: "'apollo", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

    MT. BOUQUET, FR 4+observer(s). 'Apollo capsule' / several 10km loops ge 3/28/1973 #34289  

Word: "'arc-welder'", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

orb/globe / ground level in woods. 'Arc-welder' glare. / LDLN#321.          10/19/1954 #16165  
rom a truck, and reportedly had an 'arc-welder' glare.                      10/19/1954 #16183  

Word: "'at", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

A, PORTUGAL Odd cloud darts upward 'at breath-taking speed'.                5/13/1952 #10124  
ite ovoids going quickly northwest 'at dizzying speed'. Est altitude 5-6 KM 10/21/1954 #16222  

Word: "'aviator", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                        NANTES, FR 'Aviator / flight-suit' on bridge. Sauce 10/4/1954 #15510  

Word: "'balloon'", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

           DOMBROVNO AND AREA, POL 'Balloon' follows railroad/railway going 3/7/1892 #1490  
     BOSLER, WY Several cars stop. 'Balloon' hovers. Vanishes. Reappears. C 4/10/1966 #26397  

Word: "'balls", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

use, NY The Post-Standard. STRANGE 'BALLS OF FIRE' REPORTED OVER SYRACUSE.  11/12/1951 #9403  

Word: "'band'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

mbrero saucer hovers / lumberyard. 'Band' lights up. Going quickly south. / 10/18/1996 #51753  

Word: "'barn'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ered in fur like a dog, ran to its 'barn', took a big stick and came toward 1914 #2617  

Word: "'basket'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 / observer(s). Cops chase elusive 'basket'. Radio and TV Radio Frequency I 11/10/1957 #19793  

Word: "'best'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

les Examiner. RIO'S FLYING SAUCERS 'BEST'. The military attache at the Unit 5/10/1952 #10100  

Word: "'bigger", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

kly southeast fast toward(s) Gulf. 'Bigger than a saucer'.                  7/4/1947 #5410  
. Night lights form huge triangle. 'Bigger / 747'. A busy night.            11/24/1990 #48275  

Word: "'bird'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

leased the dogs to chase away this 'bird'. The dog Cachorro came back very  4/29/2000 #52835  

Word: "'blip'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

AF PILOT REPORTS SIGHTING, RADAR A 'BLIP'. An RAF pilot radioed his base: " 6/7/1950 #8329  

Word: "'blobs'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

Kent, England ENGLANG SEES THEM AS 'BLOBS'. Two farmers reported they saw t 6/18/1949 #7427  

Word: "'blood'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

el spins. Strong rays. Cloud dumps 'blood'.                                 10/14/1387 #265  

Word: "'blows", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

goes back and forth several times. 'Blows up'. / Jimmy Guieu.               5/13/1952 #10125  

Word: "'blue", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

t into Orly. It's what they call a 'blue sky storm', the weather is clear w 11/30/1995 #51256  

Word: "'blue-neon", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                     MARSEILLE, FR 'Blue-neon tube' northeast going quickly 9/21/1952 #12288  

Word: "'boat'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

moon-size going down / cloud. Dark 'boat' under.                            11/23/1959 #21584  

Word: "'bowl'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

APIER, NZ 1 observer. Round silver 'bowl' going south slow. Reaches airdrom 5/23/1961 #22332  

Word: "'bowler", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 PARK, LONDON Several observer(s). 'Bowler hat' extends luminous rays. Disk 6/27/1954 #14639  

Word: "'box'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ng and nothing but the 'tower' and 'box' were visible. The water was smooth 11/13/1965 #25774  

Word: "'bright", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

omer Edmond Halley. UFO / 2 hours. 'Bright enough to read'. Type unknown.   3/6/1716 #624  

Word: "'buckle'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 BABIOGORSKY NAT.PK, POLAND Flying 'buckle' with glowing ring / southwest s 12/21/1968 #31358  

Word: "'bunch", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

           CARLYLE, ILL Big yellow 'bunch of moons" clusters and paces auto 1/1975 (approximate) #36790  

Word: "'but", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

le words and fled into the woods. ('but he seemed to have dissolved in thin 6/12/1790 #808  

Word: "'cabin'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

     DIGNE, FR 4M luminous/glowing 'cabin' hovers / 7 minute(s) / 100M alti 9/20/1976 #38842  

Word: "'came", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

res that crossed the field. A door 'came down" out of which emerged a "huge 5/15/1971 #32851  

Word: "'capsule'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

WSON, MD 2 observer(s). Plain grey 'capsule' with 2 beams going west over c 4/21/1977 #39473  

Word: "'car'", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

         PARKERSBURG, WVA Trucker. 'Car' going down [to] and blocks road. 2 11/2/1966 #27274  
ZIL Mechanic and several. Luminous 'car' flies 30M over Pomba River. Quickl 6/30/1969 #31853  

Word: "'catch'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

oon, April 21, 1952. I was playing 'catch' with my cousin when a dirty gray 4/21/1952 #9908  

Word: "'chains'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

er center section going [to] by. 4 'chains' hang going down.                7/1986 #45987  

Word: "'choppers'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

t two nocturnal lights and mystery 'choppers' around and over the Wurtsmith 10/30/1975 #37844  

Word: "'cloudship'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 FRANCE Mob Lynches 3 figures from 'cloudship'. They admitted flying.       1/840? #104  

Word: "'coffin'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

OREST, NSW Miner / car. Big silent 'coffin' going southwest / 200M altitude 8/2/1981 #43884  

Word: "'coin", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

oing south. White. Segmented tail. 'Coin / ARMs length'.                    8/1/1965 #25241  

Word: "'comet'", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)

mbroise Paré described a blood-red 'comet' that emerged from the east and w 10/9/1528 #355  
leading to deaths due to fear. The 'comet' had a distinctive appearance wit 10/9/1528 #355  
hting of an unusual greenish-black 'comet' in his work Historic General del 8/1533 #357  
enly phenomena, Huallpa found this 'comet' to be different from the ordinar 8/1533 #357  
  AKRON, OH 2 observer(s). 200 Ft. 'comet' hisses. Lights windows / side. D 7/14/1925 #2954  

Word: "'commander'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ir and the others were calling him 'commander'. The other four were going b 6/1923 #2920  

Word: "'common", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ical object / sky. Gone in flames. 'Common event' / r2p12.                  4/14/1561 #396  

Word: "'crackling", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

t to sea / 350mph. 1000' altitude. 'Crackling noise'.                       7/4/1947 #5422  

Word: "'cronica'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 http://www.elsur.cl/index2.html - 'Cronica' Newspaper, Chile Monday 24, 20 4/24/2000 #52832  

Word: "'crowns'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

e observer(s). Contrails and white 'crowns' move in groups. / r186#24.      9/12/1621 #476  

Word: "'cucumber'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                LA GRANGE, CA Huge 'cucumber' tumbles end over end. Shoots  11/15/1957 #19834  

Word: "'curious", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

octor revealed that the burns were 'curious lesions' of undetermined cause. 10/12/1963 #23812  

Word: "'cylindrical", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

            US A UFO, described as 'cylindrical and smaller than the spy ba 2/11/2023 #54699  

Word: "'dad", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

hed the park I suddenly exclaimed: 'Dad, look at the sun, it's really close 5/1950 #8247  

Word: "'danger", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 4' sphere/orb/globe descends over 'danger area 343'. Streaks away.         11/14/1954 #16615  

Word: "'deliberately", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

object races overhead. Gyrates but 'deliberately steered.                   3/22/1953 #13257  

Word: "'dinner", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

and Rutherford / car. Round silver 'dinner plate' going quickly north. High 7/5/1947 #5498  

Word: "'dinner-plates'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 MARGATE, KENT Fisherman. 4 bright 'dinner-plates' go east going quickly we 9/21/1952 #12289  

Word: "'dit-dit'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

dio Frequency Interference (RFI) = 'dit-dit'. / r46p145+/ r141#6+/ r242.    11/4/1957 #19528  

Word: "'don't", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

. Nancy Mace appeared on Outkick's 'Don't @ Me' show, emphasizing the need  9/8/2023 #54745  

Word: "'donuts", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

econd(s). East going quickly west. 'Donuts without holes' / news.           9/6/1952 #12116  

Word: "'doped'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 5-15 minute(s). Observer(s) feels 'doped'.                                 2/1976 #38215  

Word: "'dot-dot-dash'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

Ovoid going quickly east. Repeated 'dot-dot-dash' on car radio. Duration =  2/25/1959 #21017  

Word: "'dragon'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

SSIERES, FR Civil records. Flaming 'dragon' going [to] overhead / 15 minute 2/5/1780 #753  

Word: "'dragonlike'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

T, DK Repeat observer(s). Blinding 'dragonlike' object glides toward(s) hou 4/27/1993 #49442  

Word: "'dropped", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 NJ Cops and 200 search swamps for 'dropped parachute'. Nothing found.      12/6/1931 #3135  

Word: "'drops", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

         LONDON Bright white cloud 'drops fire' / Westminster Hall and parl 3/14/1660 #520  

Word: "'eggplants'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

          AMBES, FR 6 silent giant 'eggplants' pass. Hover. Away / at dizzy 10/15/1954 #15999  

Word: "'elongated", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

URS-ERIGNE, FR 1 observer. 2M tall 'elongated side-car' up close. Clover cr 10/6/1954 #15594  

Word: "'em", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

The U.S. Air Force issued a “Shoot 'Em Down” order to pilots encountering U 7/26/1952 #11243  
esville, Texas EVEN MAYORS CAN SEE 'EM. A former Grainesville mayor who is  8/6/1952 #11653  

Word: "'escort'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  Tequesquitengo Lake, Mexico UFOs 'Escort' Mexican Aircraft / Radar Confir 5/3/1975 #37195  

Word: "'exclamation", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

CITY, UT 2 / 10 th Ave. 2 metallic 'exclamation marks' going quickly east i 6/25/1947 #5117  

Word: "'explodes'", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 southeast going quickly northwest 'explodes'. Fragments go / all direction 9/25/1946 #4779  
ts' in blue-glow soar. 1 stops and 'explodes'.                              1/19/1948 #6543  

Word: "'extra", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

   JAPAN / LOCATION UNKNOWN Sudden 'extra moon'. Panic stops execution of p 9/12/1271 #230  

Word: "'falling", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 OSLO, NORWAY Luminous objects and 'falling stars' subject of USAF Tech. In 12/13/1947 #6466  

Word: "'fast", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

s-maneuvers off-course. Looks like 'fast star'.                             7/20/1965 #25139  

Word: "'feathers-shapes'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                RYE, EAST SUSSEX 2 'feathers-shapes' descend. Then engine s 9/2/1954 #14979  

Word: "'ferris", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                  NEW BRIGHTON, MN 'Ferris wheel' 2X moon-size / 600M altit 8/5/1965 (approximate) #25341  

Word: "'fiery", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                        VERDUN, FR 'Fiery armies' pass in sky here and all  3/927 (approximate) #121  

Word: "'fish'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

   PIEVE DI TECO, ITL Teen. Copper 'fish' dives going down. 2 portholes. Cl 2/1923 #2918  

Word: "'flaky", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

minous cylinder/cigar-shape leaves 'flaky trail'. 3rd sighting recently. No 1/20/1953 #12997  

Word: "'flame'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

           ST. DIDIER-EN-VELAY, FR 'Flame' buzzes truck. Motor and lights o 10/19/1954 #16162  

Word: "'flaming", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 PLEASANT, WV Several observer(s). 'Flaming blimp' going south over river.  10/10/1931 #3131  

Word: "'flaps", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

3 men aboard hovers and maneuvers. 'Flaps about'.                           5/19/1909 #2334  

Word: "'flattened", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

       LONDON Several observer(s). 'Flattened tennis ball' visually and on  11/3/1954 #16506  

Word: "'flip'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

orne, Kansas KANSAS OBSERVES THEIR 'FLIP'. Delmar Remick and Erwin Legg of  11/7/1949 #7637  

Word: "'flir'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 The video, one of three including 'FLIR' and 'GIMBAL', is officially ackno 3/11/2018 #54402  

Word: "'flir1'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

article also showcased two videos, 'FLIR1' and 'GIMBAL', showing potential  12/16/2017 #54372  

Word: "'flying", 19 instance(s) (Back to Top)

            OFF CHERBOURG, FR Dark 'flying ship' hovers still / wind. No sa 2/8/1672 #563  
. NEAR SOSNOVKA, RUSSIA Steamship. 'Flying moon' going / 3 min. Makes 90° t 7/15/1923? #2926  
AR PITEA, SWD 4 observer(s). Shiny 'flying milk can' glides going northwest 7/19/1946 #4600  
        Dr. G. Oliver Doctor saw a 'flying disc' zip over the city of El Pa 7/1/1947 #5290  
AHERSIVEEN, IRELAND 5 observer(s). 'Flying saucer'. No further details. / N 7/10/1947 (approximate) #5943  
irline crew / 1200M altitude. Grey 'flying tadpole' / 2400M altitude.       7/11/1947 #5996  
DKERSBURG, AUSTRIA Police report 2 'flying saucers' near Yugoslav border he 9/8/1949 #7562  
hholding an official report on the 'flying saucer' examination at this time 1950 #7696  
 to minimize the importance of the 'flying saucers'. But some of the offici 1950 #7696  
                North Bay, Ontario 'FLYING BASEBALL' OVER LAKE WILCOX. Thre 4/26/1952 #9968  
ANDUJAR, SPAIN Many locals. Silent 'flying dessert dish'. Leaves (something 7/30/1952 #11468  
Journal Times. HARDER TO BRUSH OFF 'FLYING SAUCERS' AS SILLY. NEA - For the 7/31/1952 #11490  
ake Canyon, CA San Bernardino Sun. 'FLYING DISKS' INVADE MINING FIELD IN DE 8/21/1952 #11884  
R Observer(s) = Edmond Trochu. Red 'flying glowing kettle'. No further deta 9/23/1954 #15186  
Silver disk larger / plane. 1 sees 'flying wing'. / La Montagne.            10/5/1954 #15561  
ANTIC CITY, NJ 2 observer(s). Slow 'flying hotel' stops / house nearby. Win 6/1/1956 #17994  
about there being no such thing as 'flying saucers. . . .' Too many people  8/3/1965 #25300  
R GRAAF REINART, RSA 3+/ car. Grey 'flying Volkswagens' hop over phone wire 11/19/1972 (approximate) #33999  
ORTH ITALY Hundreds / observer(s). 'Flying boat' glows over Parma and Pavia 9/10/1997 #52142  

Word: "'force", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

, FINL 2 girls. Dark form appears. 'Force field' throws girl 3M away!       12/31/1972 #34077  

Word: "'full", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                       BERLIN, GER 'Full moon' flies northwest going quickl 1/8/1954 #14073  

Word: "'fusiform'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                   SALERNO, ITL 3M 'fusiform' object stops / 5M altitude /  7/23/1975 #37400  

Word: "'gamma'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ipper, it then approached the star 'gamma' without making contact, followed 11/30/1873 #1260  

Word: "'german'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

              KOVNO = KUANAS, LITH 'German' balloon going [to] over Russian 3/22/1892 (approximate) #1491  

Word: "'ghost", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

       KOZANI AND SALONIKA, GREECE 'Ghost rocket' north going quickly south 9/10/1946 #4751  

Word: "'ghost'", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

         LOXLEY, SOUTH YORKS White 'ghost' crosses field going [to] old min 1/31/1920 #2866  
   PREMANON, FR 4 kids. Saucer and 'ghost'. Aluminum boxes walk. Traces. /  9/27/1954 #15266  

Word: "'ghost-bomb'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                ESKILSTUNA, SWEDEN 'Ghost-bomb' exits cloud. Descends going 6/12/1946 #4506  

Word: "'gimbal'", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 showcased two videos, 'FLIR1' and 'GIMBAL', showing potential UFO encounte 12/16/2017 #54372  
 one of three including 'FLIR' and 'GIMBAL', is officially acknowledged by  3/11/2018 #54402  

Word: "'glow'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

uld appear from his comment on its 'glow' that it houses a jet plane design 7/6/1952 #10662  

Word: "'goes", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

of the lights, momentarily, nearly 'goes out', diminishing to a tiny point  7/15/2001 #53072  

Word: "'good", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

one hour later. Back 26 November / 'good observer(s)'.                      11/23/1896 #1571  

Word: "'great", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

             YONKERS, NY 3 locals. 'Great airship' with partially covered s 4/30/1897 #1963  

Word: "'green", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

           REDMOND, WA 25' UFO and 'green face' / slumber party. Apparent c 6/24/1988 #46724  

Word: "'grey", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

EAR CASSVILLE, MO 2 / car. Dark 6m 'grey ovoid on road. Near collision. Gon 5/1967 #28572  

Word: "'grid", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ly south. Thousands / MPH. Stops / 'grid 3114'. Rumor = RADAR confirm.      2/2/1956 #17791  

Word: "'grunt", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

umanoids (or Greys) / silver suits 'grunt like pigs'. Enter glow saucer and 8/23/1954 #14898  

Word: "'h'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

M 1 observer. Odd silent elongated 'H' with 4 strong lights going northeast 12/26/1989 #47609  

Word: "'half", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

      WOODSTOCK, MN Very large tan 'half pancake' follows car? Going north  12/9/1956 #18543  

Word: "'hats'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 TUBINGEN, GERM Many large colored 'hats' exit odd clouds. Small humanoids  12/5/1557 #391  

Word: "'haystack'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                      BANBURY, ENG 'Haystack' going [to] high and low. Wrec 12/7/1872 #1245  

Word: "'head'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 1 observer. Green tube with white 'head' low and slow over meadow. Leaves  7/3/1947 #5343  

Word: "'headquarters", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ANDIA SITE, NM Saucer lands behind 'headquarters CR 44' storage building. / 8/9/1980 #43188  

Word: "'hello'", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

         Duluth, Minnesota TWO SAY 'HELLO' TO MINNESOTA'S FALLS. Frank Aals 10/19/1951 #9348  
d seemed to be the leader. "I said 'hello' to him," said Andre, "but I didn 1/3/1979 #41933  

Word: "'horrible", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

           ELSTREE, HERTFORDS, ENG 'Horrible bunching dumb-bell-like things 8/13/1914 #2647  

Word: "'huge", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  RINGWOOD, HAMPS 2+4 observer(s). 'Huge brass shield lit / searchlight'. S 2/6/1938 (approximate) #3417  
                 LOGANSVILLE, OHIO 'Huge ferris wheel / many lights'. 30cm  10/31/1953 #13831  

Word: "'huyo", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

said. His family ran out screaming 'Huyo!'. Hamad had sore ribs from being  4/1995 #50713  

Word: "'hypnotized'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

AR CACAPAVA VELHA, BRZ Observer(s) 'hypnotized' takes pseudo-human/entity / 8/1978 #41049  

Word: "'i", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 I knew what was going on. I said, 'I have no idea. This car is new, so I'm 5/13/2003 #53404  

Word: "'illuminates'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

when we tell this, we'll be called 'illuminates'. We need a witness." We go 2/12/1972 #33373  

Word: "'imbedded", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ck to the house. It had a big head 'imbedded in the shoulders" without a ne 7/28/1968 #30774  

Word: "'intelligent", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

News about concerns over potential 'intelligent or extraterrestrial technic 7/20/2023 #54717  

Word: "'it", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ladelphia Experiment' Crew Reunion 'It Never Happened' By Lacy McCrary The  8/15/1943 #3810  
lashing blue light. Huw remembers: 'It was amazing how quickly the police a 1/24/1974 #35704  

Word: "'james", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

aliens. One of the soldiers, named 'James Prescott' (pseudonym) was sent fr 1/24/1974 #35704  

Word: "'keep", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 gasworks. Visions and telepathy = 'keep quiet'.                            11/26/1969 #32128  

Word: "'komsomolskaya", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

d from French) (Source: article in 'Komsomolskaya Pravda.' magazine for you 9/24/1999 #52681  

Word: "'lampshade-saucer'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ND DEMUIN, FR Several observer(s). 'Lampshade-saucer' glows. Maneuvers as i 10/1954 #15344  

Word: "'lance'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ON-DE-PROVENCE AND ST. CHALMAS, FR 'Lance' wobbles east going quickly west. 6/10/1554 #386  

Word: "'large", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

rive, someone spotted in the sky a 'large green ball moving at great speed. 8/16/1954 #14868  

Word: "'lengthy", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

low disks maneuver / low altitude. 'Lengthy report' / No further details.   3/12/1968 #30336  

Word: "'like", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

TON, ON 1 observer. Fiery red disk 'like washing machine lid' going quickly 7/6/1947 #5599  
SWEDEN Several observer(s). Object 'like glass lit from inside'. Silently c 5/16/1952 #10154  
, FR Yellow glow. Elongated saucer 'like a calfskin couch'.                 11/1954 #16465  

Word: "'lisa", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

the 24-year-old river pilot of the 'Lisa C' and another crewmember on the A 5/15/1978 #40796  

Word: "'lit", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 as he approached them, their eyes 'lit up", and he was somehow prevented f 8/31/1990 #48053  

Word: "'lit-up", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

nge and white object zigzags fast. 'Lit-up cabin'. Gone extremely fast.     11/23/1978 #41605  

Word: "'little", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

         SOISSONS, FR Man and son. 'Little man' climbs ladder into classic  10/1954 #15343  

Word: "'long", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

cer near ground. 2 odd beings with 'long knives'. / r217p176.               10/1954 #15346  

Word: "'look", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

rted to run. Then a friend shouted 'Look, it's right above us!' --- I looke 4/22/1966 #26476  
hter, looking out the window, said 'Look at those lights!' We all looked an 6/11/1984 #45319  

Word: "'luminous", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                    FIRENZE, ITALY 'Luminous cloud' going quickly [to] over 12/9/1731 #643  

Word: "'maintenance", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

-science-free-energy/ (rg - URL in 'maintenance mode')    https://web.archi Summer 1985 #45625  

Word: "'man", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

-human/entity stand by. One is [a] 'man lost at sea / May 1959'.            9/22/1972 #33881  

Word: "'man'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ng barrel hovers vertical / field. 'Man' watches girl observer(s) / window. 12/11/1954 #16787  

Word: "'martian", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 concluded Jules B., "is that this 'Martian flying' flew straight to the pl 1906 #2156  

Word: "'men'", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ANCASHIRE Several kids. 3 helmeted 'men' / silver space-suits hide in alley 11/1926 #2987  
        COUDES, FR Teen kids. 2 1M 'men' put stones from fence in box. Helm 8/1954 (approximate) #14784  
 all over/all about. Going down. 4 'men' exit.                              10/17/1954 #16072  

Word: "'metallic'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

UAP reports are of 'spherical' and 'metallic' orbs, highlighting a 2022 vid 5/31/2023 #54713  

Word: "'meteor'", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

        LONDON AND AREA Triangular 'meteor' hovers near cloud. Going west.  3/22/1813 #899  
R, LEICS Observer(s) = F. T. Mott. 'Meteor' zigzags across sky. Going quick 6/13/1889 #1472  

Word: "'michelin-man'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

   LIRIA, SPAIN 2 / car. Dark-glow 'Michelin-man' floats across road. Light 3/14/1976 #38317  

Word: "'missiles'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 GERMANY British Army observer(s). 'Missiles' pass overhead going quickly w 9/26/1946 #4783  

Word: "'monkeys'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

    DOOR CO, WI Nurse and patient. 'Monkeys' play / trees and window ledge. 10/5/1970 #32572  

Word: "'moon'", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

FLORESTI, ROM Earthquake. Next day 'moon' east going west / 30 minute(s) ac 11/27/1793 #818  
 night in February 1957, she saw a 'Moon' moving and emitting multiple flas 2/1957 #18650  
window overlooking the valley. The 'Moon' moved towards the house with a ra 2/1957 #18650  

Word: "'mother", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ghting of six flying saucers and a 'mother ship' has been reported from the 10/3/1960 #22053  

Word: "'mothership", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

    VISTA, CA Several observer(s). 'Mothership hovers / 3 hours. Small obje 5/8/1956 #17946  

Word: "'motors'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

g quickly southeast toward(s) sea. 'Motors' heard. R224p42 / Farish.        1/4/1913 #2551  

Word: "'much", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

LLE, MO Adair cylinder/cigar-shape 'much larger / B52'. Offloads 6 smaller  11/18/1980 #43410  

Word: "'my", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ht in front of me. I said to John: 'My God, it's a flying saucer.' It was a 7/22/1966 #26816  

Word: "'mystery", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                     KALIX, SWEDEN 'Mystery plane' searches area with stron 12/24/1933 #3222  

Word: "'naked", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 of Baghdad) saw the appearance of 'naked spirits' performing acrobatic mov 8/20/1999 #52649  

Word: "'national", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

rhead. USAF silences observer(s) / 'national security'.                     11/28/1952 #12735  

Word: "'neon-lit", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  ANGERS, M&L, FR 2+1 observer(s). 'Neon-lit disk' east going west. Stops / 9/27/1954 #15265  

Word: "'neptun'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 a seamless tunic. Orfeo calls him 'Neptun'. The conversation warns the ear 8/2/1952 #11556  

Word: "'no", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

nsas City, MO COP SPOTS ONE ABOVE; 'NO BALLOON', HE'S TOLD. A Kansas City p 12/7/1951 #9448  

Word: "'o'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

an C-124 Encounters 1,000 MPH Jack 'o' Lantern (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, 2/11/1955 #17009  

Word: "'observes'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

QUEN, ARG Glowing disk follows and 'observes' airliner / 30 minute(s) going 1/7/1966 #25876  

Word: "'octagonal", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                 STAVANGER, NORWAY 'Octagonal star' seen. / Charles Fort /  4/15/1752 #688  

Word: "'operation", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 French) According to John Keel in 'Operation Trojan Horse' in 1954, Dr. Ch 12/21/1954 #16844  

Word: "'organ-music'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 leave luminous wake. Gyrates with 'organ-music' sound.                     8/10/1950 #8498  

Word: "'oumuamua'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 craft'. Loeb previously theorized 'Oumuamua' could be such a craft. The pa 3/7/2023 #54706  

Word: "'our", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

rnold, 1952, Palmer, and John Keel 'OUR HAUNTED PLANET'. [IN REALITY, it is 6/21/1947 #5034  

Word: "'out", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

          Hamilton, Ontario SAUCER 'OUT OF THIS WORLD'. 45 persons said the 4/16/1952 #9829  

Word: "'over", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

mmental bull, a helicopter hovered 'over the ranch on which the bull was fo 8/1/1979 #42378  

Word: "'ozone'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

tent and clothes had a very strong 'ozone' smell. His only recollection was 5/4/2009 #54092  

Word: "'pancakes'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 WI CE-3 case involving ETs giving 'pancakes' for water (NICAP: 02 - Close  4/18/1961 #22277  

Word: "'parachute'", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

n thru) binoculars. Shiny metallic 'parachute' hovers / BROWNs bay. No cord 7/31/1960 #21912  
GARRA ISLAND, BRZ Explosion. White 'parachute' quickly going down / sea. Fi 3/16/1966 #26066  
 OFF CECINA, ITL 12 fishermen. Big 'parachute' going down [to] to sea. Quic 9/16/1978 #41292  

Word: "'parachutes'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

30s going southwest. White-glowing 'parachutes' hover behind. Shoot extreme 7/17/1995 #50900  

Word: "'parent", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 'probes' from an extraterrestrial 'parent craft'. Loeb previously theorize 3/7/2023 #54706  

Word: "'pear'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 INLET, BC 2 observer(s). Luminous 'pear' rises slow. Strong light. Unaffec 7/10/1897 #1993  

Word: "'philadelphia", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ion affair never took place) First 'Philadelphia Experiment' Crew Reunion ' 8/15/1943 #3810  

Word: "'phonograph", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

HIA, ARK Farm worker. 3 thin disks 'phonograph records' going quickly south 6/30/1947 (approximate) #5221  

Word: "'ping'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

Enters clouds. Going quickly west. 'Ping' sound.                            9/8/1993 #49693  

Word: "'planes", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

-SEINE, FR White balls / light and 'planes dropping parachutes' cause Air F 1/28/1948 (approximate) #6553  

Word: "'planes'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ar the sound of the engines of the 'planes'. At 2:21 a.m., Lt. Gen. John L. 2/25/1942 #3611  

Word: "'planet'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

nd right. Point night light orbits 'planet'.                                1/10/1954 #14081  

Word: "'police", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 Racine Journal. SAUCERS OBSERVING 'POLICE ACTION'. Imaginary or real, thos 8/4/1952 #11599  

Word: "'portholes'", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 OAMARU, NZ Orange ovoid with blue 'portholes' seen. No further details. /  11/5/1954 #16535  
 and narrow red beam going down. 3 'portholes' / bottom/underside. / NICAP. 7/15/1968 #30700  

Word: "'pot'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

   KII SANCHI, NARA, JAPAN Glowing 'pot' flies and maneuvers between mounta 10/27/1180 (approximate) #191  

Word: "'powered", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 SUISUN BAY, CA Telegraph lineman. 'Powered balloon' flies into wind.       11/15/1896 #1549  

Word: "'probes'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

s, defying known physics, might be 'probes' from an extraterrestrial 'paren 3/7/2023 #54706  

Word: "'projectiles", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

noise was heard at 4:30 a.m. Huge "'projectiles" like rockets made a whistl 8/24/1946 #4724  

Word: "'projectiles'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

       BOURGES, FR Big noise. Huge 'projectiles' whistle going quickly [to] 8/24/1946 #4719  

Word: "'propane", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

      LOUHANS, FR Light green 1.4M 'propane bottle' / low altitude going [t 2/20/1975 (approximate) #36967  

Word: "'propulsion", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 Extraterrestrial Possibility' and 'Propulsion Methods'.                    3/7/2023 #54706  

Word: "'quick'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                US Quick Magazine. 'QUICK' OKAYS ARMY REPORTS. Quick review 2/25/1952 #9624  

Word: "'radio'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

. Huge sphere low / peninsula. Odd 'radio' noise. Vanishes!                 12/20/1978 #41812  

Word: "'radium", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

Pie-tin saucer flies over baths at 'radium springs'. No further details.    6/22/1947 #5052  

Word: "'rain", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 and fireballs terrify population. 'Rain of blood'(?)                       1/3/1551 #378  

Word: "'repair'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

uard. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) 'repair' saucer / courtyard. 3rd small h 1/6/1968 #30136  

Word: "'resembles", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

g saucepan with handle. Very fast. 'Resembles S. sea island'(??)            7/16/1947 #6062  

Word: "'richard'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ector, Mr. Ralph Llewhelin (called 'Richard' by the Daily Mirror) was inter 2/4/1977 #39243  

Word: "'roaring", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ary 9, 1952; Kerrville, Texas. Odd 'roaring" interference on radio as UFO c 1/9/1952 #9532  

Word: "'robot'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ds (or Greys) follow tall metallic 'robot' / road. Saucer quickly going up  9/1977 #39955  

Word: "'rocket'", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

erous observer(s). Fast bright-red 'rocket' casts shadows. South going quic 7/9/1946 #4548  
. a fast, bright red, cigar-shaped 'rocket' cast shadows as it flew over Tu 7/9/1946 #4558  
            PIC / MIDI D'OSSAU, FR 'Rocket' from Spain south going quickly  9/16/1946 (approximate) #4769  

Word: "'rocket-bomb'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

       SODERTALJE, SWD Spool-shape 'rocket-bomb'. Magnesium flare exhaust g 8/12/1946 #4673  

Word: "'rockets'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

NG, DK Project Bluebook Case #149. 'Rockets' in blue-glow soar. 1 stops and 1/19/1948 #6543  

Word: "'round", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

   NEAR AIRPORT / BERCK, FR Landed 'round hut' craft takes off silently.    11/13/1954 #16601  

Word: "'round'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

CER OBLIGES CARPENTER, SECOND TIME 'ROUND'. Guy B. Marquand, Jr., a carpent 11/22/1951 #9415  

Word: "'s", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)

on in Great Falls (Montana): Mr. Y.'s team had been warned by the Canadian  Summer 1952 #10462  
results of the analysis of the E.T.'s skin fragment                         8/18/1958 #20567  
 move. It was 10:50 pm, when Mr. G.'s (Mr. X's neighbor) magnetic detector  4/1972 #33444  
ht and rays that blinded me. Mr. D.'s eyes will be red and tearful for 2 da 3/8/1974 #35896  
    (Translated from French) Mr. B.'s husband, a parent of a student at the 12/1/1978 #41661  
s melted. Unfortunately, Patrick W.'s friend Mohamed M. (17 years old) hand 8/24/1995 #51012  
 them even more, so that Patrick W.'s parents threw away the debris. But th 8/24/1995 #51012  

Word: "'s'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 into the shape of a perfect Roman 'S'. Subsequently, it divided in the mid 10/30/1660 #528  

Word: "'satellite'", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

itary tracking team. Unexplainable 'satellite' / unusual maneuvers.         9/15/1960 #22024  
                CHENGDE, HEBEI, CH 'Satellite' makes sudden turn going quic 2/4/1981 #43605  

Word: "'saucer'", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                       Denver, Col 'SAUCER' OVER ATOM CENTER. UP - A Los An 10/7/1950 #8626  
server(s). 7-8 observer(s). Bright 'saucer' exits cloud. Circles jet going  9/1/1952 #12059  
                 BENABBIO, ITL Red 'saucer' / ground. 2 figure(s) exit. Reb 10/25/1954 #16325  

Word: "'saucers'", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

I absolutely do not believe in the 'saucers' that come to us from Mars or V 1939 (approximate) #3454  
  Washington DC San Bernadino Sun. 'SAUCERS' REPORTED ON CAPITAL RADAR. The 7/29/1952 #11374  

Word: "'saw-tooth'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

e F-117 fighter have a distinctive 'saw-tooth' pattern to the trailing edge 10/29/2002 #53292  

Word: "'scientific", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

in-chief in Madagascar, convened a 'scientific commission to conduct an inv 8/16/1954 #14868  

Word: "'ship'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ight exits and returns. Stops over 'ship' that sinks..                      7/14/1971 #32977  

Word: "'shrouded", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

cers going south fast. Each saucer 'shrouded in steam'.                     7/27/1965 #25188  

Word: "'shutterbug'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

            Salem, MA L.A. Mirror. 'SHUTTERBUG' GRABS PHOTO OF SAUCERS. Und 8/1/1952 #11526  

Word: "'silence'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 CCLR object overhead. Telepathy = 'silence'. 2 hours / missing time. See r 8/23/1953 #13646  

Word: "'silvery", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 clearly saw the V-formation of 25 'silvery planes' (silver planes) slowly  2/25/1942 #3611  
ot. Their suits were a fluorescent 'silvery and blue," in contrast to the t 10/16/1973 #35056  

Word: "'size", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

high and fast going quickly south. 'Size of pieplate'. No further details.  6/29/1947 #5199  

Word: "'sizzles'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

e/orb/globe. Row of lights / side. 'Sizzles'. Low altitude. Sharp turns goi 6/21/1963 #23590  

Word: "'skinny'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ring black boots. They looked like 'skinny' versions of the "Michelin Man". 11/1926 #2984  

Word: "'sky", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 BEDFORDS Many observer(s) amazed. 'Sky opens up'. Huge cross hovers till m 8/9/1186 #196  

Word: "'sky-men'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

lectro-magnetic effects). Boy sees 'sky-men'. 30 minute(s) / missing time.  4/20/1995 #50746  

Word: "'slow", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

LON MARTELANGE AND SIBRET, BELGIUM 'Slow meteor' going quickly NNW. Several 10/16/1954 #16042  

Word: "'smart", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

all glowing-ovoid blocks footpath. 'Smart and determined'.                  8/1937 (approximate) #3392  

Word: "'snow'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

wn 2x. 1 going north 1 going west. 'Snow' going down.                       7/22/1966 #26817  

Word: "'solved'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)


Word: "'sound", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ish saucer. Hovers / 15 second(s). 'Sound = 100 jets'. Going quickly northw 6/28/1967 #28923  

Word: "'space", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ONTEBELLO DI BERTONA, ITL Postman. 'Space capsule' lands. Lights rotate. Qu 12/19/1978 #41807  

Word: "'space-saucer'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                US 'SPACE-SAUCER' WOULD HAVE LONG FLIGHT. F 8/6/1952 #11649  

Word: "'space-ship'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

GH, SCOTLAND Sea cadets. Dark grey 'space-ship' over bay. Amazing speed. No 8/7/1955 #17392  

Word: "'spaceship'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ES, FR 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. 'Spaceship' circles high and fast. Brill 4/17/1974 #36088  

Word: "'spherical'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ly half of 800+ UAP reports are of 'spherical' and 'metallic' orbs, highlig 5/31/2023 #54713  

Word: "'splendidly", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                        BATH, AVON 'Splendidly lit craft' passes over Warml 3/6/1912 #2525  

Word: "'sponge'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

O, ITL 3 college kids. Big glowing 'sponge' hovers / sea. Lengthens and sho 3/18/1974 #35934  

Word: "'spread-out", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 Farmer and 1 observer(s). Strange 'spread-out canvas sheet' / 2K' altitude 11/20/1896 #1558  

Word: "'squares'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

California CALIFORNIA SEES THEM AS 'SQUARES'. Benjamin F. Smith of Oakland  5/7/1949 #7335  

Word: "'star", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 occurred involving an oscillating 'star.' This star emerged suddenly in th 6/24/1784 #784  

Word: "'star'", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

     KRASNYYE CHETAI, RUSSIA 1934? 'Star' going west / satellite speed / 10 8/1933 (approximate) #3213  
s City Times, Missouri. PILOT SEES 'STAR' GO THROUGH GYRATIONS. AP - An Ame 5/23/1951 #9033  

Word: "'stars'", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)

        JAPAN / LOCATION UNKNOWN 5 'stars' appear. Circle the moon. Change  3/17/1458 (approximate) #303  
currence involving three prominent 'stars' accompanied by smaller ones. Add 5/28/1637 #487  
ionally, a prolonged line of other 'stars' was also witnessed. While lackin 5/28/1637 #487  
EAR BRNO, MORAVIA, CZK 6 fiery red 'stars' circle point very high / sky clo 9/1913 (approximate) #2609  

Word: "'storm-lantern'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                  NEAR GENEVA, SWZ 'Storm-lantern' ovoid going northeast. S 3/29/1967 #28312  

Word: "'strangeness'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

s, as well as their high degree of 'strangeness', this UFO case is certainl 8/13/1956 #18198  

Word: "'strip'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

and was connected to it by a white 'strip'. The big ship left a trail of fl 1/24/1992 #48737  

Word: "'submarine'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

farmers wakened / animals. 3M grey 'submarine' going [to] slow / 5M altitud 1/20/1996 #51330  

Word: "'sun'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ar apparition. Sparks and flames / 'sun'.                                   12/18/1933 #3220  

Word: "'suns'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

WESTLEY, ENGLAND Church records. 3 'suns' hover / one hour. Back again 18 M 5/10/1614 #464  

Word: "'table-knives'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

      NEWBLISS, IRELAND Postman. 8 'table-knives' pass / high-altitude. Wea 12/5/1950 (approximate) #8757  

Word: "'talk-box'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

mall humanoids (or Greys) give man 'talk-box'. Smeared / liquid. Analysis = 8/30/1978 #41190  

Word: "'tempestaires'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 or hail, after a transaction with 'Tempestaires'. In one notable event, fo 815 #98  

Word: "'the", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)

men shouting to the commander that 'the repairs were done'. "The machine wa 6/1923 #2920  
e belonged to one of the pilots." "'The urgency now is to fence off the (cr 8/2/1947 #6181  
t 5 feet tall with peculiar ears. "'The creature was sitting on the mattres Mid 4/2000 #52825  
g on what's euphemistically called 'the program' in or around Huntsville, A 5/2022 #54642  
ship context, with sections titled 'The Extraterrestrial Possibility' and ' 3/7/2023 #54706  

Word: "'thing'", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

t had turned to get closer to this 'thing', but his maneuver was not yet fi 7/11/1947 #5988  
e speedometer read 70 mph, but the 'thing' followed me easily. (...) It was 10/8/1966 #27166  
joke on me, that he had invented a 'thing'. I thought it was strange and th 10/2/1994 #50337  

Word: "'tilted", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

t & level flight. Faster / planes. 'Tilted disk shape'. / r187#37.          6/24/1947 #5089  

Word: "'tip-cat'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

Y AND SHIPLEY, YORKS 2 cops. Green 'tip-cat' lights area. Maneuvers / 15 mi 12/21/1901 #2082  

Word: "'tire'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

IL 1 observer. Airliner sized dark 'tire' hovers and wobbles. Going north.  5/15/1966 #26611  

Word: "'toadstool'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 NM Several / 2 cars. Huge flaming 'toadstool' quickly going up / roadside. 9/1/1966 #27005  

Word: "'too", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

briefly. Shoots going quickly west 'too fast for balloon'.                  3/16/1967 #28187  

Word: "'took", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

servoir. This huge luminous object 'took off, landed, without any noise or  Late Spring 1979 #42227  

Word: "'torpedos'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

    SORRENTO, LA 78 silent glowing 'torpedos' going [to] low over trees and 8/18/1947 #6268  

Word: "'tower'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ope or railing and nothing but the 'tower' and 'box' were visible. The wate 11/13/1965 #25774  

Word: "'toy", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

, NH Guards fire on mystery plane. 'Toy balloon with smoke'. Turns going no 4/14/1917 #2768  

Word: "'train'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

DSVILLE, KS Railroad/railway crew. 'Train' nears. Steam and lights. Jumps t 7/30/1878 #1307  

Word: "'transports'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

r demons, which she referred to as 'Transports' in her diaries. Jane Lead's 4/1670 #559  

Word: "'trumpet'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

        OAXACA, MEXICO 130M spiral 'trumpet'. 60M bell hangs going down. Fl 7/6/1874 #1268  

Word: "'uap", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 led by Chuck Schumer, propose the 'UAP Disclosure Act of 2023' via a 64-pa 7/13/2023 #54716  

Word: "'uap'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

at the Yukon incident was the 23rd 'UAP' occurrence tracked over North Amer 9/5/2023 #54743  

Word: "'ufo'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  NEAR BOLOGNA, ITL 1 observer. 5M 'UFO' follows railroad/railway train / 1 8/27/1977 #39927  

Word: "'ufo's'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

bserver Corps (GOC) observer(s). 2 'UFO's'. Lights flash. Hover. Make 4 com 6/14/1956 #18017  

Word: "'umbrella", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

CKAY CREEK, OR 1 observer. 7 round 'umbrella tops' going quickly northwest  6/29/1947 #5192  

Word: "'unexplainable", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

horough and objective study of the 'unexplainable.'"                        3/30/1966 #26271  

Word: "'unintelligible'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

oids (or Greys) / spacesuits exit. 'Unintelligible'.                        11/30/1952 #12741  

Word: "'usa'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ots going up [to] and away. Marked 'USA' with flag!                         12/1980 (approximate) #43449  

Word: "'v'", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ation. They were in the shape of a 'V' with a solid, circular body under th 7/24/1949 #7473  
ircular body under the nose of the 'V'. There was no evidence of any means  7/24/1949 #7473  
wide, painted with a red and white 'V' running along its length. It has no  11/30/1995 #51256  

Word: "'vessel'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

  VISALIA, CA Several observer(s). 'Vessel' / sky at train speed. Up-down-l 11/24/1896 #1574  

Word: "'victor", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ing object above the area known as 'Victor Alert', where, in a large hangar 7/1/1977 #39708  

Word: "'w", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

OGAN, WVA 1 observer. Round object 'W / turtle back' going [to] straight &  7/10/1947 #5954  

Word: "'watermelon'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

    JABOTICABAL, BRAZIL Farmer. 4M 'watermelon' lands / field 20M away. Gra 12/10/1957 #19989  

Word: "'what", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 was hovering. The neighbor asked, 'What kind of plane is that that doesn't 6/11/1984 #45319  

Word: "'whatzits'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)


Word: "'wheel'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 IL 3 / separate cars. Silent 40cm 'wheel' hovers. Going up and down. Possi 1/17/1969 #31443  

Word: "'wheel-like", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

T. KASUGA, JAPAN Dark object makes 'wheel-like sound'. Flies going quickly  3/8/1468 (approximate) #315  

Word: "'will", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 / saucer again. Metal bar = gift. 'Will return'.                           5/16/1979 #42229  

Word: "'wind", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 and fireballs overhead all night. 'Wind making stars sway' / Belgian UFO S 9/24/1235 #211  

Word: "'windows'", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

e 14M umbrella sways to and fro. 4 'windows' / underside. Going up.         1/31/1960 #21669  
ject rotates counterclockwise. Lit 'windows' / rim. Orange light flashes /  9/4/1971 #33073  

Word: "'wings'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ovoids just over sea level. Stubby 'wings'.                                 6/21/1968 #30584  

Word: "'you", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

Robot with lights etc. Telepathy = 'you can't hurt ME.. 14 of US nearby. Fl 7/8/1994 #50160  

Word: "'z'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

said. "It was making sudden, jerky 'Z' movements, very fast, I thought. I c 10/7/1975 #37718  

Word: "+-", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

             Shelby, OH 9:00 p.m. (+-) Now it so happens that Mr. Eldon Hec 10/18/1973 #35134  
   Mansfield (area), OH 9:00 p.m. (+-) Then we have a report from Gordon Sp 10/18/1973 #35135  

Word: "+hi", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

or,+Joint+Base+Pearl+Harbor-Hickam,+HI/@21.3537311,-157.9730976) The attack 12/7/1941 #3580  

Word: "--", 37 instance(s) (Back to Top)

us? Absolutely. Ringwald remembers -- there are no hills in that area. But  11/23/1944 #4073  
area. But the "lights" still shine -- 8 or 10 in a line -- orange fireballs 11/23/1944 #4073  
" still shine -- 8 or 10 in a line -- orange fireballs flying through the a 11/23/1944 #4073  
               Burlington, Vermont -- A fresh wave of UFO reports started S 7/11/1948 #6745  
M.D. SKETCHES HOW HIS OPERATED. UP -- Dr. Craig Hunter, 47 of Berkeley Spri 3/18/1950 #7954  
NG SAUCERS SPOTTED OVER LAGUNA. UP -- Flying saucers have been spotted agai 3/23/1950 #7994  
C. FLYING SAUCER NEAR PENTAGON. UP -- A flying saucer has been reported alm 3/27/1950 #8026  
PILOT SEES CIGAR-SHAPED SAUCER. AP -- O.B. Varma, a pilot in the Delhi Flyi 3/18/1951 #8995  
E OBJECT SEEN IN MINNESOTA SKY. UP -- A strange object that looked like a c 5/20/1951 #9024  
IN MIDDEL'S BALLOONATIC FRINGE. AP -- J. Gorden Vaeth, US Navy Aeronautical 9/24/1951 #9283  
Star. NOT SURE ABOUT SKY LIGHT. AP -- Authorities were undecided tonight wh 11/7/1951 #9391  
y Star. FIERY TRAIL IN THE SKY. AP -- Scores of New Yorkers reported seeing 11/9/1951 #9397  
ty Star. BAFFLED BY SKY BLAZES. AP -- Twin fireballs blazed across the New  11/9/1951 #9398  
arallel to the B-29 for one minute -- The Wonson objects flew alongside for 1/29/1952 #9559  
PLORES ALOUETTE RIVER. Hammond BC. -- A bluish object, spherical in shape,  4/19/1952 #9889  
lf of Mexico near the Florida Keys -- At approximately 1700 hours two elipt 5/29/1952 #10217  
acted and the saucer began to rise -- slowly at first -- into the air. We f 6/29/1952 #10584  
r began to rise -- slowly at first -- into the air. We felt the swish of ai 6/29/1952 #10584  
 Los Angeles Examiner. FLYING DISK -- FOUR VETERAN PILOTS TELL OF SEEING SK 7/5/1952 #10650  
stop us developing a flying saucer -- except the money and the need. If Her 7/6/1952 #10662  
. Metallic suits are possible, too -- they could be a form of protective cl 7/6/1952 #10662  
UTHERNERS REPORT GIANT SAUCERS. AP -- Two Air Force pilots, W.B. Nash, and  7/17/1952 #10824  
AREA RESIDENTS REPORT SIGHTING. AP -- Several Yrekans reported seeing seein 7/17/1952 #10825  
S CHASE WASHINGTON SKY OBJECTS. AP -- The Air Force said today jet fighter  7/28/1952 #11309  
 his establishment - "COFFEEE FREE -- WELCOME SAUCERS!" Meanwhile the lates 7/31/1952 #11487  
, New York ONE GOES OVER THE FALLS -- WAY OVER. AP -- An unidentified objec 8/8/1952 #11695  
OES OVER THE FALLS -- WAY OVER. AP -- An unidentified object was seen last  8/8/1952 #11695  
Everybody thinks turtles don't fly -- so what was the thing Mrs. Flora Roge 8/12/1952 #11738  
New Haven, CT A small round object -- flaming like red-hot iron -- plunged  3/19/1953 #13243  
bject -- flaming like red-hot iron -- plunged from the sky (NICAP: 06 - Tra 3/19/1953 #13243  
                     Verona, Italy -- After observing a flying disc earlier 6/26/1962 #22971  
pping $2.00, for a total of $16.95 -- The buyer can also send a check to In 10/7/1965 #25692  
                    Atlantic Ocean -- Thor Heyerdahl and navigator Norman B 6/11/1970 #32390  
    Lanzhou, Gansu Province, China -- A Chinese Civil Aviation Administrati 6/11/1985 #45616  
 Trenton, Maine over Blue Hill Bay -- At 3:30 p.m. Randy Rhodes, a police d 7/22/1989 #47218  
        Topanga Canyon, California -- According to the Lost Hills/Malibu sh 6/14/1992 #48947  
    near Gundagai, New South Wales -- On this Monday at approximately 6 p.m 10/13/1997 #52173  

Word: "---", 53 instance(s) (Back to Top)

and cruel sign was seen in the sky --- the shape of a Burgundian cross, jus 1528 #353  
ough the forest, several rods wide --- giant trees uprooted or broken off a 9/1864 #1167  
rooted or broken off at their base --- the tops of hills shaved off, and th 9/1864 #1167  
ither hungry nor scared. The cargo --- 1700 barrels of raw alcohol --- has  11/24/1872 #1242  
go --- 1700 barrels of raw alcohol --- has not been touched. The total valu 11/24/1872 #1242  
 and the last entry in the logbook --- dating from the dawn --- does not re 1883 #1389  
e logbook --- dating from the dawn --- does not report anything particular. 1883 #1389  
Completely terrified and believing --- as they said --- that the end of the 10/24/1886 #1442  
ied and believing --- as they said --- that the end of the world had come,  10/24/1886 #1442  
music sometimes come from his side --- as if there had been an orchestra in 4/13/1897 #1737  
ing smoke over Merthyr, 48 km away --- implying a very high speed of travel 1/17/1913 #2555  
he AAA fire at speeds up to 8 km/s --- that's 29000 km/h. There is also a l 2/25/1942 #3614  
 either. He has become untraceable --- according to Dahl, he left town on b 7/2/1947 #5298  
imates its speed at over 1100 km/h --- 700 miles/h, an incredible performan 9/10/1951 #9234  
shington DC), two sergeants-chiefs --- intelligence specialists --- observe 1/20/1952 #9536  
hiefs --- intelligence specialists --- observed from 3 km away a white-blui 1/20/1952 #9536  
 equipped with a rotating cylinder --- which makes noises similar to those  11/18/1952 #12663  
ere the bodies of 3 strange beings --- measuring about 1.20 m tall, with in 5/21/1953 #13397  
es observe with a 6 inch telescope --- others with a 55-200x telescope ---  4/4/1956 #17891  
-- others with a 55-200x telescope --- a huge oblong object with 2 lines ar 4/4/1956 #17891  
USAF has one of the cakes analyzed --- as part of the official UFO study pr 4/18/1961 #22275  
 of the official UFO study program --- and the report concludes that the in 4/18/1961 #22275  
outed 'Look, it's right above us!' --- I looked up, and I was frozen in pla 4/22/1966 #26476  
ool buildings. There were 3 lights --- red, green and white ---but no noise 4/22/1966 #26477  
of the witnesses of Boca Chica Key --- whose anonymity is protected --- rev 3/9/1967 #28110  
y --- whose anonymity is protected --- revealed it to Stanton Friedman.     3/9/1967 #28110  
y I noticed a light above the hill --- and I thought, hey, that's one of th 4/17/1967 #28454  
a bit of the shape of a WWI helmet --- went over the hill... So I slowed do 4/17/1967 #28454  
 could follow a gliding trajectory --- when this huge object, which I estim 4/17/1967 #28454  
at is where de Souza sees 3 people --- wearing tight yellow clothes, accord 8/13/1968 #30854  
ow clothes, according to the woman --- apparently playing. The 3 beings not 8/13/1968 #30854  
. Then he notices a strange device --- like an upside down sink --- on the  8/13/1968 #30854  
evice --- like an upside down sink --- on the landing strip. Frightened, he 8/13/1968 #30854  
n admitted. The doctors' diagnosis --- to whom the story of the UFO was not 7/12/1969 #31887  
 the story of the UFO was not told --- is that he succumbed to gastroenteri 7/12/1969 #31887  
hing. 2 towboats sent to the scene --- yet well established --- will find n 3/1/1973 #34222  
the scene --- yet well established --- will find no trace.                  3/1/1973 #34222  
nd his wife Frances (21 years old) --- these are pseudonyms --- are driving 5/31/1974 #36202  
ears old) --- these are pseudonyms --- are driving in a Peugeot 404, headin 5/31/1974 #36202  
it, Peter lets off the accelerator --- but nothing happens. The headlights  5/31/1974 #36202  
om French) A small group of people --- including ufologists --- observe var 1/25/1975 #36889  
of people --- including ufologists --- observe various phenomena multiple t 1/25/1975 #36889  
lights in the distance. As the car --- a Ford --- approaches, it turns out  1/21/1988 #46538  
he distance. As the car --- a Ford --- approaches, it turns out that there  1/21/1988 #46538  
sing being "struck" by a blue beam --- an event that Waters managed to capt 2/7/1988 #46558  
F-14 or an F-15, had pursued a UFO --- of small size --- above the Sierra B 12/28/1988 #46916  
ad pursued a UFO --- of small size --- above the Sierra Bermeja and the Lag 12/28/1988 #46916  
 maneuvers in the zone in question --- which the said base denied afterward 12/28/1988 #46916  
 Sea Polar, northeast of Murmansk) --- nuclear experimentation military zon 5/25/1990 #47919  
litary zone forbidden to civilians --- to take command of the local Air Def 5/25/1990 #47919  
think that an airplane has crashed --- several transatlantic lines pass ove 10/26/1996 #51773  
 is already known that no airplane --- civilian or military --- is missing. 10/26/1996 #51773  
 airplane --- civilian or military --- is missing. (October 26th, 4:10 PM)  10/26/1996 #51773  

Word: "---but", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 3 lights --- red, green and white ---but no noise that could indicate that 4/22/1966 #26477  

Word: "--along", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

re only at this point---or "window"--along the road, that this spot would " 1/27/1977 #39218  

Word: "--had", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 and Rak (including a set of twins)--had gone out night fishing in a canoe  8/26/1976 #38721  

Word: "--the", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 Denmark reported that at 7:19 p.m.--the same moment that a large circular  2/19/1975 #36964  

Word: "-0", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 I can't remember if it was 1-6 or -0, five patrols arrived. We had to surr 12/5/1998 #52493  

Word: "-00", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

h) Observation in the Pacific (40' -00" North 175' 54" West). (December 16) 12/16/1963 #23927  

Word: "-1", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 and travelled at a speed of 1,200 -1,500 mph in a "rolling maneuver."      5/15/1952 #10153  
ords. approximate. Many observer(s)-1 goes nuts. Luminous domed object back 3/24/1980 #42949  
defense.gov/2019/May/23/2002135778/-1/-1/0/WF0067HANSJEFFERSONWEHRLEMOVEMEN 4/2017 #54345  
ense.gov/2019/May/23/2002135778/-1/-1/0/WF0067HANSJEFFERSONWEHRLEMOVEMENTAN 4/2017 #54345  

Word: "-10000", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

he landing of extraterrestrials in -10000. The description of the discs str Summer 1938 #3424  
t of extraterrestrials arriving in -10000 in China/Tibet. (January)         1/1973 #34101  

Word: "-103", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                           32.2636 -103.8658 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/10/1961 #22664  

Word: "-106", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                           33.6753 -106.4747 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  7/16/1945 #4345  

Word: "-107", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                           36.6778 -107.2083 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/10/1967 #30042  
                           39.4058 -107.9481 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/10/1969 #32000  

Word: "-108", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                           39.7930 -108.3666 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/17/1973 #34414  

Word: "-11", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                          -38.5000 -11.5000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. C 8/27/1958 #20585  
ic at the geographical coordinates -11.62 S 33.47 W. According to the artic 9/17/1982 #44489  

Word: "-115", 46 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                          36.82664 -115.95883 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. 1/27/1951 #8895  
                          36.82664 -115.95883 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. 1/28/1951 #8897  
                          36.82664 -115.95883 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. 2/1/1951 #8906  
                          36.82664 -115.95883 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. 2/2/1951 #8907  
                          36.82664 -115.95883 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. 2/6/1951 #8911  
                           36.7983 -115.9356 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  4/1/1952 #9728  
                           36.5000 -115.9289 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  5/8/1953 #13371  
                           36.7931 -115.9147 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  5/25/1953 #13417  
                           36.7981 -115.9289 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  4/15/1955 #17118  
                           37.0000 -115.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  4/24/1957 #18797  
                           37.7981 -115.9289 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  6/24/1957 #18943  
                           36.8022 -115.9322 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/15/1958 #20715  
                           36.7981 -115.9289 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/22/1958 #20736  
                           36.7981 -115.9289 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/26/1958 #20754  
                           37.0000 -115.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  5/15/1963 #23522  
                           37.0000 -115.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  5/25/1963 #23552  
                           37.0000 -115.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  5/31/1963 #23559  
                           37.0000 -115.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  6/9/1963 #23567  
                           36.8180 -115.9492 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/18/1965 #24774  
                           37.0174 -115.9953 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/23/1965 #24881  
                           36.8234 -115.9668 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/14/1965 #24908  
                           36.8181 -115.9561 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/16/1965 #24981  
                           37.0174 -115.9922 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/7/1966 #26386  
                           36.8874 -115.9407 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/25/1966 #26539  
                           36.8769 -115.9506 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/12/1966 #27055  
                           36.8773 -115.9379 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/13/1966 #27429  
                           37.0779 -115.9953 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/10/1967 #28637  
                           36.8717 -115.9311 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/25/1968 #30360  
                           36.8772 -115.9311 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/27/1968 #30926  
                           37.0259 -115.9928 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/3/1968 #31089  
                           37.0751 -115.9953 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/27/1969 #31776  
                           36.8772 -115.9285 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/12/1969 #32007  
                           37.0367 -115.9996 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/25/1970 #32261  
                           37.0549 -115.9881 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/21/1970 #32327  
                           37.0289 -115.9919 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/21/1970 #32359  
                           37.0300 -115.9900 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/14/1971 #33199  
                           36.8792 -115.9347 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/24/1971 #33259  
                           37.0800 -115.9900 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/21/1973 #34500  
                           37.2000 -115.8000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/2/1973 #34867  
                           36.8800 -115.9700 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/16/1974 #36743  
                           36.9000 -115.9900 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/26/1976 #38288  
                           37.0100 -115.9600 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/19/1977 #39911  
                           37.0746 -115.9993 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/24/1980 #43339  
                           37.0900 -115.9700 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/16/1984 #45291  
                           37.0898 -115.9980 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/30/1984 #45425  
                           37.0325 -115.9873 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/21/1988 #46703  

Word: "-116", 888 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                           37.0839 -116.0239 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/22/1951 #9356  
                           37.0850 -116.0200 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/28/1951 #9364  
                           37.0850 -116.0203 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/30/1951 #9368  
                           37.0847 -116.0197 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  11/1/1951 #9375  
                           37.0919 -116.0244 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  11/5/1951 #9389  
                           37.1317 -116.0386 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  11/19/1951 #9413  
                           37.1697 -116.0425 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/29/1951 #9434  
                           37.0842 -116.0194 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  4/15/1952 #9824  
                           37.0844 -116.0203 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  4/22/1952 #9924  
                           37.0842 -116.0203 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  5/1/1952 #10040  
                           37.0531 -116.1056 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  5/7/1952 #10073  
                           37.0956 -116.1056 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  5/25/1952 #10188  
                           37.0481 -116.0211 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  6/1/1952 #10260  
                           37.1386 -116.1178 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  6/5/1952 #10298  
                           37.0478 -116.0211 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  3/17/1953 #13239  
                           37.0956 -116.1028 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  3/24/1953 #13265  
                           37.0828 -116.0239 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  3/31/1953 #13287  
                           37.0847 -116.0180 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  4/6/1953 #13297  
                           37.0989 -116.0925 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  4/11/1953 #13305  
                           37.1383 -116.1178 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  4/18/1953 #13327  
                           37.0531 -116.1028 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  4/25/1953 #13340  
                           37.0403 -116.0253 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  5/19/1953 #13387  
                           37.0875 -116.0183 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  6/4/1953 #13438  
                           37.0867 -116.0219 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  2/18/1955 #17025  
                           37.0478 -116.0211 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  2/22/1955 #17028  
                           37.1255 -116.0475 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  3/1/1955 #17043  
                           37.1383 -116.1175 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  3/7/1955 #17055  
                           37.0403 -116.0253 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  3/12/1955 #17064  
                           37.0947 -116.0239 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  3/22/1955 #17074  
                           37.1683 -116.0439 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/23/1955 #17075  
                           37.0956 -116.1028 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  3/29/1955 #17086  
                           37.0867 -116.0578 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  3/29/1955 #17087  
                           37.0286 -116.0578 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  4/6/1955 #17105  
                           37.1222 -116.0344 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  4/9/1955 #17113  
                           36.0531 -116.1025 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  5/5/1955 #17151  
                           37.0947 -116.0239 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  5/15/1955 #17166  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  11/1/1955 #17619  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  11/3/1955 #17625  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  11/5/1955 #17631  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  1/18/1956 #17766  
                           37.0947 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  5/28/1957 #18873  
                           37.0478 -116.0211 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  6/2/1957 #18886  
                           37.1347 -116.0408 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  6/5/1957 #18896  
                           37.1347 -116.0408 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  6/18/1957 #18931  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  7/1/1957 #18968  
                           37.1347 -116.0408 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  7/5/1957 #18974  
                           37.1503 -116.1086 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  7/15/1957 #18995  
                           37.1606 -116.0531 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  7/19/1957 #19014  
                           37.0833 -116.1000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  7/24/1957 #19027  
                           37.1347 -116.0408 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  7/25/1957 #19040  
                           37.0518 -116.0334 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/26/1957 #19048  
                           37.0867 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  8/7/1957 #19097  
                           37.1939 -116.0333 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/10/1957 #19098  
                           37.1280 -116.1064 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  8/18/1957 #19119  
                           37.0867 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  8/23/1957 #19143  
                           37.0491 -116.0340 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/27/1957 #19151  
                           37.0867 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  8/30/1957 #19167  
                           37.1872 -116.0678 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  8/31/1957 #19174  
                           37.0531 -116.1025 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  9/2/1957 #19186  
                           37.1347 -116.0408 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  9/6/1957 #19199  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  9/6/1957 #19200  
                           37.0867 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  9/8/1957 #19206  
                           37.0336 -116.0314 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  9/14/1957 #19218  
                           37.0867 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  9/16/1957 #19223  
                           37.1958 -116.2031 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/19/1957 #19237  
                           37.1383 -116.1175 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  9/23/1957 #19255  
                           37.1347 -116.0408 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  9/28/1957 #19269  
                           37.1347 -116.0408 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/7/1957 #19301  
                           37.0499 -116.0309 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/6/1957 #19965  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  12/9/1957 #19988  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/22/1958 #20203  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/14/1958 #20257  
                           37.0500 -116.0319 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/12/1958 #20625  
                           37.0494 -116.0330 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/17/1958 #20630  
                           37.0867 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  9/19/1958 #20631  
                           37.0492 -116.0336 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/21/1958 #20636  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/23/1958 #20640  
                           37.0497 -116.0297 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/26/1958 #20643  
                           37.1931 -116.2006 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/28/1958 #20646  
                           37.0867 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  9/29/1958 #20648  
                           37.0867 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/5/1958 #20683  
                           37.0489 -116.0342 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/5/1958 #20684  
                           37.1953 -116.2003 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/8/1958 #20697  
                           37.0947 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/10/1958 #20700  
                           37.0867 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/13/1958 #20711  
                           37.1939 -116.1997 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/14/1958 #20712  
                           37.1842 -116.2011 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/16/1958 #20717  
                           37.0867 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/16/1958 #20718  
                           37.1225 -116.0347 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/17/1958 #20722  
                           37.0411 -116.0258 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/18/1958 #20726  
                           37.0447 -116.0297 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/20/1958 #20730  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/22/1958 #20734  
                           37.0867 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/22/1958 #20735  
                           37.1347 -116.0408 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/22/1958 #20737  
                           37.0431 -116.0269 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/24/1958 #20741  
                           37.1233 -116.0378 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/24/1958 #20742  
                           37.1814 -116.0686 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/26/1958 #20753  
                           37.0867 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/26/1958 #20755  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/27/1958 #20765  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/29/1958 #20770  
                           37.1947 -116.2047 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/29/1958 #20771  
                           37.0478 -116.0247 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/29/1958 #20772  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/30/1958 #20774  
                           37.0867 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/30/1958 #20775  
                           37.1858 -116.2019 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/30/1958 #20776  
                           37.1772 -116.0692 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/30/1958 #20777  
                           37.1879 -116.2078 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/15/1961 #22495  
                           37.0484 -116.0328 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/16/1961 #22496  
                           37.0483 -116.0345 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/1/1961 #22546  
                           37.1943 -116.2070 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/10/1961 #22565  
                           37.0486 -116.0311 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/29/1961 #22601  
                           37.0459 -116.0277 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/3/1961 #22663  
                           37.1266 -116.0488 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/13/1961 #22671  
                           37.0432 -116.0253 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/17/1961 #22677  
                           37.1949 -116.2083 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/22/1961 #22682  
                           37.0446 -116.0351 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/9/1962 #22700  
                           37.0473 -116.0344 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/18/1962 #22704  
                           37.0468 -116.0395 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/30/1962 #22713  
                           37.1273 -116.0527 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/8/1962 #22725  
                           37.0436 -116.0389 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/9/1962 #22729  
                           37.2263 -116.0593 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/15/1962 #22735  
                           37.0491 -116.0295 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/19/1962 #22737  
                           37.1274 -116.0371 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/19/1962 #22738  
                           37.1289 -116.0483 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/23/1962 #22744  
                           37.0483 -116.0319 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/24/1962 #22745  
                           37.0413 -116.0287 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/1/1962 #22764  
                           37.1111 -116.3649 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/5/1962 #22767  
                           37.0484 -116.0337 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/6/1962 #22768  
                           37.1222 -116.0489 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/8/1962 #22770  
                           37.0440 -116.0310 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/15/1962 #22772  
                           37.1243 -116.0339 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/28/1962 #22786  
                           37.0469 -116.0369 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/31/1962 #22789  
                           37.0445 -116.0235 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/5/1962 #22798  
                           37.1177 -116.0440 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/6/1962 #22799  
                           37.1272 -116.0449 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/12/1962 #22810  
                           37.2220 -116.1574 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/14/1962 #22811  
                           37.1190 -116.0315 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/21/1962 #22823  
                           37.1184 -116.0378 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/27/1962 #22837  
                           37.0466 -116.0250 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/7/1962 #22861  
                           37.1276 -116.0483 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/10/1962 #22866  
                           37.0652 -116.0304 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/12/1962 #22874  
                           37.1226 -116.0472 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/19/1962 #22891  
                           37.1248 -116.0520 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/25/1962 #22915  
                           37.0456 -116.0345 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/1/1962 #22933  
                           37.0457 -116.0393 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/6/1962 #22937  
                           37.2222 -116.1621 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/13/1962 #22947  
                           37.0431 -116.0303 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/21/1962 #22959  
                           37.0416 -116.0353 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/27/1962 #22973  
                           37.0091 -116.2011 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/28/1962 #22974  
                           37.1174 -116.0474 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/30/1962 #22980  
                           37.1770 -116.0454 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/6/1962 #22986  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  7/7/1962 #22987  
                           37.1224 -116.3330 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/11/1962 #22999  
                           37.0551 -116.0334 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/13/1962 #23000  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  7/14/1962 #23001  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  7/17/1962 #23006  
                           37.1297 -116.0565 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/27/1962 #23023  
                           37.1186 -116.0395 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/24/1962 #23102  
                           37.0461 -116.0238 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/24/1962 #23103  
                           37.1303 -116.0447 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/6/1962 #23139  
                           37.0439 -116.0211 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/14/1962 #23147  
                           37.0551 -116.0293 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/20/1962 #23172  
                           37.1167 -116.0328 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/29/1962 #23199  
                           37.1394 -116.0503 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/5/1962 #23208  
                           37.1228 -116.0508 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/12/1962 #23219  
                           37.0488 -116.0326 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/12/1962 #23220  
                           37.1285 -116.0402 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/18/1962 #23233  
                           37.0395 -116.0211 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/19/1962 #23234  
                           37.1493 -116.0535 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/27/1962 #23258  
                           37.1638 -116.0733 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/9/1962 #23300  
                           37.0418 -116.0239 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/15/1962 #23307  
                           37.1228 -116.0290 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/27/1962 #23326  
                           37.1281 -116.0500 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/4/1962 #23332  
                           37.0518 -116.0293 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/7/1962 #23336  
                           37.1687 -116.2061 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/12/1962 #23346  
                           37.0461 -116.0156 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/12/1962 #23347  
                           37.1242 -116.0400 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/14/1962 #23349  
                           37.1489 -116.0519 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/8/1963 #23430  
                           37.1260 -116.0387 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/8/1963 #23431  
                           37.0461 -116.0211 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/8/1963 #23432  
                           37.0583 -116.0293 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/8/1963 #23433  
                           37.0490 -116.0318 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/15/1963 #23438  
                           37.1203 -116.0457 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/21/1963 #23447  
                           37.1548 -116.0799 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/21/1963 #23448  
                           37.0445 -116.0265 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/1/1963 #23461  
                           37.1258 -116.0448 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/15/1963 #23479  
                           37.0417 -116.0184 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/29/1963 #23485  
                           37.0373 -116.0239 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/5/1963 #23496  
                           37.0488 -116.0303 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/10/1963 #23498  
                           37.1567 -116.0710 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/11/1963 #23499  
                           37.1206 -116.0363 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/24/1963 #23504  
                           37.1205 -116.0362 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/24/1963 #23505  
                           37.0494 -116.0156 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/9/1963 #23518  
                           37.0439 -116.0156 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/17/1963 #23527  
                           37.0483 -116.0324 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/17/1963 #23528  
                           37.1111 -116.0391 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/22/1963 #23544  
                           37.1281 -116.0425 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/29/1963 #23557  
                           37.1966 -116.2092 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/5/1963 #23564  
                           37.0450 -116.0364 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/6/1963 #23565  
                           37.1247 -116.0400 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/6/1963 #23566  
                           37.0461 -116.0184 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/14/1963 #23570  
                           37.1314 -116.0681 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/25/1963 #23595  
                           37.0417 -116.0156 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/12/1963 #23698  
                           37.1541 -116.0766 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/15/1963 #23718  
                           37.1250 -116.0354 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/23/1963 #23732  
                           37.1634 -116.0806 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/13/1963 #23750  
                           37.0604 -116.0217 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/13/1963 #23751  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/27/1963 #23777  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/27/1963 #23778  
                           37.0373 -116.0212 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/11/1963 #23805  
                           37.1187 -116.0339 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/11/1963 #23806  
                           37.1982 -116.2295 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/16/1963 #23815  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/17/1963 #23816  
                           37.0395 -116.0184 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/14/1963 #23872  
                           37.1323 -116.0469 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/15/1963 #23874  
                           37.1193 -116.0452 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/22/1963 #23896  
                           37.0396 -116.0294 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/4/1963 #23904  
                           37.1310 -116.0439 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/12/1963 #23921  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/20/1963 #23934  
                           37.1423 -116.0491 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/16/1964 #23964  
                           37.1264 -116.0363 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/23/1964 #23967  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/30/1964 #23973  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/12/1964 #23981  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/13/1964 #23982  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/18/1964 #23984  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/18/1964 #23985  
                           37.1509 -116.0401 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/20/1964 #23988  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/12/1964 #24000  
                           37.0505 -116.0115 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/13/1964 #24001  
                           37.1289 -116.0298 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/14/1964 #24032  
                           37.0439 -116.0184 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/15/1964 #24034  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/17/1964 #24036  
                           37.1496 -116.0554 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/24/1964 #24061  
                           37.0396 -116.0266 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/29/1964 #24086  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/7/1964 #24117  
                           37.1173 -116.0389 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/14/1964 #24140  
                           37.0417 -116.0122 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/15/1964 #24144  
                           37.1486 -116.0760 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/11/1964 #24224  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/12/1964 #24228  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/18/1964 #24249  
                           37.1111 -116.0288 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/25/1964 #24260  
                           37.1744 -116.0564 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/30/1964 #24270  
                           37.1822 -116.0454 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/16/1964 #24310  
                           37.0176 -116.0296 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/17/1964 #24314  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/23/1964 #24324  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/24/1964 #24327  
                           37.1590 -116.0831 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/19/1964 #24409  
                           37.0653 -116.0154 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/22/1964 #24414  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/27/1964 #24425  
                           37.0670 -116.0223 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/28/1964 #24427  
                           37.0176 -116.0227 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/4/1964 #24444  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/11/1964 #24465  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/25/1964 #24479  
                           37.0779 -116.0085 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/2/1964 #24485  
                           37.1513 -116.0770 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/9/1964 #24493  
                           37.0395 -116.0157 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/16/1964 #24505  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/23/1964 #24510  
                           37.1072 -116.0323 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/31/1964 #24520  
                           37.1744 -116.0670 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/5/1964 #24526  
                           37.1343 -116.0697 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/5/1964 #24578  
                           37.1144 -116.0534 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/5/1964 #24579  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/16/1964 #24583  
                           37.0348 -116.0123 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/16/1964 #24584  
                           37.1778 -116.0670 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/16/1964 #24585  
                           37.0825 -116.3425 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/18/1964 #24586  
                           37.1190 -116.0248 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/14/1965 #24672  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/29/1965 #24729  
                           37.1308 -116.0616 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/4/1965 #24752  
                           37.1645 -116.0766 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/12/1965 #24765  
                           37.0516 -116.0238 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/16/1965 #24771  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/19/1965 #24775  
                           37.0645 -116.0372 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/3/1965 #24790  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/20/1965 #24828  
                           37.1476 -116.0429 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/26/1965 #24835  
                           37.0258 -116.0226 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/5/1965 #24862  
                           37.2804 -116.5236 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/14/1965 #24870  
                           37.0072 -116.2021 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/21/1965 #24875  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/22/1965 #24877  
                           37.1404 -116.0666 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/7/1965 #24902  
                           37.2427 -116.4309 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/12/1965 #24905  
                           37.0588 -116.0105 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/14/1965 #24909  
                           37.1186 -116.0277 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/21/1965 #24916  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/11/1965 #24975  
                           37.0428 -116.0170 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/11/1965 #24976  
                           37.2234 -116.0570 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/17/1965 #24983  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/16/1965 #25105  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/22/1965 #25157  
                           37.0978 -116.0330 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/23/1965 #25161  
                           37.0177 -116.0398 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/6/1965 #25348  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/21/1965 #25472  
                           37.1373 -116.0701 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/27/1965 #25490  
                           37.0230 -116.0090 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/1/1965 #25521  
                           37.0780 -116.0167 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/10/1965 #25587  
                           37.1110 -116.0346 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/17/1965 #25618  
                           37.0500 -116.0221 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/12/1965 #25770  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/23/1965 #25788  
                           37.1648 -116.0523 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/3/1965 #25807  
                           37.1408 -116.0632 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/16/1965 #25835  
                           37.0726 -116.0291 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/16/1965 #25836  
                           37.1162 -116.0275 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/13/1966 #25904  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/18/1966 #25923  
                           37.0917 -116.0187 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/18/1966 #25924  
                           37.0317 -116.0158 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/21/1966 #25942  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/22/1966 #25944  
                           37.1263 -116.0695 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/3/1966 #25962  
                           37.2718 -116.4338 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/24/1966 #26005  
                           37.1745 -116.2084 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/5/1966 #26033  
                           37.0374 -116.0294 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/7/1966 #26039  
                           37.1437 -116.0525 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/12/1966 #26046  
                           37.0093 -116.0091 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/18/1966 #26084  
                           37.1133 -116.0314 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/24/1966 #26176  
                           37.1027 -116.0199 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/1/1966 #26310  
                           37.1395 -116.1409 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/6/1966 #26373  
                           37.2427 -116.4309 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/14/1966 #26412  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/23/1966 #26513  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/29/1966 #26552  
                           37.1371 -116.1371 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/4/1966 #26572  
                           37.0506 -116.0379 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/5/1966 #26576  
                           37.3480 -116.3219 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/6/1966 #26580  
                           37.1343 -116.0711 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/12/1966 #26609  
                           37.0869 -116.0334 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/13/1966 #26610  
                           37.1111 -116.0579 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/19/1966 #26631  
                           37.1784 -116.0978 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/27/1966 #26643  
                           37.2271 -116.0555 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/2/1966 #26658  
                           37.0684 -116.0353 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/3/1966 #26664  
                           37.0594 -116.0388 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/10/1966 #26687  
                           37.0097 -116.2024 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/15/1966 #26704  
                           37.1715 -116.0489 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/15/1966 #26705  
                           37.1553 -116.0722 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/25/1966 #26756  
                           37.3158 -116.2990 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/30/1966 #26769  
                           37.1403 -116.0989 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/28/1966 #26846  
                           37.1687 -116.0477 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/10/1966 #26896  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/12/1966 #26901  
                           37.0209 -116.0364 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/23/1966 #27106  
                           37.1687 -116.0461 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/29/1966 #27124  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/15/1966 #27204  
                           37.1699 -116.0472 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/5/1966 #27284  
                           37.1344 -116.0498 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/11/1966 #27303  
                           37.0428 -116.0103 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/18/1966 #27344  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/22/1966 #27361  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/13/1966 #27428  
                           37.3021 -116.4083 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/20/1966 #27442  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/18/1967 #27597  
                           37.1437 -116.1352 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/19/1967 #27608  
                           37.0999 -116.0038 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/20/1967 #27614  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/26/1967 #27659  
                           37.1675 -116.0471 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/8/1967 #27749  
                           37.0175 -116.0159 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/23/1967 #27907  
                           37.1269 -116.0664 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/23/1967 #27908  
                           37.1659 -116.0487 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/2/1967 #28007  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/3/1967 #28024  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/10/1967 #28143  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/4/1967 #28359  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/6/1967 #28387  
                           37.0544 -116.0222 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/7/1967 #28399  
                           37.0193 -116.0374 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/21/1967 #28506  
                           37.1388 -116.0632 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/27/1967 #28554  
                           37.1304 -116.0639 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/20/1967 #28717  
                           37.2751 -116.3700 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/23/1967 #28728  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/26/1967 #28742  
                           37.2479 -116.4802 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/26/1967 #28743  
                           37.1256 -116.0287 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/22/1967 #28886  
                           37.2021 -116.2078 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/26/1967 #28914  
                           37.0286 -116.0226 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/29/1967 #28932  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/14/1967 #29031  
                           37.1487 -116.0485 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/27/1967 #29123  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/4/1967 #29190  
                           37.1567 -116.0473 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/10/1967 #29252  
                           37.0122 -116.0365 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/18/1967 #29285  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/24/1967 #29314  
                           37.1776 -116.2089 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/31/1967 #29366  
                           37.1532 -116.0528 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/7/1967 #29425  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/15/1967 #29485  
                           37.1660 -116.0384 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/21/1967 #29525  
                           37.0988 -116.0532 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/27/1967 #29558  
                           37.1156 -116.0576 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/18/1967 #29699  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/25/1967 #29761  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/25/1967 #29762  
                           37.0316 -116.0264 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/25/1967 #29763  
                           37.0918 -116.0358 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/8/1967 #29879  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/6/1967 #30025  
                           37.0367 -116.0020 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/15/1967 #30068  
                           37.1456 -116.0657 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/18/1968 #30153  
                           37.1564 -116.0539 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/19/1968 #30156  
                           38.6343 -116.2153 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/19/1968 #30157  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/24/1968 #30178  
                           37.2809 -116.5144 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/26/1968 #30188  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/31/1968 #30200  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/21/1968 #30263  
                           37.1166 -116.0537 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/21/1968 #30264  
                           37.1846 -116.2114 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/29/1968 #30286  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/5/1968 #30326  
                           37.0076 -116.3705 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/12/1968 #30337  
                           37.0477 -116.0108 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/14/1968 #30341  
                           37.3326 -116.3107 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/22/1968 #30359  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/4/1968 #30399  
                           37.1544 -116.0789 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/10/1968 #30406  
                           37.1525 -116.0370 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/18/1968 #30422  
                           37.3377 -116.3756 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/23/1968 #30430  
                           37.2954 -116.4557 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/26/1968 #30435  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/3/1968 #30452  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/8/1968 #30463  
                           37.1201 -116.0588 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/17/1968 #30481  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/28/1968 #30505  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/5/1968 #30524  
                           37.1654 -116.0434 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/6/1968 #30527  
                           37.2649 -116.3146 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/15/1968 #30558  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/25/1968 #30606  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/25/1968 #30607  
                           37.2455 -116.4829 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/28/1968 #30616  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/17/1968 #30711  
                           37.1332 -116.0823 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/30/1968 #30791  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/9/1968 #30843  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/15/1968 #30863  
                           37.2503 -116.3469 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/29/1968 #30937  
                           37.1361 -116.0472 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/6/1968 #30972  
                           37.0318 -116.0116 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/12/1968 #30995  
                           37.1199 -116.1275 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/17/1968 #31017  
                           37.2048 -116.2064 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/24/1968 #31053  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/3/1968 #31088  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/10/1968 #31103  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/29/1968 #31155  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/31/1968 #31162  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/31/1968 #31163  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/4/1968 #31190  
                           37.1305 -116.0865 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/4/1968 #31191  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/15/1968 #31219  
                           37.0261 -116.0333 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/15/1968 #31220  
                           37.0098 -116.2064 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/20/1968 #31231  
                           37.1399 -116.0423 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/22/1968 #31249  
                           37.3434 -116.5659 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/8/1968 #31319  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/12/1968 #31329  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/12/1968 #31330  
                           37.1189 -116.0783 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/12/1968 #31331  
                           37.2315 -116.4736 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/19/1968 #31352  
                           37.1479 -116.0657 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/15/1969 #31434  
                           37.2091 -116.2254 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/15/1969 #31435  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/22/1969 #31453  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/30/1969 #31466  
                           37.0533 -116.0293 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/30/1969 #31467  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/4/1969 #31483  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/4/1969 #31484  
                           37.1691 -116.2107 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/12/1969 #31504  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/18/1969 #31622  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/18/1969 #31623  
                           37.0220 -116.0302 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/20/1969 #31632  
                           37.1332 -116.0867 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/21/1969 #31635  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/24/1969 #31688  
                           37.0815 -116.0139 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/30/1969 #31702  
                           37.0903 -116.0056 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/30/1969 #31703  
                           37.2829 -116.5006 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/7/1969 #31722  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/15/1969 #31743  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/27/1969 #31775  
                           37.0088 -116.0303 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/12/1969 #31826  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/26/1969 #31850  
                           37.1194 -116.0551 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/16/1969 #31901  
                           37.1395 -116.0874 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/16/1969 #31902  
                           37.1603 -116.0636 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/14/1969 #31958  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/27/1969 #31969  
                           37.0215 -116.0381 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/27/1969 #31970  
                           37.3141 -116.4607 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/16/1969 #32012  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/20/1969 #32014  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/1/1969 #32039  
                           37.2567 -116.4408 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/8/1969 #32046  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/16/1969 #32065  
                           37.1215 -116.1278 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/29/1969 #32081  
                           37.1353 -116.1359 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/29/1969 #32082  
                           37.1433 -116.0638 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/29/1969 #32083  
                           37.1646 -116.0748 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/13/1969 #32106  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/21/1969 #32120  
                           37.0312 -116.0021 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/21/1969 #32121  
                           37.1800 -116.2109 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/5/1969 #32143  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/10/1969 #32150  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/10/1969 #32151  
                           37.0838 -116.0016 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/17/1969 #32156  
                           37.0066 -116.0228 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/17/1969 #32157  
                           37.1205 -116.0348 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/18/1969 #32160  
                           37.1374 -116.0368 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/23/1970 #32219  
                           37.0308 -116.0348 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/30/1970 #32234  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/4/1970 #32243  
                           37.0981 -116.0265 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/4/1970 #32244  
                           37.1640 -116.0388 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/5/1970 #32245  
                           37.2013 -116.2052 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/11/1970 #32251  
                           37.1164 -116.0614 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/26/1970 #32266  
                           37.0231 -116.0918 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/6/1970 #32274  
                           37.1396 -116.0368 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/6/1970 #32275  
                           37.0011 -116.0229 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/19/1970 #32280  
                           37.0862 -116.0211 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/23/1970 #32283  
                           37.3005 -116.5341 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/26/1970 #32286  
                           37.1156 -116.0801 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/21/1970 #32328  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/1/1970 #32342  
                           37.0592 -116.0282 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/1/1970 #32343  
                           37.1330 -116.0341 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/1/1970 #32344  
                           37.2165 -116.1841 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/5/1970 #32346  
                           37.0104 -116.2019 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/12/1970 #32351  
                           37.1619 -116.0389 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/15/1970 #32355  
                           37.0708 -116.0130 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/21/1970 #32360  
                           37.1826 -116.2134 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/26/1970 #32362  
                           37.1134 -116.0623 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/26/1970 #32363  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/28/1970 #32366  
                           37.1300 -116.0500 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/28/1970 #32367  
                           37.1139 -116.0861 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/26/1970 #32404  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/13/1970 #32585  
                           37.0707 -116.0051 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/14/1970 #32586  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/28/1970 #32600  
                           37.0295 -116.0118 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/5/1970 #32614  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/19/1970 #32624  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/3/1970 #32641  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/16/1970 #32657  
                           37.1002 -116.0079 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/16/1970 #32658  
                           37.1429 -116.0340 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/16/1970 #32659  
                           37.1291 -116.0830 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/17/1970 #32661  
                           37.1731 -116.0989 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/18/1970 #32665  
                           37.0332 -116.0137 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/16/1971 #32923  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/23/1971 #32934  
                           37.0220 -116.0227 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/23/1971 #32935  
                           37.1467 -116.0668 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/24/1971 #32939  
                           37.1768 -116.2115 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/29/1971 #32952  
                           37.0115 -116.2034 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/1/1971 #32956  
                           37.1101 -116.0514 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/8/1971 #32966  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/9/1971 #32971  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/21/1971 #32991  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/4/1971 #33019  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/5/1971 #33021  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/6/1971 #33023  
                           37.0572 -116.0363 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/18/1971 #33052  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/22/1971 #33128  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/29/1971 #33154  
                           37.0110 -116.0073 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/29/1971 #33155  
                           37.1138 -116.0373 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/8/1971 #33187  
                           37.0500 -116.1400 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/30/1971 #33269  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/14/1971 #33291  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/14/1971 #33292  
                           37.1239 -116.0896 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/14/1971 #33293  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/5/1972 #33338  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/3/1972 #33360  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/17/1972 #33382  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/23/1972 #33432  
                           36.9200 -116.0500 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/30/1972 #33442  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/19/1972 #33471  
                           37.1219 -116.0838 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/19/1972 #33472  
                           37.2077 -116.2088 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/2/1972 #33493  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/11/1972 #33502  
                           37.1206 -116.0879 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/17/1972 #33511  
                           37.0647 -116.0018 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/19/1972 #33512  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/7/1972 #33532  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/28/1972 #33569  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/28/1972 #33570  
                           37.1300 -116.1000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/28/1972 #33571  
                           37.2145 -116.1834 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/20/1972 #33657  
                           37.0000 -116.2000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/25/1972 #33671  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/9/1972 #33728  
                           37.0821 -116.0383 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/21/1972 #33876  
                           37.1214 -116.0857 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/26/1972 #33891  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/9/1972 #33982  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/9/1972 #33983  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/17/1972 #33997  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/12/1972 #34048  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/14/1972 #34051  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/21/1972 #34057  
                           37.1399 -116.0833 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/21/1972 #34058  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/14/1973 #34190  
                           37.1036 -116.0267 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/8/1973 #34243  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/23/1973 #34273  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/5/1973 #34314  
                           37.0048 -116.0284 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/25/1973 #34359  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/26/1973 #34361  
                           37.1231 -116.0585 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/26/1973 #34362  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/9/1973 #34385  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/24/1973 #34445  
                           37.2900 -116.1000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/24/1973 #34446  
                           37.1850 -116.2151 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/5/1973 #34471  
                           37.2451 -116.3460 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/6/1973 #34474  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/28/1973 #34520  
                           37.1484 -116.0859 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/28/1973 #34521  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/2/1973 #34866  
                           37.2004 -116.2032 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/12/1973 #34977  
                           37.0110 -116.0245 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/28/1973 #35461  
                           36.9300 -116.0300 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/12/1973 #35552  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/13/1973 #35563  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/19/1973 #35580  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/19/1973 #35581  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/10/1974 #35679  
                           37.1043 -116.0528 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/27/1974 #35831  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/14/1974 #35916  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/12/1974 #36050  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/23/1974 #36105  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/1/1974 #36127  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/8/1974 #36145  
                           37.0600 -116.1100 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/22/1974 #36178  
                           37.1245 -116.0789 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/23/1974 #36182  
                           36.9600 -116.0200 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/6/1974 #36228  
                           37.2103 -116.2073 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/19/1974 #36277  
                           37.0675 -116.0318 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/10/1974 #36325  
                           37.0900 -116.0500 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/18/1974 #36338  
                           37.0234 -116.0364 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/14/1974 #36417  
                           37.1525 -116.0833 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/30/1974 #36482  
                           36.9700 -116.0200 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/25/1974 #36562  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/26/1974 #36565  
                           37.1326 -116.0684 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/26/1974 #36566  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/17/1974 #36629  
                           37.2011 -116.2039 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/28/1974 #36657  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/2/1974 #36671  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/26/1974 #36707  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/6/1975 #36915  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/6/1975 #36916  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/19/1975 #36963  
                           37.1062 -116.0563 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/28/1975 #37002  
                           37.1340 -116.0842 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/7/1975 #37028  
                           37.1879 -116.2139 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/5/1975 #37131  
                           37.1157 -116.0874 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/24/1975 #37167  
                           37.1089 -116.0288 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/30/1975 #37179  
                           37.2208 -116.4742 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/14/1975 #37234  
                           37.3401 -116.5229 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/3/1975 #37254  
                           37.0948 -116.0361 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/3/1975 #37255  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/11/1975 #37276  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/18/1975 #37288  
                           37.3503 -116.3202 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/19/1975 #37290  
                           37.2789 -116.3686 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/26/1975 #37307  
                           37.0236 -116.0291 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/6/1975 #37597  
                           37.2216 -116.1797 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/24/1975 #37780  
                           37.2901 -116.4115 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/28/1975 #37819  
                           36.9900 -116.0400 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/18/1975 #37990  
                           37.2250 -116.3676 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/20/1975 #37997  
                           37.1173 -116.0189 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/26/1975 #38019  
                           37.1276 -116.0616 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/20/1975 #38083  
                           37.2966 -116.3332 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/3/1976 #38120  
                           37.0693 -116.0302 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/4/1976 #38221  
                           37.1066 -116.0374 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/4/1976 #38222  
                           37.2714 -116.4884 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/12/1976 #38243  
                           37.2426 -116.4202 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/14/1976 #38248  
                           37.3100 -116.3642 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/9/1976 #38309  
                           37.3060 -116.4715 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/14/1976 #38318  
                           37.2559 -116.3119 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/17/1976 #38324  
                           37.1073 -116.0525 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/17/1976 #38325  
                           37.2091 -116.2125 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/12/1976 #38443  
                           37.2700 -116.3300 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/20/1976 #38463  
                           37.0754 -116.0438 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/27/1976 #38596  
                           37.1250 -116.0820 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/26/1976 #38719  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/6/1976 #38880  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/10/1976 #38974  
                           37.1717 -116.0527 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/23/1976 #39003  
                           37.0793 -116.0016 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/8/1976 #39032  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/21/1976 #39071  
                           37.1239 -116.0675 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/21/1976 #39072  
                           37.1005 -116.0365 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/28/1976 #39080  
                           37.0000 -116.0700 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/16/1977 #39279  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/8/1977 #39340  
                           37.1202 -116.0623 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/5/1977 #39415  
                           37.0948 -116.0279 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/27/1977 #39502  
                           37.0943 -116.0449 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/25/1977 #39603  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/2/1977 #39620  
                           37.1100 -116.0800 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/28/1977 #39813  
                           37.0866 -116.0069 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/4/1977 #39854  
                           37.1500 -116.0600 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/16/1977 #39904  
                           37.1500 -116.0600 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/16/1977 #39905  
                           37.1100 -116.0545 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/19/1977 #39912  
                           37.0328 -116.0431 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/15/1977 #39990  
                           37.1512 -116.0676 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/27/1977 #40040  
                           37.0076 -116.0167 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/26/1977 #40140  
                           37.1878 -116.2130 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/1/1977 #40174  
                           37.0721 -116.0500 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/9/1977 #40185  
                           37.0206 -116.0251 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/17/1977 #40205  
                           36.9600 -116.0400 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/14/1977 #40302  
                           37.1359 -116.0860 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/14/1977 #40303  
                           37.1261 -116.0317 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/13/1978 #40522  
                           37.1237 -116.0638 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/23/1978 #40552  
                           37.0100 -116.1000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/16/1978 #40600  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/23/1978 #40632  
                           37.1018 -116.0511 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/23/1978 #40633  
                           37.2996 -116.3267 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/11/1978 #40705  
                           37.2335 -116.3685 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/11/1978 #40706  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/25/1978 #40737  
                           37.0878 -116.0526 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/10/1978 #40772  
                           37.0000 -116.2500 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/1/1978 #40830  
                           37.0800 -116.0400 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/7/1978 #40937  
                           37.0787 -116.0438 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/12/1978 #40964  
                           37.2759 -116.3573 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/31/1978 #41204  
                           37.2088 -116.2108 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/13/1978 #41269  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/27/1978 #41359  
                           37.0798 -116.0513 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/27/1978 #41360  
                           37.0739 -116.0198 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/27/1978 #41361  
                           37.2879 -116.2975 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/2/1978 #41530  
                           37.1269 -116.0839 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/18/1978 #41583  
                           37.0100 -116.0400 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/1/1978 #41669  
                           37.2734 -116.4103 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/16/1978 #41788  
                           37.1054 -116.0117 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/24/1979 #42034  
                           37.1025 -116.0548 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/8/1979 #42069  
                           37.1520 -116.0718 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/15/1979 #42083  
                           37.0278 -116.0398 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/14/1979 #42139  
                           36.9600 -116.0100 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/11/1979 #42222  
                           37.2897 -116.4553 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/11/1979 #42277  
                           37.1076 -116.0151 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/20/1979 #42294  
                           37.1432 -116.0875 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/28/1979 #42310  
                           37.0840 -116.0699 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/3/1979 #42386  
                           37.0147 -116.0080 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/8/1979 #42397  
                           37.1212 -116.0666 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/29/1979 #42480  
                           37.0881 -116.0528 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/6/1979 #42526  
                           37.1550 -116.0382 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/8/1979 #42531  
                           37.2291 -116.3641 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/26/1979 #42617  
                           36.9940 -116.0241 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/29/1979 #42724  
                           37.1374 -116.0631 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/14/1979 #42781  
                           37.1265 -116.0885 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/28/1980 #42899  
                           37.1799 -116.0831 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/8/1980 #42920  
                           37.1499 -116.0823 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/3/1980 #42968  
                           37.1011 -116.0305 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/16/1980 #42996  
                           37.2484 -116.4224 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/26/1980 #43017  
                           37.0560 -116.0190 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/2/1980 #43027  
                           37.0031 -116.0314 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/22/1980 #43065  
                           37.2817 -116.4539 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/12/1980 #43089  
                           37.0233 -116.0341 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/24/1980 #43120  
                           37.2563 -116.4774 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/25/1980 #43158  
                           37.0130 -116.0227 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/31/1980 #43164  
                           37.0562 -116.0481 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/25/1980 #43280  
                           37.1159 -116.0646 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/25/1980 #43281  
                           37.2113 -116.2054 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/31/1980 #43351  
                           37.1110 -116.0187 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/14/1980 #43397  
                           37.3248 -116.3117 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/17/1980 #43492  
                           37.0871 -116.0448 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/15/1981 #43576  
                           37.0109 -116.0322 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/5/1981 #43606  
                           37.1819 -116.0842 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/25/1981 #43636  
                           37.1773 -116.0848 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/30/1981 #43730  
                           37.1019 -116.0041 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/29/1981 #43764  
                           37.3034 -116.3256 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/6/1981 #43773  
                           37.1286 -116.0338 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/10/1981 #43821  
                           37.0887 -116.0194 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/16/1981 #43840  
                           37.1537 -116.0351 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/5/1981 #43889  
                           37.1604 -116.0665 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/27/1981 #43918  
                           37.0581 -116.0481 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/4/1981 #43932  
                           37.0085 -116.0238 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/24/1981 #43968  
                           37.0816 -116.0088 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/1/1981 #43987  
                           37.0763 -116.0685 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/11/1981 #44059  
                           37.1082 -116.0490 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/12/1981 #44064  
                           37.1484 -116.0708 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/3/1981 #44090  
                           37.1145 -116.1229 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/16/1981 #44106  
                           37.0913 -116.0512 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/28/1982 #44167  
                           37.2243 -116.4627 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/12/1982 #44193  
                           37.3480 -116.3161 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/12/1982 #44194  
                           37.0168 -116.0099 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/17/1982 #44308  
                           37.2558 -116.4224 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/25/1982 #44317  
                           37.1168 -116.1269 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/6/1982 #44331  
                           37.0691 -116.0455 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/7/1982 #44332  
                           37.1142 -116.0166 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/16/1982 #44376  
                           37.2362 -116.3702 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/24/1982 #44387  
                           37.1023 -116.0750 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/29/1982 #44431  
                           37.0842 -116.0065 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/5/1982 #44439  
                           37.1898 -116.0477 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/11/1982 #44447  
                           37.0197 -116.0157 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/2/1982 #44472  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/23/1982 #44492  
                           37.2120 -116.2068 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/23/1982 #44493  
                           37.1748 -116.0878 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/23/1982 #44494  
                           37.0913 -116.0449 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/29/1982 #44500  
                           37.0237 -116.0321 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/12/1982 #44571  
                           37.0302 -116.0719 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/10/1982 #44604  
                           37.0506 -116.0453 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/11/1983 #44666  
                           37.1628 -116.0633 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/17/1983 #44668  
                           37.3007 -116.4600 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/26/1983 #44725  
                           37.0728 -116.0460 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/14/1983 #44750  
                           37.1115 -116.0224 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/22/1983 #44755  
                           37.0123 -116.0892 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/5/1983 #44770  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/26/1983 #44786  
                           37.1029 -116.0057 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/26/1983 #44787  
                           37.1576 -116.0892 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/9/1983 #44797  
                           37.1190 -116.0889 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/3/1983 #44859  
                           36.9977 -116.0027 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/11/1983 #44872  
                           37.2000 -116.0300 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/27/1983 #44893  
                           37.2728 -116.3550 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/1/1983 #44898  
                           37.2097 -116.2093 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/21/1983 #44910  
                           37.1130 -116.0430 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/21/1983 #44911  
                           37.1056 -116.0494 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/22/1983 #44912  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/29/1983 #44921  
                           36.9800 -116.0200 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/9/1983 #45014  
                           37.1405 -116.0721 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/16/1983 #45022  
                           37.1127 -116.1217 Nuclear test: Underground, con 1/31/1984 #45121  
                           37.2214 -116.1811 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/15/1984 #45141  
                           37.0658 -116.0463 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/1/1984 #45168  
                           37.1464 -116.0841 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/31/1984 #45208  
                           37.1062 -116.0224 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/1/1984 #45271  
                           37.1900 -116.0200 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/2/1984 #45272  
                           37.1031 -116.0480 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/31/1984 #45309  
                           37.0004 -116.0431 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/20/1984 #45333  
                           37.1800 -116.0100 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/12/1984 #45360  
                           37.2678 -116.4106 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/25/1984 #45386  
                           37.0171 -116.0076 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/2/1984 #45398  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/30/1984 #45424  
                           37.0867 -116.0712 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/13/1984 #45437  
                           37.0800 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/2/1984 #45454  
                           37.0001 -116.0174 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/10/1984 #45494  
                           37.2701 -116.4976 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/9/1984 #45518  
                           37.2811 -116.3054 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/15/1984 #45527  
                           36.9700 -116.0100 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/20/1984 #45531  
                           37.0581 -116.0453 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/15/1985 #45581  
                           37.1800 -116.0890 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/23/1985 #45586  
                           37.0948 -116.0323 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/2/1985 #45587  
                           37.2008 -116.2072 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/6/1985 #45588  
                           37.2534 -116.3252 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/2/1985 #45601  
                           37.2479 -116.4891 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/12/1985 #45618  
                           37.0883 -116.0839 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/12/1985 #45619  
                           37.1241 -116.1220 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/26/1985 #45627  
                           37.2973 -116.4381 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/25/1985 #45654  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/14/1985 #45667  
                           37.0023 -116.0430 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/17/1985 #45669  
                           37.0898 -116.0018 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/27/1985 #45693  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/9/1985 #45704  
                           37.2097 -116.2101 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/9/1985 #45705  
                           37.1099 -116.1214 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/16/1985 #45712  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/30/1985 #45727  
                           37.0533 -116.0454 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/5/1985 #45766  
                           37.2378 -116.4727 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/28/1985 #45777  
                           37.0830 -116.0661 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/22/1986 #45856  
                           37.2183 -116.1831 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/10/1986 #45872  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/20/1986 #45878  
                           37.2641 -116.4402 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/22/1986 #45884  
                           37.1250 -116.0604 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/21/1986 #45946  
                           37.0983 -116.0155 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/5/1986 #45965  
                           37.2646 -116.4993 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/25/1986 #45983  
                           37.2787 -116.3556 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/17/1986 #46009  
                           37.1427 -116.0711 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/24/1986 #46015  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/4/1986 #46081  
                           37.0691 -116.0497 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/11/1986 #46092  
                           37.3001 -116.3074 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/30/1986 #46104  
                           37.2202 -116.4616 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/16/1986 #46117  
                           37.1004 -116.0481 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/14/1986 #46134  
                           37.2630 -116.4117 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/13/1986 #46155  
                           37.1811 -116.0484 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/3/1987 #46187  
                           37.0107 -116.0447 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/11/1987 #46196  
                           37.2102 -116.2086 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/18/1987 #46226  
                           37.2479 -116.5091 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/18/1987 #46240  
                           36.9831 -116.0046 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/22/1987 #46245  
                           37.2330 -116.4231 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/30/1987 #46248  
                           37.1936 -116.0350 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/18/1987 #46275  
                           37.2200 -116.1778 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/20/1987 #46279  
                           36.9986 -116.0431 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/30/1987 #46288  
                           37.1036 -116.0234 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/16/1987 #46295  
                           37.0610 -116.0453 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/13/1987 #46333  
                           37.2280 -116.3747 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/24/1987 #46386  
                           37.1419 -116.0787 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/23/1987 #46406  
                           36.9964 -116.0045 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/1/1987 #46447  
                           37.2347 -116.1634 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/2/1987 #46452  
                           37.3144 -116.4715 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/15/1988 #46589  
                           37.0132 -116.0443 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/7/1988 #46663  
                           37.1244 -116.0721 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/13/1988 #46696  
                           37.2601 -116.4411 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/2/1988 #46713  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/22/1988 #46721  
                           37.1662 -116.0722 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/22/1988 #46722  
                           37.2524 -116.3767 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/7/1988 #46733  
                           37.2972 -116.3065 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/17/1988 #46751  
                           36.9900 -116.0100 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/23/1988 #46757  
                           37.0859 -116.0685 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/30/1988 #46765  
                           37.0890 -116.0493 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/13/1988 #46812  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/9/1988 #46853  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/9/1988 #46900  
                           37.1990 -116.2094 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/10/1988 #46903  
                           37.0768 -116.0006 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/10/1989 #46997  
                           37.1285 -116.1220 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/24/1989 #47016  
                           37.1428 -116.0669 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/9/1989 #47037  
                           37.1076 -116.1209 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/15/1989 #47129  
                           37.0859 -116.0551 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/26/1989 #47140  
                           37.2829 -116.4123 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/22/1989 #47173  
                           37.2755 -116.3536 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/27/1989 #47177  
                           37.2359 -116.1629 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/14/1989 #47301  
                           37.2631 -116.4907 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/31/1989 #47410  
                           37.1065 -116.0134 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/15/1989 #47448  
                           37.2311 -116.4094 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/8/1989 #47560  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/20/1989 #47582  
                           37.1125 -116.0552 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/10/1990 #47736  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/6/1990 #47829  
                           37.2616 -116.4201 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/13/1990 #47949  
                           36.9928 -116.0045 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/21/1990 #47953  
                           37.2069 -116.2143 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/25/1990 #48002  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/20/1990 #48086  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/27/1990 #48094  
                           37.2479 -116.4942 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/12/1990 #48131  
                           37.2274 -116.3712 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/14/1990 #48257  
                           37.1044 -116.0740 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/8/1991 #48389  
                           37.2961 -116.3129 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/4/1991 #48429  
                           37.2454 -116.4416 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/16/1991 #48439  
                           37.0873 -116.0018 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/15/1991 #48571  
                           37.2256 -116.4281 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/14/1991 #48608  
                           37.2357 -116.1664 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/19/1991 #48619  
                           37.0634 -116.0453 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/18/1991 #48640  
                           37.0965 -116.0696 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/26/1991 #48674  
                           37.2725 -116.3598 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/26/1992 #48846  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/30/1992 #48887  
                           37.0054 -116.0101 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/19/1992 #48952  
                           37.1239 -116.0312 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/23/1992 #48959  
                           37.2069 -116.2099 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/18/1992 #49094  
                           37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 9/23/1992 #49104  

Word: "-118", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                           39.2002 -118.3803 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/26/1963 #23841  

Word: "-124", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                           31.2450 -124.2117 Nuclear test: Water, confirmed 5/11/1962 #22868  

Word: "-126", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                           28.7333 -126.2667 Nuclear test: Water, confirmed 5/14/1955 #17163  

Word: "-13", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

gue of Humanoid Reports, case 1977 -13, citing Randall Jones Pugh, BUFORA). 3/13/1977 #39366  
gue of Humanoid Reports, case 1977 -13, citing Randall Jones Pugh, BUFORA). 3/13/1977 #39367  

Word: "-137", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                          -23.8000 -137.2000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  6/12/1971 #32915  

Word: "-138", 87 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                          -22.2280 -138.6440 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  8/24/1968 #30910  
                          -21.8210 -138.9750 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  9/8/1968 #30980  
                          -22.3090 -138.6060 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  5/30/1970 #32369  
                          -21.9350 -138.9170 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  7/3/1970 #32420  
                          -21.8230 -138.9760 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  8/14/1971 #33042  
                          -21.8630 -138.7860 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/11/1976 #38567  
                          -21.8400 -138.8480 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/19/1977 #39289  
                          -21.8870 -138.9200 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/19/1977 #39379  
                          -21.7830 -138.9600 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/6/1977 #39726  
                          -21.8840 -138.8860 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/24/1977 #40222  
                          -21.7050 -138.9340 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/22/1978 #40629  
                          -21.8680 -138.9500 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/30/1978 #41652  
                          -21.7680 -138.9340 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/19/1978 #41809  
                          -21.8060 -138.9330 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/24/1979 #42151  
                          -21.8500 -138.7020 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/4/1979 #42161  
                          -21.8100 -138.8090 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/18/1979 #42288  
                          -21.8180 -138.9030 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/29/1979 #42313  
                          -21.8800 -138.9400 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/25/1979 #42353  
                          -21.8090 -138.8120 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/28/1979 #42362  
                          -21.8610 -138.9390 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/23/1980 #42948  
                          -21.8450 -138.7580 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/1/1980 #42963  
                          -21.9210 -138.7990 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/4/1980 #42975  
                          -21.8700 -138.8990 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/16/1980 #43110  
                          -21.8490 -138.8480 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/6/1980 #43141  
                          -21.8610 -138.9340 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/19/1980 #43155  
                          -21.8750 -138.9390 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/3/1980 #43453  
                          -21.7900 -138.6780 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/28/1981 #43670  
                          -21.7950 -138.9460 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/10/1981 #43686  
                          -21.8240 -138.9030 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/3/1981 #43885  
                          -21.8560 -138.9540 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/11/1981 #44060  
                          -21.6850 -138.9330 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/5/1981 #44094  
                          -21.7970 -138.9270 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/8/1981 #44097  
                          -21.8460 -138.8680 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/20/1982 #44260  
                          -21.7690 -138.9460 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/1/1982 #44401  
                          -21.8360 -138.8960 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/25/1982 #44426  
                          -21.8190 -138.8720 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/19/1983 #44753  
                          -21.8610 -138.9170 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/25/1983 #44785  
                          -21.7670 -138.8710 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/28/1983 #44816  
                          -21.8350 -138.8290 Nuclear test: Underground, con 8/4/1983 #44860  
                          -21.8290 -138.9280 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/7/1983 #45012  
                          -21.8630 -138.9010 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/12/1984 #45288  
                          -21.8490 -138.8800 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/16/1984 #45332  
                          -22.0640 -138.4770 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/27/1984 #45482  
                          -21.8570 -138.9200 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/2/1984 #45490  
                          -21.8370 -138.8900 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/6/1984 #45516  
                          -21.8290 -138.9520 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/30/1985 #45599  
                          -21.8310 -138.9810 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/8/1985 #45602  
                          -21.8160 -138.8970 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/3/1985 #45611  
                          -21.8490 -138.8150 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/26/1985 #45724  
                          -21.8020 -138.7810 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/24/1985 #45757  
                          -21.8560 -138.8990 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/26/1985 #45760  
                          -21.7250 -138.9410 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/26/1986 #45894  
                          -21.8620 -138.9490 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/30/1986 #45960  
                          -21.8430 -138.9270 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/12/1986 #46132  
                          -21.8330 -138.8920 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/10/1986 #46154  
                          -21.7050 -138.5810 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/5/1987 #46251  
                          -21.8500 -138.9130 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/20/1987 #46257  
                          -21.7690 -138.8740 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/6/1987 #46270  
                          -21.8650 -138.8910 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/21/1987 #46282  
                          -21.8450 -138.9070 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/23/1987 #46407  
                          -21.7910 -138.8740 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/5/1987 #46415  
                          -21.8450 -138.9410 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/19/1987 #46431  
                          -21.8330 -138.9450 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/11/1988 #46692  
                          -21.8450 -138.9610 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/25/1988 #46708  
                          -21.8460 -138.9110 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/23/1988 #46723  
                          -21.7930 -138.9870 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/5/1988 #46848  
                          -21.8350 -138.9540 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/23/1988 #46869  
                          -22.2330 -138.7400 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/30/1988 #46877  
                          -21.8120 -138.8840 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/11/1989 #47121  
                          -21.8420 -138.9220 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/3/1989 #47152  
                          -22.2170 -138.7210 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/10/1989 #47163  
                          -21.8520 -138.9120 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/24/1989 #47392  
                          -21.7930 -138.8550 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/31/1989 #47411  
                          -21.7930 -138.8840 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/20/1989 #47457  
                          -22.2510 -138.7220 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/27/1989 #47472  
                          -21.8770 -138.9180 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/2/1990 #47938  
                          -22.2150 -138.8410 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/26/1990 #47960  
                          -22.2580 -138.8050 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/14/1990 #48258  
                          -21.9360 -138.9670 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/21/1990 #48263  
                          -22.2560 -138.7940 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/29/1991 #48480  
                          -21.9440 -138.9880 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/14/1991 #48500  
                          -21.8770 -138.9630 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/15/1991 #48534  
                          -21.8500 -138.8400 Nuclear test: Underground, pre 9/5/1995 #51052  
                          -22.2500 -138.7400 Nuclear test: Underground, pre 10/1/1995 #51139  
                          -21.8900 -138.9800 Nuclear test: Underground, pre 10/27/1995 #51186  
                          -21.8800 -138.9700 Nuclear test: Underground, pre 12/27/1995 #51278  
                          -22.2400 -138.8200 Nuclear test: Underground, pre 1/27/1996 #51357  

Word: "-139", 93 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  7/2/1966 #26778  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  7/19/1966 #26807  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  9/11/1966 #27053  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  9/24/1966 #27110  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/4/1966 #27148  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  6/5/1967 #28811  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  6/27/1967 #28921  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  7/2/1967 #28957  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  7/7/1968 #30679  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  7/15/1968 #30703  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  8/3/1968 #30823  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  5/15/1970 #32356  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  5/22/1970 #32361  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  6/24/1970 #32400  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  7/27/1970 #32453  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  8/2/1970 #32465  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  8/6/1970 #32472  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  6/5/1971 #32901  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  7/4/1971 #32958  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  8/8/1971 #33029  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  6/25/1972 #33562  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  6/30/1972 #33577  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  7/27/1972 #33682  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  7/21/1973 #34575  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  7/28/1973 #34589  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  8/18/1973 #34646  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  8/24/1973 #34659  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  8/28/1973 #34666  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  6/16/1974 #36262  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  7/7/1974 #36308  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  7/17/1974 #36335  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  7/25/1974 #36349  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  8/15/1974 #36430  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  8/24/1974 #36459  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  9/14/1974 #36538  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/5/1975 #37259  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/26/1975 #38020  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/3/1976 #38373  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/30/1976 #38941  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/5/1976 #39024  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/2/1977 #39406  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/12/1977 #40192  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/17/1977 #40319  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/27/1978 #40557  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/25/1978 #40642  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/1/1978 #40909  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/19/1978 #40994  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/26/1978 #41010  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/2/1978 #41531  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/17/1978 #41799  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/1/1979 #42113  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/9/1979 #42134  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/19/1979 #42700  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/22/1979 #42704  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/23/1980 #42895  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/3/1980 #42907  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/21/1980 #43116  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/25/1980 #43428  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/27/1981 #43639  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/6/1981 #43654  
                          -21.7910 -139.0460 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/8/1981 #43817  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/11/1981 #43825  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/18/1981 #43846  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/6/1981 #44053  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/20/1982 #44214  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 2/24/1982 #44219  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 3/23/1982 #44269  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/27/1982 #44394  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/21/1982 #44416  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/27/1982 #44589  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 4/25/1983 #44756  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/18/1983 #44805  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/20/1983 #44840  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/3/1983 #45010  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/8/1984 #45287  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/12/1984 #45321  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/1/1984 #45512  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/7/1985 #45612  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/24/1985 #45720  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/6/1986 #45907  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/27/1986 #45956  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/10/1986 #46130  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 12/6/1986 #46153  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 11/29/1987 #46442  
                          -21.7500 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/16/1988 #46718  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 10/25/1988 #46835  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/20/1989 #47137  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 6/7/1990 #47941  
                          -21.8500 -139.0420 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/4/1990 #47970  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/7/1991 #48455  
                          -21.8320 -139.0140 Nuclear test: Underground, con 5/18/1991 #48471  
                          -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Underground, con 7/5/1991 #48517  
                          -21.8800 -139.0300 Nuclear test: Underground, pre 11/21/1995 #51241  

Word: "-14", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 Anne Druffel, they found three 12"-14" circular imprints arranged in a tri 11/13/1971 #33251  

Word: "-149", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                            4.8333 -149.4167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  5/6/1962 #22860  

Word: "-157", 34 instance(s) (Back to Top)

earl+Harbor-Hickam,+HI/@21.3537311,-157.9730976) The attack on Pearl Harbor 12/7/1941 #3580  
                            1.6700 -157.2500 Nuclear test: Air. Country: Br 5/15/1957 #18850  
                            1.6700 -157.2500 Nuclear test: Air. Country: Br 5/31/1957 #18879  
                            1.6700 -157.2500 Nuclear test: Air. Country: Br 6/19/1957 #18933  
                            1.6700 -157.2500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  11/8/1957 #19760  
                            1.6700 -157.2500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  4/28/1958 #20335  
                            1.6700 -157.2500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  8/22/1958 #20574  
                            1.6700 -157.2500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  9/2/1958 #20610  
                            1.6700 -157.2500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  9/11/1958 #20624  
                            1.6700 -157.2500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  9/23/1958 #20641  
                            2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  4/25/1962 #22828  
                            2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  4/27/1962 #22836  
                            2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  5/2/1962 #22857  
                            2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  5/4/1962 #22858  
                            2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  5/8/1962 #22862  
                            2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  5/9/1962 #22863  
                            2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  5/11/1962 #22867  
                            2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  5/12/1962 #22873  
                            2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  5/14/1962 #22884  
                            2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  5/19/1962 #22890  
                            2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  5/25/1962 #22914  
                            2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  5/27/1962 #22927  
                            2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  6/8/1962 #22941  
                            2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  6/9/1962 #22942  
                            2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  6/10/1962 #22943  
                            2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  6/12/1962 #22946  
                            2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  6/15/1962 #22950  
                            2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  6/17/1962 #22952  
                            2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  6/19/1962 #22954  
                            2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  6/22/1962 #22965  
                            2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  6/27/1962 #22972  
                            2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  6/30/1962 #22979  
                            2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  7/10/1962 #22997  
                            2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  7/11/1962 #22998  

Word: "-15°", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                   NEAR BETHEL, MN -15° F. Saucer follows woman / car. Mens 1/6/1976 #38132  

Word: "-169", 12 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                           16.7439 -169.5333 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  8/1/1958 #20524  
                           16.3583 -169.5356 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  8/12/1958 #20549  
                           17.0000 -169.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  7/9/1962 #22991  
                           17.0000 -169.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/2/1962 #23203  
                           17.0000 -169.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/6/1962 #23209  
                           17.0000 -169.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/18/1962 #23232  
                           17.0000 -169.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/20/1962 #23235  
                           17.0000 -169.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/26/1962 #23253  
                           17.0000 -169.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/27/1962 #23257  
                           17.0000 -169.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  10/30/1962 #23276  
                           17.0000 -169.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  11/1/1962 #23285  
                           17.0000 -169.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed.  11/4/1962 #23294  

Word: "-17", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

servation in the Indian Ocean (14' -17" North, 69' 57" East). (June 15)     6/15/1963 #23571  

Word: "-1967-", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

es BOWEN: "In Search of Humanoids" -1967- Trans. I Read 1974 - p. 36) Yves  9/17/1954 #15094  

Word: "-1972", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 insert) (Science et Avenir n° 307 -1972.) An engineer, André Frégnale, see 7/18/1952 #10855  

Word: "-1973", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

seconds. (Inforespace n° 10 - p. 4 -1973 - SOBEPS) Five UFOs were seen on O 10/24/1954 #16289  

Word: "-2", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ribbing visible on the dome, for 1 -2 minutes. The object was beneath a clo 8/15/1966 #26907  
 Current time zone offset: UTC/GMT -2:30 hours (National Research Council o 3/17/1975 #37061  

Word: "-20", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                   -20.0000 115.0000 Nuclear test: Air, con 10/3/1952 #12407  
                                   -20.0000 115.0000 Nuclear test: Air, con 5/16/1956 #17963  
                                   -20.0000 115.0000 Nuclear test: Air, con 6/19/1956 #18025  

Word: "-2000", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

at of a Nepalese plate dating from -2000 (see this date).                   Summer 1938 #3424  

Word: "-21", 81 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                   -21.8210 -138.9750 Nuclear test: Air, co 9/8/1968 #30980  
                                   -21.9350 -138.9170 Nuclear test: Air, co 7/3/1970 #32420  
                                   -21.8230 -138.9760 Nuclear test: Air, co 8/14/1971 #33042  
                                   -21.8630 -138.7860 Nuclear test: Undergr 7/11/1976 #38567  
                                   -21.8400 -138.8480 Nuclear test: Undergr 2/19/1977 #39289  
                                   -21.8870 -138.9200 Nuclear test: Undergr 3/19/1977 #39379  
                                   -21.7830 -138.9600 Nuclear test: Undergr 7/6/1977 #39726  
                                   -21.8840 -138.8860 Nuclear test: Undergr 11/24/1977 #40222  
                                   -21.7050 -138.9340 Nuclear test: Undergr 3/22/1978 #40629  
                                   -21.8680 -138.9500 Nuclear test: Undergr 11/30/1978 #41652  
                                   -21.7680 -138.9340 Nuclear test: Undergr 12/19/1978 #41809  
                                   -21.8060 -138.9330 Nuclear test: Undergr 3/24/1979 #42151  
                                   -21.8500 -138.7020 Nuclear test: Undergr 4/4/1979 #42161  
                                   -21.8100 -138.8090 Nuclear test: Undergr 6/18/1979 #42288  
                                   -21.8180 -138.9030 Nuclear test: Undergr 6/29/1979 #42313  
                                   -21.8800 -138.9400 Nuclear test: Undergr 7/25/1979 #42353  
                                   -21.8090 -138.8120 Nuclear test: Undergr 7/28/1979 #42362  
                                   -21.8610 -138.9390 Nuclear test: Undergr 3/23/1980 #42948  
                                   -21.8450 -138.7580 Nuclear test: Undergr 4/1/1980 #42963  
                                   -21.9210 -138.7990 Nuclear test: Undergr 4/4/1980 #42975  
                                   -21.8700 -138.8990 Nuclear test: Undergr 6/16/1980 #43110  
                                   -21.8490 -138.8480 Nuclear test: Undergr 7/6/1980 #43141  
                                   -21.8610 -138.9340 Nuclear test: Undergr 7/19/1980 #43155  
                                   -21.8750 -138.9390 Nuclear test: Undergr 12/3/1980 #43453  
                                   -21.7900 -138.6780 Nuclear test: Undergr 3/28/1981 #43670  
                                   -21.7950 -138.9460 Nuclear test: Undergr 4/10/1981 #43686  
                                   -21.7910 -139.0460 Nuclear test: Undergr 7/8/1981 #43817  
                                   -21.8240 -138.9030 Nuclear test: Undergr 8/3/1981 #43885  
                                   -21.8560 -138.9540 Nuclear test: Undergr 11/11/1981 #44060  
                                   -21.6850 -138.9330 Nuclear test: Undergr 12/5/1981 #44094  
                                   -21.7970 -138.9270 Nuclear test: Undergr 12/8/1981 #44097  
                                   -21.8460 -138.8680 Nuclear test: Undergr 3/20/1982 #44260  
                                   -21.7690 -138.9460 Nuclear test: Undergr 7/1/1982 #44401  
                                   -21.8360 -138.8960 Nuclear test: Undergr 7/25/1982 #44426  
                                   -21.8190 -138.8720 Nuclear test: Undergr 4/19/1983 #44753  
                                   -21.8610 -138.9170 Nuclear test: Undergr 5/25/1983 #44785  
                                   -21.7670 -138.8710 Nuclear test: Undergr 6/28/1983 #44816  
                                   -21.8350 -138.8290 Nuclear test: Undergr 8/4/1983 #44860  
                                   -21.8290 -138.9280 Nuclear test: Undergr 12/7/1983 #45012  
                                   -21.8630 -138.9010 Nuclear test: Undergr 5/12/1984 #45288  
                                   -21.8490 -138.8800 Nuclear test: Undergr 6/16/1984 #45332  
                                   -21.8570 -138.9200 Nuclear test: Undergr 11/2/1984 #45490  
                                   -21.8370 -138.8900 Nuclear test: Undergr 12/6/1984 #45516  
                                   -21.8290 -138.9520 Nuclear test: Undergr 4/30/1985 #45599  
                                   -21.8310 -138.9810 Nuclear test: Undergr 5/8/1985 #45602  
                                   -21.8160 -138.8970 Nuclear test: Undergr 6/3/1985 #45611  
                                   -21.8490 -138.8150 Nuclear test: Undergr 10/26/1985 #45724  
                                   -21.8020 -138.7810 Nuclear test: Undergr 11/24/1985 #45757  
                                   -21.8560 -138.8990 Nuclear test: Undergr 11/26/1985 #45760  
                                   -21.7250 -138.9410 Nuclear test: Undergr 4/26/1986 #45894  
                                   -21.8620 -138.9490 Nuclear test: Undergr 5/30/1986 #45960  
                                   -21.8430 -138.9270 Nuclear test: Undergr 11/12/1986 #46132  
                                   -21.8330 -138.8920 Nuclear test: Undergr 12/10/1986 #46154  
                                   -21.7050 -138.5810 Nuclear test: Undergr 5/5/1987 #46251  
                                   -21.8500 -138.9130 Nuclear test: Undergr 5/20/1987 #46257  
                                   -21.7690 -138.8740 Nuclear test: Undergr 6/6/1987 #46270  
                                   -21.8650 -138.8910 Nuclear test: Undergr 6/21/1987 #46282  
                                   -21.8450 -138.9070 Nuclear test: Undergr 10/23/1987 #46407  
                                   -21.7910 -138.8740 Nuclear test: Undergr 11/5/1987 #46415  
                                   -21.8450 -138.9410 Nuclear test: Undergr 11/19/1987 #46431  
                                   -21.8330 -138.9450 Nuclear test: Undergr 5/11/1988 #46692  
                                   -21.8450 -138.9610 Nuclear test: Undergr 5/25/1988 #46708  
                                   -21.7500 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 6/16/1988 #46718  
                                   -21.8460 -138.9110 Nuclear test: Undergr 6/23/1988 #46723  
                                   -21.7930 -138.9870 Nuclear test: Undergr 11/5/1988 #46848  
                                   -21.8350 -138.9540 Nuclear test: Undergr 11/23/1988 #46869  
                                   -21.8120 -138.8840 Nuclear test: Undergr 5/11/1989 #47121  
                                   -21.8420 -138.9220 Nuclear test: Undergr 6/3/1989 #47152  
                                   -21.8520 -138.9120 Nuclear test: Undergr 10/24/1989 #47392  
                                   -21.7930 -138.8550 Nuclear test: Undergr 10/31/1989 #47411  
                                   -21.7930 -138.8840 Nuclear test: Undergr 11/20/1989 #47457  
                                   -21.8770 -138.9180 Nuclear test: Undergr 6/2/1990 #47938  
                                   -21.8500 -139.0420 Nuclear test: Undergr 7/4/1990 #47970  
                                   -21.9360 -138.9670 Nuclear test: Undergr 11/21/1990 #48263  
                                   -21.8320 -139.0140 Nuclear test: Undergr 5/18/1991 #48471  
                                   -21.9440 -138.9880 Nuclear test: Undergr 6/14/1991 #48500  
                                   -21.8770 -138.9630 Nuclear test: Undergr 7/15/1991 #48534  
                                   -21.8500 -138.8400 Nuclear test: Undergr 9/5/1995 #51052  
                                   -21.8900 -138.9800 Nuclear test: Undergr 10/27/1995 #51186  
                                   -21.8800 -139.0300 Nuclear test: Undergr 11/21/1995 #51241  
                                   -21.8800 -138.9700 Nuclear test: Undergr 12/27/1995 #51278  

Word: "-22", 99 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 7/2/1966 #26778  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 7/19/1966 #26807  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 9/11/1966 #27053  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 9/24/1966 #27110  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 10/4/1966 #27148  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 6/5/1967 #28811  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 6/27/1967 #28921  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 7/2/1967 #28957  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 7/7/1968 #30679  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 7/15/1968 #30703  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 8/3/1968 #30823  
                                   -22.2280 -138.6440 Nuclear test: Air, co 8/24/1968 #30910  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 5/15/1970 #32356  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 5/22/1970 #32361  
                                   -22.3090 -138.6060 Nuclear test: Air, co 5/30/1970 #32369  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 6/24/1970 #32400  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 7/27/1970 #32453  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 8/2/1970 #32465  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 8/6/1970 #32472  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 6/5/1971 #32901  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 7/4/1971 #32958  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 8/8/1971 #33029  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 6/25/1972 #33562  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 6/30/1972 #33577  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 7/27/1972 #33682  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 7/21/1973 #34575  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 7/28/1973 #34589  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 8/18/1973 #34646  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 8/24/1973 #34659  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 8/28/1973 #34666  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 6/16/1974 #36262  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 7/7/1974 #36308  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 7/17/1974 #36335  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 7/25/1974 #36349  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 8/15/1974 #36430  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 8/24/1974 #36459  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, co 9/14/1974 #36538  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 6/5/1975 #37259  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 11/26/1975 #38020  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 4/3/1976 #38373  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 10/30/1976 #38941  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 12/5/1976 #39024  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 4/2/1977 #39406  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 11/12/1977 #40192  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 12/17/1977 #40319  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 2/27/1978 #40557  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 3/25/1978 #40642  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 7/1/1978 #40909  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 7/19/1978 #40994  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 7/26/1978 #41010  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 11/2/1978 #41531  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 12/17/1978 #41799  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 3/1/1979 #42113  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 3/9/1979 #42134  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 11/19/1979 #42700  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 11/22/1979 #42704  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 2/23/1980 #42895  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 3/3/1980 #42907  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 6/21/1980 #43116  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 11/25/1980 #43428  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 2/27/1981 #43639  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 3/6/1981 #43654  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 7/11/1981 #43825  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 7/18/1981 #43846  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 11/6/1981 #44053  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 2/20/1982 #44214  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 2/24/1982 #44219  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 3/23/1982 #44269  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 6/27/1982 #44394  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 7/21/1982 #44416  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 11/27/1982 #44589  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 4/25/1983 #44756  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 6/18/1983 #44805  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 7/20/1983 #44840  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 12/3/1983 #45010  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 5/8/1984 #45287  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 6/12/1984 #45321  
                                   -22.0640 -138.4770 Nuclear test: Undergr 10/27/1984 #45482  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 12/1/1984 #45512  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 6/7/1985 #45612  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 10/24/1985 #45720  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 5/6/1986 #45907  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 5/27/1986 #45956  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 11/10/1986 #46130  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 12/6/1986 #46153  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 11/29/1987 #46442  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 10/25/1988 #46835  
                                   -22.2330 -138.7400 Nuclear test: Undergr 11/30/1988 #46877  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 5/20/1989 #47137  
                                   -22.2170 -138.7210 Nuclear test: Undergr 6/10/1989 #47163  
                                   -22.2510 -138.7220 Nuclear test: Undergr 11/27/1989 #47472  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 6/7/1990 #47941  
                                   -22.2150 -138.8410 Nuclear test: Undergr 6/26/1990 #47960  
                                   -22.2580 -138.8050 Nuclear test: Undergr 11/14/1990 #48258  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 5/7/1991 #48455  
                                   -22.2560 -138.7940 Nuclear test: Undergr 5/29/1991 #48480  
                                   -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Undergr 7/5/1991 #48517  
                                   -22.2500 -138.7400 Nuclear test: Undergr 10/1/1995 #51139  
                                   -22.2400 -138.8200 Nuclear test: Undergr 1/27/1996 #51357  

Word: "-23", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                   -23.8000 -137.2000 Nuclear test: Air, co 6/12/1971 #32915  

Word: "-28", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                   -28.0000 135.0000 Nuclear test: Air, con 10/14/1953 #13789  
                                   -28.0000 135.0000 Nuclear test: Air, con 10/26/1953 #13823  

Word: "-30", 7 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                   -30.0000 132.0000 Nuclear test: Air, con 9/27/1956 #18390  
                                   -30.0000 132.0000 Nuclear test: Air, con 10/4/1956 #18403  
                                   -30.0000 132.0000 Nuclear test: Air, con 10/11/1956 #18415  
                                   -30.0000 132.0000 Nuclear test: Air, con 10/22/1956 #18429  
                                   -30.0000 132.0000 Nuclear test: Air, con 9/14/1957 #19219  
                                   -30.0000 132.0000 Nuclear test: Air, con 9/25/1957 #19260  
                                   -30.0000 132.0000 Nuclear test: Air, con 10/9/1957 #19317  

Word: "-3736", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

af/1949FirstProgressReportAF33(038)-3736.pdf   https://www.sunrisepage.com/ 5/5/1955 #17153  
f/1949SecondProgressReportAF33(038)-3736.pdf   https://www.osti.gov/servlet 5/5/1955 #17153  

Word: "-38", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                   -38.5000 -11.5000 Nuclear test: Air, con 8/27/1958 #20585  

Word: "-4", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

s that evening with a magnitude of -4.6, almost the maximum. (Bulletin du G 11/29/1989 #47483  

Word: "-46", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                   -46.3600 37.5700 Nuclear test: Air. Coun 9/22/1979 #42603  

Word: "-47", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ibly more than 126 minutes. The RB -47 incident is the first conclusive ins 7/17/1957 #19007  

Word: "-48", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                   -48.5000 -9.7000 Nuclear test: Air, conf 9/6/1958 #20615  

Word: "-49", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                   -49.5000 -8.2000 Nuclear test: Air, conf 8/30/1958 #20589  

Word: "-6000", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 of Tassili" fresco dating back to -6000.                                   12/31/1956 #18581  

Word: "-60°", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

e around 2:30 in the afternoon and -60° Fahrenheit on an expedition, snowsh 1/8/1940 #3504  

Word: "-79", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 4 or 5 seats Savoia-Marchetti S.M.-79 SPARVIERO, 430 km/h, ceiling 7000m,  End of 1934 #3279  

Word: "-8", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                          -49.5000 -8.2000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Co 8/30/1958 #20589  

Word: "-89", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                           31.1421 -89.5699 Nuclear test: Underground, conf 10/22/1964 #24508  
                           31.1421 -89.5699 Nuclear test: Underground, conf 12/3/1966 #27407  

Word: "-9", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                          -48.5000 -9.7000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Co 9/6/1958 #20615  

Word: "-9°c", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

45 minutes outside in the cold, at -9°C, in light clothing and he was sweat 1/5/1997 #51860  

Word: "-a", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

, CA 1:50 a.m. PST (4:40 p.m. EST).-A woman saw a basket-shaped (truncated  4/5/1967 #28368  
Edoardo Russo) - translation Luder -A rain of strange white filaments fell  11/8/1999 #52704  

Word: "-amand", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

flying in the direction of Cote St.-Amand.                                  10/2/1954 #15441  

Word: "-and-", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ill Hamilton, web page by Tom King -and- Ufo Folklore Center AUFORA News up 3/13/1997 #51936  

Word: "-andeol-de-fourchades", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-ANDEOL-DE-FOURCHADES, FR Dark 3M UFO wi 4/3/1976 #38372  

Word: "-andre-treize-voies", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-ANDRE-TREIZE-VOIES, FR Saucer landed /  5/27/1967 #28746  
ing a disc landed in a field in St.-Andre-Treize-Voies, Vendee department,  5/27/1967 #28748  

Word: "-apr", 9 instance(s) (Back to Top)

Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 7, Mar.-Apr. 1966, p. 4.) (NICAP: 02 - Close En 3/26/1966 #26194  
Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 7, Mar.-Apr. 1966). (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)     3/30/1966 #26264  
Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 7, Mar.-Apr. 1966, p. 3) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases 3/31/1966 #26282  
nvestigator, Vol. Ill, No. 12, Mar.-Apr., 1967, p. 5.) (NICAP: 02 - Close E 1/16/1967 #27574  
nvestigator, Vol. Ill, No. 12, Mar.-Apr. 1967, p. 8.) . (NICAP: 02 - Close  3/9/1967 #28122  
g. 1967, p. 30; APRO Bulletin, Mar.-Apr. 1967, p. 11.) (NICAP: 02 - Close E 3/10/1967 #28139  
nocked him out, APRO Bulletin, Mar.-Apr. 1969 (E,L) 3 cars (NICAP: 03 - EME 8/27/1967 #29339  
approached car. APRO Bulletin, Mar.-Apr. 1972 (E,R) police car (NICAP: 03 - 9/24/1971 #33139  
car slowed. MUFON UFO Journal, Mar.-Apr. 1979, pp. 8-9 (R) car (NICAP: 03 - 1/5/1979 #41950  

Word: "-atlantic", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

IDENTIFIED (CONVENTIONAL PHENOMENA)-ATLANTIC 54° 30W-38° 00N Steamship Cocl 4/25/1958 #20331  

Word: "-auban", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-AUBAN, 04, FR Hundreds / workers. Brill 10/14/1954 #15902  

Word: "-away", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 about 5 minutes. Finally it shot ;-away to the northwest. (NICAP report fo 4/12/1967 #28428  

Word: "-b4", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 east / Strategic Air Command (SAC)-B4 according to Commander / Sioux Army  8/1/1965 #25240  

Word: "-based", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ve director of the Washington, D.C.-based Society of Photographic Scientist 5/29/1970 #32368  

Word: "-beaulize", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                           NEAR ST.-BEAULIZE, FR 3M luminous sphere going d 8/1/1977 #39839  

Word: "-bonnet", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                     BELLENAVES-ST.-BONNET, FR Brill round object / high al 10/10/1954 #15735  

Word: "-c", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

euvers of the 26 m long schooner J.-C. Cousins heading West. Suddenly, it t 1883 #1389  

Word: "-canadian", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

      Middle Sister Island, on U.S.-Canadian border in western Lake Erie Wi 7/25/1954 #14752  
      Middle Sister Island, on U.S.-Canadian border in western Lake Erie. A 7/25/1954 #14754  

Word: "-cesaire", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-CESAIRE, FR 3 / (seen thru) binoculars. 2/21/1974 #35801  
                                ST.-CESAIRE, GARD Luminous UFO has slanting 3/5/1974 #35884  

Word: "-chamas", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

es / sky. Back 9 October and in St.-Chamas / 2000-2315hr going south.       10/8/1954 #15663  

Word: "-claude", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-CLAUDE, 37, FR 2 / (seen thru) binocula 12/19/1995 (approximate) #51276  

Word: "-coutant-le-grand", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-COUTANT-LE-GRAND, FR Glowing-sphere/orb 9/30/1975 #37673  

Word: "-cyrille-de-wendover", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                St.-Cyrille-de-Wendover, Quebec 1:15 a.m. A 6/25/1974 #36287  
 up late in his trailer home at St.-Cyrille-de-Wendover, Quebec, when he he 6/25/1974 #36287  

Word: "-de-serre", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                               COL.-DE-SERRE, FR Silent 30M domed saucer ho 4/1947 #4893  

Word: "-de-vence", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                               COL.-DE-VENCE, FR Shepherd. Eyes red. No rec 12/24/1990 #48307  
                        WEST / COL.-DE-VENCE, FR Fireballs north going quic 9/13/1996 #51683  

Word: "-dec", 9 instance(s) (Back to Top)

Saucer Review, Vol. 12, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1966, p. iii; from the Castlegar N 6/8/1966 #26679  
aucer Review, Vol. 12, No. 6, Nov. -Dec. 1966, p. iii.) (NICAP: 02 - Close  8/2/1966 #26881  
Saucer Review, Vol. 12, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1966, pp. 4-5.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace 8/15/1966 #26906  
 Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 3, Nov.-Dec. 1967, p. 1; Weinstein, 1999, p. 35 3/11/1967 #28149  
 Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 3, Nov.-Dec. 1967, p. 3.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant  5/25/1967 #28737  
 Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 3, Nov.-Dec. 1967, p. 3.) (NICAP: 02 - Close En 8/10/1967 #29251  
ardrums. Flying Saucer Review, Nov.-Dec. 1967, p. 6 (E,R,L) truck (NICAP: 0 10/25/1967 #29758  
 road. (Flying Saucer Review, Nov. -Dec. 1967, p. 4; London Daily Express,  11/5/1967 #29857  
d at the site. (APRO Bulletin, Nov.-Dec. 1967, p. 3.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity C 11/24/1967 #29969  

Word: "-donald", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

merged with an UFO and disappeared.-Donald Keyhoe) Second Case: A radar ope 5/1961 #22300  

Word: "-donat", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-DONAT, 26, FR 2 observer(s). Luminous/g 1/1/1977 #39118  

Word: "-drum", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

R, ON 1.5M small humanoid (or Grey)-drum cylinder/cylindrical object going  4/26/1967 #28537  

Word: "-du-beal", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                               COL.-DU-BEAL, FR 4 observer(s). Metallic gre 9/19/1954 #15129  

Word: "-estvevmktum", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

BA.png   https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-eSTVEVMkTUM/VzAB6HTXdyI/AAAAAAAAApk/t7P 11/13/1961 #22635  

Word: "-etienne-sous-barbuise", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

t 7:30 p.m. near the village of St.-Etienne-sous-Barbuise, France, and his  10/7/1954 #15651  

Word: "-face", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

northwest. Small humanoid (or Grey)-face / window. Man sucked through glass 4/2/1971 #32800  

Word: "-fairies", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

IS, ENGL 3 small humanoid (or Grey)-fairies float going [to] house. Talk /  1/4/1979 #41945  

Word: "-feb", 14 instance(s) (Back to Top)

Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 6, Jan.-Feb. 1966, p. 2.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant  1/3/1966 #25870  
Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 6, Jan.-Feb. 1966, p. 3; New York Journal-Ameri 1/11/1966 #25897  
Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 6, Jan.-Feb 1966, p. 3.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 1/18/1966 #25922  
Investigator, Vol. HI, No. 11, Jan.-Feb. 1967, p. 3) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases 11/4/1966 #27282  
nvestigator, Vol. III, No. 11, Jan.-Feb., 1967, p. 4.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 1/5/1967 #27501  
nvestigator, Vol. Ill, No. 11, Jan.-Feb., 1967, p. 4, dated as Jan. 17.) (N 1/19/1967 #27604  
 object. (U.F.O. Investigator, Jan.-Feb., 1967, p. 8.) (NICAP: 02 - Close E 1/19/1967 #27606  
1/17/67; Flying Saucer Review, Jan.-Feb. 1968, p. 32.) (NICAP: 02 - Close E 11/15/1967 #29915  
 Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 4, Jan.-Feb. 1968, p. 3.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 11/15/1967 #29917  
 Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 4, Jan.-Feb. 1968, p. 3.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant  11/15/1967 #29918  
nvestigator, 5 Vol. IV, No. 4, Jan.-Feb. 1968, p. 3.) [Possible high-altitu 11/21/1967 #29952  
 Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 4, Jan.-Feb. 1968, p. 6.) (NICAP: 02 - Close En 11/29/1967 #29987  
 Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 4, Jan.-Feb. 1968, p. 6.) (NICAP: 02 - Close En 12/14/1967 #30063  
 Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 4, Jan.-Feb. 1968, p. 6.) (NICAP: 02 - Close En 12/15/1967 #30067  

Word: "-feliu-d'avail", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-FELIU-D'AVAIL AND SOLER, FR 2 funnel-sa 5/28/1963 #23553  

Word: "-felix", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

d-blue saucer spins over Pointe-St.-Felix. Falling-leaf descent.            10/3/1954 #15479  

Word: "-fs", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

mming it up for the photographers. -FS)                                     7/30/1952 #11454  

Word: "-genese", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                          RHODE-ST.-GENESE, BELGIUM 1 observer. Blinding sa 1/24/1970 #32222  

Word: "-geneys", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-GENEYS, FR N106. 100M cylinder/cigar-sh 6/27/1967 #28917  

Word: "-geoirs", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                  ST.-MICHEL DE ST.-GEOIRS, FR Ovoid north going south. 120 8/12/1974 #36409  

Word: "-georges", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                      BUSSIERES-ST.-GEORGES, FR Observer(s) thrown / bush.  1/18/1977 #39180  

Word: "-georges-les-baillargeaux", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-GEORGES-LES-BAILLARGEAUX, FR Radio and  8/21/1976 #38701  

Word: "-geours-de-maremne", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-GEOURS-DE-MAREMNE, FR Blinking light =  6/14/1968 #30547  

Word: "-germain-du-bois", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-GERMAIN-DU-BOIS, FR 1 / bicycle. Lumino 10/14/1954 #15922  

Word: "-going", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

rs. 25 saucers / 3 rows go left-Rt.-going up [to]-going down. Tip from side 7/7/1947 #5664  
 / 3 rows go left-Rt.-going up [to]-going down. Tip from side-to-side. Goin 7/7/1947 #5664  

Word: "-guenole", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-GUENOLE, FR 1 observer. Pear shape goin 8/7/1985? #45663  

Word: "-heads", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

rver(s). 2 small humanoid (or Grey)-heads over bushes. Helmeted small human 4/9/1978 #40699  

Word: "-hilaire", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                           MONT-ST.-HILAIRE, QB Several separate observer(s 7/1969 (approximate) #31856  

Word: "-hilaire-les-cambrai", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-HILAIRE-LES-CAMBRAI, FR 4.5M box become 3/31/1975 #37087  

Word: "-hovering", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

Disc shaped object with two levels -Hovering just above water (NICAP: 02 -  4/16/1967 #28448  

Word: "-huerfano", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

te in the evenings (see early Sept.-Huerfano Co., CO). It "sounded just lik 10/13/1975 #37731  

Word: "-i", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

. Four witnesses saw two inverted- -I dish (saucer-) shaped objects with ro 5/11/1967 #28645  

Word: "-it", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 reference point - the radio tower -it lost altitude as if it wanted to lan 3/31/1990 #47811  

Word: "-jean", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                         Willis St.-Jean Agaunico Mine Lake Timiskaming Cob 12/26/1954 #16857  
 Nugget office 8:30 p.m. Willis St.-Jean, a hoistman at the Agaunico Mine o 12/26/1954 #16857  

Word: "-jean-d'asse", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-JEAN-D'ASSE, FR Cylinder/cigar-shape an 10/7/1954 #15621  
                                St.-Jean-d'Asse, France Car motor and headl 10/7/1954 #15630  
                                St.-Jean-d'Asse, France. Mr. Alexandre Trem 10/7/1954 #15644  

Word: "-jean-de-bournay", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-JEAN-DE-BOURNAY, FR Vibrant bright fire 3/9/1973 #34244  
                                ST.-JEAN-DE-BOURNAY, ISERE Rectangular UFO  6/1974 (approximate) #36210  

Word: "-jean-du-falga", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-JEAN-DU-FALGA, FR 1 observer. Luminous/ 3/1/1974 #35860  

Word: "-jean-du-luz", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-JEAN-DU-LUZ, FR Several observer(s). 3, 8/29/1975 #37554  

Word: "-josse-ten-noode", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-JOSSE-TEN-NOODE, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). 8/15/1974 #36423  
t hovered near two TV towers in St.-Josse-Ten-Noode, Belgium for three minu 9/20/1975 #37637  

Word: "-julien", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-JULIEN, FR 4 observer(s). Large night l 8/1/1975? #37441  

Word: "-julien-du-serre", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-JULIEN-DU-SERRE, AIR DEFENSE COMMAND, F 2/22/1974 #35808  

Word: "-just-de-claix", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-JUST-DE-CLAIX, FR Fireball and 10M cone 1/9/1976 #38147  

Word: "-kilfyw2vjyk", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

isting.  https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-kILfYw2VJyk/VzABvIBOpPI/AAAAAAAAApg/bdP 11/13/1961 #22635  

Word: "-laurent", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                St.-Laurent, Quebec 3:27 p.m. An astronomer 8/25/2001 #53107  
.m. An astronomer and others at St.-Laurent, Quebec, watch two solid-appear 8/25/2001 #53107  

Word: "-laurent-blangy", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                         N319 / ST.-LAURENT-BLANGY, FR 3 Mx2M domed saucer  3/2/1974 #35870  

Word: "-laurent-du-var", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-LAURENT-DU-VAR, AM, FR Mayor sees disc  10/8/1954 #15661  

Word: "-leger-sur-dheune", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-LEGER-SUR-DHEUNE, FR Classic flying sau 10/16/1954 #16037  

Word: "-lights", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 In one case a man saw two "solid :-lights" that hovered near the ground. A 3/26/1967 #28295  

Word: "-like", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

otation and plunged down in zigzag -like a dead leaf - towards the earth an 10/13/1917 #2803  

Word: "-line", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ET AL Large dark straight/strait(s)-line found / moons crater Piccolomini.  5/6/1954 #14404  

Word: "-long", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

triangular UFO which hovered for a -long period of time, then climbed out o 8/1/1963 #23662  

Word: "-louis", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                           PORT-ST.-LOUIS DU-RHONE, FR Sky turns green / 10 7/1/1965 #25023  

Word: "-luc", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

a couple were in a park in Cote-St.-Luc, Quebec, Canada when they heard a l 3/14/1997 #51940  

Word: "-luperce", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-LUPERCE, FR 2 silent ovoids swing over  10/6/1954 #15590  

Word: "-man", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

, WI Ex Ground Observer Corps (GOC)-man and wife. 1 disk going quickly sout 7/7/1947 #5682  

Word: "-many", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

htings, mostly in north, including -many police witnesses. (NICAP UFOE, XII 8/13/1960 #21945  

Word: "-marie", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                               Ste.-Marie d'Herblay, France. Gilbert Lelay, 10/12/1954 #15864  

Word: "-martial", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                           NEAR ST.-MARTIAL, FR Large luminous sphere shoot 2/28/1974 #35842  

Word: "-martin", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-MARTIN LE COLONEL, 26, FR 2 observer(s) 8/12/1974 #36407  

Word: "-martin-de-londres", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-MARTIN-DE-LONDRES, FR Domed saucer turn 2/9/1969 #31495  

Word: "-martin-de-valamas", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-MARTIN-DE-VALAMAS, FR Dark mass with pi 8/29/1975 #37557  

Word: "-mathias-de-chambly", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

er midnight a married couple in St.-Mathias-de-Chambly, Quebec saw bright l 10/6/1973 #34913  

Word: "-mathias-sur-richelieu", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                St.-Mathias-sur-Richelieu, Quebec 12:45 a.m 10/6/1973 #34912  
lling along a country road near St.-Mathias-sur-Richelieu, Quebec, see a br 10/6/1973 #34912  

Word: "-michel", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-MICHEL DE ST.-GEOIRS, FR Ovoid north go 8/12/1974 #36409  

Word: "-michel-sur-loire", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-MICHEL-SUR-LOIRE, FR Crescent-saucer fo 2/27/1974 #35830  

Word: "-michel-sur-meurthe", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-MICHEL-SUR-MEURTHE, FR Several observer 10/1/1954 #15371  

Word: "-mons", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 two children mention it. (La Cité -Mons and La Libre Belgique of 19.10.54) 10/18/1954 #16106  

Word: "-monster", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 Cops hits small humanoid (or Grey)-monster grabbing dog with .357 pistol.  9/5/1995 (approximate) #51050  
OVANAS, PR Small humanoid (or Grey)-monster on balcony. Mutilated goat foun 9/7/1995 #51055  
d humming. Small humanoid (or Grey)-monster lands / backyard. Observer(s) s 9/16/1995 #51086  
GRANDE, PR Small humanoid (or Grey)-monster lands near woman. Changes color 10/7/1995 #51152  

Word: "-motor", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 cars electro-magnetic effect (EME)-motor and lights.                       5/31/1969 #31782  

Word: "-méjanes", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

etz to his friend the R.P. Césarée -Méjanes Library in Aix-en-Provence, man 3/1636 #486  

Word: "-nov", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)

nvestigator, Vol. Ill, No. 10, Oct.-Nov. 1966, p. 4; Fowler 1974, p. 341.)  9/17/1966 #27075  
nvestigator, Vol. III, No. 10, Oct.-Nov. 1966, p. 4.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant  9/21/1966 #27094  
nvestigator, Vol. Ill, No. 10, Oct.-Nov. 1966, p. 6; NICAP report, investig 10/10/1966 #27177  
nvestigator, Vol. Ill, No. 10, Oct.-Nov. 1966, pp. 5-6.) (NICAP: 04 - Anima 10/12/1966 #27193  

Word: "-november", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ons occurred in the county in Sept.-November, along with scattered accounts 10/2/1975 #37694  

Word: "-oct", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)

aucer Review, Vol. 12, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1966, p. 30.) (NICAP: 02 - Close E 6/11/1966 #26690  
aucer Review, Vol. 12, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1966, pp. 27-28.) (NICAP: 01 - Dis 6/17/1966 #26714  
ulars. (Flying Saucer Review, Sept.-Oct. 1967, p. 31.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 5/12/1967 #28653  
avel samples. (APRO Bulletin, Sept.-Oct. 1967, p. 12.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity  8/3/1967 #29170  
the sighting. (APRO Bulletin, Sept.-Oct. 1967, p. 8) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Ca 8/31/1967 #29363  
 p. 458, from: APRO Bulletin, Sept.-Oct. 1967, p.10; Gillmor, 1969, pp. 376 10/24/1967 #29741  

Word: "-ok", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

e to EME (electro-magnetic effects)-OK when UFO gone.                       2/20/1979 #42096  

Word: "-omer", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-OMER, FR 2 separate observer(s). Lumino 10/24/1976 #38923  

Word: "-ormation", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

f an unknown type, shifting from V -ormation to L-formation to circular for 7/17/1948 #6752  

Word: "-pht", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

NSA RB47 RADAR-visual (observation)-Pht / saucer / 9 min. Near North magnet 6/4/1955 #17214  

Word: "-pierre-de-bost", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-PIERRE-DE-BOST, FR 2 observer(s). Cresc 12/1973 #35481  

Word: "-pierre-de-fursac", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-PIERRE-DE-FURSAC, 23, FR Long luminous  9/1956 #18297  

Word: "-pierre-halte", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                St.-Pierre-Halte, France. At 3:40 a.m. a ba 10/15/1954 #16020  

Word: "-pierre-sur-mer", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                St.-Pierre-sur-Mer, Hérault, France 3:30 a. 8/2/1976 #38632  
at an altitude of 15–18 feet at St.-Pierre-sur-Mer, Hérault, France. It has 8/2/1976 #38632  

Word: "-plancard", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-PLANCARD, FR Yard strongly lit. 20M and 2/1977 #39227  
                                ST.-PLANCARD, FR 2 observer(s). Cylinder/cy 6/6/1996 #51573  

Word: "-point", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ute N437 near an old factory in St.-Point Lake, Le Vezenay, Doubs, France.  10/18/1954 #16151  

Word: "-pourcain-sur-sioule", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-POURCAIN-SUR-SIOULE, FR Luminous 2-3M s 10/10/1954 #15744  
                                ST.-POURCAIN-SUR-SIOULE, FR 2 / car. White  10/28/1967 #29805  

Word: "-prouant", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

5:00 p.m. over 200 witnesses in St.-Prouant, Vendee department, France watc 9/14/1954 #15067  

Word: "-pulsating", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

0 p.m. LT. Witnesses first heard a -pulsating sound, then saw a shiny, meta 1/26/1967 #27657  

Word: "-radar", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 / clear sky / visual (observation)-RADAR.                                  4/4/1994 #50015  

Word: "-remy", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-REMY, FR Observer(s) / very odd exchang 10/20/1954 #16189  

Word: "-ro21gyiliri", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

BB.png   https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Ro21GyILirI/VzAB7flzgBI/AAAAAAAAAps/V0e 11/13/1961 #22635  

Word: "-saucer", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 SOUTH AUSTRALIA Odd "flying squid"-saucer. Curved arms and vertical stabil 4/21/1993 #49435  

Word: "-sauveur-en-puisaye", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                           NEAR ST.-SAUVEUR-EN-PUISAYE, FR Air Force man. 1 9/12/1975 #37610  

Word: "-saw", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 vicar, the Mayor, and a policeman -saw a cigar-shaped object hovering at 3 1/1910 #2460  
sion), New Guinea Father Gill Case -saw Platform shaped object with "men" o 6/26/1959 #21232  

Word: "-sept", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)

Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 9, Aug.-Sept. 1966, p. 5) (NICAP: 02 - Close En 6/1/1966 #26654  
Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 9, Aug.-Sept. 1966, p. 3.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviatio 6/23/1966 #26742  
Investigator, Vol. III, No. 9, Aug.-Sept. 1966, p. 3; Keyhoe & Lore, 1969a, 6/24/1966 #26752  
nvestigator, Vol. Ill, No. 9, Aug. -Sept. 1966, p. 4.) (NICAP: 02 - Close E 8/1/1966 #26874  
nvestigator, Vol. Ill, No. 9, Aug. -Sept. 1966, p. 4.) (NICAP: 02 - Close E 8/19/1966 #26933  

Word: "-shaped", 9 instance(s) (Back to Top)

onds while one 3-foot "flying wing"-shaped object, which looked black again 10/14/1947 #6409  
ver Rene Le Viol saw a flat craft, -shaped like an inverted plate, fly very 10/15/1954 #16026  
ding Association watched boomerang -shaped object (or flattened triangle) h 7/26/1955 #17335  
d at 12:10 a.m. A diamond or "kite"-shaped UFO was seen for 20 minutes; it  8/28/1977 #39935  
necticut, when they see a “pancake”-shaped object in the southeast. It is t 9/11/1980 #43263  
A 11:15 PM. An ovoid or "submarine"-shaped object flew over a car. It then  3/30/1982 #44276  
            An ovoid or "submarine"-shaped object flew over a car in Charlo 3/30/1982 #44278  
     Around 7:00 p.m. a rounded "A"-shaped object was seen moving irregular 6/4/2004 #53577  
ng the lights. There was a "cocoon"-shaped object about 12 feet long, and t 8/6/2006 #53825  

Word: "-silent", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

HEAST / SEVENOAKS, ENG Absolute(ly)-silent object / 3500' altitude. 140MPH. 12/10/1950 #8783  

Word: "-silvain-belgarde", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-SILVAIN-BELGARDE, 23, FR Yellow glow. E 11/1954 #16465  

Word: "-size", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 observer. Small humanoid (or Grey)-size airplane / farm field. No jets / p 10/15/1965 (approximate) #25706  

Word: "-soulle", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 of France near the village of Ste.-Soulle at 10.00 p.m. A 16 meter diamete 4/21/1972 #33476  

Word: "-stanislas-de-kostka", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

s with brilliant red halos over St.-Stanislas-de-Kostka, Quebec, Canada. On 7/28/1968 #30774  

Word: "-sun", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

unty, COLORADO Sept 20th-21st (Sat.-Sun.) An unidentified helicopter was he 9/20/1975 #37638  

Word: "-that", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

nimals to this mysterious "disease"-that is, all blood drained from the bod 3/1993 #49344  

Word: "-the", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

f one step and when it disappeared -the men who were on the square reported 9/2/1394 #275  
ese objects are of domestic origin -the product of some high security proje 9/23/1947 #6357  
n "the Fund for UFO Research, Inc. -The UFO Evidence, Vol.1, by Richard Hal 4/8/1956 #17908  

Word: "-the-wisp", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ence of vision, meteorites, will-o’-the-wisp, brush discharge, and other na 1936 #3323  
earing and vanishing like a will-o’-the-wisp. Occasionally objects are trac Early 8/1980 #43176  

Word: "-translation", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

Os From China - From: Diane Lovett -Translation: Phil – ovnipage) Taipei, J 1/16/2000 #52762  

Word: "-tudel", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-TUDEL, FNS, FR Luminous yellow 60cm sph 6/9/1975 #37272  

Word: "-turns", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

10 crew. Liner paced / 20 minute(s)-turns back.                             11/18/1951 #9409  
side travels in waves / 4 minute(s)-turns off.                              9/8/1954 #15028  

Word: "-u", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

Pinnington, Leigh., Lancs. WN7 3hl -U.K. took up the case. He has no idea w 12/1957 #19933  

Word: "-unfortunately", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

III" this vehicle circled the Moon -unfortunately from too far away: 60,000 10/4/1959 #21486  

Word: "-vaast", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                   NNW / BIACHE-ST.-VAAST, FR 3 observer(s). Saucer / blue  2/1953 #13079  

Word: "-valery-sur-somme", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-VALERY-SUR-SOMME, FR 2 groups / UFO's.  10/20/1954 #16187  

Word: "-vallier-de-thiey", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-VALLIER-DE-THIEY AND MORE/OTHERS, FR Co 1/7/1974 #35662  

Word: "-verand", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                ST.-VERAND, FR Cat and TV go crazy. 30M sau 9/12/1976 #38805  

Word: "-vernal", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                            Maeser -Vernal, UT 10:30 p.m. MST A retired Air 4/21/1967 #28502  

Word: "-x0bwglnelg", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ep.htm   https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-X0BWGLnELg/Wc5ZLqBeZI/AAAAAAAAIdY/fzGC4 3/27/1950 #8037  

Word: "-year", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

harged. (Sources: David Webb, 1973 -Year of the Humanoids, case 73-46D; Dav 11/19/1973 #35434  

Word: "<1", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                            Hague (<1 mile SE of), FL Elongated object on t 4/4/1966 #26336  

Word: "<5", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ilvery legs. Three gray humanoids. <5 ft. tall. Large elongated heads. Shor 5/7/1974 #36141  

Word: "=-", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

             Goshen, OH 9:00 p.m. (=-) While out on his farm with his coon  10/19/1973 #35160  

Word: "=moulay", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

FO over Moula Idris, Saudi Arabia [=Moulay Idriss Zerhoun, Morocco?]. An RA 1970 #32188  

Word: ">767", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

hem also moving faster than sound (>767 mph).                               4/19/1953 #13331  

Word: ">>", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

. About 480 miles south of Canton, >> Illinois (see previous entry), two wi 3/25/1967 #28281  

Word: ">e", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ous triangular craft flying toward >E in a V formation over the mountains n 8/12/1969 #31957  

Word: ">n", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 then flew off inland to the north >N inland. It had body lights and light  8/16/1897 #2005  

Word: ">s", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

rantic birds took off and flew off >S, some died in the process. A silvery  2/17/1956 #17827  

Word: ">sse", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 stopped, rotated in place, turned >SSE, and then flew away.                8/12/1969 #31957  

Word: "@21", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

Joint+Base+Pearl+Harbor-Hickam,+HI/@21.3537311,-157.9730976) The attack on  12/7/1941 #3580  

Word: "@altpropulsion", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ip-list.pdf *   https://medium.com/@altpropulsion/apec-12-12-hfgw-engineeri 2008 #53982  

Word: "@richgel99", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

6.aspx#people   https://medium.com/@richgel99/the-background-of-a-real-ex-u 4/2001 #53014  
e/VxA-Y4enohQ   https://medium.com/@richgel99/william-bill-g-uhouses-marine 11/1/2013 #54270  

Word: "@throwmasterjohn", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

AP in 1999. *   https://medium.com/@throwmasterjohn/jacques-vallees-details 12/3/1999 #52720  

Word: "-", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

f Changsong-ni and N of Nangnim Mt \- #1, North Korea (11 AM) silvery oval  5/15/1952 #10147  
f Changsong-ni and N of Nangnim Mt \- #2, North Korea (6 PM) silvery oval s 5/15/1952 #10148  

Word: "^`c", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

a strange symbol, which resembled "^`C L". She did not understand their lan 2/18/1990 #47700  

Word: "_blanche", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

: Air. Country: France Name: “gerb._blanche4/1/1960 #21745  

Word: "_bleue", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

: Air. Country: France Name: “gerb._bleue2/13/1960 #21684  

Word: "_rouge", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

: Air. Country: France Name: “gerb._rouge12/27/1960 #22135  

Word: "{ufo", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

iled an unidentified flying object {UFO) from the edge of Quincy to Baldwin 9/29/1973 #34832  

Word: "~10", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

         FRESNO, CA 2 observer(s). ~10 red-purple 15cm globes pass right ov 8/9/1995 #50969  

Word: "~1000mph", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

quickly west fast. ~300M altitude. ~1000mph.                                6/20/1974 #36279  

Word: "~100m", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ds' going quickly southwest fast / ~100m altitude.                          6/30/1947 (approximate) #5221  

Word: "~12", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                 SKARYSZEW, POLAND ~12 observer(s). Bright cylinder/cigar-s 11/10/1957 #19789  
                         JOPPA, IL ~12 observer(s). Ovoid with cluster / li 3/23/1966 #26139  

Word: "~12km", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

west / incredibly fast. Jet noise. ~12km altitude. (UPI) / r28p436.         7/26/1958 #20504  

Word: "~2", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

1 reaches a top speed of Mach 3.4 (~2,588 mph) during flight testing.       12/22/1964 #24603  

Word: "~20", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 NJ College Professor and several. ~20 round luminous/glowing objects north 11/26/1954 #16685  
                        ATHENS, TN ~20 observer(s). Fast bowl-saucer going  11/27/1958 #20843  

Word: "~20m", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

red 40cm ball going quickly west / ~20M altitude. Extremely fast. No furthe 6/16/1947 (approximate) #5013  

Word: "~2200mph", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 90° turn going quickly southwest. ~2200mph.                                7/19/1952 #10917  

Word: "~25kph", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 Follows terrain going northeast / ~25kph.                                  11/29/1989 #47503  

Word: "~30", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 FITZROY, AUSTRALIA 8+observer(s). ~30 translucent round objects appear and 7/2/1956 #18061  
         ALBUQUERQUE, NM USAF man. ~30 gold night lights / V formation. Mor 4/14/1958 #20314  

Word: "~300m", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ross east going quickly west fast. ~300M altitude. ~1000mph.                6/20/1974 #36279  

Word: "~35'", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

       ARMIDALE, AUSTR 1 observer. ~35'.circ.obj west square windows shoots 1/19/1978 #40443  

Word: "~50", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)

CA Don Barter and wife and others. ~50 disks seen. No further details.      7/8/1947 #5820  
                  LA FEUILLADE, FR ~50 40cm spheres / tight T-formation rol 10/1954 #15347  
                AMANZIMTOTI, NATAL ~50 observer(s). Cylinder/cylindrical ob 10/1/1960 #22052  
        ARPAJON, FR 3 observer(s). ~50 night lights ring yellow silent ovoi 11/5/1990 #48200  

Word: "~50'ovr", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ht 1485. Perfectly circular object ~50'OVR rooftops.                        2/20/1995 #50625  

Word: "~6", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 NOGALES, AZ Numerous observer(s). ~6 disks west going quickly east / low a 6/29/1947 #5197  

Word: "~abatko", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

funding.  https://www.cs.mcgill.ca/~abatko/interests/conspiracy/mj12/       2004 #53508  

Word: "~nagui", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

reat/   http://www.doe.carleton.ca/~nagui/Appnotes/AttachToMail/PDF/Maynard 8/2004 #53594  

Word: "£", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 cargo is estimated at around 8500 £. Traces of boarding with something are 11/24/1872 #1242  

Word: "£10", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

, and he is able to recover it for £10 from a man who claims he was the mys 11/21/1957 #19873  

Word: "©midwar", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

e device was 30 cm from the ground ©Midwar Flash-Net 1993-1998, All Rights  7/16/1996 #51611  

Word: "«", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)

g” and felt as if the humanoid was « looking into your soul. » It was diffi 11/10/1984 #45493  
the saucer down to the roof like a « stairway. » At this point the witness  12/1984 #45509  
small object then entered a larger « mother ship » type craft. There he was 12/14/1984 #45523  
 visors on the face area, and dark « spacesuits. » The beings appeared to b Winter 1984 #45533  

Word: "¬", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

     Way Cross (near), GA 7:00 PM. ¬: While parked in a wooded area, a youn 1/22/1984 #45092  

Word: "­orange", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

t blue oblong object emitting deep ­orange sparks from the front and rear.  10/29/1954 #16436  

Word: "°", 5 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 Controversial Phenomena, vol.1, n ° 2, March-April 1964, pp 13, 14 and thu Early 8/1952 (approximate) #11557  
ch subtended an angle of about 1/4 °, which implies a real diameter less th Summer 1960 #21868  
ated its angular dimension and 1/4 ° should perhaps be considered a maximum Summer 1960 #21868  
um estimate would certainly be 1/8 °. The object seemed to examine the tree Summer 1960 #21868  
d based on the angle of vision (68 °) and the position of the spot in the m 11/29/1989 #47489  

Word: "°c", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

t they plunged into this 1 million °C.                                      1543 #363  

Word: "±2", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

0 feet wide flying at about 15,000 ±2,000 feet altitude to the west, hoveri 12/16/1953 #13953  

Word: "»", 6 instance(s) (Back to Top)

, but also in terms of prudence... » (1954, 5 October)                      10/5/1954 #15545  
" - France Empire 1976, pp. 84-98) »                                        9/29/1974 #36574  
noid was « looking into your soul. » It was difficult for Steven to break e 11/10/1984 #45493  
own to the roof like a « stairway. » At this point the witness is unable to 12/1984 #45509  
hen entered a larger « mother ship » type craft. There he was taken to a co 12/14/1984 #45523  
 face area, and dark « spacesuits. » The beings appeared to be stumbling as Winter 1984 #45533  

Word: "¼", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

s at about 500 feet altitude and a ¼ mile away. Soon they could see that it 6/10/1969 #31822  

Word: "½", 12 instance(s) (Back to Top)

jects with mostly fuzzy edges each ½ the angular size of Moon. (Berliner) ( 4/5/1952 #9751  
door that Bethurum estimated was 4 ½ feet wide and about 10 to 12 feet long 7/27/1952 #11289  
see 3 white discs or globes, about ½ to almost the full apparent size of th 8/29/1952 #12033  
e saucer. The interview had lasted ½ hour. Allingham's contact claims are r 2/18/1954 #14170  
place at the railroad tracks about ½ a mile away, where a lighted object co 10/21/1963 #23823  
when they saw a little man about 3 ½ feet tall sitting by the road watching 1/26/1965 #24717  
l students saw three objects for 1 ½ hours. Two were high, and one was low  6/5/1967 #28808  
off his two children, ages 4 and 1 ½ years, at a local daycare center. As h 12/6/1976 #39028  
ed object hovering above the water ½ mile off shore. It appeared to emit so 11/30/1979 #42730  
 Area 51 Mailbox Site (near the 29 ½ mile marker, Highway 375, Tikaboo Vall 2/21/1990 #47703  
k and was estimated to have been 3 ½ meters tall, or almost nine feet.      9/19/1992 #49098  
y was not great. The ridge about 1 ½ miles to the north then began to emit  1/30/2006 #53792  

Word: "¾ʺ", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 from 10ʹ to 50ʹ long connected at ¾ʺ intervals by minute particles resembl 10/12/1959 #21507  

Word: "à", 10 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 with the publication of Des Indes à la Planete Mars (From India to the Pla 1900 #2059  
ont atterri" - J'ai Lu 1971, p. 44 à 46) At 4:47 a renowned astronomer (who 7/10/1947 #5933  
pector general at the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, Gen. Charles de Ga 8/16/1954 #14872  
es" - DELARGE 1975, J'ai Lu, p. 50 à 55) IN REALITY: a long investigation c 11/5/1954 #16534  
use" - trad. Laffont 1967 - p. 157 à 159) In the middle of the night, in th 11/28/1954 #16694  
       FRANCE, Chizé Forest "Buffe à Jasse" (Translated from French) At aro 3/1955 #17036  
pector general at the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique Jean-Luc Bruneau, i 1967 #27477  
ch) Observation of Tehran. (0 h 30 à 1 h 40)                                9/11/1976 #38795  
             Belgium, Liège "Thier à Liège" (Translated from French) Patric 8/24/1995 #51012  
rospatiaux non identifies: Un défi à la science, written in collaboration w 4/2007 #53888  

Word: "Álvaro", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                Cuajimalpa borough Álvaro Obregón, Mexico City, Mexico Even 5/15/1978 #40795  
oad between Cuajimalpa borough and Álvaro Obregón, Mexico City, Mexico, aft 5/15/1978 #40795  

Word: "Ángel", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

nce section, commanded by Lt. Col. Ángel Bastida.                           1/15/1992 #48723  
ued to all units in June. Lt. Col. Ángel Bastida admits it is inspired by s 3/31/1992 #48851  
                          Lt. Col. Ángel Bastida, head of the Intelligence  11/16/1992 #49184  

Word: "Árbenz", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ssadegh in Iran in 1953 and Jacobo Árbenz in Guatemala in 1954. Sometime th 8/23/1951 #9170  

Word: "Árbol", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 Zacatecas, Mexico Astronomer José Árbol y Bonilla, director of the El Cerr 8/12/1883 #1400  

Word: "Área", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                         Bebedouro Área de Proteção Ambiental do Carste de  5/4/1969 #31718  
 (apparently a small lagoon in the Área de Proteção Ambiental do Carste de  5/4/1969 #31718  

Word: "Ávila", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)

       Caracas, Venezuela Cerro El Ávila 4:00 p.m. Many people in Caracas,  9/28/1967 #29569  
ion and appear to land on Cerro El Ávila. A Similar object is seen taking o 9/28/1967 #29569  
                            Dias d’Ávila, Bahia, Brazil 7:04 p.m. Fritz Abb 12/13/1972 #34050  
Abbehusen is watching TV in Dias d’Ávila, Bahia, Brazil, when his set exper 12/13/1972 #34050  

Word: "Älmstä", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

    Stockholm, Sweden Väddö island Älmstä Väddö Bay Linköping University of 11/9/1958 #20818  
 northeast. About 6 miles north of Älmstä their car engine begins to sputte 11/9/1958 #20818  

Word: "Ängelholm", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                       Kronoskagen Ängelholm, Sweden 10:45 p.m. Gösta Carls 5/18/1946 #4482  
 forested area of Kronoskagen near Ängelholm, Sweden, when he sees a disc-s 5/18/1946 #4482  

Word: "Åbo", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

           Kallavesi lake, Finland Åbo Akademi University in Turku Universi 8/1964 #24364  
 The fragment is x-ray analyzed at Åbo Akademi University in Turku, which s 8/1964 #24364  

Word: "Ålen", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)

       (Translated from French) In Ålen, Norway, Lars Lillevold's grandmoth Spring 1870 #1212  
Translated from French) A night in Ålen (Norway), fishermen see a luminous  6/27/1895 #1519  
                                   Ålen, Norway Hessdalen Værnes Air Statio 3/26/1982 #44272  
m UFO-Norge hold a town meeting in Ålen, Norway, near Hessdalen. Of the 130 3/26/1982 #44272  

Word: "Årsteinfjellet", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

       (Translated from French) At Årsteinfjellet (Norway), 2 witnesses wer 8/26/1946 #4731  
 for 3 minutes, until it was above Årsteinfjellet, where it disintegrated i 8/26/1946 #4731  

Word: "Ås", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

       (Translated from French) In Ås (Norway), the night guard of Bjørnebe 10/7/1946 #4792  

Word: "Åsbygda", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                   Åsbygda, Ringerinke, Norway Alm school 5 10/25/1977 #40133  
hen descends behind some bushes at Åsbygda, Ringerinke, Norway. After about 10/25/1977 #40133  

Word: "Åse", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

outheastern Norway, and his sister Åse Tandberg watch two rocket-like objec 7/18/1946 #4592  

Word: "Åsta", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ay Morning. Edith Jacobsen, 2, and Åsta Solvang, 32, are on a blueberry-pic 8/20/1954 #14885  

Word: "Çandarli", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                           Gulf of Çandarli Aegean Sea western Turkey After 8/6/2001 #53090  
onfly jet trainer over the Gulf of Çandarli, an inlet of the Aegean Sea in  8/6/2001 #53090  

Word: "Échallens", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                   Échallens Orbe, Vaud, Switzerland A witn 12/21/1982 #44616  
Switzerland A witness driving from Échallens to Orbe, Vaud, Switzerland, no 12/21/1982 #44616  

Word: "Écureuils", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

     Quebec St. Lawrence River Les Écureuils Quebec City, Quebec Japan Otta 6/12/1960 #21867  
to the St. Lawrence River near Les Écureuils, about 20 miles upriver from Q 6/12/1960 #21867  

Word: "éd", 14 instance(s) (Back to Top)

SCHNEYDER: "Ovni, premier bilan" - éd. du Rocher 1983, p. 185) (...) "Five  6/21/1947 #5034  
 SCHNEYDER: "Ovni premier bilan" - éd. du Rocher 1983, p. 233) and (J. Alle 10/3/1963 #23793  
LLEE: "At the Limits of Reality" - éd. Albin Michel 1978, p84) (Wally Schir 10/3/1963 #23793  
cis CROLARD: "L'énigme des E.T." - éd. Guy TREDANIEL 1995, p. 34, 35). This 4/8/1964 #24018  
cis CROLARD: "L'énigme des E.T." - éd. Guy TREDANIEL 1995, p. 35) GEMINI IV 6/4/1965 (approximate) #24962  
vni, Premier dossier complet..." - éd. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 289, 290) Tw Early 9/1967 #29383  
an FERGUSON: "Les Humanoïdes..." - éd. Leméac, Ottawa, 1977, p. 40, 41) Mrs 8/27/1968 #30919  
SCHNEYDER: "Ovni, premier bilan" - éd. du Rocher 1983, p. 233) During the A 11/14/1969 #32107  
cis CROLARD: "L'énigme des E.T." - éd. Guy TREDANIEL 1995, p. 37) Astronaut 11/14/1969 #32107  
LEE: "Aux limites de la réalité" - éd. Albin Michel 1978, p 84) Apollo 12,  11/14/1969 #32107  
vni, Premier dossier complet..." - éd. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 426) They ad 12/2/1973 #35487  
RETAGNE, Anatomie d'un Phénomène", éd. Fernand Lanore 1978, p. 74 ) It was  1/18/1974 #35689  
cis CROLARD: "L'énigme des E.T." - éd. Guy Trédaniel 1995, p. 70, 71) Attra 1/8/1981 #43557  
 cachées de l'enquête officielle", éd. Albin Michel 1994, p 154 and followi 1/8/1981 #43557  

Word: "éditions", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

Saucers", ed. Del Duca, Paris "Les éditions Mondiales" 1951, p.169, which c 6/24/1947 #5078  

Word: "Élie", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

District 7:35 p.m. Monsignor Émile Élie Verhille, Apostolic Vicar of Fort-R 6/18/1954 #14580  

Word: "Élisabethville", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                   Élisabethville [now Lubumbashi] Democrat 1/17/1961 #22179  
a is executed by firing squad near Élisabethville [now Lubumbashi], Democra 1/17/1961 #22179  

Word: "Émile", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ssaka District 7:35 p.m. Monsignor Émile Élie Verhille, Apostolic Vicar of  6/18/1954 #14580  

Word: "Épine", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                           Croix d’Épine, Oise, France 7:50 p.m. Mechanic E 10/1/1954 #15390  
, is riding to his home in Croix d’Épine, Oise, France, on his motor scoote 10/1/1954 #15390  

Word: "étant", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 dans les "lettres de Ummo", comme étant un canular… étant des E.T. eux-mêm 8/20/1954 #14880  
 de Ummo", comme étant un canular… étant des E.T. eux-mêmes, ils devaient l 8/20/1954 #14880  

Word: "état", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                            Coup d’état in Greece. Although there are persi 4/21/1967 #28509  
es and national police in a coup d’état with the covert support of the CIA. 9/11/1973 #34742  

Word: "Étranges", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 d’Étude des Phénomène Spatiaux et Étranges in Marly-le-Roi, Yvelines, Fran 4/1976 #38362  

Word: "Étude", 15 instance(s) (Back to Top)

çine Fouéré establish the Groupe d’Étude des Phénomènes Aériens in Paris, F 1962 #22691  
 Lorthioir found Groupement pour l’Étude des Sciences d’Avant-Garde in Brug 1965 #24618  
ssels, Belgium The Société Belge d’Étude des Phénomènes Spatiaux is establi 5/1971 #32830  
dene, France The Société Varoise d’Étude des Phénomènes Spatiaux in Toulon, 12/1973 #35485  
on with the Société Vauclusienne d’Étude des Phénomènes Spatiaux in Vedene, 12/1973 #35485  
 Petrakis founds the Association d’Étude sur les Soucoupes Volantes in Aix- 1974 #35626  
s the Groupement de Recherche et d’Étude du Phénomène OVNI in Sorgues, Vauc 1975 #36782  
spices of the Société Parisienne d’Étude des Phénomène Spatiaux et Étranges 4/1976 #38362  
France Roger Thome founds Groupe d’Étude et de Recherche sur les OVNI Haute 1977 #39100  
unterpart to the Groupement pour l’Étude des Sciences d’Avant-Garde in Brug 1979 #41903  
witzerland Vevay The Association d’Étude sur les Soucoupes Volantes renames 9/1981 #43930  
        GEPAN is renamed Service d’Étude des Phénomènes de Rentrées Atmosph 11/1988 #46846  
OVNI group (formerly Association d’Étude sur les Soucoupes Volantes) begins 1/1991 #48323  
ssels, Belgium The Société Belge d’Étude des Phénomènes Spatiaux in Brussel 6/11/2007 #53908  
 less formal group, Comité Belge d’Étude des Phénomenes Spatiaux, headed by 6/11/2007 #53908  

Word: "Études", 20 instance(s) (Back to Top)

Hondt founds Groupement Nordiste d’Études des OVNI in Lestrem, Pas-de-Calai 1965 #24617  
 project of the Centre Nationale d’Études Spatiales, and later a European i 1967 #27477  
rance Gérard Lebat founds Groupe d’Études des Objets Spatiaux, which publis 1969 #31385  
ly Caluso French Office National d’Études et de Recherches Aérospatiales 7: 2/23/1971 #32761  
 day, the French Office National d’Études et de Recherches Aérospatiales an 2/23/1971 #32761  
smit them to the Centre National d’Études Spatiales (CNES). At the time, th 1974 #35625  
mmittee of the Institut des Hautes Études de Defense Nationale recommends t 1974 #35625  
d Claude Souris found the Centre d’Études et de Recherches des Phénomènes I 11/20/1975 #37998  
lou launches the Comité Savoyard d’Études et de Recherches Ufologiques in C 1976 #38109  
 Dominique Delille founds Groupe d’Études du Phénomène OVNI in Saint-Sympho 11/1976 #38951  
tion of France’s Centre National d’Études Spatiales on the initiative of CN 5/1/1977 #39519  
pants from the Institut des Hautes Études de Défense Nationale has been tac 6/20/1977 #39655  
The Sauvegarde et Conservation des Études et Archives Ufologiques is establ 2/1990 #47678  
    Marseille, France The Centre d’Études et de Recherches sur les Phénomèn 2/1990 #47679  
    France The Institut des Hautes Études de la Défense Nationale, a French 1996 #51289  
des to create a 12-member COMité d’ÉTudes Approfondies (COMETA) to review w 1996 #51289  
cipants at the Institut des Hautes Études de Défense Nationale in Paris, Fr 7/16/1999 #52624  
president of the Centre National d’Études Spatiales. The Comité d’Études Ap 7/16/1999 #52624  
l d’Études Spatiales. The Comité d’Études Approfondies (COMETA) group, coll 7/16/1999 #52624  
 agency is given the name Groupe d’Études et d’Information sur les Phénomèn 9/22/2005 #53749  

Word: "évidence", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

sco is publishing a book, OVNIs: L’évidence, in April.                      1/2004 #53511  

Word: "Íslands", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

eland Mælifell volcano A Flugfélag Íslands [now Air Iceland Connect] airlin 12/18/1976 #39056  

Word: "Île", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

          Piton du Calvaire Petite Île Réunion Indian Ocean 12:05 p.m. Anto 2/14/1975 #36948  
du Calvaire, a hill outside Petite Île on the southern coast of Réunion in  2/14/1975 #36948  

Word: "Île-perrot", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                 L’Île-Perrot, Quebec Reservoir Baskatong S 3/11/1978 #40590  
 Baskatong Sundown. Two men from L’Île-Perrot, Quebec, are camping near the 3/11/1978 #40590  

Word: "Întorsura", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ian Mountains Buzau River, Romania Întorsura Buzăului 1:00 a.m. Soldiers gu 6/22/1995 #50858  
 northeast over the mountains near Întorsura Buzăului and disappears. The n 6/22/1995 #50858  

Word: "Öjebyn", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

     (Translated from French) Near Öjebyn (Northern Sweden), in the evening 9/20/1971 #33111  

Word: "Örebro", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                             Usta, Örebro, Sweden 10:00 p.m. Inga Eriksson  7/12/1946 #4571  
Eriksson is in her garden in Usta, Örebro, Sweden, when she hears a sharp,  7/12/1946 #4571  

Word: "Östergötland", 4 instance(s) (Back to Top)

rg [now Dalarna] Gävleborg Uppsala Östergötland Skaraborg [now Västra Götal 2/21/1946 #4446  
[now Dalarna], Gävleborg, Uppsala, Östergötland, and Skaraborg [now Västra  2/21/1946 #4446  
           Kolmården ridge area in Östergötland, Sweden 8:00 p.m. Two 15-ye 8/23/1967 #29302  
around the Kolmården ridge area in Östergötland, Sweden, when they see a re 8/23/1967 #29302  

Word: "Østlandet", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

t storm arrived over the fjord and Østlandet, a man stood in front of the w 8/20/1915 #2696  

Word: "Østre", 3 instance(s) (Back to Top)

       (Translated from French) At Østre Slidre (Norway), 4 female visitors 7/13/1915 #2690  
ut to be destroyed. The sheriff of Østre Slidre is immediately notified of  7/13/1915 #2690  
s. In an interview, the sheriff of Østre Slidre indicates that no trace of  7/13/1915 #2690  

Word: "Øyfjellet", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                   Øyfjellet Mosjøen Norway Morning. Edith  8/20/1954 #14885  
are on a blueberry-picking trip to Øyfjellet, near Mosjøen, Norway, with th 8/20/1954 #14885  

Word: "út", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 Arena Street [modern Dózsa György út] in Budapest, Hungary 3:30 p.m. Gyori 6/10/1947 #4994  
 Arena Street [modern Dózsa György út] in Budapest, Hungary, watch four yel 6/10/1947 #4994  

Word: "Ürümqi", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                   Ürümqi, Xinjiang Autonomous Province, Ch 9/6/1989 #47291  
11:13 p.m. Tong Yuwei, a worker in Ürümqi, Xinjiang Autonomous Province, Ch 9/6/1989 #47291  

Word: "Ćirković", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

   Serbian astrophysicist Milan M. Ćirković theorizes that because it is re 6/10/2003 #53424  

Word: "İzmir", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

               Niğde Havsa, Edirne İzmir Buca forest 7:05–11:35 p.m. Three  1/15/1982 #44154  
eported UFO causes the citizens of İzmir, western Anatolia, to panic. When  1/15/1982 #44154  

Word: "Łeba", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ünde, Germany Parikkala in Finland Łeba, Poland The Hungarian report of Aug 8/13/1946 #4682  
l attaché in Stockholm thinks that Łeba, Poland, is the launch site.        8/13/1946 #4682  

Word: "Łosice", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                         Lubliniec Łosice Dobrzykowice 10:30–11:00 p.m. Wit 8/3/2013 #54258  
ut 65 feet long. A young couple in Łosice watches a dark, triangular UFO wi 8/3/2013 #54258  

Word: "Śmiech", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

ong changing into a sphere. Bogdan Śmiech from Malbork watches 9– 10 balls  8/20/1979 #42444  

Word: "Świat", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

 establishes the magazine Nieznany Świat in Warsaw.                         1990 #47624  

Word: "Świdnica", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                            Warsaw Świdnica Poland Polish Air Force pilot A 8/1958 #20522  
on interception in the area around Świdnica, Poland. Flying at 26,000 feet, 8/1958 #20522  

Word: "Świecie", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

dgoszcz Malbork Jastrzębie Olsztyn Świecie Warsaw 7:30–9:00 p.m. Some 119 p 8/20/1979 #42444  
zcz, Malbork, Jastrzębie, Olsztyn, Świecie, and Warsaw. Vacationers in Sopo 8/20/1979 #42444  

Word: "Świętej", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                              Góra Świętej Anny, Poland Evening. Grzegorz N 6/18/1997 #52055  
to the Battle of Annenberg in Góra Świętej Anny, Poland, when they see glow 6/18/1997 #52055  

Word: "Ştefan", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

n, Romania 4:00 p.m. Meteorologist Ştefan Bălaşa and a group of skiers watc 3/29/1968 #30371  
ambique Channel when Third Officer Ştefan Anton and Commander Nicolae Ştefa 10/24/1968 #31142  

Word: "Ştefanescu", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

Ştefan Anton and Commander Nicolae Ştefanescu see a bright orange-yellow di 10/24/1968 #31142  

Word: "Šafařík", 1 instance(s) (Back to Top)

.m. Chemist and astronomer Vojtěch Šafařík of Prague [now in the Czech Repu 4/24/1874 #1264  

Word: "Ţarcu", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                   Ţarcu Peak, Romania Berzasca Danube Rive 3/30/1968 #30378  
the wind at the weather station on Ţarcu Peak, Romania. They watch it for 2 3/30/1968 #30378  

Word: "Żuławka", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

                                   Żuławka Sztumska Sztum, Poland Tropy Szt 9/5/1979 #42523  
gnant patient in an ambulance from Żuławka Sztumska to the hospital at Sztu 9/5/1979 #42523  

Word: "•", 2 instance(s) (Back to Top)

pace" - J'AI LU 1969, p. 183, 184)  MONTE MAIZ (ARGENTINA) on 10/12/63 E.  10/12/1963 (approximate) #23807  
as of Unsolved Cases, p. 60 to 63)  HUFFMAN, TEXAS (USA) on 12/29/80 Betty 12/29/1980 #43528