This is an automatically generated KWIC Index of the 2003-2009 Crash Retrieval Conference proceedings, created by Richard Geldreich Jr..
Here are links to each year's proceedings and each presentation:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z numbers misc
"a%" "a'" "a'10" "a'azj1'61" "a'ilan" "a's" "a'tf" "a'uts"
"a-" "a-'a~" "a--" "a-002-6" "a-1" "a-12" "a-12's" "a-4"
"a-6343" "a-7" "a-7s" "a-a" "a-bomb" "a-c" "a-frame" "a-jr"
"a-line" "a-scope" "a-sought" "a-v" "a-vnilabxo" "a-wi" "a-·" "a0c"
"a1" "a1'j" "a1--~" "a1-tr•" "a10ment" "a10n" "a11" "a111op-"
"a11d" "a11top" "a1ion" "a1ir" "a1ja91sts" "a1my" "a1nam1" "a1r"
"a1wllc" "a3-as2" "a3ss" "a4" "a5" "a5eo" "a6" "a6iu"
"a" "a\" "a\fjxg" "a\l" "a\orj•" "a\ternate" "a\·iation" "a\·on"
"a^rowl" "a_" "a_l" "aa" "aa0" "aaa" "aaa^aaad" "aaaa"
"aaaaaaaay" "aaaaafaaeaaa" "aaaaaglt»ki---" "aaadatanae" "aaaertaiw" "aaaf" "aaaiataaaa" "aaala"
"aaalataata" "aaalataatwo" "aaald" "aaalstaaao" "aaamfl" "aaar" "aaarlaan" "aaartaaly"
"aaatotiaaa" "aaaucialaa" "aaawgaawaa" "aaay" "aabdu" "aacdg" "aacritfid" "aad"
"aadails" "aaf" "aafc" "aafftd" "aafo" "aaggaatad^" "aai" "aaib"
"aaic=mr-nt" "aaid" "aak" "aald" "aalilka•" "aalrm" "aam" "aamoora"
"aaniatawoe" "aanos" "aansmtusnoas" "aao" "aaparta" "aapexta" "aare" "aaron"
"aartataaae" "aartawer" "aasfimasae" "aastataata" "aat" "aata" "aataat" "aatiaatad"
"aatio11al" "aaw^atad^" "aay" "aayarrlaim" "aayparl" "aaysr" "ab" "aback"
"abandon" "abandoned" "abbreviated" "abbreviation" "abbreviations" "abc" "abc-tv" "abdication"
"abdomen" "abducbon" "abducllon" "abduct" "abducted" "abductees" "abductio" "abduction"
"abduction''" "abductions" "abductlons" "abduebon" "abe" "aben" "aberdeen" "aberrations"
"abets" "abi" "abide" "abiding" "abielittaty" "abilene" "abilit" "abilities"
"ability" "abisb" "ablaze" "ablcinf~ion" "able" "ablf" "ablish" "abm"
"abmc-top" "abnormal" "abnormally" "abo" "abo\·e" "aboard" "abolished" "abolishing"
"aboll" "aborted" "abortive" "abosc" "abou" "abouf" "aboul" "abound"
"abounded" "above-ground" "above-mentioned" "above-projects" "abovementioned" "abq" "abrams" "abreast"
"abridged" "abroad" "abrupt" "abruptly" "abscess" "absence" "absent" "absolut"
"absolute" "absolutely" "absolved" "absolves" "absorb" "absorbed" "absorbent" "absorber"
"absorbtion" "absorption" "absract" "abstract" "absurd" "abts" "abundant" "abundantly"
"abused" "abut" "ab~-" "ab~tract" "ab~ut" "ac" "ac&w" "ac1"
"ac9u" "ac'" "ac^sfcsn" "acaaed" "academia" "academic" "academically" "academician"
"academics" "academy" "academy-a" "acc" "acc&" "accelerate" "accelerated" "accelerates"
"accelerating" "acceleration" "accelerations" "accelerator" "accelerators" "accent" "accepc" "accept"
"acceptable" "acceptance" "accepted" "accepting" "accepts" "access" "accessible" "accessing"
"accession" "accidenrnljy" "accident" "accidenta" "accidental" "accidentall" "accidentally" "accidents"
"accivicies" "acclaimed" "acclimatize" "accms" "acco" "accolmr" "accommodate" "accommodations"
"accompan" "accompani" "accompanied" "accompanies" "accompany" "accompanying" "accompjjsh" "accomplice"
"accomplish" "accomplished" "accomplishing" "accomplishment" "accomplishments" "accorcling" "accorcljng" "accord"
"accordance" "accorded" "accordin" "according" "accordingly" "accordjng" "accoroing" "accorrung"
"accortkq" "accounbni" "account" "accountable" "accountant" "accounted" "accounting" "accounts"
"accountsobjects" "accoutrements" "accuauy" "accumulated" "accumulating" "accumulation" "accumulator" "accumulator's"
"accumulators" "accunndy" "accurac" "accuracy" "accurate" "accurately" "accusations" "accuse"
"accused" "accuses" "accusing" "accustomed" "ace" "ace-of-spades" "aceeb" "acement"
"aceortliag" "acer" "aces" "acetate" "acetates" "acetic" "acetylene" "acffll=u~"
"aches" "acheson" "acheson's" "achieve" "achieved" "achievement" "achieving" "achilles"
"aching" "acid" "acids" "acin" "acitivities" "acitl1'g" "ackno\" "acknowledge"
"acknowledged" "acknowledgement" "acknowledgements" "acknowledges" "acknowledging" "acknowledgment" "acknowledgments" "acl"
"acm" "acm4nittiot" "acmal" "acme" "acn1ally" "acomjc" "acorn" "acorn-shaped"
"acqu" "acquaintance" "acquaintances" "acquainted" "acquire" "acquired" "acquiring" "acquisition"
"acquisitions" "acquitted" "acrbss-ihevwsfg" "acre" "acree" "acres" "acrimonious" "acromooat"
"acronym" "across" "acruaj" "acrual" "acrueved" "acrul" "acslo-amuicbl" "act"
"act's" "acted" "acting" "action" "actions" "activate" "activated" "activation"
"active" "actively" "activism" "activist" "activities" "activitis•" "activity" "activjty"
"activties" "actor" "actors" "actress" "acts" "actual" "actually" "actuarial"
"actuauy" "acute" "acuvdy" "acx" "ad" "ad's" "ad-lib" "ad111it"
"ada" "ada0j0043" "adage" "adam" "adamant" "adams" "adamski" "adapt"
"adaptation" "adapted" "adaptive" "adawao" "adc" "add" "added" "addenda"
"addendum" "adder" "addictions" "adding" "addition" "additiona" "additional" "additionally"
"additionauy" "additions" "additive" "addre" "address" "addressed" "addressee" "addressees"
"addresses" "addressing" "adds" "adee" "adelaide" "adequate" "adequately" "adey"
"adherence" "adherent" "adi" "adianced" "adinl" "adio" "adjacent" "adjective"
"adjectives" "adjoining" "adjunct" "adjust" "adjusted" "adjustments·" "adjusts" "adjutant"
"adlc'nt" "adlerjlug" "adlloidlrtffltjii" "adlo~ct" "adlt~nufo~" "adm" "admfrcing" "admfrting"
"admin" "admined" "administered" "administrati" "administrating" "administration" "administration's" "administrations"
"administrative" "administrator" "administrators" "admintstration" "admiral" "admiral's" "admiralty" "admire"
"admirer" "admirustration" "admission" "admissions" "admit" "admits" "admitted" "admittedly"
"admitting" "admjn" "admjued" "adml" "admonished" "admsors" "adnaian" "ado"
"adobe" "adolescent" "adolf" "adopt" "adopted" "adorned" "adp" "adrian"
"adrrurustration" "adrution" "ads" "adual" "adult" "adults" "adults'" "adv"
"adv'i" "advance" "advanced" "advancement" "advancements" "advances" "advancing" "advantage"
"advantageous" "advcrl" "advenrures" "advent" "adventure" "adventures" "adverbs" "adversarial"
"adversaries" "adversary" "adverse" "adversely" "adversity" "advertised" "advertisement" "advertisements"
"advertiser" "advertisers" "advertisi" "advertisin" "advertising" "advice" "advisable" "advise"
"advised" "adviser" "advisers" "advises" "advising" "advisor" "advisors" "advisory"
"advocate" "advocated" "advocates" "advocating" "adwlaara" "adwlaera" "adx" "ad•"
"ae" "aea" "aec" "aec's" "aeci8" "aeeeoeary" "aef" "aefc"
"aegis" "aegrodve" "aeoond" "aerial" "aerials" "aeries" "aerja1" "aero"
"aero-" "aero-dynamics" "aerobatic" "aerobee" "aerobic" "aerodynamic" "aerodynamics" "aerodyne"
"aeroflot" "aeromedtcai" "aeronaucical" "aeronautical" "aeronautics" "aeropause" "aerospace" "aes"
"aeual" "ae•" "af" "af'osi" "af200-20" "afb" "afb's" "afbl"
"afcin" "afclt" "afcs" "afe" "affa" "affaiis" "affair" "affairs"
"affec" "affect" "affected" "affecting" "affects" "affidavit" "affiliate" "affiliated"
"affiliates" "affiliations" "affirmati" "affirmative" "affirms" "affixed" "affixing" "affkel"
"afflictions" "afford" "afforded" "affords" "affront" "affrur" "afftein" "afghanistan"
"afic" "afj-12" "aflame" "aflc" "afloat" "afmpc" "aforeign" "aforementioned"
"afosi" "afosj" "afotec" "afp" "afpndaal" "afprrving" "afr" "afr200-2"
"afraid" "africa" "african" "afront-bumt" "afs-p51" "afs-p7" "afs-p8" "afs\vp"
"afsc" "afss" "afswf" "afswp" "aft" "aftac" "aftar" "afte"
"aftecthio" "afterburners" "aftermath" "afternoon" "afterthought" "afterward" "afterwards" "afterword"
"aftlalal" "af{0more" "ag" "ag-control" "aga" "agadir" "agadir'" "agaillst"
"again-and" "agam" "age" "aged" "agenc" "agencies" "agency" "agency's"
"agency-with" "agenda" "agendas" "agengs" "agent" "agent-" "agents" "agen~ies"
"ages" "agfa" "aggovas" "aggravated" "aggravation" "aggregate" "aggression" "aggressive"
"aggressively" "aggressor" "aghast" "aging" "agitated" "agitating" "agl" "agmda"
"ago" "ago-and" "agos-reservation" "agree" "agreed" "agreed-upon" "agreeing" "agreeme"
"agreement" "agreements" "agreer" "agrees" "agreq" "agriculrural" "agricultural" "agriculture"
"agro" "agrun" "agsgssiaal" "agthing" "agustin" "ag~nt" "ah" "ahaeld"
"ahawm" "ahcrmter®" "ahd" "ahead" "ahi" "ahl" "ahlc" "ahliyatlm"
"ahogadero" "ahomas" "aho~" "ahrt" "ai" "ai'\jd" "ai0" "ai1or"
"ai\ffi" "ai\t" "aial" "aiat" "aic" "aid" "aida" "aidar"
"aide" "aide-de-camp" "aided" "aides" "aids" "aii" "aii1" "aiicraft"
"aiio" "aiiuraaanl" "aik" "ail" "aileron" "ailir" "ailments" "aim"
"aim1an" "aim1en" "aimed" "aims" "ain" "ain't" "ainid" "ainnan"
"aioncf" "aioon" "aipa" "aipimsgaa" "air" "air-" "air-borne" "air-command"
"air-conditioning" "air-data" "air-intake" "air-intakes" "air-sea" "aira" "airborn" "airborne"
"airbrushed" "aircra" "aircraft" "aircraft's" "aircraft-nor" "aircraft-the" "aircra~" "aird"
"airdrop" "airdrops" "aired" "aires" "aires--a" "airfield" "airfoil" "airforce"
"airframe" "airframes" "airgram" "airgrams" "airing" "airlant" "airlant's" "airlift"
"airlifted" "airline" "airliner" "airliners" "airlines" "airman" "airmen" "airn1an"
"airplane" "airplane's" "airplanes" "airport" "airports" "airscri^y" "airshafts" "airship"
"airships" "airspace" "airspeed" "air~" "air•" "ais" "aisne" "aiss"
"aissim" "ait" "aitaatl" "aitaatloa" "aiteamaoe" "aitived" "aittority" "aitwauoa"
"aiu" "aiwa" "aixc" "ai•" "aj" "aj1d" "ajax" "ajbuquerque"
"ajc" "ajestic-12" "ajj" "ajjen" "ajjoy" "ajl" "ajlo" "ajmost"
"ajnerlcnn" "ajoio~" "ajon" "ajr^l" "ajso" "ajss" "ajt" "ajtl'lzing"
"ajwebennan" "ajwlsers" "aka" "akademgorodok" "ake" "aker" "akes" "akin"
"akira" "akron" "akrotiri" "akt" "aktion" "al" "al'" "al'"
"al''cert" "al'\jd" "al't•oktly" "al-" "al-banna" "al1" "al4swisisa" "ala"
"alaalaa" "alabama" "alacrity" "alajiogordo" "alamagordo" "alamogordo" "alamos" "alan"
"alann" "alanos" "alar" "alarm" "alarmed" "alarming" "alarms" "alary"
"alas" "alaska" "albeit" "albert" "alberta" "alberto" "albis" "albuc1uerque"
"albuquerque" "alc" "alchemists" "alcitudes" "alcoa" "alcohol" "ald" "aldo"
"aldrich" "aldrich's" "ale" "aleksandr" "alems" "alert" "alerted" "alerts"
"alewspapers" "alex" "alexander" "alf" "alfred" "alftobiogr" "alfven" "algorithm"
"ali" "alias" "aliastechnologv" "alibek" "alibekov" "alice" "alich1" "alicn"
"alie11" "alien" "alien's" "alien-caused" "alien-contact" "alien-related" "alien-shaped" "alien-style"
"alien-themed" "alienated" "alienrelated" "aliens" "aliens'" "aliens-existing" "alighting" "aligned"
"alignment" "alignments" "alihouch" "alike" "alio~" "alio·w" "alive" "alj"
"alj-powerfu" "aljen" "aljow" "aljuil" "aljwl-c'st" "alk" "alk'" "alkali"
"alkway" "all'" "all-" "all-consuming" "all-encompassing" "all-magnetic" "all-natural" "all-out"
"all-protecting" "all-stars" "all-too-young" "allappdviiii" "allegation" "allegations" "allege" "alleged"
"allegedly" "allegiance" "alleging" "allen" "allention" "allentough" "alleviated" "alley"
"alley'" "alleys" "alliance" "alliances" "allied" "allies" "allllld" "alln"
"allnwin" "allo-" "allo\ved" "allocated" "allocations" "allothy" "allow" "allowance"
"allowed" "allowing" "allows" "alloy" "alloys" "alls" "allude" "alluded"
"alludes" "alluding" "ally" "all~mntive" "almdnous" "almond-shape" "almond-shaped" "almost"
"almost-certain-fact" "alnu" "aloft" "alolo~·" "alom" "alone" "along" "alongside"
"aloo" "aloof" "alorn" "alpha" "alphabet" "alphagen" "alra" "alrbome"
"alrcraf" "alreadv" "already-existing" "alread~" "alrtr" "alrtralfoc" "als" "alsalon"
"alsop" "alss" "alt" "alt'ospoepe" "alta" "altaatlaa" "altamira" "altcmati"
"alter" "alter''" "alteration" "alterations" "altered" "altering" "alternate" "alternately"
"alternati'e" "alternatin" "alternating" "alternative" "alternatively" "alternatives" "althou" "altitude"
"altitudes" "altlll" "altnbuted" "altnimits" "alto" "altogether" "altoids" "alton"
"altwtiaa" "alu" "alum" "aluminate" "aluminized" "aluminum" "alumlnum" "alumni"
"alumnus" "alva" "alvarez" "alvarez's" "alvin" "alvin1filta3" "always" "alwa}"
"alzheimer'" "al~o•~" "al•" "am1" "amaan•ella" "amaarw" "amadon-mahtai" "amaooio"
"amarc" "amargosa" "amarilla" "amarillo" "amassed" "amassing" "amateur" "amaze"
"amazed" "amazement" "amazing" "amazingly" "amazmg" "amazon" "ambasrabr" "ambassador"
"ambassador's" "ambassadors" "amber" "ambient" "ambiguity" "ambiguous" "ambitious" "ambivalent"
"ambulance" "ambulatory" "amc" "amc-1" "amc1·ic2n" "amcricm" "amdf" "ame"
"amee" "amen" "amenable" "amended" "amendment" "americ" "americ4" "america"
"america'" "america's" "america-a" "america-signed" "american" "americans" "amherst" "ami"
"amid" "amidst" "amino" "amitonta" "amity" "aml" "ammonia" "ammuniti"
"ammunition" "amnesia" "amnion" "amnions" "amnn" "amo" "amoco" "amod"
"amoiitan" "amold" "among" "amongst" "amore" "amount" "amounted" "amounts"
"amo~" "amp" "amperes" "amphibian" "amphibious" "ample" "amplification" "amplified"
"amplifier" "amplitudes" "amst" "amt" "amtbc" "amts" "amused" "amusement"
"amusing" "amy" "amyloid" "am·" "an-" "an-0" "an-ival" "an-ived"
"an-iving" "an-sack" "an1cs" "an4" "an9" "ana" "anachronism" "anachronisms"
"anachronistic" "anachronon1sms" "anachrorusms" "anacortes" "anain" "anaistasta" "anajysis" "anal"
"analog" "analogous" "analogously" "analogue" "analogy" "analvses" "analyse" "analysed"
"analyses" "analysis" "analyst" "analysts" "analytic" "analytical" "analyze" "analyzed"
"analyzer" "analyzing" "analyzmg" "anar-" "anarchy" "anastas" "anathema" "anatomical"
"anatomy" "anaum" "anc-icnt" "ancestors" "anchor" "anchorage" "anchored" "ancicipates"
"ancient" "ancillary" "ancj" "ancl'" "ancm" "and-most" "and1or" "and_the_m"
"andaawr" "andean" "andere" "anderson" "anderson•hannegan" "andes" "andin" "anding"
"andior" "andrei" "andrew" "andrew's" "andrews" "andrews'" "andrija" "andromeda"
"andrus" "andy" "andy's" "anecdotal" "anecdote" "anecdotes" "anencion" "anently"
"anesthetize" "aneurin" "anfalov" "ang" "angela" "angeles" "angelo" "angels"
"anger" "angered" "angle" "angled" "angles" "anglesey" "angleton" "angleton's"
"angleton-because" "anglia" "anglican" "anglo-" "anglo-american" "anglopamerlcan" "anglo•~~m~r" "angry"
"angst" "anguished" "angular" "anh" "anicw" "anikal" "aniline" "animal"
"animal's" "animals" "animated" "animator" "animators" "anj" "anlmale" "anly"
"ann" "annals" "annapolis" "anne" "anned" "annette" "annex" "annihilated"
"annihilating" "anniversag" "anniversar" "anniversarv" "anniversary" "annotated" "annotates" "annotatio"
"annotations" "announce" "announced" "announcement" "announcements" "announces" "announcin" "announcing"
"announcod" "annoyance" "annoyed" "annoying" "annrtr^" "annual" "annul" "anny"
"anny's" "ano" "ano's" "anoe" "anolymous" "anomal" "anomalies" "anomalist"
"anomalous" "anomaly" "anonym" "anonymity" "anonymous" "anonymously" "anorlean" "anorovndt"
"anothr" "anotlier" "anotner" "anpyact" "anqolton" "anr" "anrd" "anrl"
"anrrwst" "ans" "ans1901718" "anschluss" "ansco" "ansrisan" "answer" "answered"
"answering" "answers" "ant" "antares" "ante" "antecedents" "antelope" "antenna"
"antennae" "antennas" "anthill·" "anthilp" "anthony" "anthrax" "anthropolog" "anthropological"
"anthropology" "anthropomorphic-with" "anti" "anti-aircraft" "anti-american" "anti-castro" "anti-communist" "anti-defamation"
"anti-government" "anti-gravic" "anti-gravity" "anti-libertarian" "anti-matter" "anti-missile" "anti-mj-12" "anti-plague"
"anti-press" "anti-radar" "anti-satellite" "anti-secrecy" "anti-submarine" "anti-terrorist" "anti-ufo" "anti-war"
"antiaircraft" "antibiotics" "antibodies" "antibody" "antichrist" "anticipates" "anticipating" "anticipation"
"anticorrosion" "antidepressant" "antigravit" "antigravitv" "antigravity" "antique" "antis" "antiseptic"
"antiterrorism" "anton" "antonio" "antony" "antra" "ants" "anuf&" "anulo-antprict1n"
"anv" "anwoca" "anxiety" "anxious" "any'" "any^" "anybody" "anybody's"
"anyentec" "anyhow" "anymore" "anyone" "anyth" "anything" "anything-" "anything-a"
"anythinj" "anytime" "anytlung" "anyway" "anywhere" "an}one" "an~" "an~w"
"an·" "ao" "aoa^aaad" "aoaaidariag" "aoaaot" "aoac&ma" "aoaditdaaa" "aoajr"
"aoaoahat" "aoaooqwoaoos" "aoart" "aoartmn«hatt»r" "aoatltla" "aobawrw" "aodlllll" "aoeb~o"
"aoflaa" "aol" "aon" "aon^ilckis" "aoo" "aooplax" "aoreoseo" "aoroilutted"
"aorta" "aos" "aosplsted" "aot" "aotorlor@tl@^" "aoy" "ap" "ap-"
"ap-adjcctive" "ap6aa" "apache" "aparecida" "apart" "apartment" "apartments" "apathy"
"apd" "apears" "aperture" "apes" "apex" "aphll" "apink" "apodaca"
"apollo" "apolloprobldi" "apologies" "apologists" "apologize" "apons" "apoos" "apor"
"app" "appa" "appalachian" "appalled" "appalling" "apparan1s" "apparatu" "apparatus"
"apparencly" "apparent" "apparentl" "apparently" "apparentty" "appeal" "appear" "appearance"
"appeared" "appearin" "appearing" "appears" "appencllx" "appendage" "appendages" "appended"
"appendix" "appendjx" "appetite" "applauded" "apple" "apples" "appliance" "applic"
"applicable" "application" "applications" "applications-in" "applied" "applies" "apply" "applying"
"appmlaal" "appoint" "appointed" "appointee" "appointees" "appointment" "appoints" "appolnttd"
"apportioned" "apposeto" "appraisal" "appraisals" "appraise" "appraised" "appreciate" "appreciated"
"appreciates" "appreciating" "appreciation" "apprehension" "apprehensive" "apprentice" "appre~•a~on" "appro"
"approa" "approach" "approached" "approaches" "approaching" "approacneo" "appropr" "appropriat"
"appropriate" "appropriated" "appropriately" "appropriation" "approva" "approvai" "approval" "approve"
"approved" "approves" "approving" "approx" "approximat" "approximate" "approximated" "approximatel"
"approximately" "approximates" "approximating" "approxjmatel" "apr" "aprer" "april" "apro"
"aprointment" "apron" "apt" "apter" "ap~rs" "aq" "aq-4" "aquari"
"aquariums" "aquarius" "aqy" "ar" "ar-old" "ara" "arab" "arabia"
"aral" "arallla" "aransas" "araoa" "ararat" "ararat's" "ararr" "arawn"
"arbeite" "arbitrarily" "arbitrary" "arbor" "arc" "arca" "arcadia" "arcane"
"arch" "arch-foe" "arch9804" "archaeologist" "archaeologists" "archeological" "archeologist" "archeologists"
"archeology" "archetype" "archetypes" "arching" "architect's" "architected" "architects" "architecture"
"archival" "archive" "archived" "archives" "archives'" "archivist" "archiyes" "archjval"
"archlaclolo" "archuleta" "arcicle" "arcificial" "arclrnin" "arcratt" "arctic" "ard"
"ardent" "ards" "are-two" "area" "area's" "area-and" "area-kecksburg" "areas"
"arecibo" "arecroitato" "ared" "aren't" "arena" "arenas" "areriaj" "argentina"
"argentina's" "argentine" "argentine-bolivian" "argentinean" "argentlaa" "argonaut-greywolf@cox" "arguable" "arguably"
"argue" "argued" "argues" "arguing" "argument" "arguments" "ari" "aria"
"arial" "arid" "ariery" "arild" "arious" "arise" "arises" "arising"
"arista" "aristocratic" "aristocrats" "aritakl" "aritar" "arizona" "arizona's" "ark"
"ark's" "arkansas" "arl" "arlington" "arlon" "arm" "arm9" "armadas-school"
"armageddon" "armaments" "armchair" "armed" "armen" "armies" "arming" "armistice"
"armor" "armored" "armoring" "armour" "armpit" "armpits" "arms" "armstron"
"armstrong" "armv" "army" "army's" "arn" "arn1y's" "arnl" "arnold"
"arnold's" "arnon" "arnone" "arnual" "arn■itlvr" "aro" "aroma" "aromjc"
"arose" "arou1d" "arouncl" "around" "arouse" "aroused" "arousing" "arp"
"arpa" "arpaatt{'" "arpcii" "arr" "arra" "arrange" "arranged" "arrangement"
"arrangements" "arranges" "arranging" "array" "arrays" "arren" "arrention" "arrest"
"arrested" "arrests" "arreyito" "arri" "arrival" "arrive" "arrived" "arrives"
"arriving" "arrly•" "arrogance" "arrogant" "arrogantly" "arrorney" "arrow" "arrows"
"arroyo" "arroyos" "arroytto" "arrs" "ars" "arse" "arsenal" "arsene"
"arspace" "art" "arte" "artel" "artem" "artful" "arth" "arthur"
"artichoke" "article" "article'" "article123" "articles" "articulate" "articulated" "articulating"
"artide" "artifact" "artifacts" "artificia" "artificial" "artificial-he" "artificiality" "artificially"
"artillery" "artist" "artist's" "artistic" "artium" "artlficiall" "arttanirt" "art~d"
"arumaj" "arumal" "arumated" "arv" "arvato" "ary" "ar~und" "ar£totall'"
"ar«" "ar®" "ar°a" "ar••" "as-" "as-2" "as-jet" "as4"
"as_" "asa" "asad" "asalg" "asap" "asbestos" "ascendancy" "ascendant"
"ascended" "ascendency" "ascending" "ascent" "ascertain" "ascoo" "ascribed" "ascribing"
"asdstaats" "ase" "asecii•tgton" "aseing" "asg" "ash" "ashen" "ashes"
"ashington" "ashland" "ashs" "asi\1" "asiatic" "asiatic-pacific" "aside" "asimov"
"asj" "ask" "asked" "asking" "asks" "asl" "asleep" "aslll"
"asml" "asoeweary" "aspartame" "aspect" "aspects" "aspekti" "aspen" "aspertame"
"asphalt" "asphyxiating" "asr^s^ffloae" "asrects" "asrx" "ass" "assassin" "assassinate"
"assassinated" "assassination" "assassinations" "assault" "assay" "assdstanoa" "assembled" "assembler"
"assembly" "assercions" "assert" "asserted" "assertion" "assertions" "asserts" "assess"
"assessed" "assessi\1ent" "assessing" "assessment" "assessments" "asset" "assets" "assiduously"
"assign" "assigned" "assigning" "assignment" "assignments" "assimilate" "assisi" "assist"
"assistanc" "assistance" "assistanee" "assistant" "assistants" "assisted" "assistewm" "assisting"
"associ" "associable" "associate" "associated" "associates" "association" "associations" "assortment"
"assume" "assumed" "assumes" "assuming" "assumption" "assumption-bias" "assumptions" "assumptionsx"
"assurance" "assure" "assured" "ast" "asterisks" "asteroid" "asteroids" "astlaata"
"astonished" "astonishing" "astonishj" "astonishment" "astonisrungly" "astorusrung" "astounded" "astounding"
"astray" "astro" "astro-nautical" "astrological" "astronaut" "astronaut's" "astronautica" "astronautics"
"astronautix" "astronauts" "astronom" "astronomer" "astronomers" "astronomical" "astronomy" "astrop_anes"
"astroph" "astrophysical" "astrophysicist" "astrophysicists" "astrophysics" "asylum" "asymmetric" "asymmetrical"
"at&t" "at&t's" "at'" "ata" "ataaaaa" "ataaatt" "atali" "atam"
"atari" "atata" "atate" "atato" "atc" "atcd" "atcond" "atdhhe"
"ate" "atei-la" "atemie" "atereterist" "ateuld" "athan" "atheneum" "athletic"
"athletics" "ati" "atic" "atien" "ating" "atio" "atio11s" "ation"
"atiout" "ative" "atiwca" "atizona" "atj" "atkins" "atl" "atlaat~"
"atlanta" "atlantic" "atlantla" "atlccti-in" "atlee" "atmosph" "atmosphe" "atmosphere"
"atmosphere-a" "atmospheric" "atmosph~" "atna" "atnl" "ato1nic" "atocruc" "atoe•ev1"
"atoll" "atolls" "atom" "atomic" "atomic-angle" "atomic-energy" "atomjc" "atoms"
"aton1bomb" "atop" "ator" "atow" "atp" "atrophied" "atsaua" "atsugi"
"att" "attaahod" "attaamo" "attaatot" "attach" "attache" "attached" "attaches"
"attachment" "attachments" "attaché" "attack" "attacked" "attacker" "attacking" "attacks"
"attained" "atte111pts" "attehment" "attempcing" "attempt" "attempted" "attemptin" "attempting"
"attempts" "attend" "attendance" "attendant" "attended" "attendees" "attending" "attends"
"attention" "attention-getter" "attentive" "atter" "attest" "attitude" "attitudes" "attlee"
"attn" "attomey" "attorney" "attorney's" "attorneys" "attract" "attracted" "attracting"
"attraction" "attractive" "attracts" "attributable" "attribute" "attributed" "attributes" "atttibution"
"atuck" "atuehs" "atwmc" "at~" "at~_" "at£d" "au" "au8-"
"auas" "auc" "auc1dancl" "aucb" "aucer" "aucgoiaar" "auch" "auciit"
"auckl" "aucklanci" "auckland" "aucklllnd" "auck•" "audience" "audiences" "audio"
"audio-" "audio-visual" "audiocassette" "audiotape" "audjtorium" "aue" "aueged" "auended"
"aufte" "aug" "auger" "augmented" "augmenter" "augur" "august" "augustin"
"augustine" "aui" "aui'wy" "aukov" "aum" "aunl" "aunt" "aunt's"
"auo" "auo\" "auoci" "auoh^xporta" "auow" "auowed" "auo«" "aura"
"auras" "aurder" "auriphebo" "aurora" "aurora's" "auroracad5@aol" "auroral" "aurutorium"
"aus" "auspices" "aust" "austin" "austr_nlia" "australia" "australia's" "australian"
"australians" "austria" "austria-hungary" "austrian" "austrian-born" "austro-hungarian" "authaty" "authent8cdty"
"authentic" "authenticate" "authenticated" "authenticating" "authentication" "authentici" "authenticiry" "authenticit"
"authenticity" "authenticity-" "author" "author'" "author's" "authored" "authorised" "authoritarian"
"authoritative" "authoritatively" "authoriti" "authorities" "authority" "authoriz" "authorizat1on" "authorization"
"authorize" "authorized" "authorizing" "authorlzed" "authors" "authorship" "autiionity" "auto"
"autobiographical" "autobiography" "autocoodeo" "autographed" "automated" "automati" "automatic" "automatically"
"automation" "automobile" "autopg" "autopsied" "autopsies" "autopsy" "autposies" "autumn"
"auxiliary" "au~kl2" "av" "av-ionics" "avail" "availability" "availabiljt" "available"
"avajlable" "avan" "ave" "avec" "aven1•" "avenger" "avenue" "avenues"
"aver" "average" "averaged" "averaging" "averell" "averted" "avery" "aver~"
"avhy" "aviary" "aviation" "aviator" "avid" "avila" "avililabiliy" "avionics"
"aviti" "avjt" "avmiccm" "avoid" "avoidance" "avoided" "avoiding" "avollnblc"
"avon" "avro" "avro's" "avrocar" "avrujable" "avvst" "avy" "aw"
"aw'd" "awaaljaaxy" "await" "awaited" "awaiting" "awake" "awaken" "awakened"
"award" "award-winning" "awarded" "awards" "aware" "awareness" "away" "away-baca"
"awbvard" "awd" "awe" "awe-" "aweinspiring" "awesome" "awestruck" "awfully"
"awhile" "awhvard" "awiww•a" "awkward" "awl-av" "awllaua" "awn" "awnd"
"awoke" "awrvay" "awry" "awst" "ax" "ax-tioles" "axd" "axe"
"axii" "axillary" "axiom" "axis" "axi•" "axteat" "ay" "aye"
"ayers" "aying" "ayml" "aypealaal" "ays" "ayyrtlrtl" "az" "azadehdel"
"azimuth" "azizova" "azroraft" "aztec" "azucena" "a{detl" "a~" "a~'"
"a~-" "a~ain" "a~d" "a~e" "a~h" "a~irimtal" "a~l" "a~tcr"
"a~µ" "a~·-01" "a£teatl" "a¥intng" "a·" "a·t" "a·~" "a»lay"
k, a period, an exclamation point, a% or a closing parenthesis. However, no 2008 Page #106
tft.J :ne 1,,-rc ::t..a:,,.....nt. A': ◄,C)t'(..._ v-o..t,tlY 2l~ •• ..,-,! 2007 Page #176 , ..... Blue Boqk Report Card L r..a':"I I"~,-1,1 ~..- __ :~!.!_le:- r· .. 2008 Page #20 ,..:, :cr...,...,t o ~HtA:C,...'1" A':' .... /\:~111((1. i",,,{, ~:,~"~(A~ 2009 Page #127 e: 1hc purport..d devclop:ncr:\ n! a' app!Jcsl lnns, it was sli1ted, WGUlcl 2009 Page #182 istles,' Light Waves/ !May Become' A' Bomb Rivals i : CAM 1-mlDGE Masi.. l. 2009 Page #183
. s.: ,. , I(~--q, ,~68. tArC. .. .A'10. ~, ... b _A H";,\.1:t,..'1ff W."~ 2009 Page #104
GLOWIHG fl's.$, ""° c:o,.L0 LGl'IP A'AZJ1'61.Y Hl6H, liE.11 WH&"I c:»J.Vrl' 2009 Page #118
1 But Leave No Doubt Device Exists A'ILAN .L IC CITY, ~. J:, June J,~ 1-,T' 2009 Page #184
have been other reasons for the Cl.A's creation, and perhaps the UFO crisis 2007 Page #12 complete "inside story" of the CI A's UFO intelligence collection and eval 2009 Page #24
&. t•..:..~::••H::i An~;.::!."-. !.A'Tf.U.I':'!.~ r~...:;uc,,,• 1/•~ l"Cf": 2009 Page #123
"t,J ':~o,4'-DDV~""l'\Y 00/,,)$1i,"A'UTS , .... ~;:: .. :.::-;_ - ~ CN. ""~ 2009 Page #116
VAP DEPARTMEM; £ a- 6' Annrtr^* °A: DaECUIUTI HAS 1 JITH 2003 Page #231 t, the same type used in the first A- 12 airframes. I also found pieces of 2006 Page #76 :;~~;:ig1? lllir ~~111,I 6. • -::::a- ·----------- (Illustration #28) THE P 2007 Page #109 iW A u-=o LANOED AMO lrU".l( HU"'4.A-"OIOS 10 PC-ET iN.L ~lCl'i-Eo cur. 01( 2009 Page #122 lllld 36 hlllaaq 19" "-!-~• ... as.a-. Cal11wa1a f'w 1iuq: ■sq duV ttl& . • 2009 Page #174
94 J.:-1.." 1C,1'1L'r •-"~ h•( A-'A~ T1LA:.-."t•:• '!.TA'f~ &: °"'""•JI 2009 Page #100
. ~:·t,~;-:.4 : •:..•·.::~.,,•.:.·.a--:·.::, ;r..;:,, .--..~ r In,::_-. l . 2008 Page #21
nryMJ-12 Code Receiving Facility U A-002-6 Area 51 S-4 ID-301-F Area 51 S-4 2003 Page #175
sh. Described in his paper as Case A-1 (and which is itself a more comprehe 2005 Page #43
. OXCART (Article123) The Lockheed A-12, code named OXCART, was built as a 2006 Page #72 Because the mere existence of the A-12 was initially classified Top Secret 2006 Page #72 onstructed several variants of the A-12 (collectively known as the Blackbir 2006 Page #72 sis. The existence of the original A-12 variant was not declassified until 2006 Page #73 Article 123 (Fig. 1) was the third A-12 built, the second to fly, and the f 2006 Page #73 d. At the time of the accident the A-12 was still a Top Secret, Special Acc 2006 Page #73 e intermittently lost sight of the A-12 due to the cirrus overcast. Coffins 2006 Page #74 on his instrument panel. Soon the A-12 began to shudder and stall. Collins 2006 Page #74 tempted to lower the nose, but the A-12 suddenly pitched up, rolled to the 2006 Page #74 ight if at all possible. Since the A-12 had crashed in rugged, roadless ter 2006 Page #75 formance capabilities. Second, the A-12 had crashed out of sight of the hig 2006 Page #75 tion stamps, several I located the A-12 crash site (Fig. 3) in 2003, using 2006 Page #76 itanium structure (Fig. 4) bearing A-12 part numbers and Lockheed Skunk com 2006 Page #76 as would be expected on the early A-12 airplanes. Some titanium and compos 2006 Page #76 aint against light gray. The early A-12 airplanes had Air Force markings an 2006 Page #76 drain ports that are unique to the A-12, and a camera lens. I excavated a f 2006 Page #76 potential design outgrowths of the A-12 OXCART reconnaissance airplane. One 2006 Page #77 uld be smaller and faster than the A-12 and have an even smaller radar sign 2006 Page #77 below. A mothership, based on the A-12 design, was built to carry the dron 2006 Page #77 ber 1967 while flying chase for an A-12 training mission at Groom Lake. It 2006 Page #85
the wreckage the next morning. The A-12's center section and wings were cut 2006 Page #75
Kurchatov,etc. • Captured Nazi V-2(A-4) missiles moved to Kapustin Yar • Ko 2004 Page #158
ention is invited to State Airgram A-6343, July 26, 1973 which provides bac 2004 Page #9 ention is invited to State Airgram A-6343, July 26, 1973 which provides bac 2007 Page #142
anes operating out of Tonopah were A-7 attack aircraft. At Nellis Air Force 2006 Page #83 had said Mulhare's airplane was an A-7 there likely would have been little 2006 Page #83 ar to that of a Harrier or Douglas A-7 Skyhawk. This aircraft also employed 2007 Page #100
rce Base, personnel frequently saw A-7s with 4450th Tactical Group insignia 2006 Page #83
..,.._.....,___...__..,_ ... ~ 1~1 A-a. N~ -~ ~ -.... ~OOl'II(.-- ioe: .. _ 2005 Page #19
ok the Soviets to test their first A-bomb (1949) by at least a year. C. Wha 2006 Page #9 'vvell Sun had this headline : "Is A-Bomb Passe? U.S. Scientist Helped Make 2009 Page #161 Addenda: Rivals A-Bomb? 1:-~ .. ,.::,.,., . ~·· -----··· 2009 Page #180 · 1 IS A-BOMB PAS-SE? l Death Ray May Bel !U.,S 2009 Page #184
:..~ :,:1~ .... ~ ... -..,,. t--.r a-C.:.,J.--4 fQUO l•~.u.r,j,.AJ ..... ,. 2005 Page #27
f us, using four, twelve-foot-tall A-frame structures, each with a 2' x 3' 2004 Page #240
taHn£'r» *itborli«d to prc»«d »lth a-jr TOP SECRET = ,E5 OXLY Figure 2. “Me 2003 Page #88
:-, Figure JO Elk River Bridge on A-line Logging Road I recently visited t 2008 Page #51
lide 56, showing conceptually the "A-scope" signal strength return. If you 2003 Page #183 DON ’T MEASURE SHAPE AND SIZE The “A-scope ” shows accurate distance Varyin 2003 Page #186
out cooperacing with the CIA." C.I.A-Sought to Plant News on Cuba ;n '61 ~- 2007 Page #13
t,~h.·::,,j-'-·'.-· · ~ ·_._ -~~-~:a-V ~ ; G~nc:ral Kuter • T00k off at 031 2008 Page #19
er that eogp aid which any ba oade a-vnilabXo aJr^l to cwbnt ba the aayarrl 2003 Page #226
WAS nns GUY: James Sensenbrenner (A-WI) Then-Ch airman House Committe e on 2008 Page #154
i,;,_•,~ .... •=--:.~·-•t •:-w, ".!A-· : .. ~ ..... _,._,. _._ ., '--...... 2008 Page #22
elope is shown in below: fiVan3,,,,A0c PilNACY C,77 US ANY It'r.i.1.1C.-11' 2004 Page #243
enc.e Directorate, an requested by A1. The extraordinary recovery of fallen 2003 Page #232 mun.canons wnen the F-4 turreo a., a1 trom the o:i;ect and apparentty was n 2009 Page #143
J..1W, ■10--.. ,S.C.1._. c-.,ua1.T,a1--~.._.,, •• Ml••-•·· f _;t,(~3:;\_ -~ 2009 Page #129
-------....,. 1--.» A .--..-oo.o-.a1-tr• cu..,_,trr:-a_.c....t"-_._ .. ,,_ 2005 Page #19
C .-:., .tn4 U".1: Ta.httaJ Com.•n:a10n I f•tdom oflnfoam:tion ■ D1Nl! si,. 2009 Page #143
r the first time, to consider that a11 this might in fact be real. She 83 2005 Page #85 b~ hill where it remained for over a11 hour before it shot into the air and 2007 Page #165 al Chlisamts. gretl1ish in ai1or m a11 shinmering. • -Impossible to tJJe )' 2009 Page #151 cl;r for it C.:indrrn:nl, 0., tOmt)a11). \\'orl.: on the wer111011 was IJP. 2009 Page #180
time was the Fox Network's Alie11 A111op-!J -Fact or Fiction? For those wh 2005 Page #145
ribed as 1 Dolan, Richard M., UFOs a11d the Natio11al Sectm"ry Stale: Chron 2005 Page #73 er, Richard. U11derg,ro1111d Bases a11d T111111els: 117hat is the Govm111m1 2005 Page #83 otes in rus 1979 book, The Genesis a11d Develop111e11t of a Srie11tific Fac 2005 Page #103
yond Rns111ell. His new book Alien A11top.ry !nqlfesl is available in e-boo 2005 Page #152
.• '}t .. ·1 .,.,~ ,.:!;i•,.air.,.a1ion U1t.1 ,,,,. ·1,.111-s -.!UII t,r l 2005 Page #124
,,•.&~ fO~l?; ~ N'.-:.i a1ir;-~. ~~~,~~ .... -~f:';'1':':,~~_.,t 2009 Page #101
JJeighti11g multiplie,:r helps the a1Ja91sts be ofvectfre for each UFO cras 2005 Page #135
ssians in space; spurred elaborate A1my initiatives such as SDI (Star \X/ar 2005 Page #168
. G. STRUM, CAP% URN 14 0. 5. limn a1nam1/4 Run le This report forwarde tra 2004 Page #19
Rii:D M; A!,,.0lf1SU1t,;G ;.lifTOf A1r".',.H!P": cu,·a~),,•,it,4 poc.tuCU.~ 2009 Page #108 lll: tho I.he $'.J~tgic A1r l"Orcc, cJLed We mu,t kerp ln pa.ce 2009 Page #182
cnl llay on. be give:1 p\':ct.icn\ a1wllc:,.tion in\ Nc11· Zea.lane reports 2009 Page #182
5 Pm THE "DISC" THEY will ship FOR A3-AS2 Arrived(.) (G) **** **** L The BL 2004 Page #229
tifittlisY srtCste AltnIMITS, lett,A3SS h130t$11` Nowa Aires ISIAM la Xpani 2004 Page #20
, - 1.81.11 W.. waft 'ado. Von ir• A4.3 • •••• .111•BIAI, togas*. brad. an 2006 Page #35
iol.o~ists :h~: tin menliooed them a5 bomb~ mac.'f owu uudy. :ond,tio 2009 Page #182
1'&.J..YAG\GAHTIC ~(:M,•SK.~ U..J.:A5EO u,o ·s.::ou1s-. r ,rAsr l./11,,NT ~ 2009 Page #115
•~~ '1 • ~·:, LA tt~ttf:uG'i~,t&-1 A6...) ,,, • .,'""'"''I 'I• lor••ri~• •f 2009 Page #124
S'tAT,o,t, --~ n., KAVY UF\ISIO TD A6IU WITl "i Nil~ 1M U\LL.lk6 "TMi"'I "f 2009 Page #121
t"°"':,W,-. t.•1~".\0",i, ~ SlvGl:.A\... "'"U'T" auo«.E DfFAW.":tt.iG. "t,J 2009 Page #116 t)\[ J,[ Oi ~ •-u"4trt ...-,rC ...,A\ !;"~t•l= ':'O Sit A 1.-'llef': ~-',) 2009 Page #123 HKtD 01'-i SF.CRl:T Wt~APON -Jamcs a\[arlon ~nodgrass (abo\·e), 39-yC!ar-ol 2009 Page #180
the soldiers were back. They were a\\ ay from the thing. They were not lik 2007 Page #169
UPPORT ITO, • nr.s;rrrr. O\"ERWHEl a\fJXG E\Tilf.SCT. • Ml!~U.IT\' IS Rt:.. 2008 Page #156
69 T9 (3) GEM(2) D !\:',.1E1"":RSP A\l: \,EIGI-IT· I ."m (611:.', l ~. iiim 2007 Page #113
to been clcclurcd tn be as b,ic u a\OrJ• President Roo.evelt by sdenUsts l 2009 Page #182
tects as he ato1nic I an effective a\ternate to the bon1b.11 · ; atomic bom 2009 Page #181
appearance of these aircraft, all a\·iation researchers and historians sho 2007 Page #99
afr Jack was told, originated from A\·on Park Air Force Range located 100 m 2007 Page #109
tiw ta Qaawral Wadoaajwr for jraar a^rowl* 2003 Page #220
of whether the presence of ce-est:.a_ astrop_anes in our atmosphere is a di 2008 Page #113
xist as res communis, that is that a_l celesc:.a: states have the same righ 2008 Page #113
f this sole is the original width (AA at its widest, depending upon the mat 2003 Page #48 ta old. entered the Naval Hoanltal aa from the hoipital Indicated that hsi 2003 Page #91 E: Thia document has been prepared aa a urellaimry briefing only. It should 2003 Page #132 hnielans, sdentista and assistants aa you detoa necessary to the effectlTBo 2003 Page #212 el* aartawer te atate ae aaartaaly aa ynaaiMa yocs? co^saha ef the rtmW ( — 2003 Page #215 aaw* haaaaaoadailaaa haw toes ■ado aa ta tha tgya •■* aataat of aid* rtlita 2003 Page #220 haaa vaaaaaaatatiaaa haw aaamfl t© aa ha ha taaad aoaoahat wyoa aa waroalia 2003 Page #220 fl t© aa ha ha taaad aoaoahat wyoa aa waroaliatla ar laaafHata^ •ntaiaal of 2003 Page #220 atl — la a yarsatlaal and to—Halal aa—ar« Ito jpobSzr? is tetk aoflaa axd ( 2003 Page #221 ssed to co bo ba tasad so—stat ay— aa s—If st fa ar 1—efnalaal opj-jofcoX o 2003 Page #221 that Ito at—1— vaaM to aaa^aaad «f aa— elffrt ar tea aaparta, —rlaara aat a 2003 Page #221 la aaw^atad^ aat taaaral toalrttar aa— , ttat Cl—aral Watoaaysr raters via 2003 Page #221 e political, amaooio, yayshaleioal aa* clS£t37?7 aiteaMaoe — rnrrmt aa* yro 2003 Page #223 l aa* clS£t37?7 aiteaMaoe — rnrrmt aa* yrojowte*. Xa the emvm of yes? ixarw 2003 Page #223 la Hol am with Jaarlssw dip Tamils aa* cO&tsy ®£SX b1m1s la the arm. Is yea 2003 Page #223 f that ym are m a fheWlailag daalm aa* that the S&rtea 'Zotm reset aaa ■raa 2003 Page #223 rm Imidac tsaaa*a Ckiaaaa rosemary aa* gather that way ait vldak 9kj te aat 2003 Page #223 Chim Is smylstot ym will yr saw at aa a hrlsf triy to Isrws to ashs m syyra 2003 Page #223 there with yartisalar reforeaeo ta aa oooaaals al* yrogrsa la Xmea aa* Its 2003 Page #223 ta aa oooaaals al* yrogrsa la Xmea aa* Its relatim ta yeasral poHtlsal aa* 2003 Page #223 a* Its relatim ta yeasral poHtlsal aa* naada snaMtisas thrwwyhnat the omatr 2003 Page #223 ake with ym such ewperts, aJwlsers aa* asdstaats as ym *eaa asoeweary to th 2003 Page #223 aeie a ilianaa af effwetlvw naaawr aa la airing t—ria CMaeee srccc^csy gz3 2003 Page #226 niaaiaa yon ahawM andaawr ta wtata aa awaaljaaXy as pcooSLMLo ywr eatiaate 2003 Page #226 here with parti eelar refaranaa te aa eananwle aid pragma la Avan and ita r 2003 Page #226 h aapexta, adwlaera and anaistasta aa yon daaa aeeeoeary te the affkel hare 2003 Page #226 to define its industrial plan and aa *le teShnfoledir, I Wiese it will be 2004 Page #20 4405*000w earahntrel Straw. al anr aa. wearer designed for m•hosn vs. Tit M 2006 Page #35 334 page document was iclentifi•d aa matching an Underwood The 2007 Page #46 ---, ... , '"'• ,u-:.r.1t., ,,... aa.o ... I.■ 1:.. :-112 ■uc-r ■n 13 2008 Page #19 .;u .. v "'· ,411,1. ~A,,._,~_,,., AA.Gt .. ':lloA •-"" t)\[ J,[ Oi ~ •-u"4 2009 Page #123 ,-.\; ~~0:' .,.."'.:", , Ill[ 0. ,;AA U) ,Q_},. ,_(Al Sv,..l (..~. \,()llil 2009 Page #127 Sfr..:a::i Wu:r AfP ■ OfC-On, l!=r.aa lC!l\ • E.7::d:,H:~' ■ llcrr ::~:~~:~ 2009 Page #141 ~ h~lk;:i~;; :.1!.h r.mn21.1. '.he Aa:erlc-..n 'IPo'bo ""'ork-&n =ldentil\e 2009 Page #163
,,,,:, IJlH i;f(O,M r. ♦,a.:o ..,, AA0.,H).OA,• .. --'r\J~•1 .. ~C $,Cf ~it 2009 Page #121
eaqpMMM if vMate yea 9^ reeaartai^ aaa trt jrakatle eaeee^yaaaee ta 'SSa gw 2003 Page #215 lm aa* that the S&rtea 'Zotm reset aaa ■raaiiar assistewm la a yreym af weQ 2003 Page #223 2“4.1. ie.. Wd.....•••• vl •IFIAA. AAA WA. .149•I 1.1 t ./fet fai. bP, PWW 2006 Page #34 tort., tr.. sql. Vr4 LW* WAX:At .1 AAA *Oa I 4e ItNrea Ay; 'ow! ...uf • ;I. 2006 Page #34 _.._.., ~.,,c,,r 0 ·-,-... r.==;;';aaa;;:~-:?==-=r.•==c~•'='•=•°" t ';;',;• 2008 Page #20
a arttanirt that Ito at—1— vaaM to aaa^aaad «f aa— elffrt ar tea aaparta, — 2003 Page #221
han the narrowest adult shoe sold (AAAA). Small Sole As was mentioned in Ch 2003 Page #49 aaaiataaaa.■ v 0 CD ® w ? I 00 nr aaaa tiaa I haw had la aiat tha daairahd 2003 Page #220 t tha alaalaa waald ha aoa^aaad at aaaa wight ar taa. o^wrta, adwlaara aad 2003 Page #220
aMaarw art aaalataata «a ym teaa aaaaaaaay ta trt effWetiWMaM af year rta 2003 Page #215
pllataaot, cs±l c£ b&a far-vaaaMar aaaaafaaeaaa af dlraat lirga aaala aasfi 2003 Page #221
tha faata, of tha otaaaaa of roal aaaaaglt»ki--- &0 •a* af tha fhr-raaahla 2003 Page #220
abaMLa a—awE.i:a in tha evwad that aaadatanae in net gi—• Aon you* nlaalm l 2003 Page #226
enonAaobe with Oenaenl MaaditMr te aaaertaiw whetkar ha deeirae ywn te prae 2003 Page #226
oAaot, and prabnbla a—aipimsgaa c2 aaaf at a— wMak yw any rweeuiaMd* and tk 2003 Page #226
g aaawgaawaa «f dlroot 2arge=3si2£ aaaiataaaa.■ v 0 CD ® w ? I 00 nr aaaa t 2003 Page #220
aaMar aaaaafaaeaaa af dlraat lirga aaala aasfiMasae* oa— ti— X taw tad la a 2003 Page #221
with yea ahrt ■ayarta aMaarw art aaalataata «a ym teaa aaaaaaaay ta trt e 2003 Page #215
wight ar taa. o^wrta, adwlaara aad aaalataatWo It la aaggaatad^ aad goaaral 2003 Page #220
e iirirwi af flail — says 1 sMak — aaald deal site tto a£teatl — la a yarsa 2003 Page #221
shla aoaooqwoaoos la ■&Lo swi that aaalstaaao la.aat yiwnu *m yasr wtsrlm l 2003 Page #223
tdaa hot thaaa vaaaaaaatatiaaa haw aaamfl t© aa ha ha taaad aoaoahat wyoa a 2003 Page #220
that yea )TMm4 with CoCcriirrsS tm aaar frtHay af friar ahliyatlM te aaypar 2003 Page #215
yripwa wttLah da nat ooafiam aoart Aaarlaan paUoy with ragarA ta Chian* Xa 2003 Page #226
aa yea artel* aartawer te atate ae aaartaaly aa ynaaiMa yocs? co^saha ef th 2003 Page #215
da, w cV£ jCs g£w CM— tat ttoao —a—aaatotiaaa taw sassed to co bo ba tasad 2003 Page #221
arch 2b , Miaclnaaq today. j Gioia aaaucialaa uf lha formari Ooctora at tha 2003 Page #91
t»ki--- &0 •a* af tha fhr-raaahlag aaawgaawaa «f dlroot 2arge=3si2£ aaaiata 2003 Page #220
irs la CM— aai ixil—taljr k—ata la aaay lap art art CM— offUlala. It la art 2003 Page #221
icquo ■Spuni;~ ■ n. lllym,, H..,..aAbdu:kon ■ Clo• A,Utioa. !:a, oumta ■ A 2009 Page #144
--MIU.DIG -INIUL ftlllKI_IIC_ r..i.aacDG. ~.--.YSISOl-- -fODP'...U, •.. P•' 2008 Page #149
ra at tha Naval Medical daci alary aacritfid hii condition tn ’ fentir at B 2003 Page #91
with tha aitaatloa ia a yraatiaaX aad haw Halal aamoora Sa jrahlaa la hath 2003 Page #220 aamoora Sa jrahlaa la hath aooplax aad gaaw* haaaaaoadailaaa haw toes ■ado 2003 Page #220 a tgya •■* aataat of aid* rtlitary aad wang le 0 w rtghk giw rtdaa hot thaa 2003 Page #220 fteaWlaiiag aw wj aC tha altwtiaa aad rajart hartt witkla a MKtk or adx wa 2003 Page #220 lfar with atata of afftein la CMaa aad iwtlmhaljr knaaa ta aoajr Iwyortrirf 2003 Page #220 aaa wight ar taa. o^wrta, adwlaara aad aaalataatWo It la aaggaatad^ aad goa 2003 Page #220 a aad aaalataatWo It la aaggaatad^ aad goaaral Wairthsr aoBawrw* that goaml 2003 Page #220
obSzr? is tetk aoflaa axd (— • toe—aadails — tow tow rrZh co bo tto tjrpo a 2003 Page #221
d at the crash site just after the AAF/USAF reported the ground zero locati 2003 Page #99 n 8 July, Twining visited Kirtland AAF to inspect parts recovered from the 2003 Page #207 rters were right there at Kirtland AAF in 1947. 203 2003 Page #207 esires you to proceed via Kirtland AAF. " (Which is now collocated with San 2003 Page #209 t crash investigators from Roswell AAF that LZ—I ; was the normally conduct 2003 Page #232 g bases. First repor remain s of a AAF top secret MOGUL balloon project. Wh 2003 Page #232 , and radar stations at Alamogordo AAF and Kirtland AAF, had also picked up 2003 Page #233 ons at Alamogordo AAF and Kirtland AAF, had also picked up these objects on 2003 Page #233 vices Unit, assigned to Alamogordo AAF, was responsible for the locating an 2003 Page #233 taken to the 4 hospital at Roswell AAF and ethers to either Los''Alamos , W 2003 Page #234 'Alamos , Wright Fie^ii, Patterson AAF, and Randolph Field for security rea 2003 Page #234 of the |3^’erpl.a~h to Alajiogordo AAF and Kirtland AAF. Structural,*^ris F 2003 Page #234 ~h to Alajiogordo AAF and Kirtland AAF. Structural,*^ris Fnd%fSW»rtfflrJ» ’ 2003 Page #234 than Twining arrived at Alamogordo AAF fer a secret meeting with AAF Chief 2003 Page #234 ordo AAF fer a secret meeting with AAF Chief of Staff Spaatr and to view re 2003 Page #234 8 July, Twi ni ng visited Kirtland AAF to inspect parts recovered from powe 2003 Page #234 IFLDLA at the Pentagon by AC/S AAF General Hoyt Vandenberg Lyi?LF9I' ‘ 2003 Page #235 cy of site LZ-2, the CO of Roswell AAf was authorised to give a brief press 2003 Page #235 SWELL. Assure (G) execute on order AAF APPEARS ******* IT WOULD ** A***** ( 2004 Page #229 f the debris, was forwarded to 8th AAF HQ at Carswell Field, Fort Worth, Te 2004 Page #230 ) to depart Andrews Army Airfield (AAF) 6 One might ask: why would such a u 2005 Page #124 utside \X/ashington, DC to Condron AAF near White Sands, NM.7 The IPU team 2005 Page #125 tested; Alamagordo Anny Air Field (AAF), now Holloman Air Force Base (AFB); 2005 Page #125 man Air Force Base (AFB); Kirtland AAF, now Kirtland AFB; Los Alamos Resear 2005 Page #125 dars, including ones at Alamogordo AAF and Kirtland AAF. FoLiowing radar tr 2005 Page #126 nes at Alamogordo AAF and Kirtland AAF. FoLiowing radar tracks, the objects 2005 Page #126 perational atom bomb base (Roswell AAF) in 1947. Hull design, aerodynamic m 2005 Page #175
you MU- P.3?®®*® 4ww trip Jtea* 4© aafc* an _oi lij© yartlcalatr x«f«r©a*t 2003 Page #216
itary At Crash Site □ 1942 - 309th AAFFTD At Sikeston o Capt. Harold J. She 2003 Page #33 lins, Ramfire Press, MO 22. 309 tn AAFFTD - Missouri Institute of Aeronauti 2003 Page #39
" froa tho fire •nd h•vo kept thee aafo from rcv1ov. To allo-., • rovicv vo 2008 Page #120
ta, adwlaara aad aaalataatWo It la aaggaatad^ aad goaaral Wairthsr aoBawrw* 2003 Page #220
ar »1M tka @tate af affairs la CM— aai ixil—taljr k—ata la aaay lap art art 2003 Page #221 YOaOwNt •~Nll. 0#' A -- Vl'O. -,c, AAI 11&1-'TL'IQC2::l --=nc-Nl.fc.u.~,, • 2009 Page #100
laim ef rajraaautailwaa ef the Oa— aaib* fa Making yawr afpndaal it in daal 2003 Page #226
f'lll~ w, 4'rQ pm41:n1 t'Urt'ber o.aaic=mr-nt in connect ion •1th the • 1M: 2009 Page #174
d - Mr Forraatal la balnr treated, aaid the worrits and reaponiibiuUea of t 2003 Page #91
sires you to procon.) via Kirtland AAK. You will take with /ou sveh *xncrt? 2003 Page #214
, ond £hoot- Lltht .. ,.,,,'ft, !t aald, art~d a ---- we!r.~on ~;nrtcci a!, 2009 Page #182
d v•Cati 6.40.41, rawhoe Imre& tri aalilka• namory•ams arm*. adaWao.A. Sai 2006 Page #32
aahrthor ta ssoortsiii whether he *aalrm yea ta promo* ▼la Tokyo. Im will t 2003 Page #223
4.40. fie seselmees, ItTiortinara.aam •••••••••A. 411...11.I. fawn* *WO ho 2006 Page #32
atloa ia a yraatiaaX aad haw Halal aamoora Sa jrahlaa la hath aooplax aad g 2003 Page #220
o felt ed Statea On— mA ana e—liar aaniatawoe in a c2 rehebilitatian cnly i 2003 Page #226
rz11, Nm •. ,, .. c.cruo CI.Ai0/10 AANOS ~ ~ELY GLOWIHG fl's.$, ""° c:o,.L0 2009 Page #118
sfefento of the ahcrmter® pioLslio aansMtusnoas • la, ths svsasfe tSsit ass 2003 Page #212
._ C"°"'O 0" 801'11 -nl£ AMERICA' AAO OJJ"-01~ 510£S SA'tt J.. Pf.C.ULtAJl 2009 Page #106 THC OSJEC.T, eu-:WOP.OOY CN,4f our AAO :, soo,.: !;H()T AW,.,Y IXTD 4™E S~Y 2009 Page #106
M to aaa^aaad «f aa— elffrt ar tea aaparta, —rlaara aat a—lateate. It la aa 2003 Page #221
Takye* Tan will take with yen enah aapexta, adwlaera and anaistasta aa yon 2003 Page #226
gic Studies, to Hollywood producer Aaron Russo, "The end goal is to get eve 2008 Page #136
le eaeee^yaaaee ta 'SSa gwat tfeat aartataaae it art gtaau Tea vlU tart wit 2003 Page #215
rtf aye c? y~E? rteaiaa yea artel* aartawer te atate ae aaartaaly aa ynaaiM 2003 Page #215
aaaaafaaeaaa af dlraat lirga aaala aasfiMasae* oa— ti— X taw tad la aial tt 2003 Page #221
aaaral Wtaaayw ta Ghiaa with a fta aastataata feo ■aka a fteaWlaiiag aw wj 2003 Page #220
aa— elffrt ar tea aaparta, —rlaara aat a—lateate. It la aaw^atad^ aat taaar 2003 Page #221 ara aat a—lateate. It la aaw^atad^ aat taaaral toalrttar aa— , ttat Cl—aral 2003 Page #221 oos la ■&Lo swi that aaalstaaao la.aat yiwnu *m yasr wtsrlm la Chim Is smyl 2003 Page #223 NGS ...,,L&s-HAJU,"J: ·rhe 11,~rr-,aat oC DorLJ Ru~11. dauj!hlf'r of Mr. an 2009 Page #163
* gather that way ait vldak 9kj te aata awllaUa shall ha cnbgcoS wayorvKUa 2003 Page #223
a haw toes ■ado aa ta tha tgya •■* aataat of aid* rtlitary aad wang le 0 w 2003 Page #220
yortrirfr Ohlaaaa offlalala. It la aatiaatad that tha alaalaa waald ha aoa^ 2003 Page #220
up of the supermarket tabloid, The Aatio11al E11tp1irer, in this case, the 2007 Page #67
arta, —rlaara aat a—lateate. It la aaw^atad^ aat taaaral toalrttar aa— , tt 2003 Page #221
tsslyal that yw yraaaat with £raa aay fheUac af yrfar ehlfyattas ta sapyor 2003 Page #223
e a-vnilabXo aJr^l to cwbnt ba the aayarrlaim ef rajraaautailwaa ef the Oa— 2003 Page #226
aaar frtHay af friar ahliyatlM te aayparl ar te rttfertal ffidaaaa jragMaa 2003 Page #215
. a draft «f a dlrastiw ta Ossa—1 —aaysr far ywr appro —1, Tte law atari — 2003 Page #221
ns don't accept the official story ab ut what happened that day: , Zogby ln 2007 Page #40 aft assigned to Ramstein Air Base (AB), Reinland-Pfalz, Germany, flies on D 2009 Page #72 cember 17, 2002, over the Ramstein AB tower, before retiring to the Aerospa 2009 Page #72
ory was over off Shelburne." Taken aback, Chris asked him what he was talki 2004 Page #44
ure became known. Government would abandon the streets to chaos and retreat 2006 Page #62 ) This is one reason why we should abandon or at least reduce secrecy. But 2009 Page #21
sbergen incident, which stated: An abandoned silvery disc was found in the 2004 Page #14 -lines descend into what look Like abandoned buildings backed by new heatin 2005 Page #58 and other signs tl1at the seemmgly abandoned, deteriorating, place is not s 2005 Page #66 ed, deteriorating, place is not so abandoned and deteriorating. STEVE RAISE 2005 Page #66 small section that reads thus: "An abandoned silvery ruse was found in the 2005 Page #133 gs, vacating cities. As government abandoned the streets, grassroots leader 2006 Page #63 ces disintegrated, many would feel abandoned and their loyalty would fold. 2006 Page #65 find the packet and the search was abandoned. Since the letters did not con 2006 Page #75 dents theorize that this may be an abandoned water well that was later used 2007 Page #189 ption , and I believe it should be abandoned. One suggestion has been put f 2009 Page #22 ands and Whangaroa. This was later abandoned . It was originally intended t 2009 Page #165
d be considered the compressed and abbreviated version of this story. And w 2003 Page #85 ligent/intelligence" is henceforth abbreviated NHI.) 3. The NHI life form w 2006 Page #52
so significant in that the present abbreviation of New Mexico as NM for add 2003 Page #183 rpretation Center, and the correct abbreviation for New Mexico before the p 2004 Page #246 trus disc as the IRC-10. IRC is an abbreviation for 1 nstellar Reconnaissan 2005 Page #164 their version of things, UFO is an abbreviation for 'Unescapable Flying Obj 2007 Page #61 nd the classification. TSMEO is an abbreviation for TOP SECRET/MAJIC EYES O 2008 Page #104 rject ion-oh, well', [also incudes abbreviation s] ■ I\Pro-·pronol61-he, sh 2008 Page #118
Crash Retrieval Conference List of Abbreviations from Tarasenko • GKGM: Gov 2004 Page #157
on his sighting in January ’69 on ABC news, January 22, 1999 www.majesticd 2003 Page #7 entaries, worked also for Boston's ABC affiliate producing medical and scie 2004 Page #76 y started to transmit the story to ABC news in California probably in the l 2004 Page #237 the exceptions prove the rule. The ABC Special in February 2005, hosted by 2005 Page #76 the sighting made national news on ABC radio and was in local ne,vspapers. 2007 Page #130 coverage , including a feature on ABC News's Nightline. I used to work at 2008 Page #61 uding a number of US shows such as ABC News's Nightline) and on others show 2008 Page #65 Nf:A~l Y AS BIG AS lHE C:JE-EN rz.ABC. ni, Sl.0\0.'LY !"..A•,.a: B 2009 Page #106
USA 1 1 0 1 0 Newsman Tom Shell of ABC-TV II, 5-6 Witness to alien bodies a 2004 Page #112
nment created following the Czar's abdication. By November , 1917, Lenin an 2008 Page #125
.... SLIDE #31: Circle excision on abdomen ... along with sexual organs suc 2004 Page #77
'l the S!;y. The 'l'u1.-i, W.l!ton Abducbon ■ Swn1lllg Up 197 5 ■ Malrmlt0 2009 Page #142
1 ■ UFO, Over Mexico ■ The MJ1t2ry Abducllon Que:;llon ■ The Abortive Di:cl 2009 Page #150
m which to conduct reconnaissance, abduct and implant human victims, and pe 2003 Page #144
cret anyway to those who have been abducted, seen UFOs at close range or ar 2003 Page #188 ts, had witnessed a NY woman being abducted from her 12th floor, Manhattan 2006 Page #203
tails were to be repeated by other abductees, most of whom had never heard 2003 Page #144 r the UFO community to accept that abductees might be "implanted" with some 2003 Page #144 ysis of the work of Dan Young from abductees as well as worldwide occupant 2003 Page #187 e considers testimony from alleged abductees as valid evidence, then we may 2005 Page #74 izarre elements co stories told by abductees they seem less bizarre, by far 2005 Page #165 first researcher to work with UFO abductees and use hypnosis to 199 2006 Page #202 ressed an interest in working with abductees using hypnosis therapy. He cam 2006 Page #205 is questionable whether legitimate abductees would have flocked co a sale p 2007 Page #74 o not stand strong against today's Abductees. There is, however, one intrig 2009 Page #55
Secrecy ■ Ji'JJnaway Government ■ Abductio n Debate ■ T.rie Hudson V:illey 2008 Page #163
ernment to exchange technology for abduction rights. Aliens are farming hum 2003 Page #142 nvolved in one of the earliest UFO abduction cases of the postmodern era. T 2003 Page #142 ested in looking into the Cimarron abduction case. He was not only willing 2003 Page #143 ard of Sprinkle, Bennewitz, or the abduction phenomenon. Some sort of objec 2003 Page #144 "UFO," "alien," "spaceship," and "abduction" and not so miraculously find 2003 Page #149 ears, because it eerily echoed the abduction stories that had come tumbling 2003 Page #149 gs confirmed by radar; evidence of abduction among some of the men involved 2004 Page #48 ild and advance the field of alien abduction research, circumstances have p 2004 Page #58 ith Joann Warren about her seeming abduction related memories. June of 1986 2004 Page #58 posed were primarily aimed at his abduction work, the producer asking them 2004 Page #59 te. And what about all those human abduction complaints since the 1960s, al 2004 Page #82 12 Related • Dr. John Mac — Famous abduction researcher — died vehicular ma 2004 Page #201 arth environment and food supply ■ Abduction of humans at will, taking flui 2005 Page #9 ations of Disclosure Some of this "abduction testimon y" does not give us t 2005 Page #75 ssibilities and end-results to the abduction game, and we can hope that mor 2005 Page #75 ngs. I refer to the more than 1000 abduction cases that have been investiga 2006 Page #4 his scenario encompasses the alien abduction/government cooperation model f 2006 Page #63 emic. Case 4. Antonio Villas-Boas, abduction, sex, followed by death. The V 2006 Page #109 aring to relocate to Nevada my UFO abduction research was continuing 5. The 2006 Page #196 to alternative health, the UFO and abduction fields, and paranormal (psi) t 2006 Page #197 sual personal experiences and "UFO abduction experiences." The report was m 2006 Page #197 pist; and Budd Hopkins, artist and abduction researcher. According to the R 2006 Page #198 at the researchers called the "UFO abduction syndrome". Interestingly, a pr 2006 Page #198 or alternative explanations to the abduction experience and to focus on the 2006 Page #198 Since the surgery he has had many abduction -type experiences and often wo 2006 Page #206 harlottesville, VA. 5. Diary of an Abduction, Angela Thompson Smith (2001), 2006 Page #207 l mutilation events, the so-called abduction events - that we are looking a 2007 Page #55 TO UFO ABDUCTlONS One of the first abduction -related advertisements I'm aw 2007 Page #71 as well. Early this year a similar abduction themed ad appeared in one of E 2007 Page #71 s the anxiety inherent in an alien abduction: "Its pouring witl1 rain, you' 2007 Page #71 he very best variations on the UFO abduction theme was an ad placed by AT&T 2007 Page #74 ike depiction of human and vehicle abduction that I'm aware of. In it, alie 2007 Page #74 e campaigns which suggest at alien abduction, crashes and retrievals and ba 2007 Page #76 y established to address the alien abduction issue. The group--which was ni 2008 Page #35 concluded that while many tales of abduction at the hands of extraterrestri 2008 Page #35 justified. In addition, the "alien abduction" and "alien virus'' aspects of 2008 Page #37 the SJ....,, -The T rnvis W,1lton Abduction ■ Summing Up 1975 ■ 1976: TI1e 2008 Page #160 tions ■ Air space violations ■ New abduction cases ■ Unmarked helicopters ■ 2008 Page #160 Dagger ■ Trans en Provence case ■ Abduction debate ■ Hudson \1 alley UFOs 2008 Page #163 verview ■ Redefining Ufology ■ The Abduction Revolution ■ A So-C3.lled UFO 2008 Page #165 %8 ■ Conclusion Ufology Explodes ■ Abduction Revolution ■ MJ-12 breaks out 2008 Page #165 b L:12:u ■ Outbreak of Triangles ■ Abduction in l\fanhattan ■ Panama: Dress 2008 Page #166 e ■ War in the Gulf ■ The Military Abduction Question ■ UFOs in Early 1991 2008 Page #167 st one report I would interpret as abduction related also made its ways to 2009 Page #136 m to far nastier accounts of alien abduction as reported in America. The Vo 2009 Page #139 2. Intruder Alert, 1975-1976 ■New abduction cases 2009 Page #142 the Fringe (1992). Personal alien abduction ■Taken (1994). Military abduct 2009 Page #152 abduction ■Taken (1994). Military abduction experiences . Man consciously 2009 Page #152
investigated the so-called "alien abduction'' puzzle; and, therefore, has 2008 Page #35
sham that none of these crashes or abductions have ever happened, I would d 2003 Page #187 ETs even though we cannot prevent abductions n We might be getting a lot o 2003 Page #188 when it comes to the phenomena of abductions and cattle mutilations. It is 2003 Page #190 ffic; aliens are too much like us; abductions often inconsistent with high 2004 Page #121 ile conducting research into alien abductions, the investigator Don Schmitt 2005 Page #44 quire possibly some alleged alien abductions are real; when one considers 2005 Page #85 aylight discs, landed craft, alien abductions and crashed UFOs. Ali these a 2005 Page #120 anomalies research including UFOs, abductions, and crop circles and it was 2006 Page #196 n research, physiological effects, abductions, MJ-12, and crop circles. Big 2006 Page #196 sightings, cattle mutilations, and abductions that were happening in Alabam 2006 Page #202 nt secrets of crashed hardware and abductions? Does the study of such comme 2007 Page #59 mage long associated with some UFO abductions, the best known being Travis 2007 Page #74 e is a file that I opened on alien abductions and alien contact cases, with 2008 Page #67 ACl:,S .. His 'lntcn~st in ::.lien abductions ::u1d p::1ranormnl phcnornena 2008 Page #146 Americ.m West ■ A Ne\\' Pattem in Abductions ■ The FBI Backs Away From Mut 2008 Page #160 War and !vfedia Control ■ Military Abductions? ■ UFOs in space ■ The New Wo 2008 Page #167 ile conducting research into alien abductions , the investigator Don Schmit 2009 Page #51 e was great motivation to Military Abductions ■ Into the Fringe (1992). Per 2009 Page #152 d Hopkins and John Mack focused on abductions , each of these pioneers prov 2009 Page #154
rom MSMobil ILUDING TO UFO ABDUCTlONS One of the first abduction -r 2007 Page #71
• W0Lld.Sithtill£ 1 thcouch M&y ■ Abduebon D,b.11, ■ S~1r;p. J\.L1t th.tol 2009 Page #145
ed by the Poulain UFO. CASE # 5 -T ABE (Chile, November 15, 1993) -Metal Fr 2007 Page #200
that he was familiar with the &van aben invasion remark and brought it up m 2004 Page #196 a conference week event called the Aben 1fotorcycle Rally. Ir featured a mo 2007 Page #60 97 the company decided to use both aben and UFO imagery on their New Mexjco 2007 Page #70
e, Westport is about 26 miles from Aberdeen where I completed a 20-year car 2008 Page #41 ------- ___ ;••~--11:l-o . Figure ]Aberdeen Daily World Nov. 26, 1979 The h 2008 Page #41 t happened less than 30 miles from Aberdeen where 1 lived and worked. It wa 2008 Page #42 nd John Dodge, a reporter from the Aberdeen Daily World. I also met Sandra 2008 Page #45 y a UFO researcher who was also an Aberdeen cop.) Larry Lake- 39 2008 Page #45 eported: He was just returningfrom Aberdeen , coining over the Elk River Br 2008 Page #46 t. He was driving from Westport to Aberdeen. He described seeing what he th 2008 Page #47 y Archives Provide More Leads- The Aberdeen Library provided copies of five 2008 Page #48 Central Park about 4 miles east of Aberdeen and about 20 air miles from the 2008 Page #49 in Hoquiam , the city adjacent to Aberdeen to the west. Ernest Hayes of Ab 2008 Page #49 rdeen to the west. Ernest Hayes of Aberdeen was also driving westbound on S 2008 Page #49 by Elma, WA; some 20 miles east of Aberdeen, observed a very bright green f 2008 Page #49 Crash Estella Krussel- The second Aberdeen Daily World article led me to a 2008 Page #49 Park located about 4 miles east of Aberdeen. I agree with Estella Krussel. 2008 Page #51 lected in the community culture of Aberdeen where I worked as a police serg 2008 Page #53 the Ocosta Bargain Barn headed for Aberdeen. He observed an Army "/ow-boy t 2008 Page #55 , sent a letter in response to the Aberdeen Daily World newspaper article o 2008 Page #55 nd I was the Detective Sergeant at Aberdeen PD; we were nicknamed Qfficer F 2008 Page #57 routine; he was working out of the Aberdeen DNR office and commuting to his 2008 Page #58 he went to an aerobic class at an Aberdeen Health Club before making the 2 2008 Page #58 Desmarte au who also recalled the Aberdeen Police lines "lit up" the night 2008 Page #70 ted her story. 30 The Daily World, Aberdeen, Washington, Sunday, July 26, 1 2008 Page #70 was the Detective Sergeant for the Aberdeen , Washington Police Department. 2009 Page #88
e reporting to human psychological aberrations . (TS) Active measures have 2009 Page #25
stem. The secrecy of the apparatus abets its power. and intelligence is a s 2009 Page #12 g. The secrecy of the ?? apparatus abets its power and intelligence, is a s 2009 Page #23
cation . If the spacecraft had the abi.Lity to defend itself through highsp 2005 Page #162
to UFOs, which he had promised to abide by. Carter explained the situation 2004 Page #186 e signed in 1952 was a reminder to abide by her security oath. In her mind 2009 Page #88 ead the memo and sign, agreeing to abide by its security restrictions. The 2009 Page #90
ong as I can remember, I've had an abiding interest in space stuff. I recal 2006 Page #182 ons of potential consumers have an abiding interest in UFOs. The overall ef 2007 Page #59
. DiKto ness Claim •• U.S. f4a%, • Abielittaty , #1,111gtyl Traria was scra 2006 Page #28
'Down in Dyess Air Force Base in (Abilene) Texas, we were testing what tur 2006 Page #175 el Rio is about 230 air miles from Abilene (see map). (Both I and Zechel ha 2006 Page #177 rror is, however, resolved easily. Abilene Army Air Field was established a 2006 Page #178 Army Air Field was established at Abilene, TX in 1942 and existed under th 2006 Page #178 hat name until 1948 when it became Abilene Air Force Base. It existed under 2006 Page #178 tion along the Teas-Mexico border. Abilene Air Force Base ("Dyess") was not 2006 Page #178 concerning the secret weapon. The Abilene Reporter listed these as: l. It 2009 Page #161
always been distinguished by their abilit) to close ranks and ensure ideolo 2005 Page #76
control us at will? Again, if its abilities seem super-human, it could eas 2006 Page #53 ve been reported as having psychic abilities, it is conceivable that they m 2006 Page #102 6 — E. T. Electromagnetic Jamming Abilities (Para. K.) "As to purpose and 2006 Page #140 nces, and how they practiced their abilities. This was fascinating as we ha 2006 Page #207 of these people with extraordinary abilities! The mediums were of all ages 2006 Page #207 that precipitated their mediumship abilities. Moving On In the spring of 19 2006 Page #207 . Remote Viewing. and Other Normal Abilities. Angela Thompson Smith. (1998) 2006 Page #207
nts of that day to the best of his ability. There are certain details which 2003 Page #70 the survivor. The survivor had the ability to deduce thoughts and questions 2003 Page #100 ver had written the letter had the ability to know details of the incident 2003 Page #146 uding financial or political □ Our ability to suppress this from public mig 2003 Page #188 edge is therefore dependent on the ability of those below him to gather up 2003 Page #189 . And it could possibly reduce our ability to counter an attack by a hostil 2004 Page #75 (usually an individual of singular ability) is summoned for indefinite duty 2004 Page #171 e UFO truth to the public, but his ability to release was limited by nation 2004 Page #186 that information to the best of my ability. Once the President was in the r 2004 Page #189 id book showing huge cracks in the ability of the PSYOP (psychological oper 2004 Page #247 le of the accumulator's undeniable ability to concentrate energy. The exper 2005 Page #94 yond any human technology or human ability co withstand. 129 2005 Page #131 tal. Our analysis demonstrated the ability of this metal to transfer heat f 2005 Page #158 f the motor is a condenser and the ability of the condenser to hold its cha 2005 Page #171 retrieval team due to his natural ability to telepathically communicate wi 2006 Page #16 anced/arcane powers that imply the ability to dominate and control us at wi 2006 Page #53 act did not undermine government's ability to maintain internal credibility 2006 Page #56 t quickly unravel, and with it the ability of business to make much differe 2006 Page #63 nd cleanup. The government had the ability to maintain control of the site 2006 Page #86 be difficult for them, given their ability to penetrate our airspace at wil 2006 Page #140 te our airspace at will, and their ability to jam radio, telephone, televis 2006 Page #140 e aircraft. It reportedJ y has the ability to override local broadcasts and 2007 Page #28 to children ts underuable and !us ability to sell products has not dimmed 2007 Page #62 ployed to spearhead this company's ability to sell its services, it also re 2007 Page #67 have said "impairing the macrunes ability to perform its normal function" 2007 Page #88 sn't actually inrubit the machines ability to function in any way. Then the 2007 Page #88 r UFO seemingly had the disturbing ability to disable the entire instrument 2008 Page #31 ogy -as well as concerns about our ability to now venture forth into the So 2008 Page #38 called remote viewing, the psychic ability to view over long distances with 2008 Page #130 ng the SAINI program as having the ability to intercept and destroy armed s 2009 Page #17 er intelligent control, it has the ability to change shape, and then multip 2009 Page #75
-1986 ■D:ilneg orsk, Br:izil, :ind Abisb .:. ~.:-~~;_--.-... --------==.::. 2009 Page #147
a sufficient spark to set the town ablaze. During periods of great change a 2005 Page #85
(rum bt-r.iMing • s1al hokh ,·.alu.ablcinf~ion -__ptOltttnc- or htt toUfct: 2009 Page #198
human history, we'll never ever be able to go beyond the speed of light to 2003 Page #8 o get close to them, but they were able to change direction faster than our 2003 Page #14 heir mother looked outside and was able to see a cloud of blue smoke that w 2003 Page #54 In some cases, witnesses have been able to verify unpublished or little kno 2003 Page #57 ject as it was descending. We were able to get a good perspective as to whe 2003 Page #63 tayed in the car with her. Don was able to get past the road block on foot 2003 Page #71 bumper of one of the trucks to be able to look down into fields and woods 2003 Page #71 ign space systems. Johnson who was able to examine the orbital data of the 2003 Page #71 cecraft propulsion: "The craft was able to displace gravity through the pro 2003 Page #111 "Flying saucers." No one has been able to determine if this is true, or ju 2003 Page #142 r else needed the information were able to track deep space surveillance de 2003 Page #148 and written by Vernon Bowen. I was able to locate his son, who has confirme 2003 Page #179 demeyer would like very much to be able to retain the original. Unless you 2003 Page #204 demeyer would like very much to be able to retain the briginal. Unless you 2003 Page #216 which is why SCEL Station *A“ was able to do a track). It has been learned 2003 Page #233 both crash sites, the team was not able to gain access to the several locat 2003 Page #234 g held. CIC member of the team was able to learn that several bodies were t 2003 Page #234 rom what descriptions the team was able to learn and from Integraphs taken 2003 Page #236 IA's declassified UFO files, I was able to locate a second report that refe 2004 Page #8 spans decades. From the CIA, I was able to obtain several pieces of intrigu 2004 Page #12 MIGHT RAW FALLEN. THEY HAVEN'T REM ABLE TO DO THAT. SCOTT WHATEVER YOUR AUT 2004 Page #24 ents of Sacramento. Observers were able to discern a definite oblong shape 2004 Page #27 ermen at the Irish Moss Plant were able to estimate the thickness or height 2004 Page #39 feet] wide. After awhile they were able to determine that the smelly patch 2004 Page #40 e out. Perhaps some day we will be able to tell it with some degree of cred 2004 Page #45 ound from an aerial position to be able to see those dips, because if there 2004 Page #53 ed me to find out if Budd might be able to schedule an hypnotic regression 2004 Page #59 t how well the U.S. government was able to keep secrets as required in the 2004 Page #73 hat something from outer space was able to pick up heavy animals in beams o 2004 Page #79 c principle? RIS: We have not been able to duplicate their performance. WBS 2004 Page #91 dentifying the people who would be able to offer identities or confirm deta 2004 Page #117 cientific method, and we should be able to deal with reasonable questions e 2004 Page #121 rtly? (b) How would they have been able to ship such large recovered craft 2004 Page #121 about how the retrieval teams were able to move the UFOs so well. See Slide 2004 Page #127 m, but there were no words we were able to make out." Between Jesse Marcel 2004 Page #138 f earth, in that their bodies were able to withstand colossal "G" forces as 2004 Page #147 r Force a platform where they were able to get a seemingly independent univ 2004 Page #178 r Force dumped Blue Book they were able to completely divest themselves of 2004 Page #178 Carter did go to the House and was able to expose the classified files if o 2004 Page #186 l these discussions about my being able to go to where this man was in a ho 2004 Page #195 people so valuable because he was able to get these telepathic thoughts. Q 2004 Page #195 who would meet me — how I would be able to interview a man who was dying an 2004 Page #195 he did.24 Cahn was, in fact, never able to prove that Gebauer was "Dr. Gee, 2004 Page #219 tious point because the one person able to comment authoritatively about it 2004 Page #233 t high and 1-1 /2 feet wide. 1 was able to talk briefly with someone on the 2005 Page #40 ational securi'0' offices had been able to deny, year after year, any inter 2005 Page #73 ucas envious." But he would not be able to tell all until 2025 (about 40 ye 2005 Page #82 nvestigative author Jim Martin was able to locate color film from the fifti 2005 Page #100 master scientist and still not be able to analyze or even see beyond the a 2005 Page #104 held the original in my hands, was able to thumb through it, the paper and 2005 Page #131 contacted me to see if I might be able tO assist in the making of a UFO do 2005 Page #146 fingers. Jose, being older, seemed able to handle it better. Jose described 2005 Page #155 to another. They seemed nor to be able to hold their balance. \Y/e were 10 2005 Page #155 ship to smaller vehicles that were able to immediately get close. According 2005 Page #156 ket as a solution to space travel, able to boost a payload beyond the puU o 2005 Page #172 ning memo as frauds. Perhaps to be able to claim that the proponents are st 2006 Page #12 ost. D. I was very fortunate to be able to find that my memory was good and 2006 Page #13 ssified programs, and second to be able to provide so many presentations to 2006 Page #13 out of security concerns, were not able to share the manual with other mili 2006 Page #24 ecovered it before Fred Meyers was able to come back with his camera to doc 2006 Page #45 indings of this exercise should be able to stand on its own without being c 2006 Page #49 be clearly seen as beneficent and able to further humanity, or else it wil 2006 Page #54 le in any Contact situation, being able to help shape positive, coherent hu 2006 Page #57 trated parts handbook, I was later able to identify these as elements of a 2006 Page #76 ribed the route of flight and were able to indicate an approximate location 2006 Page #80 er a period of several years I was able to study the Bakersfield debris and 2006 Page #85 tic of the type. Eventually, I was able to obtain a declassified copy of th 2006 Page #88 was eventually referred to and was able to speak with the key witness invol 2006 Page #93 d to be logical and probably to be able to understand equations, and design 2006 Page #101 is conceivable that they might be able to do all this logic and mathematic 2006 Page #102 is older, they could logically be able to understand our universe more cle 2006 Page #102 r, and by clever reasoning, we are able to defeat the disease just before i 2006 Page #102 rom what descriptions the team was able to learn and from photographs taken 2006 Page #104 from Ft. Detrick's staff had been able to secure a position at the CDC Spe 2006 Page #110 forms of a host protein, which are able to convert normal molecules of the 2006 Page #113 versations with Dodd, Williams was able to fill in some of the blanks with 2006 Page #124 (15) But how had the military been able to access the alleged crash sit wit 2006 Page #125 for a number of reasons, I am not able to name. I was helped with this boo 2006 Page #131 T DID YOU HEAR THEM SAY? They were able to see every scope in the United St 2006 Page #146 So, today, I am sharing what I was able to learn about Paul's firsthand sto 2006 Page #151 s and I want to say I'm glad to be able to say something about this because 2006 Page #151 n from tubes to transistors, I was able to sit at the counters. I don't kno 2006 Page #152 onsole and with that ball you were able to roll around a little thing on th 2006 Page #152 e thing on the screen and you were able to shoot at aliens. In a radar site 2006 Page #152 uld never see the craft. They were able to bend light and they could put on 2006 Page #153 ecause a 10 megawatt radar site is able to pick up much further than the ol 2006 Page #154 nd working on the equipment, I was able to sit at one of the three consoles 2006 Page #154 bert Toppen, thought they had been able to enter the classified vault witho 2006 Page #159 This is the 1990s. People would be able to handle it. He said, 'Oh, yeah, y 2006 Page #163 r Command radar operators were not able to identify the aircraft from a kno 2006 Page #172 a known flight plan, nor were they able to communicate with the aircraft by 2006 Page #172 ate of high alert and then weren't able to positively identify the aircraft 2006 Page #173 to disagree, but we should all be able to agree that asking questions is a 2006 Page #182 a highway accident will one day be able to cut and cauterize wounded patien 2006 Page #201 actions with the local folk, I was able to confirm my initial impressions t 2006 Page #202 rence postcards?" Generally, I was able to reassure people that they were n 2006 Page #205 e in their experiences. I was also able to send them information, give them 2006 Page #205 and my writing. The Foundation was able to provide a base for future groups 2006 Page #207 l's conclusions. Now you should be able to see some of the puzzle pieces co 2007 Page #23 fi•d aa matching an Underwood The exen:iplar in tny :reference c 2007 Page #46 in its teeth. How '\Vas he or she able to accompJjsh this incredible feat? 2007 Page #67 Not with any information I've been able to establish. Has any true insider 2007 Page #76 perhaps because you should stiU be able to apply yourself to remember somet 2007 Page #80 were very worried that he would be able to gain access. So I did do a big c 2007 Page #83 d as a jump point for people to be able to send our data from and make it a 2007 Page #83 nd people -men and women who \Vere able to decide whether to launch nuclear 2007 Page #85 a good look at them, to have been able to have downloaded that whole folde 2007 Page #86 et of the network. You wouldn't be able to access many other machines from 2007 Page #87 machjne I was on. :M\XI: Arte you able to talk about some of trus ... is i 2007 Page #88 s. They do exist. MW: Would you be able to find these systems randomly or w 2007 Page #88 at need his type of presence co be able to make things happen. He may be ab 2007 Page #91 e to make things happen. He may be able to help you with your case as I knO 2007 Page #91 people like Steven Greer might be able to suggest extra help you could gee 2007 Page #91 think its both. M\Xf: So vou'll be able to find 1.5 million dollars whilst 2007 Page #92 il they know that 1 am going to be able to work with them because 1 may be 2007 Page #92 gar for about two minutes, but was able to confirm many of the details ment 2007 Page #114 ve aviation background, Warren was able to determine that this U.S. built f 2007 Page #115 . As he was leaving, \'(/arren was able to look back and get one final look 2007 Page #115 fire, he said the only way he was able to survive was that he knew he was 2007 Page #125 being shut off, the TV, not being able to go out of town. We couldn't go o 2007 Page #126 sked with the recoveries seemingly able to secure UFO crash-sites with such 2007 Page #132 t from by spy-cameras . No one was able then to get to the exact right plac 2007 Page #138 o took over the case, but were not able to locate or reclaim the object. Pe 2007 Page #139 nologically superior race would be able to keep itself mostly hidden from o 2007 Page #184 kind. However, none of them \Vere able to determine exactly its origin and 2007 Page #199 I reached the site-he wrote-I was able to see a great lurrunosity of two p 2007 Page #200 that, "trus unknown metal (UFO) is able to withstand rugh temperatures with 2007 Page #200 ments are in Japanese , but we are able to read the percentages of the chem 2007 Page #201 de. But, naturally , they would be able to judge direction. ln Utah it was 2008 Page #13 the radar operator would have been able to tell if he was tracking a balloo 2008 Page #16 ases separated , the Air Force was able to deal with the cases piecemeal. T 2008 Page #17 ' puzzle; and, therefore, has been able to carefully avoid commenting on th 2008 Page #35 supposed to be able to respond 4-6 hours to anywhere in 2008 Page #45 aircraft, and as the crew were not able to identify the object, it was trea 2008 Page #66 ck much further. They might not be able to get back. SLIDE#44 September 10, 2008 Page #92 ped TOP SECRET /MJ-12, and will be able to share the amazing story that the 2008 Page #104 n that manner, and that we will be able to show that he specifical ly was n 2008 Page #105 emselves there indefinitely and be able to live isolated lives, independenc 2008 Page #112 or nuclear attack if they had been able to. As far as I know, the UFO incid 2009 Page #18 there is one reason why we may be able to outdo the Russian effort by a gr 2009 Page #22 et high and 1-1/2 feet wide. I was able to talk briefly with someone on the 2009 Page #49 she learned carpentry and she was able to remodel and sell 15 homes in the 2009 Page #88 dings in the vicinity; Lotozev was able to confirm one of the other landing 2009 Page #136 and the conclusions they had been able to reach. These included the presen 2009 Page #137 ent and establishment and would be able to make useful contributions. The B 2009 Page #159 project in 1944. How newsmen were able to make the connection to Snodgrass 2009 Page #160 x major points that reporters were able to extract from James Marion Snodgr 2009 Page #161 e must keep in pace in order to be able to counter or defend against such t 2009 Page #162 d semi-arid sections, we should be able to shoot them down and put the rain 2009 Page #162 otiations these gentlemen were not able to join the team, and the technical 2009 Page #165 .l.R. and Brigadier R.S. Park were able to discuss the question with U.K. s 2009 Page #170 se. and establishment and would be able to "It was originally intended that 2009 Page #173 otiations these gentlemen were not able to join the team, and the technical 2009 Page #173 institute of Oceanography , I was able to examine both the Project Seal Fi 2009 Page #173 of 23 kilotons: the first test was Able which was detonated at an altitude 2009 Page #173
•e 10 lhe 11tom1c·bomh, • .)to be ablf to ~ountu or defend uter rtisp&1ch' 2009 Page #183
lace, it would be necessary to esc.ablish communicacion 1,ich chem chrough 2008 Page #112
d Garthoff in May 1953. The Soviet ABM program was discovered by the CIA in 2009 Page #17
H 10 mn-1 •·ith hn ,.,.,..,,,ram • AbMc-top lefl'l::l •Yr 4rmtbNs mrn · 1hr 2009 Page #198
adiation giving the appendage this abnormal look. In late 2002 as a result 2003 Page #68 molecules of the protein into the abnormal structure. Though the exact mec 2006 Page #113 spread throughout North America.29 Abnormal prions are infectious proteins, 2006 Page #114 can exist in two forms: normal and abnormal. The normal form exists in the 2006 Page #114 s unknown. The strange behavior of abnormal prions. The abnormal form of pr 2006 Page #114 e behavior of abnormal prions. The abnormal form of prion protein has unusu 2006 Page #114 e of prion protein). Ways in which abnormal prions are transmitted. Dr. Sta 2006 Page #114 Prusiner' s idea is that a single abnormal molecule could convert normal m 2006 Page #114 convert normal molecules into the abnormal form. These newly converted mol 2006 Page #114 le spontaneously converts into the abnormal form, setting the scene for spo 2006 Page #114 re likely to be converted into the abnormal form. Finally, in CJD acquired 2006 Page #114 y, in CJD acquired by transmission abnormal molecules enter the body from a 2006 Page #114 I got older, people told me it was abnormal and it was wrong and I was craz 2006 Page #152
e scientific community. Prions are abnormally -structured forms of a host p 2006 Page #113
orrrous; problbly 20:11 !Qlomela-s abo"'8Ell1h. Ten seconds, then disappear 2009 Page #151 'T. o.l "Below the. infra reds and abo,·e .J. Leech of Nr.w_ Zealand was m4 2009 Page #183
Wt~APON -Jamcs a\[arlon ~nodgrass (abo\·e), 39-yC!ar-old Ciucin1111ti hio-p 2009 Page #180
flight took place and that he was aboard the aircraft. "No comment" was th 2004 Page #10 supposed to have been the only one aboard, and while his remains are badly 2004 Page #26 Smith and Norm Smith. Wifred went aboard Lawrence Smith, his brother's boa 2004 Page #38 sel, the Joan Pricilla and climbed aboard with Corporal Werbicki. Norm, a f 2004 Page #38 aused by the tide and the current. Aboard the two boats there was a feeling 2004 Page #39 and burned, killing all 38 people aboard. While government Civil Aeronauti 2004 Page #68 down and crashed, killing everyone aboard. According to an eyewitness of th 2004 Page #68 ft have a cutting device like this aboard their ship? It wasn't until later 2004 Page #78 ne of the entities was still alive aboard the craft when the U.S. military 2005 Page #43 ickness. The craft was then loaded aboard a trailer and hauled off co the l 2005 Page #45 harlie had been in the Marines and aboard the USS Oriskm!)' aircraft carrie 2005 Page #164 sc in Vietnam and tl1at was stowed aboard the aircraft carrier. According t 2005 Page #164 alled out of his barracks to climb aboard a bus that looked like an old sch 2005 Page #165 e. He describes the de,·ices found aboard the Roswell craft, and how they b 2005 Page #167 with the captain of the Steeva 10 aboard: "Observed an object or light whi 2006 Page #185 n set sail for the splashdown spot aboard the Diane with Dominic Papetti at 2006 Page #188 sort of hatch. In addition, those aboard the Diane claim that the bubbles 2006 Page #190 ickness. The craft was then loaded aboard a trailer and hauled off to the N 2009 Page #52 e final time, Bethurum was invited aboard the saucer and the pair chatted a 2009 Page #54 Aboard a Flying Saucer, Truman Bethurum, 2009 Page #56
to propose that secrecy should be abolished forthwith. We can, however, gr 2009 Page #21 utive Order 10920 (EO 10920) which abolished the Operations Coordinating Bo 2009 Page #37
related to psychological warfare. Abolishing the Operations Coordinating B 2009 Page #38
ra cked fot.r U1klert1fled obieels aboLl Inree lo l:::== five mies north rt 2009 Page #144
rviews with local residents and an aborted attempt to find the object that 2008 Page #10
9: False Dawn, 1990-1991 ■ The Abortive Disclosure ■ Invasion of Kuwait 2008 Page #167 clusion False Dawn ■ .,_~ possibly abortive UFO Disclosure ■ Aviation W eel 2008 Page #167 MJ1t2ry Abducllon Que:;llon ■ The Abortive Di:closure ■ The Soviet Coup :m 2009 Page #150 fWar and Media Control ■A possible abortive UFO Dis/Y ■UFOs in space · 9: F 2009 Page #151 lse Da"'-i1, 1990-1991 ■A possible abortive UFO Disclosure 9: False Dawn, 1 2009 Page #151
f I S \F re RB'iR 1 -I None of the abosc quotes are supported by data or re 2003 Page #118
ivItis• — initiated in 196 learned abou ring the 1970s. • Worldwide retriev 2006 Page #26
advisors and assistants" Concerns Abouf Authenticity Raised by Friedman an 2003 Page #207
is "The Program" All About? ■ U-s aboul making UFOs. ■ Studying alien bodi 2007 Page #54
s . Nevertheless , such assertions abound. Several years ago, for example, 2008 Page #37 . 5. December 14, 1979- UFO Rumors Abound, but Verv Little Else By Betty Bu 2008 Page #49
ll be forwarded to DIA." Questions abounded: From where did the spheres ori 2004 Page #11
d Frenchman's Flat where the first above-ground nuclear tests were conducte 2006 Page #199
low the slope when I had found the above-mentioned material. It appeared si 2003 Page #49
y personnel assigned to the three, above-projects . The standard U.S. Air F 2008 Page #23
y disputed. Given that none of the abovementioned theories seem to fully ex 2006 Page #192
THEY ADD LAND DRopsONDE CreWS (G) ABQ LAND based recovery crews (MN) A *** 2004 Page #229 ach had red date stamps of "AUG 74 ABQ." Eddie Chavez told me his father ne 2007 Page #162 he city where the white circle is. Abq Video #1 ( 4:08) Zoom back from apar 2007 Page #166 ay 17, 1974 disc crash retrieval.l Abq Video # 2 ( 14:20) NARRATION OVER VI 2007 Page #168
-117A Flight Test director Richard Abrams repeated the story to the proprie 2006 Page #85
eanup crew walked the desert, line abreast, picking up every piece of debri 2006 Page #80
Michael Lindemann to present this abridged report at the 2006 UFO Crash Re 2006 Page #49 roject is beyond the scope of this abridged report. 'Scenarios: The Art of 2006 Page #51
of the U.S. labor force to nations abroad, the increasin g likelihood that 2005 Page #85 levision commercials made here and abroad have run such srorylines for) ear 2007 Page #75
entire race, too-is brought to an abrupt end, however , with the disastrou 2008 Page #102
t called him from the Pentagon and abruptly informed him in his laconic voi 2006 Page #167
or the urinary infection , nor the abscess that killed him. We still don't 2005 Page #34 sure... [Bur] I assure you that no abscess can cause an immunodeficienc y. 2005 Page #34 can cause an immunodeficienc y. An abscess may even cause septicern.ia, but 2005 Page #34
is too much (rouble. Corollaries: /Absence of evidence, is evidence of abse 2003 Page #118 bsence of evidence, is evidence of absence, because looking is loo much tro 2003 Page #118 and a gun to pick up together. The absence of a threat sometimes causes us 2004 Page #197 ecovered alien technolog y. ln the absence of confirmati on from the establ 2005 Page #84 required for these operations. The absence in Stone's military records of a 2006 Page #21 aren't they telling us now? In the absence of crisis, investigative reporte 2006 Page #60 confirm or refute the presence or absence of a similar pathogen, as yet un 2006 Page #112 FO crashes stems from a near total absence of news coverage about such even 2007 Page #7 of world events. Consequently, the absence of news about UFO crashes sugges 2007 Page #7 ity would be difficult even in the absence of secrecy. Since secrecy prevai 2009 Page #21 demonstrated that, because of the absence of personal contact, they had ba 2009 Page #166
top; most workers would stay home. Absent other directives, business leader 2006 Page #63 ne knows what to do about the NHI. Absent the immediate threat of violence, 2006 Page #64 erjure itself, it cannot be wholly absent. Only human failure to find it, s 2006 Page #88 riting but never finished. Notably absent from the biographical record were 2009 Page #173 I found this to be very odd. Also absent from his biographical record is a 2009 Page #173
was not lost on the distiJJers of Absolut Vodka either. In 1997 ✓ the comp 2007 Page #71
hasize importance, stress need for absolute secrecy in every way— “...entir 2003 Page #172 covery "anywhere in the world" and absolute top secrecy. Slide 15 talks to 2003 Page #173 perimeter, secure communications, absolute "debriefings" to keep the indiv 2003 Page #176 ailroad restrictions making for an absolute height limit of 14 feet 3 inche 2004 Page #127 that the U.S. government does have absolute proof positive of extraterrestr 2004 Page #147 tructions concerning the "need for absolute secrecy in all phases of operat 2005 Page #129 s would be a means of maintaining "absolute top secrecy" as required by sec 2006 Page #20 e establishment and maintenance of absolute top secrecy concerning all the 2006 Page #20 tent with a policy of maintaining "absolute top secrecy" as detailed in sec 2006 Page #21 arily oriented towards maintaining absolute secrecy by minimizing the impac 2006 Page #23 clear, governments will insist on absolute civilian cooperation and obedie 2006 Page #68 ile structural break-up was almost absolute." Most of the parts were lightl 2006 Page #82 ctly , is manifestly absurd in the absolute extreme. Cuba '67 What was cert 2008 Page #29 tle bit of height. But then, in an absolute instant, the UFO moved from a s 2008 Page #34 l organization, they would have an absolute righc to be recognized as indep 2008 Page #112 nty of the United States cannot be absolute or unlimited. It is justified b 2009 Page #14 tions were imposed. In maintaining absolute secrecy we have deprived high l 2009 Page #15
date old china. This artifact fits absolutely none of these historical or m 2003 Page #45 the main arroyo water course, and absolutely no water had flowed in the ne 2003 Page #45 saying that the search, "uncovered absolutely nothing." Also, in that artic 2003 Page #55 ect. In that section I came across absolutely clear pictures, photographs o 2003 Page #197 s, 'Looked like it had been molded absolutely perfectly. No seams.' Very sm 2004 Page #72 lving into an area that you can do absolutely nothing about. So why get inv 2004 Page #99 ect. In that section I came across absolutely clear pictures — photographs 2004 Page #187 f these sightings — that there was absolutely no other rational explanation 2004 Page #187 game, particularly Scully, who had absolutely nothing to gain from it? Prid 2004 Page #219 , 1948? Beyond a reasonable doubt? Absolutely not. There are still too many 2004 Page #223 hundred yards away. It was making absolutely no sound and when it went by, 2005 Page #70 you believe in UFOs?" The answer: "Absolutely, positively, they do exist." 2005 Page #82 to avoid entanglements but what is absolutely necessary from the standpoint 2005 Page #99 d the film. He replied: "Yes I do. Absolutely. There's no reason to change 2005 Page #150 lvin9 into an area that you can do absolutely nothing about, and to leave i 2006 Page #27 ct (12 years at Groom Lake) says. "Absolutely, positively. [UFOs] exist." ` 2006 Page #27 y 25, I find the explanation given absolutely ludicrous. The tremors shook 2006 Page #121 O Crash Retrieval Conference bang, absolutely colossal. At first, we though 2006 Page #129 untered it with something that was absolutely — as a Fire Control Operator, 2006 Page #149 EEING IN THAT DEAD ZONE ABOVE YOU? Absolutely. Everything I saw was changea 2006 Page #153 .i __ ·: .. -, .. ---:-:_.. -~~~~ "Absolutely, positively, they exist" Jame 2007 Page #56 source: for Jane's Defense, AWST, "Absolutely, positively, [UFOs] lnteravla 2007 Page #56 even indications of wiretaps: and absolutely none of these factors, singly 2008 Page #30 nd yet we had nothing on radar and absolutely no explanation. I applied our 2008 Page #34 E MAGNETIC FIELDS THAN COBRA MIST? Absolutely , no question! I'M TRYfNG TO 2008 Page #77 round about three feet, still with absolutely no sound. It started to move 2008 Page #83 a chreac on a scale which makes it absolutely necessary to come co an agree 2008 Page #114
lled in 13 Story Leap..." HOSPITAL ABSOLVED BY MRS. FORRESTAL ‘No Foundatio 2003 Page #93
out her husband's hospitalization, absolves everyone (!) of blame in her hu 2003 Page #92
attracts the energy, but unable to absorb it, rapidly reflects the energy. 2005 Page #90 hat digest its food externally and absorb the nutrient molecules into its c 2006 Page #113
viness might be the result of heat absorbed in the metal's production or fu 2003 Page #106 crash incidents have collectivel y absorbed hundreds of thousands of dollar 2005 Page #134 series of evolutionary mergers has absorbed GE Aerospace and merged with Lo 2005 Page #173 nd AISS -whose work was ultimately absorbed into che 1127th Field Activitie 2007 Page #133
tic were pieces of skin with radar absorbent material (RAM) coating. The gr 2006 Page #84
e voltage. Bismuth is an efficient absorber of infra red energy and researc 2003 Page #107
l (1) ■ extraterrstrial ■submitt ■ absorbtion ■ unlhabited ■ ineradical pre 2008 Page #116
reement providing for the peaceful absorption of a celestial race (s) in su 2008 Page #113
deau Missouri In 1941 Ryan S. Wood ABSRACT: This paper will review the prim 2003 Page #21
h of James Forrestal Peter Robbins Abstract: Early on the morning of May 22 2003 Page #85 uck Wade Copyright 2004 Chuck Wade Abstract In 1947 Mr. Mac Brazel discover 2004 Page #240 Ryan Wood Copyright 2004 Ryan Wood Abstract At the heart of the debate of g 2004 Page #242 lf a more comprehensive version of Abstract 6 contained in Scringfield's pa 2005 Page #43 Copyright 2006 Stanton T. Friedman ABSTRACT I have been fortunate cnough to 2006 Page #4 Wood Copyright 2006 Robert M. Wood Abstract Dr. Wood, a long-time researche 2006 Page #101 bee Copyright 2006 Bruce Maccabee ABSTRACT For an hour the United States m 2006 Page #164 as Been Said about Flying Saucers: abstract of articles in magazines and bo 2007 Page #44 MEXICO UFO CRASH: NEW REVELATIONS ABSTRACT Ruben Uriarte Director, N. Cali 2007 Page #184 A. Huneeus . All Rights Reserved. ABSTRACT Five South American UFO inciden 2007 Page #193 Abstract April 18, 1962: The Las Vegas U 2008 Page #7 Abstract Ministry of Defense X-Files By 2008 Page #61
ct our attention, which is totally absurd. Answers are also very much depen 2006 Page #6 to the point of testing comical or absurd possibilities. With the scenario 2006 Page #51 ly we are expected to swallow that absurd conclusion. Invasion at Oak Ridge 2008 Page #27 ctly or indirectly , is manifestly absurd in the absolute extreme. Cuba '67 2008 Page #29 fonnation for political gain. This absurd and paranoid mindset cannot be al 2009 Page #16
airman of 1. G. Farben and Hermann Abts, chairman of Deutsche Bank, called 2008 Page #136
ar tipped missiles. There are also abundant supplies of so-called rare eart 2006 Page #7
port — also of 15 May 1978 — makes abundantly clear: Many people in this pa 2004 Page #8 port -also of ·May 15, 1978 -makes abundantly clear: Many people in this pa 2007 Page #141 a as more sighting reports made it abundantly clear that an advanced weapon 2009 Page #17
ted to the Soviet press were being abused, or that the Russian people where 2009 Page #140
tary Voices: Firsthand Testimonies Abut Non-Human Aerial Craft and Entities 2006 Page #140 tary Voices: Firsthand Testimonies Abut Non-Human Aerial Craft and Entities 2006 Page #142 tary Voices: Firsthand Testimonies Abut Non-Human Aerial Craft and Entities 2006 Page #144 tary Voices: Firsthand Testimonies Abut Non-Human Aerial Craft and Entities 2006 Page #146 tary Voices: Firsthand Testimonies Abut Non-Human Aerial Craft and Entities 2006 Page #148 tary Voices: Firsthand Testimonies Abut Non-Human Aerial Craft and Entities 2006 Page #150 tary Voices: Firsthand Testimonies Abut Non-Human Aerial Craft and Entities 2006 Page #152 tary Voices: Firsthand Testimonies Abut Non-Human Aerial Craft and Entities 2006 Page #154 tary Voices: Firsthand Testimonies Abut Non-Human Aerial Craft and Entities 2006 Page #156 tary Voices: Firsthand Testimonies Abut Non-Human Aerial Craft and Entities 2006 Page #158 tary Voices: Firsthand Testimonies Abut Non-Human Aerial Craft and Entities 2006 Page #160 tary Voices: Firsthand Testimonies Abut Non-Human Aerial Craft and Entities 2006 Page #162
~c~ • Od!L,::t"' ■ 1..-~Ufo~ • Ab~-:um •~MJ -ll • T'btAtrwBt.b ■ Dt. L' 2009 Page #147
75 Pagination or Media Count : 190 Ab~tract : ~: Gyroscope dynamic modeling 2007 Page #163
government helped teach At:1encans ab~ut the use of the media in war-time d 2007 Page #10
taata feo ■aka a fteaWlaiiag aw wj aC tha altwtiaa aad rajart hartt witkla 2003 Page #220 IFLDLA at the Pentagon by AC/S AAF General Hoyt Vandenberg Lyi?LF9 2003 Page #235 _, .. ;,-. ; i ~ tbc ladDC('d rrur.aC"Cic .. ... "' ~ .. mo~nL ., ""Ith the 2005 Page #21 e of the main landing gear struts. Ac that point, \X arren was politely "es 2007 Page #115 use; however, if the documentation ac issue can be ultimately verified as b 2007 Page #137 ... ra. -\ .-.,-i-.,,..--. - • lart~ ....,..., -· w--- t■ ~ .. , 2008 Page #22 !..lE, VA .... WMIL' O~IVIWG, MOit.AC E &OltN~ ~ A. GIAIT UF-0,SH ... P~O u 2009 Page #124 01!.ls.vr , .. ,: lAA:T.,. llt.:i:,aC;.T O.OU.L Y ! -;,-- "'-' 0011. .loOOf 2009 Page #130 t • 1'75 1SJ Lcmd:2 r;Yw ■ UP'Q ?:.AC,. ·• ~ 1: Global Strangeness, 1973-19 2009 Page #141
U.S. Aircraft Control and Warning (AC&W) system that also became known as L 2004 Page #71 ontrol and Warning system known as AC&W which expanded to 411 radar sites t 2004 Page #71 merican Air Space Defense Command. AC&W also became known as LASHUP. SLIDE 2004 Page #71
r~ lime. :ilon;.: "ilh hum:in ron1:ac1 of non e:1rthlin:,: cnlitiC'j ,i\ili 2005 Page #107
, the immunod eficiency was surely ac9u.ired. How he acquired it, no one kn 2005 Page #34
UT: 1 • ( 0) I\IEOJl AJl:D t UUOCS AC\'.X1YTS OF llfO SlQ'T"BC..'5 UtE SUU' 2009 Page #150
yrs^waa whlsh 4a as* iWot to aMst Ac^sfcsn. yallay- with rajiwt. to Chlaa* 2003 Page #223
made by ; Sis. Per..-Arnett. Acaaed by Wlile House as a tool ror Iraq 2009 Page #151
the Russians ... CORSO'S VIEWS ON ACADEMIA ■ I warned them, "Remember, I a 2005 Page #10 no such thing as "The Media," or "Academia." Rather, there are medias and 2005 Page #76 articipants from many professions (academia, entertainment, journalism, mil 2006 Page #49
Institute- Psi • Parapsychology as Academic Discipline • Reverse Engineerin 2004 Page #161 An Army product ■ Limited civilian academic training ■ Logical thinker ■ Ex 2005 Page #11 mia." Rather, there are medias and academic niches, each catered to a parti 2005 Page #76 eneral public year after year. The academic establishm ent also helps to st 2005 Page #76 mpelling evidenceviolates not only academic dogma but also subverts politic 2005 Page #117 oups—media, government, religious, academic, business, general public—might 2006 Page #48 r back then) G"i\if: I wasn't very academic at school and I loved playing t 2007 Page #79 ocial aspect of school and not the academic aspect. NfW: I used to like mes 2007 Page #79 elf but you hadn't done so well at academic subjects. You weren't intereste 2007 Page #80 specifically within scientific and academic circles. Interestingly , furthe 2008 Page #100
good at school. GM: No I was crap academically, I had one O' Level in Engl 2007 Page #78
father of the USSR's hydrogen bomb Academician Andrei Sahkarov, who was rem 2004 Page #170 as indeed a very prominent Russian academician and geochemist . Valerii Leo 2007 Page #198
ovoked a lot of questions from the academics and electron microscope operat 2005 Page #158
ephew ■ Spent two years at the FBI Academy during ‘41-’46 □ WWI Army Tank C 2003 Page #32 he was selected to attend the FBI academy in Quantico, Virginia and spent 2003 Page #32 altais, Harold Baca, U.S. Military Academy Glee club, U.S. Army Signal Cops 2003 Page #44 TsUP NIPS Space Affairs Post 1960: Academy of Sciences KGB fiq.telvito I I 2004 Page #156 oretician of Space" President USSR Academy of Sciences Attended Steklov Mat 2004 Page #157 immediate vicinity. • Structure of Academy of Sciences • IZMIRAN • Bekhtere 2004 Page #161 Lev Melnikov, source, Tsiolkovskiy Academy 170 2004 Page #173 an organization like the National Academy of Sciences. They felt that the 2004 Page #193 the cold war. BS from US Air Force Academy, MA Case Western University • Pe 2004 Page #199 ities whatsoever. No president, no academy, court of law, congress or senat 2005 Page #94 nalytical Chemistr y of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. On July 30, 1984, P 2007 Page #198 nalytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (GEOK.hl RAJ.~ until 2007 Page #198 near Colorado Springs and [the] AF Academy. USAF indicated reports coming i 2008 Page #9 opyright 2008 Nick Redfern (Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1927) Early on the 2008 Page #97 iver basin on behalf of the Soviet Academy of Sciences . At the time, Kulik 2008 Page #98 ,;r, . -.,Jr;.--.~, .. ;·· (Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1927) In 1930, Kuli 2008 Page #99 ommittee on Meteorites of the USSR Academy of Sciences, compelled everyone 2008 Page #101 ller, a 1919 graduate of the Naval Academy , was familiar with both mtelhge 2008 Page #131 to exchange information with your Academy of 35 2009 Page #41 r technical training in its police academy . Then he was shipped out to RAF 2009 Page #81
1 11apolis.co111 titled ··us Naval Academy-A City wi1hin the Walls" by staf 2008 Page #70
... this is obviously a deliberate acc. It's not exactly something you coul 2007 Page #87
HASES. 'TILT HOT K-r'-'SS HAI HKVE ACC&.XJ. OKU WITH K??-OVAL of U.s. MA^AA 2003 Page #231
y (zig-zag, stop, hover, instantly accelerate, etc.). Some of the military 2005 Page #74 KV, they would have a tendency to accelerate in the direction of the posit 2005 Page #170 ed a directive to the Air Force to accelerate the direct ascent anti-satell 2009 Page #17
to enable Craft & Crew to survive accelerated entry into atmosphere, when 2003 Page #107 never shown; (d) the burials were accelerated completely past any objectiv 2004 Page #130 hich was probably the cause of its accelerated death. The body was then tra 2005 Page #32 sed to germinate plant seeds at an accelerated rate while a slightly modifi 2005 Page #90 inking is most obvious in times of accelerated change when the reaction tim 2006 Page #50 l migration from the landing site, accelerated by the vectors of mice and P 2006 Page #112 reported that the UFO had quickly accelerated, had climbed above 30,000 me 2008 Page #29 a salvo of 24 rockets when the UFO accelerated away at a speed of around Ma 2008 Page #66
n, seen by citizens Object hovers, accelerates, etc. • 6111/78. U.S Naval A 2006 Page #28 sky moving very slowly - Suddenly accelerates and splits into 'four or fiv 2006 Page #28 s eves ou,k.ho, motions then accelerates strardre 50 and out ot 551 o 2006 Page #30
, quick, hopping motions, and then accelerating straight up and out of sigh 2005 Page #84
l "G" forces associated with rapid acceleration and deceleration of their v 2004 Page #147 her branch about the exception al acceleration and G-forces demonstrated b 2005 Page #131 vehicles against an~ effects from acceleration of the vehicle, however gre 2005 Page #173
ns systems information , pictures, accelerations, anything that can be noti 2009 Page #22
cal Center and the Stanford Linear Accelerator. Then I was hired by the NBC 2004 Page #76
pulsion, super-conducting particle accelerators, and antigravity propulsion 2005 Page #173
e, a heavy New England Connecticut accent that immediately made me stick ou 2006 Page #91 eal. My dad would say (in Scottish accent) "It's your own stupid fault kjd! 2007 Page #92 they ·were afraid with his German accent they may not understand the words 2009 Page #93
inciple, there is no difficulty in accepc.1ng c.he possib il1c.y of coming 2008 Page #112
ent. Many of those involved do not accept the government's explanation. It 2003 Page #56 ionale greatly helped Americans to accept Forrestal's death-by suicide, and 2003 Page #94 er decade for the UFO community to accept that abductees might be "implante 2003 Page #144 well. To those who are inclined to accept the most recent official explanat 2004 Page #138 en directed to believe what we now accept as fact. The Plan Almost from the 2004 Page #179 d vet many of the same researchers accept the concept described in the docu 2004 Page #191 n July, 1998, Ramsey, unwilling to accept the established version that no s 2004 Page #219 eight finder, but initially had to accept the less powerful CPS-5 and CPS-4 2004 Page #220 at Einstein had been so willing to accept the first rationale that had come 2005 Page #92 he writes that he first refused to accept the notions, but windows were cle 2005 Page #100 mony can't be ignored. Inclined to accept your opinion that they are benign 2005 Page #102 seriously. Yee it may be easier to accept the spiritual intangibles, which 2005 Page #117 else it will be difficult to fully accept that it positive, given the short 2006 Page #54 general public is largely ready to accept the new visitors. This is the mos 2006 Page #60 then I fail to see how anyone can accept such an explanation." (10) So wha 2006 Page #121 ant to believe it. I couldn't even accept it at the time. It took hours for 2006 Page #159 time. It took hours for me to even accept what I had seen, even with a guy 2006 Page #159 ourse it does, especially when you accept that when you're in the military. 2006 Page #163 t when you're in the military. You accept that because you're working with 2006 Page #163 ry advantage over our enemies. You accept that. That's an OK answer for a m 2006 Page #163 the need for secrecy. But I can't accept it no more. Not for this! Not to 2006 Page #163 duals and as a species — we do not accept the challenge to welcome these co 2006 Page #194 ecomings. Come along with us as we accept this evolutionag invitation. Plea 2006 Page #194 rican citizens. The media began to accept the idea that America faced a per 2007 Page #11 years, many American have come to accept the idea, expressed here by Presi 2007 Page #35 not know how many Americans don't accept the official story ab ut what hap 2007 Page #40 right time, there is no reason to accept this story as authentic. I mentio 2008 Page #15 y young men" who weren't likely to accept being told not to enter an area w 2008 Page #45 ased, and it would be necessary co accept many of their principles . :inall 2008 Page #112 intelligence community and we must accept it as supporting data rather than 2009 Page #16 ified military research, and if we accept that Wright-Patterson and the lab 2009 Page #92 mb trial. The latter was unable to accept the invitation because of the cri 2009 Page #166 mb trial. The latter was unable to accept the invitation because of the cri 2009 Page #172
loons, and military aircraft...all acceptable; also toxic spills OK 13. Sec 2003 Page #175 ty is paramount. “Loss of EBE life acceptable ” OPNAC is in charge “regardl 2003 Page #177 e necessary." "Loss of EBE life is acceptable." For non-living organisms, s 2003 Page #178 a portion of his directive is not acceptable. It refers to the program of 2003 Page #230 own merit with the goal of finding acceptable solutions to which all can ag 2004 Page #251 t until recently) and I could give acceptable answers in a hurry. Being on 2006 Page #13 the loss of EBE life is considered acceptable if conditions or delays to pr 2006 Page #21 uperiors ordered a phony, publicly acceptable explanation for what happened 2006 Page #144 errestrially-themed S\\ eec that's acceptable co their health-conscious par 2007 Page #63 ge, some percentages were nor very acceptable, it had components like silic 2007 Page #197 e , to name but four. Is it really acceptable and reasonable to believe tha 2008 Page #37 ke deep concern? No, it is neither acceptable nor reasonable -at all. It is 2008 Page #37 we -..vant it to be realistic and acceptable. Yet such a proposal is made 2009 Page #21 is that Garrison never had enough acceptable evidence to bring to court th 2009 Page #29
purpose of recovery with secrecy, acceptance of extraterrestrial origin, h 2003 Page #171 a conspiracy and kept from public acceptance, but have now become accepted 2004 Page #125 even prophetic. But it was Reich's acceptance of UFOs as a physical reality 2005 Page #87 ad, bad for the furn re of Reich's acceptance as a scientist." And there's 2005 Page #103 ub: "Bad for the future of Reich's acceptance as a scientist" -a considerat 2005 Page #103 is uncertain. Social change toward acceptance would be less transformationa 2006 Page #54 pleted the contractor and customer acceptance tests in five flights, includ 2006 Page #81 t's low radar cross-section. After acceptance by the Air Force on 22 Decemb 2006 Page #81 irst-although it has slowly gained acceptance over the years. Nobel laureat 2006 Page #114 ncrease the public's awareness and acceptance of an alien presence on Earth 2007 Page #59 ncrease the public's awareness and acceptance of an alien presence on Earth 2007 Page #76 ore, Maryland. The reason for this acceptance of fascism was rampant fear o 2008 Page #124
location in 1965. I have generally accepted this as hearsay since there has 2003 Page #67 as about his future. In 1911 he is accepted to Dartmouth College but transf 2003 Page #85 of the case were in agreement with accepted psychiatric practice and commen 2003 Page #94 ard his recovery." 4. "It had been accepted that continued treatment would 2003 Page #95 ing software. Bennewitz innocently accepted the new program, which was spec 2003 Page #149 if we had recovered such COMMONLY ACCEPTED UFO FACTS — 1947-1954 □ Kenneth 2003 Page #170 ecoveries from becoming widespread accepted public knowledge by the media. 2003 Page #187 Status report VI includes two now- accepted hoaxes: the 1989 South Africa c 2004 Page #122 ic acceptance, but have now become accepted by the public as facts. The fir 2004 Page #125 , except for a few people who have accepted faithfully the Warren Commissio 2004 Page #125 UFOs were extraterrestrial. Disney accepted the offer and began to produce 2004 Page #179 be objectively analyzed, and then accepted or discarded as one attempts to 2004 Page #214 he Aztec incident since has simply accepted Cahn's unproven conclusion as f 2004 Page #219 deny their story. If the girls had accepted, they would have had interviews 2005 Page #35 peaceful use of atomic energy was accepted by the United Nations. le was c 2005 Page #101 ht to challenge an established and accepted belief, the right to think a th 2005 Page #102 to analyze or even see beyond the accepted theories of your mvn era. Reich 2005 Page #104 s accidents and crashes. Generally accepted theories in the UFO Literature 2005 Page #121 on are unknown, it is now commonly accepted that prions are responsible for 2006 Page #113 erred in March of 1978. Toppen got accepted for a Naval Officer candidate s 2006 Page #160 energies from beyond the currently accepted paradigm of reality. If you are 2006 Page #193 oman, plus a videotape. These were accepted by the Third Man, without quest 2006 Page #203 ation "trickle down", until it was accepted into general knowledge base of 2006 Page #205 claims that her results are often accepted in court trials to determine au 2008 Page #107 about our planet) is now, however, accepted as de facto by our military. On 2008 Page #113 conomic system, fascism was widely accepted in the 1920s and '30s. The evil 2008 Page #124 d continue selling the ideas until accepted and institutionalized within th 2008 Page #144 overeignty over air space has been accepted without numerous failed attempt 2009 Page #14 ther had 'second thoughts' and had accepted Kennedy's offer. "32 NSAM 271 c 2009 Page #42 irms that Khrushchev had only just accepted Kennedy's offer.33 The Hotline 2009 Page #42
and I still have great difficulty accepting that one or both of these shoe 2003 Page #48 nd moves his family to Washington, accepting a dollar-a-year to be at the c 2003 Page #86 al groups, seem to have no problem accepting the detailed factual data that 2006 Page #4 ked Trilaterals , manipulated into accepting George Bush as vice president. 2008 Page #142 ore work needs to be done. But I'm accepting a tentative conclusion that "U 2009 Page #11 ent was to entice the Soviets into accepting a double agent, it would have 2009 Page #12
ent on economic matters. Forrestal accepts and puts his business life on ho 2003 Page #86 ernment stipulates, guarantees and accepts definitive supervisory measures 2003 Page #222 iritual intangibles, which culture accepts, than to acknowledge the surpris 2005 Page #117 sition to entering the war. lf one accepts this, then the public rationale 2007 Page #12
r of FBI “We must insist upon full access to disks recovered. For instance, 2003 Page #17 Appendix Classified Famous Quotes Access Restricted MAJIC-12 Clearance Req 2003 Page #19 eeing to it we must insist on full access to disks recovered. For instance 2003 Page #24 in the vicinity, Murphy was denied access to go into the woods with the off 2003 Page #59 the exact building if we could get access to the base. Where the object is 2003 Page #62 mation operations. Did Newman have access to inside information? Dorothy Ki 2003 Page #73 Sprinkle put her under hypnosis to access any details she couldn't recall c 2003 Page #143 akery come from those who have had access to classified material in their c 2003 Page #171 h the Air Force and CIA not having access to the prior crashes, which may h 2003 Page #173 ed" can have a generic meaning too—access to this information is restricted 2003 Page #184 e an early application of “special access ” We have several examples of RES 2003 Page #186 , who at Mount Weather had instant access to the Joint Chiefs of Staff Comm 2003 Page #193 sident Nixon giving Jackie Gleason access to dead alien bodies. Three separ 2003 Page #194 ehan's story is that he had gained access to the classified Blue Book files 2003 Page #197 for President Carter, I was given access to The Project Blue Book files - 2003 Page #197 er, book editors or publishers had access to. 3. Both directive signatures 2003 Page #204 Twining based in Dayton, Ohio have access to Wedemeyer (based in Baltimore) 2003 Page #208 tes, the team was not able to gain access to the several locations were wre 2003 Page #234 LF9I' ‘ Interest was curtailed and access to stored craft at Los Alamos was 2003 Page #235 ry operations had "need to know 4" access with proper security clearances. 2003 Page #235 r complexes that have need-to-know access about the non-human presence. The 2004 Page #63 7, incident has remained a special access, compartmentalized experience for 2004 Page #63 rity clearance that enabled him to access a restricted military base librar 2004 Page #74 at they would have to somehow gain access through this hole and they eventu 2004 Page #74 er story that shows that Smith had access to the crashed saucer data comes 2004 Page #97 that he would say that he received access to alien bodies from a foreign na 2004 Page #98 ntist. 2. The story that Smith had access to crashed saucers and bodies was 2004 Page #98 rces that, now that he is dead and access to his papers has been allegedly 2004 Page #115 or potential enemies did NOT gain access to the possibly high technology t 2004 Page #123 s he raises would actually require access to some early road records, perha 2004 Page #127 Force prohibiting him from gaining access to UFO information he sought, whi 2004 Page #146 via, California that he was denied access to a facility at Wright Patterson 2004 Page #146 hat he had given up trying to gain access to the so-called Blue Room at Wri 2004 Page #146 Gen. Aleksandr Lebed • Restricted Access • Underground Laboratories'? Shar 2004 Page #162 ocial Ministry Office could obtain access to the Vatican Library section th 2004 Page #186 for President Carter, I was given access to the Project Blue Book files — 2004 Page #186 er had told her that he had gained access to the crashed saucers and dead a 2004 Page #188 ference Ban-y Goldwater was denied access to by the government also indicat 2004 Page #247 RD FIRST HAND REMARKS ■ "Eyes Only access at the NSC of W.H." ■ Saw brown c 2005 Page #8 west of Red Canyon" ■ " ... I had access to German discoveries we captured 2005 Page #8 large underground facility or have access to it in stealth to keep the loca 2005 Page #71 governme nt has to do is shut off access for a little while, bring in a gr 2005 Page #71 ) built a tunnel down there to get access to where they buried it. Logistic 2005 Page #71 d, and your local weekly and cable access programming on the other. Or betw 2005 Page #76 ve something to gain; in this case access to knowledge, technology, power, 2005 Page #77 ual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference access to the so-called Blue Room at \Xl 2005 Page #80 fits derived from their convenient access to such technolog) and research; 2005 Page #85 erty, but he refused to allow them access to any of rus apparatus, or writt 2005 Page #101 from atom.ic reactors. Those with access to "special weapons" programs are 2005 Page #130 erview who had top secret codeword access in the 19S0's. Archives don't hav 2005 Page #131 ince the Soviets that the U.S. had access to a technology the like of which 2005 Page #133 film that most people want to have access to, and I think it will probably 2005 Page #151 tive of which are known as Special Access Program s. There are even unackno 2005 Page #167 aster, more maneuverable, and have access to huge space carriers (mother sh 2006 Page #5 eritage and similar background and access to similar science, can't correct 2006 Page #11 Crash Retrieval Conference Special Access Programs (SAP) Separate and indep 2006 Page #33 nt -imposed secrecy and restricted access. The interne would be rife with r 2006 Page #58 outflank the government for inside access to the NHI. . . • ' eligion Relig 2006 Page #59 would fall over each other seeking access to the NHI, which would gain inst 2006 Page #60 e its true nature to allow greater access to the benefits it offers. Becaus 2006 Page #61 nce would also provide the path of access to businesses wishing to exploit 2006 Page #61 for maverick entrepreneurs to seek access/advantage. Business would be incl 2006 Page #61 ication (SECRET/TOP SECRET Special Access Required). - The vehicles crashed 2006 Page #72 12 was still a Top Secret, Special Access, program. On 24 May 1963, CIA pil 2006 Page #73 t gray background. I found a small access hatch and a couple of drain ports 2006 Page #76 t booster (Fig. 8). It had several access panels that I recognized from stu 2006 Page #80 , but found that a brush fire made access to the impact site virtually impo 2006 Page #82 acre brushfire hindered the team's access to the site as it took 16 hours f 2006 Page #82 logical basis, and that they have access to no different set of equations 2006 Page #102 how had the military been able to access the alleged crash sit with such a 2006 Page #125 ube, Google video, etc. :,. Easier access to international media - 2007 Page #38 uTube, Google video, etc. ► Easier access to international media But here a 2007 Page #39 e 9/11. ■ Used in 2002 to restrict access to and knowledge of Iraq war plan 2007 Page #53 to speak ofl did a Mature Students access course to get on a degree course 2007 Page #78 ur degree course? GM: 1991 was the access course and I stuck it till 93 and 2007 Page #78 thlv newsletter and we didn't have access to the internet in those days. It 2007 Page #81 nterest in Sci-fi meant that 1 had access to books by lsaac Asimov and Harf 2007 Page #81 strator is the person who controls access to people's machines and decide w 2007 Page #83 p remote dial-in so managers could access the computers from outside the of 2007 Page #83 ried that he would be able to gain access. So I did do a big clean up job a 2007 Page #83 y well why would someone \'Vant to access my machine. I would tell people t 2007 Page #83 rade of computer were you using to access this scuff. GM: Back then a 386 P 2007 Page #84 lnets ( -rudimentary way to access computers via commands). I read t 2007 Page #85 e network. You wouldn't be able to access many other machines from the one 2007 Page #87 on a military network I could then access ocher mi]jcary networks with a do 2007 Page #87 tential illegalit) of unauthorised access or any such similar measures to t 2007 Page #87 rnachjne with Administrator level access I could remotely install software 2007 Page #87 st? GM: There are on Unix macrunes access via shell accounts to do trungs. 2007 Page #88 internet access. 1 did not see anything chat refe 2007 Page #91 on the port side of the craft, for access to the crew compartment . Immedia 2007 Page #105 flight. There is a "better way" to access space. It's now time for the mili 2007 Page #120 ence team capability to gain rapid access, regardless of location, to recov 2007 Page #134 n words: "by way of a contact with access to NSA officials." Greer also sai 2007 Page #135 ggs says that his father was given access to these latter photographs for a 2007 Page #138 and not far from ChiJjlj, was the access road to the rughJy guarded secret 2007 Page #164 driving East on the Coyote Canyon access road on a routine builcling check 2007 Page #176 rgued that Major Hart did not have access to these reports and he had writt 2008 Page #15 ith one of the guards blocking the access roads. The guard stated, ".Maneuv 2008 Page #43 eckpoint if your goal was to block access to the entire area. Three roads c 2008 Page #51 Records Acts set down the rules on access to government files. The best-kno 2008 Page #61 d FOI (and the Code of Practice on Access to Government Information, which 2008 Page #62 around 220,000 people attempted to access the material on the day of releas 2008 Page #63 UNACKNOWLEDGED SPECL'\L ACCESS PROGRA?\IS HUGE BLACK BUDGETS Wll 2008 Page #152 WARS • BUT -rn£f- DIDN'T GR.,\1',1 ACCESS TO: ( •THE SECRET THE QUINTESSEJ\ 2008 Page #153 t. I have repeatedly tried to gain access to documents supposedly existing 2009 Page #17 rue cases with actual back channel access. The real FBI had final say over 2009 Page #32 John F. Kennedy's attempts to gain access to files concerning extraterrestr 2009 Page #35 ed with Kennedy 's efforts to gain access to the activities of a highly cla 2009 Page #35 ho was opposed to granting Kennedy access. The second phase began on Septem 2009 Page #35 resident Kennedy's Efforts to Gain Access to MJ-12 Activities The existence 2009 Page #35 gle between Kennedy and MJ-12 over access to UFO information. The classifie 2009 Page #39 ecret document with MJ-12 codeword access is a set of directives from the D 2009 Page #39 ges that Kennedy's efforts to gain access to UFO information soon after com 2009 Page #39 ational Security team from gaining access to the most sensitive UFO files p 2009 Page #40 ustrated Kennedy's efforts to gain access to classified UFO files in late 1 2009 Page #40 rintelligence. Angleton controlled access to the most highly classified UFO 2009 Page #42 security staff be briefed or given access to classified UFO files. The most 2009 Page #43 resulted from his efforts to gain access to the CIA's control of classifie 2009 Page #45 dy and his national security staff access to classified UFO files. Document 2009 Page #45 set of directives that would deny access to classified UFO information to 2009 Page #45 ny any Presidential administration access to UFO files, and even forcefully 2009 Page #45
lthy airplanes crashed on publicly accessible land, providing an additional 2006 Page #84 accident site (Fig. 14) relatively accessible to the public. The descriptio 2006 Page #87 t. Detrick in 1947 • The virus was accessible to native flora and fauna • O 2006 Page #112 first I was checking out publicly accessible stuff. I remember seeing some 2007 Page #84
that support this case. 2. Help in accessing historical FBI personnel recor 2003 Page #38 nel records. 3. Delicately help in accessing historical Cape Girardeau or J 2003 Page #38 r what you were doing back then in accessing these files to be wrong or ill 2007 Page #86
s most important responsibilities. Accession Number: ADA0J0043 Title: Kinla 2007 Page #163
Project Blue Book, which destroyed accidenrnlJy a sample provided by r\PRO, 2007 Page #195
who could have been involved in an accident, and was exposed to fire or rad 2003 Page #68 ange from a UFO crash to a nuclear accident and from a meteor strike to a l 2003 Page #75 riefing Doc. Aquarius document Air Accident Report Marilyn Monroe Report IP 2003 Page #169 ntertained the idea of an aircraft accident near the Harbor. He grabbed his 2004 Page #36 of passengers. Was this really an "accident," or was it a very pointed thre 2004 Page #145 ys later. • His death was ruled an accident, and authorities presumed he ha 2004 Page #208 removal of the spleen following an accident After a delay, that ca 2005 Page #34 inced that, either by intention or accident, they were contributing to the 2005 Page #98 ay, like police at the scene of an accident. Other accounts are simply inac 2005 Page #102 milies were lied to... unfortunate accident, crashed at sea. It was not unt 2006 Page #9 iews, official documents (manuals, accident reports, photos, etc.), and pub 2006 Page #71 escribe the events surrounding the accident and summarize the results of my 2006 Page #72 licly surfaced. At the time of the accident the A-12 was still a Top Secret 2006 Page #73 eled to Wendover to coordinate the accident investigation. Meanwhile, Hill 2006 Page #74 hen classified), who felt that the accident investigation was subordinate 7 2006 Page #74 ledge of the aircraft and even the accident. In spite of such glaring incon 2006 Page #75 above determining the cause of the accident. In fact, a formerly Secret mem 2006 Page #76 n 2003, using information from the accident report, now declassified. The i 2006 Page #76 ability of the system, but a fatal accident during the fourth launch, on 30 2006 Page #77 r drowned in the ocean. The tragic accident spelled the end of the M/D-21 p 2006 Page #77 up every piece" of debris from the accident and added: "There is nothing le 2006 Page #80 ng recovery almost impossible. The accident occurred at 1:45 a.m. PDT. Loca 2006 Page #82 s were the first to respond to the accident scene. Air Force personnel from 2006 Page #82 e type of aircraft involved in the accident. This proved a terrible public 2006 Page #83 r 1986, just five months after the accident (Fig. 12). To reach the site fr 2006 Page #83 ble government agencies during the accident investigation and cleanup. The 2006 Page #86 ht be a garbled description of the accident involving a Lockheed YF-12A kno 2006 Page #87 dge of Edwards Air Force Base. The accident occurred just west of town and 2006 Page #87 lack of boundary fences, made the accident site (Fig. 14) relatively acces 2006 Page #87 ocal newspapers, as the fatal B-57 accident was considered more 84 2006 Page #87 obtain a declassified copy of the accident report and also interview the f 2006 Page #88 000 cases • April 2, 1979: Anthrax accident at Sverdlovsk, Russia. More tha 2006 Page #107 ory could be a cover for a nuclear accident — as I'd always done when refer 2006 Page #126 m on TV which dealt with a nuclear accident at Greenham Common in the late 2006 Page #126 ue — and linking it with a nuclear accident at the same time. "By coinciden 2006 Page #126 d over in the history books as an "accident" of the radar. But was it? Read 2006 Page #165 of an emergency such as a highway accident will one day be able to cut and 2006 Page #201 ffered a life-threatening illness, accident or event that precipitated thei 2006 Page #207 hing you could just happen upon by accident. 81 2007 Page #87 he rest of the UFOs stopped at the accident site and two of them landed. Th 2007 Page #129 een UFO and Airplane Following the accident, the debris from the crash rain 2007 Page #186 anything-a murder, a fatal traffic accident, or a crashed UFO certainly. Th 2008 Page #55 document ■ Legionna re via TC Air Accident Report ■ CIA archivist via TC M 2008 Page #115 ies and launches did not happen by accident. "[T]hey must happen by design, 2008 Page #135 her son and only child in the same accident. Despite her visual disability 2009 Page #88
ntry phase of flight could lead co accidenta l nuclear war with horrible co 2008 Page #114 r weapons would be apt to miss and accidenta lly hit Russian or Chinese ter 2009 Page #22
rprise attack and possibly lead to accidental nuclear war. During the tense 2009 Page #17
balloons that was reported to have accidentall y crashed there." Avila and 2005 Page #156
e looking for a lost cow when they accidentally came upon the crash site. " 2005 Page #154 Mk.17 thermonuclear bomb that was accidentally dropped from a B-36 on the 2006 Page #86 ng that another fishing vessel had accidentally snagged the object in its n 2006 Page #192 nce deteriorates or is misplaced , accidentally or deliberately . Witnesses 2008 Page #40 a helicopter whose pilot may have accidentally left the landing light on. 2008 Page #54 g , a missile or a satellite being accidentally released or shot down near 2008 Page #59 even checked to see whether we had accidentally fired off a missile of some 2008 Page #66
ence o Wreckage thought ET origin, accidents or military © Materials exhibi 2003 Page #174 3: Graphic Total Reported Airplane Accidents, May 9 to July 31, 1947 (Bigge 2004 Page #68 civilizations are not perfect, and accidents occur during perilous flights- 2005 Page #121 -just as human spaceflight suffers accidents and crashes. Generally accepte 2005 Page #121 oing to see them again. There were accidents where people didn't return. Th 2006 Page #20 ity in Nevada. Since many of these accidents involved vehicles and weapon s 2006 Page #72 this presentation I examine three accidents involving then-classified airc 2006 Page #72 itive technologies at the time the accidents occurred. The sites were locat 2006 Page #86 that there were only two aircraft accidents at Edwards in the summer of 19 2006 Page #87 ble United States fighter aircraft accidents, unusual mishaps, and fighter 2006 Page #100 ects, presumably aircraft, and not accidents of the radar. This is decidedl 2006 Page #172
ued a document concerning Monroe's accivicies , che contents of whjch are u 2007 Page #137
e advisor Dr. Jack Gibbons, a self acclaimed UFO skeptic. Gibbons handled R 2003 Page #200 cy to this, is an account from the acclaimed UFO crash-retrieval researcher 2004 Page #16
hat Disney do a UFO documentary to acclimatize the public to the fact that 2004 Page #179 when asked if he had been used to acclimatize the public on UFOs. Q: Are t 2004 Page #184 in a program designed co gradually acclimatize the public co this other rea 2007 Page #59
mandates •appropriate oversighr of ACCMs -oversight by the Navy, that is. W 2007 Page #53 atrici.10-L!earaSeptemberJ . 2001) ACCMs "Alternative or Compensatory Contr 2007 Page #53
to thumb through it, the paper and ACCO binder looked old and when I asked 2005 Page #131
t the object w~s ~ovin~.) PERSONAL ACCOlmr Figure 12 Alan Ra111111er's diag 2008 Page #56
adjusts current belief systems to accommodate new realities. Displays of a 2006 Page #67 see if theories can be modified to accommodate them. These new theories the 2006 Page #101
proached the Tribal Council, where accommodations were made. A triumph of e 2006 Page #111
move out, another brilliant light, accompan.ied by a, rumbling s 2005 Page #154
at the time, and the four ETs that accompani ed the craft were taken to Los 2005 Page #170
the mesa (on at least one occasion accompanied by Col. Edwards) and began t 2003 Page #151 ocument. Each of these actions was accompanied by a time and date typed in, 2003 Page #181 6. A special radiobiological team accompanied by a S£D USA, Armed Forces S 2003 Page #233 t. "About two weeks ago, I started accompanied by these two assistants to m 2004 Page #32 out on patrol. Constable Ron Pond, accompanied by Constable Ron O'Brien wer 2004 Page #35 t alone in his observation. He was accompanied by his wife Lorraine, his da 2004 Page #45 id, including those who saw Brazel accompanied by military guard a subseque 2004 Page #138 rancher Mac Brazel and a child who accompanied him saw alien bodies there t 2004 Page #143 police corporal approached Souza, accompanied by other militaries, and sev 2005 Page #37 he truck away from the site. Ozzie accompanied a scientist who caravanned a 2005 Page #165 uld saucers crash? Usually this is accompanied by a comment that it makes n 2006 Page #10 n and over the town. The craft was accompanied by two military helicopters. 2006 Page #199 ight after I joined the Foundation accompanied me on the trips. David was a 2006 Page #200 rest in the subject. Another ad is accompanied by what seems to be a UFO ph 2007 Page #60 J page image of a grilled steak is accompanied by the lead line, "\Xlhy spa 2007 Page #62 ach face page. The illustration is accompanied by the disgusting slogan, "N 2007 Page #65 body of eBusiness." Its lead line, accompanied by a green, hovering flying 2007 Page #67 events at your front door" and was accompanied by an 800 number. As a regul 2007 Page #67 On May 8, 1962, Hynek and Friend, accompanied by Douglas Crouch, who had i 2008 Page #11 he first and the third thumps were accompanied by an unusual underground ra 2008 Page #98 firing, but individual, loud, and accompanied by tremors. The sky, at the 2008 Page #98 horized to the CIA. The pages were accompanied by a one page transmittal no 2008 Page #109 ssia, aided by wealthy Gem1ans and accompanied by about 150 trained revolut 2008 Page #125
ever sees his patient again. Reins accompanies the Secretary on the flight 2003 Page #90
ties refused to allow any media to accompany them, and a major Army helicop 2007 Page #130 r his wife -who had decided not to accompany her husband to Nevada, and ins 2009 Page #54 that one night she was required to accompany an armed officer who escorted 2009 Page #92
next Slide 55 shows a copy of the accompanying article describing a massiv 2003 Page #183 is kind of a complex. Furthermore, accompanying the article was the testimo 2003 Page #183 been residue of some sort with its accompanying odor. But there was none. O 2004 Page #40 FO's (Unusual Fruit Objects)?" The accompanying text begins and ends predic 2007 Page #60 ys ''You'd better ring the Royal." Accompanying copy underscores the anxiet 2007 Page #71
teeth. How '\Vas he or she able to accompJjsh this incredible feat? Simple. 2007 Page #67
$3.8 billion by 2004. One willing accomplice of the globalist/Nazi nexus w 2008 Page #141
establishment of Special Teams to accomplish the above operations These sp 2006 Page #18 al, cheat, even kill as long as it accomplish es the society's objectives. 2008 Page #126
o sons, a devoted wife, and was an accomplished aerobatic pilot and guitar 2003 Page #141 acilities ef the NRL. All this was accomplished by 17J0 MST 7 July. 8. On 7 2003 Page #234 rrestrial 'flying discs.' This was accomplished by deliberate antiaircraft 2004 Page #62 e. In partnership with hjs father, accomplished aerospace physicist Dr. Rob 2005 Page #117 d co pro,·ide it." What begs to be accomplished, of course, is testing of t 2005 Page #131 f an alien vessel in Carp, Canada. Accomplished author and international UF 2005 Page #132 n techniques were considered to be accomplished facts beyond 1990. If they 2005 Page #173 ts beyond 1990. If they are secret accomplished facts, why are we still fly 2005 Page #173 ve been doomed co failure and have accomplished nothing. The use of the ato 2008 Page #114 Some say the generation just past accomplished more in technology than all 2009 Page #19
ng far from each other. Apart from accomplishing little toward the goal of 2006 Page #191
the facts, of the chances of real accomplishment, and of the far-reaching 2003 Page #224
event. One of the most interesting accomplishments of the investigation is 2003 Page #65 e. \Xie are not discrediting man's accomplishments by sa~~ng that certain t 2005 Page #163 s to come. Comparisons of the past accomplishments with contemporary ones a 2009 Page #19 to leave Ohio, and he resented her accomplishments. It was a time of more t 2009 Page #93
d capacitors could also le\·itate. Accorcling to the Air Force Manual from 2005 Page #171
Os re\·oh"e around stated crashes. Accorcljng to many people and former mjl 2007 Page #127
ng last, it simply left of its own accord? 189 2006 Page #192
hould a full disclosure be made in accordance with the law as required." (U 2004 Page #252 should full disclosure be made in accordance with the law as required." So 2004 Page #254 instruments. Records were kept in accordance with strict scientific method 2005 Page #99 to said electrodes is modulated in accordance viith the des red sound outpu 2006 Page #35 ain-fact that they are secretly in accordance with the views of Pope. Sourc 2008 Page #38 yone agrees) for full disclosure m accordance with the law as required." So 2008 Page #111
nd ink. Yer with limited resources accorded to the "poLiticaUy incorrect" U 2005 Page #131
aissance Office in the late 1970s. Accordin g to Riggs, just before his dea 2007 Page #138
nce the reasonable conclusion that according to both the paper trail and wi 2003 Page #21 Star Baptist church in early 1941, according to church records. Charlette's 2003 Page #21 ere fired, many clear direct hits, according to witnesses of the disk shape 2003 Page #24 s Garland F. Fronabarger - "Frony" according to his obituary. He was a phot 2003 Page #34 there are several good candidates. According to the story the fire departme 2003 Page #37 into general use until the 1960s, according to shoe manufacturers contacte 2003 Page #49 ed more like a controlled landing. According to observers, the blue smoke r 2003 Page #58 Kecksburg area. As stated before, according to the only government documen 2003 Page #66 in Pennsylvania that day in 1965. According to Kean, Johnson also examined 2003 Page #71 t Boscombe Down in the late 1940s. According to Rita Hill, teams of personn 2003 Page #78 ts described multiple events that, according to the brief descriptions, als 2003 Page #147 e was salvaged at sea by the Navy, according to leaked documents from Marsh 2003 Page #170 never the customer wanted it used (according to the US Government Printing 2003 Page #172 occurred in Washington DC in 1939. According to what the Reverend told the 2003 Page #190 oswell press release on the crash. According to White House records, howeve 2003 Page #190 riefing of President-elect Carter. According to Marcia Smith, a researcher 2003 Page #196 de Spielberg during the screening. According to the story that Spielberg to 2003 Page #198 directive for Twining, given that according to Wedeymer Reports book that 2003 Page #208 list is normal and believable. 5. According to Dr. Bland at the Marshall A 2003 Page #208 Resolving The “Emulation ” 7. According to the 8 July 1947 memo, Dwigh 2003 Page #209 se Air Self Defense Force (JASDF). According to the report, a fiery object 2004 Page #5 o impart with regard to the crash. According to Ojeda: "There is a report o 2004 Page #10 en Retiro near the Yapacane River. According to the information given by th 2004 Page #11 wo spheres, exactly alike, is that according to the witnesses they were fir 2004 Page #11 tt had still more data to impart: "According to Colonel Darnbyl, the Board 2004 Page #13 s on Australian territory in 1963. According to the report, two spheres had 2004 Page #16 to the aea with a deafenina sound, according to sOne witnesees. Is it oneo 2004 Page #19 TWO SPHERE3; ElAtTLV 'ALM. IS THAT ACCORDING TO THE WITNESSES THEv WERE FIR 2004 Page #21 dark flying disk high in the sky. According to the Denison Daily News, Mar 2004 Page #28 is struck me as a credible detail. According to the contemporary accounts, 2004 Page #30 ersity Applied Physics Laboratory. According to history written by the Smit 2004 Page #66 d missile vaporized. That missile, according to Rep. Kissner, was actually 2004 Page #68 crashed, killing everyone aboard. According to an eyewitness of the second 2004 Page #68 ere policemen from Aztec and Cuba, according to their surviving families to 2004 Page #70 al UFO Crash Retrieval Conference "According to the report, we were not res 2004 Page #75 d since at least the early 1950s — according to retired Lt. Col. Philip J. 2004 Page #78 neered. One of those technologies, according to Col. Corso, was what came t 2004 Page #78 ed between July 2 to July 6, 1947, according to the MJ-12 report. SLIDE #51 2004 Page #79 rashed saucer in their possession. According to one popular story, Roosevel 2004 Page #84 covered was documented in writing. According to Mrs. Smith, her husband, Wi 2004 Page #86 sting of nerve gas. What happened, according to Murl, is that an agreement 2004 Page #87 keeping the alien presence secret. According to a January 26, 1956 letter t 2004 Page #88 ctually metal that they had found. According to Mr. Smith, the United State 2004 Page #94 was in the Pentagon. In this room, according to Smith, was a collection of 2004 Page #94 he downed craft and occupants, and according to Sherman, through the interv 2004 Page #97 us satellites had been discovered. According to Major Keyhoe's account of t 2004 Page #103 in the right direction? AFFA: Yes. According to a Dr. J. Allen Hynek, hand 2004 Page #104 rail? (Answer: they couldn't have, according to George Earley) Slide 16 117 2004 Page #120 ere taken to Los Alamos for study, according to more than one report. The A 2004 Page #123 ned to have strange designs on it, according to Charles Moore's testimony i 2004 Page #133 — he thought maybe it was "Cabot." According to Jesse Marcel, there had bee 2004 Page #135 ation of Roswell in 1994. However, according to her late brother Bill Braze 2004 Page #138 y bankrupted by a lunar astronaut, according to Moore's former associate an 2004 Page #145 ho defected to the West in 1938. • According to this source, Vissarionov ha 2004 Page #153 him, and he appreciates every man according to his intrinsic value. The bu 2004 Page #154 n't release the film. At one point according to Emenegger: Bill once joked 2004 Page #185 galaxy. The second study on UFOs, according to Sheehan, stated that a cert 2004 Page #187 ent inside the Carter White House. According to the story that had been res 2004 Page #188 been fully briefed on the subject. According to a remark quoted to long tim 2004 Page #197 rticle? The Harry B Cooper Story • According to Tim Cooper he came home in 2004 Page #212 hn's apparent chagrin, declined: 8 According to Cahn, Scully stoutly mainta 2004 Page #218 r may be another story altogether. According to Nick Redfern, it is "a prov 2004 Page #218 to in Behind the Flying Saucers.29 According to Ramsey, however, these inst 2004 Page #220 ment systems were less than ideal, according to the Stke#, which noted that 2004 Page #220 ed him his nickname, "Butch," and, according to a general officer who knew 2004 Page #222 inquiries into MJ-12 UFO program, according to the burned memo, "cannot be 2004 Page #243 CONFIDENTIAL or TOP SECRET/MAJIC. According to Tim Cooper, there was no in 2004 Page #244 stamp for counterintelligence and according to our background sources this 2004 Page #252 on U.S. soil. With this evidence, according to the New York Times, corrobo 2004 Page #254 nce with the law as required." So, according to this document, to get full 2004 Page #254 k . .As it was put onto the truck, according to the Fire Brigade milicaries 2005 Page #31 he arm that caused d1e infection." According to Dr. Furtado, Marco Eli Cher 2005 Page #34 the creature at Hospital Regional. According to the Brazilian doctor, the b 2005 Page #36 diameter, and that was undamaged. According to Stringfield and Wilhelm, Ma 2005 Page #42 they have not been moved again."' According to Stringfield , Thompson said 2005 Page #43 eturning home -at least not alive. According to Woolcott 's memory, her hus 2005 Page #44 ft of unknown origin.' In Kingman, according to Uhouse, two disabled Ebens, 2005 Page #45 miles. SLIDE# 7 Cracked lakebed 50 According to U. S. government history ab 2005 Page #52 h the odd triangle ground pattern. According to the retired USAF pilot, the 2005 Page #71 eedom of Information Act. Even so, according to Goldwater, the important in 2005 Page #80 of Engineering Alumni Association. According to one of the attendees, lBM e 2005 Page #81 would expand on his statement, and according to Harzan, his verbatim statem 2005 Page #81 st statement (a close paraphras e, according to Harzan): "There are many in 2005 Page #81 the light of day."8 Incidentall y, according to aviation journalist Nick Co 2005 Page #81 s at Nevada's Groom Lake Facility. According to Goodall at that time, there 2005 Page #82 oject, headed b) Dr. Steven Greer. According to McCandlish, a science \\ ri 2005 Page #83 planes are in fact not earthly and according to secret intelligence sources 2005 Page #122 TELLIGENCE ASSESSi\1ENT." In 1960, according to markings on the report, it 2005 Page #125 t deal about the subject. However, according to witnesses that Linda Moulto 2005 Page #133 gue were it not for the fact that, according to a memorandum in the files o 2005 Page #134 e nowdefunct British UFO Magazine. According to the story, a UFO was shot d 2005 Page #134 , over the course of several days, according to Baca and Padilla, soldiers 2005 Page #153 ere able to immediately get close. According to Jose, four soldiers were st 2005 Page #156 ouse that my dad used for storage. According to Jose, the solcliers came to 2005 Page #157 towed aboard the aircraft carrier. According to Charlie, thjs disc was 10 m 2005 Page #164 d was not available to the public. According to Bill Jenkins who hosted the 2005 Page #173 100,000 light years across which, according to Frank Drake, means there ma 2006 Page #5 ds of LIFO cases during the 1980s, according to Coi Bons Sokolov • 40 cases 2006 Page #28 ing aircraft about I am yesterday. according to a military official Control 2006 Page #28 eld Puzzled Over Weird Spectacle." According to this article, commercial ai 2006 Page #94 e radius of Charleston last night, according to reliable reports received b 2006 Page #94 d it the `Washington area meteor." According to a "confirmation" letter fro 2006 Page #96 ce of the Project Blue Book files. According to the astronomers, there was 2006 Page #97 nded in the state of West Virginia according to their official records and 2006 Page #97 and eyes the size of half-dollars, according to Mrs. Kathleen May. When the 2006 Page #98 ential threat of aliens. Actually, according to historians, two people died 2006 Page #102 Prescott's military records. (11) According to Prescott, in January 1974 h 2006 Page #122 ris. Others took away bodies. And, according to this man, at least one was 2006 Page #124 o the fact that this was correct." According to Fry, Dodd told her that aft 2006 Page #124 crash sit with such apparent ease? According to Matthew Williams: "Margaret 2006 Page #125 s Gallantry Medal for his bravery. According to Max Hastings and Simon Jenk 2006 Page #128 tations Bentwaters and Woodbridge. According to numerous U.S. Air Force per 2006 Page #132 EY WERE DOING 5,000 MILES AN HOUR? According to the radar, yes. AND BILL SA 2006 Page #145 ual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference According to "Searching the Skies," in D 2006 Page #171 0 miles north-northeast of Bangor. According to Winkle's memorandum, about 2006 Page #171 well south of the northern border. According to "Searching the Skies," ther 2006 Page #171 e that and perhaps over 1,000 mph. According to Winkle's memorandum, the ra 2006 Page #172 gh and fast and were radio-silent. According to Winkle's document the radar 2006 Page #172 he did. And here is what happened, according to the affidavit he filed with 2006 Page #174 them. But it went into the ground, according to the way people were acting 2006 Page #176 't even start the metal to yield." According to Willingham, some time later 2006 Page #176 that had been published in 1967. (According to Zechel, a copy of this news 2006 Page #176 interviews made in 1979 and 1988.) According to Zechel, Willingham said tha 2006 Page #177 s and energies not exist? Because, according the official paradigm, they ca 2006 Page #181 ey cannot exist. Why not? Because, according the official paradigm, they do 2006 Page #181 wedged into the bottom of the bay. According to Papetti38, the bay floor wh 2006 Page #187 dministration. January 21, 1985... According to a letter from Donald Johnso 2006 Page #188 ry around the area of Puget Sound. According to astronomical digests of the 2006 Page #189 of time in this particular place. According to the as-jet undisputed gewit 2006 Page #189 , artist and abduction researcher. According to the Roper Report, the surve 2006 Page #198 up to the pilot/ crew compartment. According to Jack, the smaller disc seem 2007 Page #100 eaving it exposed to the elements. According to the O.1.C. (Officer in char 2007 Page #100 voir, Virgirua, and whose mandate, according to officially-declassi tied do 2007 Page #132 to the world's press. Incredibly, according to the document, leaked by a G 2007 Page #134 he subject of a 167-page FBJ file. According t0 SperigLio: "[Rothbergl also 2007 Page #135 application "under consideration," according to the FBI. Seveney-two hours 2007 Page #137 se Air Self Defense Force (JASDF). According to the report, a fiery object 2007 Page #139 hborhood of Preston Road, Bristol. According to [Deleted] the smoke pattern 2007 Page #140 royed by an acomjc device in 1945. According to Alvarez, the classificacion 2007 Page #144 hbor of Prof. Benedito Nascimento. According to an interview published in t 2007 Page #193 s); and author of numerous papers. According to a NASA News Release, dated 2007 Page #198 ersiry of Bogota in 1975 or 1976. According to Vallee, the students heard 2007 Page #199 lux, exhibited by the Tabe metals. According co Sergio Poulain, a similar e 2007 Page #201 dane explanations were eliminated. According to Project Blue Book files, th 2008 Page #8 photographer had seen the object. According to the newspaper, Maggio said 2008 Page #8 ff Raymond Jackson of Nephi, Utah. According to newspapers , the photoelect 2008 Page #11 ts so we were in total darkness ." According to him, it came over the south 2008 Page #11 over Bob Robinson and Floyd Evans. According to what Robinson told me, he w 2008 Page #12 changing to green, orange and red. According to officers at Stead Air Force 2008 Page #13 wspapers create a problem because, according to the Reno newspaper the path 2008 Page #13 over the window, he could see out. According to his letter, he saw a disk-s 2008 Page #14 that from Nellis. The flight time, according to the files was thirty-two mi 2008 Page #17 uba more than a decade previously. According to a "security specialist " wh 2008 Page #29 ecurity. 18 Beware the Alien Virus According to Article IX of The Treaty on 2008 Page #36 xas forest called the Big Thicket. According to Will, those present at the 2008 Page #37 s leading into the Elk River area. According to Bert Dinius, Larry Lake had 2008 Page #46 was gone and the roads were open. According to Andy Hamden, he went to Oco 2008 Page #53 uller, Putnam Publishing, 1966. 2~ According to historical weather data, th 2008 Page #69 tnesses in this investigation . 32 According to historical weather data, th 2008 Page #70 torms. Penniston 's written report According to Sgt. Penniston 's written r 2008 Page #81 e hovering above ground level. ... According to OSI (Air Force Office of Sp 2008 Page #94 le According to the authors, the magnetic f 2008 Page #101 he settlements near the epicenter. According to Dr. N. V. Vasilyev , medico 2008 Page #102 irector of the CIA, which was MJ-1 according to both this memo and the Eise 2008 Page #109 ntributed yet another $20 million, according to the Congressional Record of 2008 Page #125 of the BIS's Baron von Schroeder. According to the book Trading with the E 2008 Page #128 plying vital coal to Germany . But according to government documents that h 2008 Page #129 ward H. Harriman. "After the war," according to the Gazelle report, "a tota 2008 Page #129 l was an officer of Di lion, Read. According to Sutton, "Banker William Dra 2008 Page #131 id consultant to the Rockefellers. According to one source, Gray directed a 2008 Page #133 nials of former NASA scientists. " According to Hoagland , these cross-corr 2008 Page #135 e Nazi scientists working in both. According to Bara, "[The module] Zc11ya, 2008 Page #136 Hotel Maison Rouge in Strasbourg. According to captured transcripts of the 2008 Page #136 airlines, were well entrenched ." According to The Guinness Book of World 2008 Page #137 that Paperclip was ended in 1947, according to Hunt, this project was "the 2008 Page #137 blican politician from California. According to author Webster Tarpley, fut 2008 Page #141 may have even sabotaged the plane. According to the most fanciful speculati 2009 Page #31 the control of the Joint Chiefs.12 According to Col Fletcher Prouty, they w 2009 Page #38 g, released it on June 23, 1999.16 According to Dr. Robert Wood and Ryan Wo 2009 Page #39 B and other intelligence agencies, according to Dr. Robert M. Wood. The ter 2009 Page #43 Middlesex News on April 23, 1973. According to the newspaper, Jeff Young h 2009 Page #48 oximately twenty years previously. According to Werner: The object was not 2009 Page #48 diameter, and that was undamaged . According to Stringfield and Wilhelm, Ma 2009 Page #49 eturning home -at least not alive. According to Woolcott 's memory, her hus 2009 Page #51 ft of unknown origin.' In Kingman, according to Uhouse, two disabled Ebens, 2009 Page #51 nd at the website, www.serpo .org. According to data posted to the Serpa we 2009 Page #52 d craft (Kingman, Arizona, 1953)." According to the document (which, it mus 2009 Page #52 al tsunami as an offensive weapon. According to the Final Report on Project 2009 Page #164 idea at Noumea in February 1944." According to Snodgrass' own papers, the 2009 Page #169
Incident update will be scheduled accordingly. * These questions appeared 2004 Page #59 n facts, wherever they might lead. Accordingly, the cases that intrigue me 2004 Page #214 support his conclusions on Aztec. Accordingly, the "Newton diary" — whatev 2004 Page #222 ands of unfriendly foreign powers. Accordingly, the manual provides strict 2005 Page #129 tten has been misleading or wrong. Accordingly, I'll clarify the position, 2008 Page #61 getting increasingly frustrated . Accordingly , because of the administrat 2008 Page #63 campus of Stanford University. Accordingly, I spent one day perusing hi 2009 Page #10
me not to contact Charlie anymore. Accordjng to the letter of repl) the sub 2005 Page #164
iddlesex Ne111s on April 23, 1973. Accorrung ro the newspaper, Jeff Young h 2005 Page #39 g-Chetham interview revealed that, accorrung to their source, he had been a 2005 Page #39 aw the autopsy images on it. This, accorrung to many, was not possible, as 2005 Page #148 and size." Vallee then adds that, accorrung co the witnesses, the central 2007 Page #199 of Ovalle, on Novemb er 15, 1993. Accorrung to a summary of the case he ti 2007 Page #200
k) W10 mtemabonal SIA/f, ME11111(1 accortkq fa a ievai puNna ,nd 144,4:141, 2006 Page #32
4,4:141, The report by the General Accounbni Lomita, irramboatann mimed Is 2006 Page #32
t time, and while not denying this account, he stated that he didn't want t 2003 Page #68 r depression. That is the official account at any rate. It is the contentio 2003 Page #85 her on Sunday May 22. The official account of Forrestal's death follows thi 2003 Page #91 nfirmed for this lapse, though one account has Forrestal's regular orderly 2003 Page #95 five kinds of normal stimuli that account for most of the misperceptions o 2003 Page #178 nt in her study. Here is Sheehan's account Back in 1977 when I was asked to 2003 Page #197 later, I discovered, a seldom-seen account of the crash was printed in a St 2004 Page #13 rt Tageblatt. A translation of the account read: Oslo, Norway, Sept. 4, 195 2004 Page #13 gator Timothy Good had related the account of a man who, from 1956 to 1960, 2004 Page #15 O itself." I was intrigued by this account for one specific reason: from Ne 2004 Page #15 onnel. Of relevancy to this, is an account from the acclaimed UFO crash-ret 2004 Page #16 Luril DID ANYONE GET AN EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT OF WRA7 THIS EXPLOSION MIGHT HAV 2004 Page #24 e Fort Worth Register, but in this account, it did not mention the hierogly 2004 Page #27 he similarities between the Aurora account and modern UFO cases — silver, m 2004 Page #27 ril 10, 1897. Yet hoaxes could not account for all the sightings. It was cl 2004 Page #28 Pegues. So Hanson, who by her own account had no first-hand knowledge, tol 2004 Page #29 Stephens loosened up and gave this account. As a boy less than 10 years old 2004 Page #29 n Lel t At East Gate: A First-Hand Account of the Bentwaters I Woodbridge U 2004 Page #46 irmed key points of my co- authors account and offered details and particul 2004 Page #49 ionalized aspect of Larry Warren's account is the existence of a huge under 2004 Page #51 tory that seems to back this Smith account of a crashed saucer outside of W 2004 Page #96 vered. According to Major Keyhoe's account of the event Cutler was so angry 2004 Page #103 0 1 No names but similar to Corso account re back- engineering VI Witness 2004 Page #112 hbed, when asked about whether the account in UFO Crash At Roswell was true 2004 Page #144 to the southwestern deserts, could account for all the stories of 144 2004 Page #147 as told in Frank Scully's original account, Behind the F/ying Saucers. This 2004 Page #217 cal specifications and taking into account suspension wear and tear of the 2004 Page #232 s raised suspicions, the \X,'erner account is a valuable one that needs to 2005 Page #40 r, Leonard Stringfield related the account of researcher Charles Wilhelm, · 2005 Page #41 lm, ·whose father had been told an account by a '~lajor Daly" of his (Daly' 2005 Page #41 d), the following is Scringfield's account of an interview he conducted in 2005 Page #43 r History. To best appreciate thjs account, however, it is important that w 2005 Page #88 alien spacecraft.1 Their personal account of the case displays many of the 2005 Page #153 development of SOM1-01. This would account for the number of alleged discre 2006 Page #24 , FL. Restricted arspace. Detailed account of Navy radar tracking UFO with 2006 Page #28 e 7.4.5514111GT044 — HASA Opted to account *,1 bdtrtn1 *oilers spent on in, 2006 Page #32 ants must have true cover story to account for whereabouts 24 hours a day J 2006 Page #32 ating on the Earth. And this takes account only of the standard extraterres 2006 Page #70 deotape and he gave me an in-depth account of all the events in which he wa 2006 Page #98 o his credit. At the time that the account was first revealed in the pages 2006 Page #122 crash site did tend to support his account." (16) While Williams and Fry ap 2006 Page #125 ) Indeed it might. And what of the account given to retired police sergeant 2006 Page #126 James Prescott saga aside, another account links anomalous aerial phenomena 2006 Page #128 e been the original source of this account: it does have a precedent. Also, 2006 Page #129 t does have a precedent. Also, the account of Anne Owen demonstrates that t 2006 Page #129 from the forest. The basics of the account are that between December 26 and 2006 Page #132 C-47, as claimed in the newspaper account, they certainly could have ident 2006 Page #172 cular part of the bay could easily account for the two trails of bubbles be 2006 Page #191 at we had no technology that could account for the cauterized cuts and open 2006 Page #201 rea but could not find anything to account for the damage. Then he sat down 2006 Page #206 bw requiring fcdc:ral gowmmClll CO account in a busincss-lila? way for its 2007 Page #53 e l knew it was the administrators account and the password was blank. I wo 2007 Page #87 in advance and have been given an account on them via the owners. le M\XI: 2007 Page #89 esent the most accurate historical account now in the public domain. \Xlhat 2007 Page #94 begins with an unprecedente d true account by Mr. Jack D. Pickett (retired 2007 Page #94 mazing new evidence that the Deneb account may be correct. During recent vi 2007 Page #184 r which contained an extraordinary account and three small metallic fragmen 2007 Page #194 Let's proceed with a chronological account of all the analysis that were un 2007 Page #196 was based in Devon and told me an account of an incident that had taken pl 2008 Page #33 ft in the middle of the night. His account is particularly valuable because 2008 Page #43 of Central Park who gave detailed account. Article identifies motorist wit 2008 Page #48 people have not realized that the account in the MoD file is not an offici 2008 Page #66 ., and moved through Lee's company account with Chase Bank and his personal 2008 Page #127 t with Chase Bank and his personal account at New York Trust Company . Anot 2008 Page #127 opular among scientists, partly on account of secrecy. (ln regimented Russi 2009 Page #21 elm, whose father had been told an account by a Major Daly of his (Daly's) 2009 Page #49 blem with this theory: Bethurum 's account was published way back in 1954 - 2009 Page #55 Talking to June, listening to her account of working at Wright Field for t 2009 Page #88 id she embellish or exaggerate her account of these experiences. As an expe 2009 Page #89 ncreases the credibility of June's account of an officer who was probably f 2009 Page #91 ity, or entities, depending on the account. A luminous rectangle appeared u 2009 Page #135 strange events in his book and his account was confirn1ed by later released 2009 Page #179
ospects for achieving a more open, accountable federal government. Introduc 2007 Page #7 ospects for achieving a more open, accountable federal government. Let's st 2007 Page #9 rospects of achieving a more open, accountable federal government. is 2007 Page #38
uitous route the cleverest spy. or accountant would have trouble following 2006 Page #32
d, the majority of which cannot be accounted for by any 'scientific' explan 2003 Page #9 ven on terra firma, that cannot be accounted for either as manmade objects 2003 Page #18 jects in the area which could have accounted for the sighting. By the mid-1 2004 Page #6 n or fire, the lights could not be accounted for and the LEs radioed in for 2004 Page #47 luminous objects that could not be accounted for by any known physical phen 2004 Page #104 ht, then can this strange dance be accounted for by any man-made or natural 2006 Page #190
paperwork process to ensure proper accounting, essential so that nothing ge 2003 Page #176 f in 1993 had asked the Government Accounting Office (GAO) to investigate t 2004 Page #60 t, July 1995 United States General Accounting Office: "Government Records: 2004 Page #60 947. Rep. Schiff asked the General Accounting Office, Congress' investigati 2004 Page #60 r records in response to a General Accounting Office (GAO) inquiry of an ev 2004 Page #60 fore Schiffs death, the Government Accounting Office inquiry that he initia 2004 Page #146
and other researchers, first hand accounts and various published accounts. 2003 Page #41 and accounts and various published accounts. They also include such books a 2003 Page #41 ms quite likely from the newspaper accounts that mention the Army involveme 2003 Page #59 ion. A Synopsis of Some Eyewitness Accounts and Other Details Mabie Mazza w 2003 Page #59 that night after hearing the news accounts. Jerry and his friends were unf 2003 Page #60 me date in 1965. If the eyewitness accounts are even close to what actually 2003 Page #65 of new information and eyewitness accounts concerning this event. One of t 2003 Page #65 puzzling contradictions within the accounts provided by them on major point 2003 Page #66 he Kecksburg area that night. News accounts at that time also mention the A 2003 Page #66 ckly returned to the car. If these accounts are indeed true, as strange as 2003 Page #71 is findings support the eyewitness accounts of an object having gone down i 2003 Page #71 nts in the Puerto Rican jungle and accounts of Chupacabra bodies recovered 2003 Page #81 ssignment by any standards. By all accounts the Under Secretary does a supe 2003 Page #86 ic pilot and guitar player. By ail accounts, he led a nearly perfect life. 2003 Page #141 ere these later and wildly popular accounts influenced by Bennewitz' origin 2003 Page #144 Indeed, there are numerous similar accounts that span the decades — and eve 2004 Page #4 1940s and early 1950s. Of the many accounts relating to retrieved UFOs thro 2004 Page #14 he period were filled with various accounts of flying objects and even cont 2004 Page #27 requently found its way into media accounts. Brawley and Etta Oates bought 2004 Page #29 ail. According to the contemporary accounts, the pilot was buried the same 2004 Page #30 ive or fifty miles an hour..." The accounts continued story after story. So 2004 Page #32 print — letters, e-mails, personal accounts, interviews, were every bit as 2004 Page #46 lved to come forward and put their accounts on the public record. For those 2004 Page #59 there are also numerous fictional accounts and novelizations of the premis 2004 Page #137 also weighed in with first person accounts, including actor Jackie Gleason 2004 Page #147 racy • Fictionalized yet plausible accounts of "officially sanctioned termi 2004 Page #200 idbits added authenticity to their accounts — Nolan, for example, recounted 2004 Page #216 nteresting, however, is that their accounts support each other, particularl 2004 Page #216 \Xlerner himself, there are other accounts that may have a direct bearing 2005 Page #41 the Fritz Werner affidavit), other accounts of crashed UFOs and alien bodie 2005 Page #42 ely on his research. The following accounts are taken from his article, "Re 2005 Page #78 -documented user and investigative accounts, as well as from personal exper 2005 Page #90 Conclusions Since his death, most accounts of Dr. Wilhelm Reich's life and 2005 Page #102 at the scene of an accident. Other accounts are simply inaccurate . In Cont 2005 Page #102 ology. UFO literature is rife with accounts of UFO experiences which point 2005 Page #119 etter than to study cl1e following accounts of UFO crash retrievals and pon 2005 Page #120 d from these summaries to detailed accounts in the sources cited. These cas 2005 Page #121 he White Sands missile test range; accounts of at least three UFO crashes; 2005 Page #131 oggy world of UFO crash-retrie,·aJ accounts . Similarly, follo,ving the col 2005 Page #133 d discrepancies in Colonel Corso's accounts and have discarded his testimon 2005 Page #168 als as templates. This explanation accounts for the number of discrepancies 2006 Page #16 0s: Collects scores of first- hand accounts of UFO crash retrievals and sig 2006 Page #25 Presumable into many private bank accounts • Presumably into deep black pr 2006 Page #32 itized after all. Contrary to some accounts there was no evidence of large- 2006 Page #86 d - have at their heart intriguing accounts and whistleblower testimony sug 2006 Page #119 been gathered from two eye witness accounts, documentation illegally (sic) 2006 Page #136 mented by local and national media accounts. Imagine yourself in the Pacifi 2006 Page #184 tive readings are found. From news accounts of July 27: Seattle Coast Guard 2006 Page #185 ivers dove on the same spot, their accounts of the object were largely dive 2006 Page #188 hts of the ship, but there were no accounts of all the scramble and uproar 2006 Page #191 ith the eyewitness testimony, news accounts, and official Coast Guard repor 2006 Page #194 public to call the Foundation with accounts of their personal experiences. 2006 Page #204 , creates user names and passwords accounts for people to get in. GM: That' 2007 Page #83 on Unix macrunes access via shell accounts to do trungs. They do exist. MW 2007 Page #88 g the missing two hours. They gave accounts of encounters with apparent ali 2008 Page #35 21 If there is any truth to these accounts , and if both UFOs and their oc 2008 Page #37 subject of UFOs arose. All of the accounts focused on the Andrews Creek I 2008 Page #42 t. The Crash happened in 1979. The accounts included a military response-th 2008 Page #42 8. Translation of text: Eyewitness accounts of Tunguska (Crash) by N. V. Ya 2008 Page #103 dard Oil of New Jersey, the German accounts of which were siphoned through 2008 Page #128 ssen did not need any foreign bank accounts because his family secretly own 2008 Page #129 ORE REl\'IOVEDJ • NO SINGLE THEORY ACCOUNTS FOR ALL OF THE EVIDENCE OR OBSE 2008 Page #153 n both stories. The aliens in both accounts are short in stature -which is 2009 Page #55 ere children or that some of their accounts differ significantly from each 2009 Page #135 of witnesses willing to put their accounts and observations on the public 2009 Page #135 ts weight. Child and adult witness accounts have the diameter of the object 2009 Page #135 in excess of ten feet tall by all accounts. It wore a silvery suit and had 2009 Page #135 wrinkled faces. Other stories and accounts were reported as well. A few da 2009 Page #136 ttention paid to the child witness accounts and Tass's insistence that the 2009 Page #138 t and contrast them to far nastier accounts of alien abduction as reported 2009 Page #139 hat had written me asking for full accounts of my original experiences. I w 2009 Page #179
l or egg-shaped object-or by other accountsobjects, which circled the immed 2009 Page #135
sign of being that. It has all the accoutrements. I mean, those kinds of di 2005 Page #66
hat is prime timber land, we could accuaUy see the fire from or house, if w 2007 Page #125
and persuasive. Evidence has been accumulated by pioneers of UFO crash res 2006 Page #14
were contributing to the pollution accumulating in the atmosphere. Co11tart 2005 Page #98 eral Drug Administration had begun accumulating information toward builclin 2005 Page #101
aked to Bob and Ryan Wood in their accumulation of files on Majestic-12. SL 2004 Page #79 ill find what we believe is not an accumulation of things we have discovere 2004 Page #178
havior in place. The Orgone Energy Accumulator It was during this time that 2005 Page #90 ing. He named it the orgone energy accumulator, or ORAC. Thinking individua 2005 Page #90 hone booth. A properly constructed accumulator is made up of alternatin g l 2005 Page #90 flects the energy. Simply put, the accumulator works on the basis of what R 2005 Page #90 to the stronger one. Sitting in an accumulator has a most perceivable resul 2005 Page #90 charge, however, can remain in an accumulator much longer while feeling li 2005 Page #90 felt within a few minutes. A small accumulator can be used to germinate pla 2005 Page #90 firmed (and reconfirmed ) that the accumulator registered an average 0.3-0. 2005 Page #92 ures under and above the table the accumulator had been placed on: Einstein 2005 Page #92 ely, that he had stated the orgone accumulator was a cure-all. r [rs. Brad) 2005 Page #93 very small amount of radium in an accumulator, the unexpected result of wh 2005 Page #94 terial that had been exposed in an accumulator from Maine to d1e Tucson sit 2005 Page #100
eriment, a chjlling example of the accumulator's undeniable ability to conc 2005 Page #94
ter mechanized it. The size of the accumulators Reich and his associates co 2005 Page #90 against the interstate srupmenr of accumulators or any components thereof. 2005 Page #101
d di..-hioni paths of air,1 accunndy :!.!!rl1 o! the P~~ton•AC'lnt C 2009 Page #183
of being delivered with "pinpoint" accuraC) decades before Lockheed F-117 S 2007 Page #107
scene are analyzed and tested for accuracy. Other sources are analyzed for 2003 Page #21 d have measured lengths with great accuracy. There is no reason to doubt th 2003 Page #184 ere is interest in determining the accuracy of these reports which have spr 2004 Page #8 paper, and he can be proud of his accuracy and reliability. I am willing t 2004 Page #106 my map precluded a high degree of accuracy, but it was a start. Hal warned 2006 Page #80 ere is interest in determining the accuracy of these reports which have spr 2007 Page #142 of reference , would be unable to accuracy judge distances and speeds. The 2008 Page #13 or the job by Ed Teller. While the accuracy of Lazar's technical statements 2009 Page #9 y and certainly for classification accuracy. If QD2 mentioned earlier (Tell 2009 Page #11 re circumstantial evidence for the accuracy of the Hotline transcript was f 2009 Page #42 ng events from 50 years prior, the accuracy of the details she related was 2009 Page #90
ng □ Verified subtleties , NE102 □ Accurate unique and rare personnel □ Cor 2003 Page #29 urg video documentary, if Myron is accurate in describing the hand, we shou 2003 Page #68 HAPE AND SIZE The “A-scope ” shows accurate distance Varying view angles yi 2003 Page #186 had been out and about were fairly accurate...I think there were descriptio 2004 Page #96 t Sarbacher, Smith asked about how accurate the Aztec story was. Sarbacher 2004 Page #97 n other reports, and regard it, if accurate, as a critical issue for improv 2004 Page #117 ong ago? And if their memories are accurate, then the opposing statements o 2004 Page #139 47 military personnel are then not accurate at best or are outright lies at 2004 Page #139 has been the need to establish an accurate timeline of the events surround 2004 Page #231 y concerned. In attempting to take accurate measurements of the debris seen 2004 Page #233 ct a virtual Ramey Office in which accurate measurements could be taken. Th 2004 Page #233 sparent alignment of atoms" (750/o accurate , 250/o questionable) ■ "German 2005 Page #9 at it was nighttime, which made an accurate visual obsenration of the objec 2005 Page #39 that such observations were hyper accurate, and some even prophetic. But i 2005 Page #87 media. If tlus characterization is accurate, and man) of us would maintain 2005 Page #88 t markers do they contain that are accurate for this type of document? Have 2005 Page #135 actions, rare verifiable subtlety, accurate oddness) 4.0 Content (The key d 2005 Page #135 ata consistent, believable and 2.0 accurate? No Anachronisms (specific issu 2005 Page #135 ash site that is later verified as accurate and appropriate to the period a 2005 Page #136 respect to organizational history accurate? Are the people reportedly invo 2005 Page #136 tone's testimony is very likely an accurate reflection of his experiences w 2006 Page #23 ntage; but because of strangeness, accurate assessment of danger could be d 2006 Page #69 the chaff in order to get the most accurate information possible regarding 2006 Page #71 of this speculation was reasonably accurate was even worse. Ironically, the 2006 Page #83 's depiction of the figure was not accurate and that he had incorrectly por 2006 Page #91 a straight forward, no frills, and accurate version of the incident. Their 2006 Page #95 , in all my research, was the most accurate version ever printed about the 2006 Page #98 printed about the incident. It was accurate because it was written by A. Le 2006 Page #98 ools, anesthetize the targets with accurate darts, pick them up, get the bo 2006 Page #116 e the general public a technically accurate representation of what these hi 2007 Page #94 d illustrations represent the most accurate historical account now in the p 2007 Page #94 o give the generaJ publjc the most accurate depictions ever created of thes 2007 Page #94 Worst case E.MP calculations: More accurate airplane cost growth assessment 2007 Page #163 oblems exist in even attempting an accurate historical survey of certain ki 2009 Page #24 nt document.18 If its contents are accurate, it provides smoking gun eviden 2009 Page #39 ents proved June's description was accurate. Some of her personnel document 2009 Page #92 lation on the radiation ray is not accurate. T.D.J. Leech's answer is true: 2009 Page #168
ir logbook or would they record it accurately? At present, all I have is th 2003 Page #37 front, there is no way we can tell accurately about its wear pattern. Altho 2003 Page #48 rted the storyline of the incident accurately but gave a quoted description 2006 Page #99 [space] station ... [and] could be accurately guided to any spot on earth." 2009 Page #17
that the move would help deal with accusations that MoD was covering up the 2008 Page #63 iens and saucers in the desert and accusations of a grand government decept 2009 Page #87 ernment in the UFO field. To avoid accusations of conspiracy mongering, let 2009 Page #154
redit his work, Reich's detractors accuse and rant, exposing the madness th 2005 Page #102
eant leaving these messages. I was accused of taking down the entire milita 2007 Page #89 ey haven't happened in the UK. I'm accused of being part of a cover-up when 2008 Page #68 ined by Cooper, some skeptics have accused him of faking some if not all of 2008 Page #105 sident Ronald Reagan was shot. His accused assassin, John Hinckly, was son 2008 Page #142 t , the last-known close friend of accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald. Reag 2008 Page #142
ries to obtain Ebokt. • 1995: U.S. accuses Russia of continuing its bioweap 2006 Page #108
missed the film as a fake, usually accusing Santilli of being the hoaxer; a 2005 Page #146
ary agencies over the years, I was accustomed to receiving through the mail 2004 Page #11 conventional energy systems we are accustomed to thinking in terms of, i.e. 2005 Page #90 Wars and other science fiction are accustomed to plots that include allies 2008 Page #95
hard Hall's Freedom of Information Ace (FOIJ\) request. In a moment of cand 2005 Page #123 E IGN PROJI-L"T-Y 1\·.11 "i\ \ "RO ACE"' SP,\l)E SK\PE I RF\\" ::.~O• kph. 2007 Page #112 Secrecy and denial are so commonpl ace that it is hard to take an official 2008 Page #60
e bottom. It was topped by a large ace-of-spades shaped helmet about three 2006 Page #94
lodes, 1987-1988 ■The John Le:u-St.acement 2009 Page #148
fl .11sat3 batrbos Aires. 12 itay—aceortliag to S Its tble source. den Alt 2004 Page #20
the South r\frican Government . I acer, the Carter administration created 2007 Page #143
, Gordon Cooper and rus squadron-m aces attempted to intercept a group of s 2007 Page #109
ram for the formation of magnesium acetate is approximated here by the equa 2003 Page #115
It appears the answer is yes. The acetates of both Mg and Zn have quite si 2003 Page #115
by producing the reaction in weak acetic acid. In the initial test conduct 2003 Page #114 meyer flask containing 20 ml of 4% acetic acid by volume. Immediately, very 2003 Page #114 he Bi/Mg metal is left in the weak acetic acid until the bubbling stops, us 2003 Page #114 of the remaining precipitate-free, acetic acid solution. A few drops from a 2003 Page #114 a slide glass and drops of the 5% acetic acid were placed on another slide 2003 Page #114 d Bi/Mg Metal The control or plain acetic acid slide disclosed only a very 2003 Page #115 ater samples were placed in the 5% acetic acid, the white oxide on the surf 2003 Page #115 ll production of hydrogen from the acetic acid system depends on the effici 2003 Page #115 muth/Magnesium metal reaction with acetic acid, we have the spontaneous rel 2003 Page #115
ur people tried diamond drills, an acetylene torch — everything they could 2004 Page #74
Turu tn flrcr.1tncr • int P.•~.wt ACffll=u~ on • ThtSll!t ofU!oloe;y.19£1 2009 Page #145
d disease pattern of fever, muscle aches, headaches leading in a few to 48 2006 Page #110
s at hand. Secretary of State Dean Acheson went to bed thinking he wouldn't 2006 Page #165 mes from the autobiography of Dean Acheson, Present at the Creation (W.W. N 2006 Page #166 more than ten years later with Mr. Acheson. It differs slightly from Mr. Ac 2006 Page #166 946-1952 (Vol. 2, page 405; 1956). ACHESON TRUMAN LOVETT Looking first at S 2006 Page #166 llowing versions of what happened. Acheson said that "early warning radar i 2006 Page #167 e unidentified aircraft and wanted Acheson to inform the British ambassador 2006 Page #167 to inform the British ambassador. Acheson ended his story by saying that, 2006 Page #167 use phone log for December 6 shows Acheson called Lovett at 11:15 AM and ag 2006 Page #167 in at 11:19 AM. Then Lovett called Acheson at 11:20 and again at 11:23 AM, 2006 Page #167 all one can gain from this is that Acheson, who had left the State Departme 2006 Page #167 is based on an interview with Mr. Acheson: 'For a moment on the morning of 2006 Page #167 message and I'm going to ring off' Acheson cut in, Now wait a minute, Bob, 2006 Page #167 ' No, Lovett replied, and hung up. Acheson sat in his office and waited. 16 2006 Page #167 egin moving files to the basement. Acheson tried to sooth him. A few minute 2006 Page #168 he "geese" explanation reported by Acheson. So, which explanation was right 2006 Page #169 of Defense Robert Lovett tell Dean Acheson that flocks of geese flying over 2006 Page #173 hel, the FBI, Charles Winkle, Dean Acheson, Harry Truman, Ryan Wood and "ap 2006 Page #179
eson. It differs slightly from Mr. Acheson's own version. The third is foun 2006 Page #166 LOVETT Looking first at Secretary Acheson's autobiography we find that, du 2006 Page #166 e 600 - 900 miles from Washington. Acheson's story indicates that at the ti 2006 Page #167 n at 11:23 AM, I presume returning Acheson's call. The log says nothing abo 2006 Page #167 anation is somewhat different from Acheson's. Here we learn that the radar 2006 Page #168 more compatible with the claim in Acheson's autobiography that the planes 2006 Page #169
red intelligence agency that could achieve the level of sophistication and 2004 Page #253 of TOP SECRET/MJ-12 make money or achieve some notoriety. So all that is l 2004 Page #254 solete solid and liquid rockets to achieve space flight. There is a "better 2007 Page #120 s Concluding Thoughts ■IN ORDER to achieve the final aim - which is one wor 2008 Page #117
few years, but no resolve was ever achieved . 90 2005 Page #92 government, how news censorsrup is achieved in practice, and bow propaganda 2007 Page #7 ernment. 2. How news censorship is achieved. 3. How propaganda works to hid 2007 Page #9 e that advanced civilizations have achieved interstellar travel and are cur 2007 Page #184 orgina Bruni and Timothy Good have achieved some high-profile successes. Th 2008 Page #62
notice of the \XI right brothers' achievement for almost rwo years after t 2005 Page #120 ing the Commendation Medal and the Achievement Medal. He was recruited into 2006 Page #21 work for the Air Force was a major achievement in her life. They were also 2009 Page #93
nal security and the prospects for achieving a more open, accountable feder 2007 Page #7 tional security." 6. Prospects for achieving a more open, accountable feder 2007 Page #9 by reflecting on the prospects of achieving a more open, accountable feder 2007 Page #38 cient altitude to be classified as achieving space £light". This is consist 2007 Page #108
p more than they were allowed. His Achilles heel was his credulity, as long 2003 Page #148
a, skin rashes, boils on the skin, aching stomachs, and skin shedding. maje 2003 Page #163 a, skin rashes, boils on the skin, aching stomachs, and skin shedding. The 2004 Page #17
th is not attacked by hydrochloric acid, and only slightly by hot sulfuric 2003 Page #106 and only slightly by hot sulfuric acid. But the element is rapidly dissolv 2003 Page #106 ther dilute or concentrated nitric acid. Further, the Guide to Uncommon Met 2003 Page #106 ducing the reaction in weak acetic acid. In the initial test conducted Octo 2003 Page #114 lask containing 20 ml of 4% acetic acid by volume. Immediately, very active 2003 Page #114 g metal is left in the weak acetic acid until the bubbling stops, usually w 2003 Page #114 ion products would be found in the acid solution. But the liquid was still 2003 Page #114 remaining precipitate-free, acetic acid solution. A few drops from an 80 mi 2003 Page #114 e glass and drops of the 5% acetic acid were placed on another slide glass 2003 Page #114 Metal The control or plain acetic acid slide disclosed only a very small a 2003 Page #115 mples were placed in the 5% acetic acid, the white oxide on the surface com 2003 Page #115 uction of hydrogen from the acetic acid system depends on the efficiency of 2003 Page #115 gnesium metal reaction with acetic acid, we have the spontaneous release of 2003 Page #115 iridae that has RNA as its nucleic acid and uses the enzyme reverse transcr 2004 Page #81 t certainly) do not have a nucleic acid genome. It seems that a protein alo 2006 Page #113
by procedures that modify nucleic acids". Prion derives from (pro)teinaceo 2006 Page #113 maller chemical units called amino acids, joined together like beads on a n 2006 Page #114 o high temperatures and to various acids (rutric, sulfuric, picric). The Cr 2007 Page #200 ed: "Unknown metal not affected by acids." 194 2007 Page #200
t technical intelligence interest. ACIN SOP for Blue Fly operations, Februa 2007 Page #134
to follow and report on Bennewtiz' acitivities and thinking. Moore would la 2003 Page #146
CDM,?1.u °" roe. I\ L"'°'DiiNG I\T acitl1'G flif'LO. (l(f',u.,1(/TH L,,llt& 2009 Page #102
unset. ]n doing so, the distil.ler acknO\\ !edged the events of 1947, poked 2007 Page #71 would like to acknowledge and thank all the speakers a 2003 Page #2 would like to acknowledge and thank all the speakers a 2004 Page #2 his effort caused the Air Force to acknowledge that the crashed vehicle was 2004 Page #61 t Mitchell Calls for Government to Acknowledge UFO CoYerup," i\1[UFON UFO J 2005 Page #81 es, which culture accepts, than to acknowledge the surprising, unorthodox t 2005 Page #117 would like to acknowledge and thank all the speakers a 2006 Page #2 jesticd would Like to acknowledge and thank all the speakers a 2007 Page #3 jesticdocuments .com would like to acknowledge and thank aU the speakers at 2008 Page #3 would like to acknowledge and thank all the speakers a 2009 Page #3
UFO incident near Kecksburg. They acknowledged that, and the man went on t 2003 Page #63 ance Mg ionization. However, Hauri acknowledged that none of the ion microp 2003 Page #109 Hoyt Vandenberg, who is generally acknowledged to be a key player in the R 2003 Page #190 s change our world, once they were acknowledged? Some believe they know thi 2005 Page #86 his own eyes, the great physicist acknowledged the decided glow, but refus 2005 Page #91 e's FOIA research led to him being acknowledged by UFO researchers such Maj 2006 Page #17 societal implications of publicly acknowledged face-to-face contact betwee 2006 Page #48 fied, Defense Department officials acknowledged that the Bakersfield crash 2006 Page #84 ry least these aircraft would have acknowledged the attempts to contact the 2006 Page #173 he brush that he was crazy when he acknowledged a UFO sighting. That reinfo 2008 Page #14 classified Air Force documents and acknowledged as part of the official rec 2009 Page #35 eaked June Memorandum has not been acknowledged by the CIA (it was classifi 2009 Page #37 f the govemment."15 Dulles' letter acknowledged that while it was possible 2009 Page #38 fare Plans."20 The Burned Document acknowledged that it had "become necessa 2009 Page #39 to the CIA has not been officially acknowledged (it has been ranked medium- 2009 Page #41
nd all that their reality implies. Acknowledgement I have been fortunate to 2004 Page #106 for the information." Goldwater's acknowledgement of close relationship wi 2004 Page #147 findings without fanfare or public acknowledgement. One of the experiments 2005 Page #91
set Credits Interviewer Tim Bewley Acknowledgements: Alice Knight, Vern Mal 2003 Page #44 Michael Lindemann and others (see acknowledgements), titled Contact: Possi 2006 Page #48 rieval Conference Introduction and Acknowledgements On October 23-25, 1998 2006 Page #49 bject matter - as he stated in the Acknowledgements section of the book: "F 2006 Page #131 exico. Perhaps. Will we ever know? ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I thank Don Berliner, S 2006 Page #179
iated with a landing zone, another acknowledges the fact that certain nearb 2004 Page #58 the 800-pound gorilla that no one acknowledges — the impetus for changes t 2006 Page #61 the group. 19 The document clearly acknowledges that Kennedy's efforts to g 2009 Page #39
ay), and what may be the result of acknowledging this reality within the of 2005 Page #73 directive 11/20/63" Colby is here acknowledging that Angleton , two days b 2009 Page #44
hould start, however, with a quick acknowledgment as to 1vl?)' we believe t 2005 Page #73
Acknowledgments Wood & Wood Enterprises 2003 Page #2 Acknowledgments Wood & Wood Enterprises 2004 Page #2 Acknowledgments Wood & Wood Enterprises 2006 Page #2 rywhen. Your quest is not in vain. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Thanks, first of all, t 2006 Page #180 Acknowledgments \X/ood & \X/ood Enterpri 2007 Page #3 Acknowledgments Wood & \X'ood Enterprise 2008 Page #3 Acknowledgments Wood & \Xfood Enterprise 2009 Page #3
t ■ Grc,fswald Lu,ht, ■ Soviet UFO Acl:nowlodgm ml ■ Dre2mlandbecome, Le2r. 2009 Page #150
ROJECT -Y2 TEST ,\IIKIUTT !CREW ~.(ACM .9.: l'ROJECT- 1794 ICREW MACH4 AT ( 2007 Page #112
.ffteer.Atlantla 2449.1o. f44,tctt acM4nittiot fromtho V.2.14,12 Soroloo. 1 2006 Page #39
lators for exotic aircraft -and on acmal flying discs. 167 2005 Page #169
incident, but it was listed under Acme, not Kecksburg. The reason I believ 2003 Page #56 eve that the location is listed as Acme, is that the Air Force interviewed 2003 Page #56 rom the crash site, but who had an Acme mailing address. The official Air F 2003 Page #56 ee man team has been dispatched to Acme {Kecksburg}, PA to investigate and 2003 Page #56 e and Sound Division of the Dayton Acme Company before taking a position as 2009 Page #164
8 is certainly provocative, it was acn1ally within the world of science-fic 2008 Page #102
y of Hiroshima was destroyed by an acomjc device in 1945. According to Alva 2007 Page #144
igure 1. Photo of the model of the acorn shaped object made for the Unsolve 2003 Page #57 described as looking similar to an acorn and was a brownish-grayish color a 2003 Page #58 liquid metal and poured it into an acorn shaped mold. Jim stood on the bank 2003 Page #60 truck which was hauling a strange acorn shaped object with odd markings on 2003 Page #61 val Conference Figure 3. Sketch of acorn shaped object semi-buried in the g 2003 Page #64 411 •.• ..... • •••• • • ton thit acorn dsto and It vs. 'warted is ti 2006 Page #29
tree as he looked upon a metallic acorn-shaped object that appeared to hav 2003 Page #60
occupation was the normal means of acqu:.ring sovereig nty over territories 2008 Page #113
the Nazi ODESSA rat line used "by acquaintance of mine." 135 2008 Page #141
orm cattle mutilations. Bennewitz' acquaintances at Kirtland said that they 2003 Page #144 believe that Len and Don were good acquaintances, and Len's reports may hav 2004 Page #127
ravity control and had become well acquainted with Jim McDonald, who talked 2003 Page #169 cles seemed to be portholes. I was acquainted with the old cemeteries in th 2004 Page #27 ton, Schwartz wrote: Newton became acquainted with several high-ranking geo 2004 Page #97 say on the phone. I am personally acquainted with six of the seven listed, 2004 Page #117 UFO Crash Retrieval Conference be acquainted with someone who still knows 2006 Page #181
be useful for the Soviet Union t0 acquire it.' ''With warm regards, (signa 2007 Page #198 nc. (AUI), established in 1946 to "acquire, plan, construct and operate lab 2008 Page #134
edic people were also contacted. I acquired some material distributed by th 2003 Page #48 planet lh. Until more data can be acquired from other intelligence sources 2003 Page #237 Roswell, New Mexico, and that they acquired surplus tape from a to company. 2004 Page #133 iency was surely ac9u.ired. How he acquired it, no one knows. I sa ) the ca 2005 Page #34 O Siege (which summarized the data acquired by Ray Fowler -including the Fr 2005 Page #42 of the Lost Ark. Is this a hint at acquired crash retrieval technology ? Of 2005 Page #81 redicated on the fact that we have acquired alien hardware through flight s 2005 Page #161 great deal of information had been acquired on EBE physiology. This is cons 2006 Page #19 the abnormal form. Finally, in CJD acquired by transmission abnormal molecu 2006 Page #114 ions in 2 ways. The first is by an acquired infection (diet and following m 2006 Page #114 it seems likely that infection was acquired in one of the two ways listed a 2006 Page #115 Retrievals -Going Private ■ If you acquired such technology, you would HAVE 2007 Page #54 ovide security ■ Making money from acquired technology ■ Hiding moSI of thi 2007 Page #54 g trus incredible technology to be acquired by any other nation, the U.S.A. 2007 Page #111 lassified documents that have been acquired over the years, showing the sou 2008 Page #104 il, 2007, Directgroup Bertelsma nn acquired a 50 percent share of the Books 2008 Page #144 matters related to foreign sources acquired through communications intellig 2009 Page #25 s were experimenting with recently acquired German weaponry. Although Gover 2009 Page #155
ignificant work in recent years by acquiring, analyzing and verifying the i 2005 Page #119 business and political leaders by acquiring the Nazi/Interpol intelligence 2008 Page #139
ernment, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, wh 2003 Page #6 f certainty. This is regarding the acquisition of alien technology and bodi 2005 Page #77 re to launch voyages of discovery, acquisition, enlightenment and sometimes 2005 Page #118 (Bravo) Missile Battery with Pulse Acquisition Radar (PAR). Photograph prov 2006 Page #142 er shift technology known as Pulse Acquisition Radar, or PAR. SLIDE # 15 — 2006 Page #142 ded by Bill.) Bill: "I had a pulse acquisition radar, which is the radar yo 2006 Page #145 brought up my screen for my pulse acquisition radar, which had a range of 2006 Page #145 ust disappeared. Now, with a pulse acquisition radar (PAR) that is sweeping 2006 Page #146 n this Doppler radar and the pulse acquisition radar is that the Doppler st 2006 Page #147 ernment, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarrant ed influence, w 2007 Page #108
; and Kyle Pickford, a mergers and acquisitions consultant. The Sessions we 2006 Page #49
nedy. Although Shaw was eventually acquitted of the crime, since then his r 2003 Page #42
. Other remains. werelypsajapSTCHT acrbss-iheVWSFG to the storage facilitie 2003 Page #234
sburg conducted the search in a 75 acre area under a full moon as about 150 2003 Page #66
on, scattering debris over several acres of ground, wrecking the windmill a 2004 Page #26 't that big of a fire. Maybe 1,200 acres, tops. DeBow: How many other witne 2007 Page #123 Materiel Command, covering 51,558 acres, and 6'h largest in the U.S. Air F 2007 Page #163 Resources Conservation Area (4,362 acres). Exactly three quarters of a mile 2008 Page #51
n evening of heated discussion and acrimonious debate, John Walker is kicke 2006 Page #188
motooi: 11-3.2 jarmarr 1.967 I..1..AcromooAT(OFACQ. Rabat, Morocco 4 16 Jan 2004 Page #19 . 13 This acronym, not publicly used, was also fou 2005 Page #128 restrial biological entities." The acronym is "EBEs", or "EBENs." SLIDE # 5 2006 Page #140 cted by such missiles. HAWK was an acronym for "Homing All the Way Killers. 2006 Page #143 later the name was turned into an acronym for "Homing All the Way Killer." 2006 Page #143 ed the country to the term EBE, an acronym for 'extraterrestrial biological 2007 Page #75 nal Socialist was shortened to the acronym "Nazi," a word that has become s 2008 Page #124
whom, when, and how often, I came across the name of Captain Charles Bucha 2003 Page #29 tarted out, walking back and forth across the basin, crossing the old braid 2003 Page #45 em, casting shadows here and there across the ragged landscape. The shimmer 2003 Page #46 rts of the brilliant object moving across the sky did receive wide exposure 2003 Page #53 h a tarp, that was a distance away across a field and moving along a tree l 2003 Page #60 , and a few hundred feet away came across two military olive green flatbed 2003 Page #71 finding his door unlocked, walked across the hall to the efficiency kitche 2003 Page #92 ok project. In that section I came across absolutely clear pictures, photog 2003 Page #197 in the speech. It was a clear shot across the bow of the Air Force stating 2003 Page #201 UFOs? Cheney: Um...I have not come across the subject since I've been back 2003 Page #202 ntriguing cases that have occurred across the planet since the late 1940s; 2004 Page #4 vian crash of 1978 existed, I came across a batch of reports from the Defen 2004 Page #10 in origin? I dug further, and came across several pages of U.S. Air Force m 2004 Page #12 strangest report that I have come across can be found in a 3-page document 2004 Page #16 of the Great Airship began moving across the country. Tens of thousands re 2004 Page #28 r and candles, provoking sightings across the southern portions of the stat 2004 Page #28 All 16 concerned the object flying across the skies of North Texas! 28 2004 Page #31 en they had traveled about halfway across the Sound, Lawrence had one of th 2004 Page #39 V problems. There was a white line across the screen and it was "going all 2004 Page #45 of death-dealing airline disasters across the nation — appointed a special 2004 Page #69 imed in 1953 to have worked "right across the alley" from where 13 alien bo 2004 Page #97 wn he confirmed that he had worked across from Building 18F, and that altho 2004 Page #97 th researchers Walker tried to get across the fact that "This is a subject 2004 Page #99 nd a German friend of his had come across a crashed flying saucer in a moun 2004 Page #99 line repairman supervisor had come across some debris in a large gouged cra 2004 Page #117 o get some smaller windmill blades across a few states, and that was with t 2004 Page #127 in the last few months I have run across evidence that this may be the cas 2004 Page #129 heriff about unusual debris spread across the sheep ranch where he was fore 2004 Page #135 m as improbable or impossible. Yet across the gulf of space, intellects vas 2004 Page #148 East, a Saucer Curtain descended • across the continent(two continents) • 1 2004 Page #165 be a perfect candidate for getting across the government message on UFOs. I 2004 Page #181 s to us was, "You know if you come across information or technology which i 2004 Page #183 ok Project. In that section I came across absolutely clear pictures — photo 2004 Page #187 stics and these should be the same across any number of photographs taken w 2004 Page #233 Report on the Ramey Office Photos across town from one paper or news servi 2004 Page #238 rge security classification in red across the title: "HE HIGHEST CLASSIFICA 2004 Page #244 ve feet call and was trying co run across the road from a farm. Gardingo de 2005 Page #35 floor. A strong odor used to waft across the way, and upon inqu.iring they 2005 Page #42 r dark and this thing came fl) ing across the \·alley and landed on the oth 2005 Page #69 cidentally, over the cenruries and across nations, these numbers ha, e been 2005 Page #75 it is in soutl1ern California and across tl1e wastes of Nevada; indeed mos 2005 Page #82 e. There is a discernabl e pattern across nations over the past many decade 2005 Page #84 erical discs reported in the skies across America. By the 1960s and 70s, we 2005 Page #118 aft would travel so far-presumably across our galaxy-only to foul up so 118 2005 Page #120 e on a tour of the base, they came across an audjtorium, a bit Like a smaU 2005 Page #147 st in the UFO subject, he happened across my book with Michael Hesemann Be_ 2005 Page #149 they say, they literaLiy stumbled across the remains of what they believe 2005 Page #153 Os and alien encounters multiplied across the countr). More than four decad 2005 Page #154 e. There was no doubt that he came across as sincere, answering all my ques 2005 Page #165 . It is almost 100,000 light years across which, according to Frank Drake, 2006 Page #5 leaked to Hard Copy) • About 15 ft across and 9-10 tt thick • Low speed of 2006 Page #30 of two prospectors chasing aliens across the desert after a UFO crashed fr 2006 Page #44 trategy for each stakeholder group across the range of scenario worlds. Tha 2006 Page #51 its it offers. Because many people across all stakeholder groups would be i 2006 Page #61 surprise attack. As such, reaction across all stakeholder groups would tend 2006 Page #61 so be a sense of social solidarity across all ethnic and economic divides. 2006 Page #62 h collectively and in varying ways across the identified stakeholder groups 2006 Page #65 a pickup truck bouncing toward him across the rugged terrain. The four men 2006 Page #74 f the secret drone and its booster across the desert. Recovery crews from A 2006 Page #79 e largest was less than two inches across) were displayed on the evening ne 2006 Page #83 e aircraft component (seven inches across and weighing about six pounds) th 2006 Page #83 flame—apparently a meteor—flashed across the sky near the nation's capital 2006 Page #89 en news story that was broadcasted across a panic stricken Washington D.C. 2006 Page #89 f its lower torso. It then hovered across the dirt path in front of the nea 2006 Page #90 the radio and television networks across the United States. It was also ra 2006 Page #90 shoulder area was about three feet across and about four feet wide at the b 2006 Page #94 her news story that made headlines across West Virginia on the following mo 2006 Page #94 ng papers. The newspaper headlines across West Virginia on Saturday morning 2006 Page #94 ld about flaming objects that flew across West Virginia on Friday night. On 2006 Page #94 il" reported, "Fiery Objects Flash Across Sky In W. Va., - Many From Wheeli 2006 Page #94 e" also reported an object sighted across West Virginia. In an article, "Me 2006 Page #94 OVER WASHINGTON - Brilliant Streak Across Sky - Probably a Meteor" and the 2006 Page #95 PM.EST. I tracked its flight path across the country and it continued to f 2006 Page #97 three objects actually fanned out across the United States on western head 2006 Page #97 ued to research the story and came across several articles concerning a mis 2006 Page #99 l there were 47 Facilities located across former USSR that deal with variou 2006 Page #106 a "luminous sphere," some 400 feet across and traveling at an approximated 2006 Page #120 re, stopped the car and had a look across the range to where the crash supp 2006 Page #125 size ranged anywhere from 15 feet across to 100 feet across. All of the ve 2006 Page #153 re from 15 feet across to 100 feet across. All of the vehicles that I stare 2006 Page #153 driving the North Korean army back across the 38th parallel, the agreed-upo 2006 Page #165 We landed out in the pasture right across from whew it hit. We got over the 2006 Page #176 o five hundred yards where it went across the sand." It looked to me, I gue 2006 Page #176 e first Russian satellite, cruised across the night sky. Likewise, I was fa 2006 Page #182 ect or light white in color moving across the sky from east to west over th 2006 Page #185 rd System on the Internet and came across a Law that was passed back in 198 2006 Page #202 he show and he wanted to syndicate across the country. Robert Bigelow was n 2006 Page #204 evious to the show, had a MIB walk across her patio, return back across the 2006 Page #204 walk across her patio, return back across the patio, then disappear. Anothe 2006 Page #204 sence on Earth? Not that I've come across. What products and marketing segm 2007 Page #76 ring reenn-y the e rurcrafr "skip" across the upper porcion of the atmosphe 2007 Page #109 milar to a flat rock when thrO\\ n across a body of water). Jack was also t 2007 Page #109 on of his article. Jack was seated across the desk from the 0.1.C. during t 2007 Page #110 ng Warren, were transported by bus across the base to where the restoration 2007 Page #114 ite down yet. We saw a streak come across the horizon. The ball that was in 2007 Page #121 now. \Xfhen we saw the streak come across the sky, there would be three of 2007 Page #123 saw an orangish-blue light streak across the evening sky. It 121 2007 Page #127 at, Turkey, inadvertently stumbled across what some believe may have been t 2007 Page #137 le into pickup truclcs and fan out across the rolling prairie of northeaste 2007 Page #145 see a large glowing object moving across the western face of the Sandia Mo 2007 Page #165 d in on the rescue activities from across the Texas border. The Americans h 2007 Page #186 e dispatched from Ojinaga, located across the international bridge from Pre 2007 Page #186 rge Sea Stallion. The aircraft cut across the river into Mexico just north 2007 Page #187 out the Coyame case or who had run across top-secret documents about the ca 2007 Page #188 around Coyame and Chihuahua, came across a large pit in the ground located 2007 Page #190 itnessed strange objects streaking across the sky at night, followed by exp 2007 Page #191 cribed strange objects that blazed across the night 185 2007 Page #191 "tremendous flaming sword flashed across the Las Vegas skies last night an 2008 Page #8 ight explosions broke up its trail across the sky. I talked to Maggio a num 2008 Page #8 objects and perhaps more traveling across controlled area [ emphasis mine] 2008 Page #28 acility just north of Ocean Shores across Grays Harbor from Westport .26 Al 2008 Page #44 home and she sat in the same chair across from her TV in front of the large 2008 Page #49 ust flame from a stack 4- 5 inches across. " It turned out Army and commerc 2008 Page #54 walkin' and it's cold and we come across a creek that we don't even rememb 2008 Page #85 approximat ely two to three meters across the base and approximately two me 2008 Page #93 of blue light moving deliberately across the dawn sky. Approximately ten m 2008 Page #97 s. Major colleges and universities across the U.S., as well as many small i 2008 Page #140 fired at a man-made satellite from across space and bring about the technol 2009 Page #17 this involved significant support across a wide spectrum of areas that wou 2009 Page #36 floor. A strong odor used to waft across the way, and upon inquiring they 2009 Page #50 th the shapely Captain Rhanes come across like a cross between Star Trek an 2009 Page #54 ll glob that was probably 6 inches across and sometimes 12 inches across. B 2009 Page #65 hes across and sometimes 12 inches across. But they were very sporadic colo 2009 Page #65
mposite illustrations based on the acruaJ testimony, drawings, letters, and 2007 Page #94
il11on volls, as has been shown in acrual practice .... will likewise prove 2005 Page #16
io ns, and that select groups have acrueved obscene profits derived from th 2005 Page #85
ndbecome, Le2r.bnd ■ The Gulf Wu ■ Acrul Eneount«, in 1991 ■ UFO, Over Mexi 2009 Page #150
cartb. rcall' port,; of lhe secret Acslo-AmuicBl: equlval~ nt lo a tir.? rr 2009 Page #182
rom several Freedom of Information Act requests filed by the author and oth 2003 Page #41 tilized the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to attempt to locate any gove 2003 Page #56 pril 26 1947 The National Security Act is passed by Congress and a new nati 2003 Page #87 rovisions of the National Security Act. At this time the Secretary requests 2003 Page #89 , he explained that the zinc might act as a catalyst for Mg ionization. Sec 2003 Page #109 ing routine Freedom of Information Act requests with a variety of agencies 2004 Page #10 der the American National Security Act of 1947 and Her Majesty's Official S 2004 Page #46 and Her Majesty's Official Secrets Act. The story was soon relegated to the 2004 Page #46 er and extension of the War Powers Act that would enforce a strict cover-up 2004 Page #61 ainst. Thus, the National Security Act of 1947 that created the Central Int 2004 Page #80 covered under the official Secret Act of Canada and therefore couldn't dis 2004 Page #93 t Bridge, that the official Secret Act lasted 25 years. Therefore, I explai 2004 Page #93 ty much under the Official Secrets Act he told us. However, just before he 2004 Page #96 sed away in 1962, when he felt the Act couldn't get him anymore, I did ask 2004 Page #96 al Security. The National Security Act of 1947 gave huge powers, possibly u 2004 Page #123 ee of confidence, and asterisks to act as placeholders where we know there 2004 Page #228 ritten many Freedom of Information Act requests to the USAF to ascertain wh 2004 Page #231 ress of the Freedom of Information Act office at Fort Meade. The envelope i 2004 Page #243 g about the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and if they were then the doc 2004 Page #253 nd improved Freedom of ]nformation Act (FOJA). Whereas, for instance, the C 2005 Page #73 through the Freedom of Information Act. Even so, according to Goldwater, th 2005 Page #80 ning of the Freedom of lnformation Act, which enabled citizens to demand an 2005 Page #84 sidering them seriously . The very act of claiming to have observed UFOs, a 2005 Page #102 sponse to a Freedom of Information Act Request; its subject is "Current Sta 2005 Page #128 erms of the Freedom of Information Act, the National Securit) Agency has de 2005 Page #133 nal and global security. 'v/e must act to even the odds as soon as possible 2005 Page #162 70's to use Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to uncover informati 2006 Page #17 ld be leaned upon by government to act in the public interest but would ass 2006 Page #59 Freedom of Information and Privacy Act (FOIPA). I was told that there were 2006 Page #174 with beings from elsewhere. Tough act to follow! Apart from his rigorous o 2006 Page #181 ttacks and "consciously failed" to act; 66% call for new probe ► CNN Poll, 2007 Page #40 ■ Claim that certain waived USAPs act as cover for UFO-ET related projecls 2007 Page #55 ation of data" whjch refers to the act of installing the remote control sof 2007 Page #88 it was legal, but the extradition act is retrospective so the Americans ha 2007 Page #92 ack projects that it would take an act of GOD ro get it out to the public". 2007 Page #114 B 1 of the Freedom of .Information Act. Notabl), B 1 is a piece of legislac 2007 Page #137 erms of the Freedom of Information Act is a 1965 report titled Fragment, Me 2007 Page #140 ced via the Freedom of Information Act is notable roo. The reference to the 2007 Page #143 States when the National Security Act of I 947 was signed on 26 July, 1947 2008 Page #25 majority of the provisions of this Act took effect on 18 September 1947-the 2008 Page #25 e first Secretary of Defense. This act created the National Military Establ 2008 Page #25 the Department of Defense when the act was amended in 1949. The result was 2008 Page #25 ersial, and deeply flawed, Patriot Act has brought some of these issues to 2008 Page #26 t Todd sent Freedom of lnfomrntion Act requests concerning the Cuban incide 2008 Page #30 . ] 13 The Freedom of Inforrnation Act has firrnly demonstrated that numero 2008 Page #31 re the UK's Freedom of Information Act came fully into force in 2005, the P 2008 Page #61 tion of the Freedom of Information Act (passed in November 2000 and coming 2008 Page #62 ions to the Freedom of Information Act, ensuring that classified informatio 2008 Page #63 ly with the Freedom of Information Act and the Data Protection Act. Other e 2008 Page #63 mation Act and the Data Protection Act. Other exemptions cover categories s 2008 Page #63 s have made Freedom of lnfonnation Act requests relating to these fi Jes, s 2008 Page #64 bly, even The X-Files got into the act, too, with a two-part story (titled 2008 Page #103 o the FOIA (Freedom on Lnformation Act, 1966) and deals not with requests f 2008 Page #111 artial world Government must never act as an alliance against the rest of t 2008 Page #117 rsuant to the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.)." With this 2008 Page #123 danger." The Military Commissions Act, which created tribunals similar to 2008 Page #123 azi Special Courts); the PA TRI OT Act, which authorized $150 million in ta 2008 Page #123 version of Hitler's 1933 Enabling Act. The Real ID Act and the rapid growt 2008 Page #123 r's 1933 Enabling Act. The Real ID Act and the rapid growth of surveillance 2008 Page #123 ted 441 to 94 to pass an "Enabling Act" which became the starting point for 2008 Page #128 under the "Trading With the Enemy Act" (U.S. Government Vesting Order No. 2008 Page #129 d under the Trading with the Enemy Act including several that showed the co 2008 Page #129 he Agency was officially formed by Act of Congress, on July 29, 1958. This 2008 Page #135 ontroversial No-Child-Left -Behind Act of 2001. This act drew immediate cri 2008 Page #142 ild-Left -Behind Act of 2001. This act drew immediate criticism from educat 2008 Page #142 of UFOs ■ Freed om of Information Act 155 2008 Page #161 pons storage facilities. One fatal act of aggression could have resulted in 2009 Page #18 e study or as usually the case, to act in response to a specific UFO date r 2009 Page #19 utilize the Freedom of Information Act in an attempt to force authorized in 2009 Page #25 efined under the National Security Act of 1947, there are certain discretio 2009 Page #25 ER THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ACT, ANY OR ALL APPLICABLE FEDERAL ESPIO 2009 Page #26 ag to go back toward the truck and act as a radio relay between Sgt. Pennis 2009 Page #63 Network in Washington State. CONT ACT INFORJvlA TION: jarnes(ji'\cJark. on 2009 Page #96 xpectations, 1976-1978 ■Freedom of Act ,.._,.,.,... .r~.?'t"!"~-......~ __, 2009 Page #144
tarians alike. They questioned the act's sweeping proposals, which range fr 2008 Page #142
learly indicated that this element acted as a catalyst in the reaction proc 2003 Page #114 from Kazakhstan; and myself. Bond acted as our cheerleader and provided hi 2004 Page #227 ls are present before requests are acted upon." This is an interesting rese 2004 Page #253 argely discredited tale because it acted as a convenient smokescreen for th 2005 Page #133 aft that had layered material that acted Like a supercapacitor. The amount 2005 Page #174 described that his ELINT training acted as a cover for his participation i 2006 Page #22 vehicular type of space suit that acted as a probe. The body was actually 2006 Page #93 ack again. I can't believe it!' He acted like he was not surprised . He was 2008 Page #88 I, the bank of Baron von Schroeder acted as financial agents for Germany in 2008 Page #127
ar Lt. General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, Acting Deputy Commander, Army Air Forces 2003 Page #191 , Washington — "President Truman — acting to end the wave of death-dealing 2004 Page #69 was going to all the meetings, and acting very smug about it. To make a lon 2004 Page #98 gas • JFK was not killed by Oswald acting alone; official cover-up: open in 2004 Page #124 an who had gotten Reagan his first acting job in Hollywood. Emenegger descr 2004 Page #192 1952? The way that the locals were acting around me was more mysterious tha 2006 Page #92 , according to the way people were acting around it. So we never did get up 2006 Page #176 to turn around and the way he was acting -I remember it scared me when I w 2007 Page #171 position with NASA at the time was Acting Discipline Scientist, Planetar) M 2007 Page #197 otential interest to the media and acting as someone to whom they would ref 2008 Page #61 . Anonymous reports that he is not acting individually and is part of a gro 2009 Page #52 ar 2, Professor Leech was also the acting Director of Scientific Developmen 2009 Page #163 nd Professor T.D.J. Leech, who was acting Director of Scientific Developmen 2009 Page #164 idiculous assertion. Leech was the Acting Director of Scientific Developmen 2009 Page #168 e, and Professor T.D.J. Leech, who acting Director of Scientific Developmen 2009 Page #169
announced their support for legal action to force various agencies to reve 2003 Page #71 nt. It was revealed that the legal action would begin with NASA. The quick 2003 Page #71 the armistice precludes his seeing action in WWI and he returns to the Stat 2003 Page #85 ... If there is no emergency, this action rates as the very lowest method o 2003 Page #87 , deciding that the best course of action is confinement at Bethesda Naval 2003 Page #90 ference• Notification of Personnel Action 2-11-59 • Appropriation: "Special 2003 Page #156 classified and then "leaked," this action is illegal (as the security warni 2003 Page #178 and no law would be broken by this action. I recommend sending it to my add 2003 Page #179 now to me what the right course of action should have been. I still believe 2003 Page #187 .S., the fact that sabotage, enemy action, and unknown phenomena were all c 2003 Page #193 lt were sufficient to justify some action by our government and not the kin 2003 Page #195 e President could base appropriate action. My purpose, of course, is to min 2003 Page #222 time we have been considering what action should be taken with regard to th 2003 Page #224 time I have been considering what action we should take with relation to t 2003 Page #230 y if any^ regarding our continuing action in regard to China. ' N) __For. a 2003 Page #230 be. Despite the fact that no legal action had been taken to seek an exhumat 2004 Page #30 s and there was no wind. What wave action there was out on the Sound was lo 2004 Page #39 -30 December 1980, and if so, what action was subsequently taken. Lord Gilb 2004 Page #54 ake responsibility for any lack of action or for any official position they 2004 Page #88 • Vehicle? (yes or no) • Retrieval Action? (yes or no) • Confirmation sourc 2004 Page #109 reckage may be result of "military action" • See Frank Feschino's new book, 2004 Page #128 lt were sufficient to justify some action by our government and not the kin 2004 Page #177 ould have prevented this course of action. Third is the use of compelling f 2004 Page #247 views no later than October. Your action in this matter is critical to the 2004 Page #251 should not be compromised by this action." Tab C directive is concerning D 2004 Page #252 ady to go along with more profound action like the use of biological weapon 2004 Page #254 he government will take hostile ET action — what is the chance of that in o 2004 Page #254 instructed Hays to initiate libel action against Mrs. Brady and the magazi 2005 Page #93 ked his client out of pressing the action, and the scientist, unfortunatel 2005 Page #93 Five Soviet spy ring, and a legal action against Brady and the publication 2005 Page #94 onvincing Reich to wajve any legal action, a trial-based opportunity to rev 2005 Page #94 ster on one? . The results of this action were both profound and disturbing 2005 Page #96 great enough not to repeat such an action unti.l 10 October 1954." Precedin 2005 Page #96 early Cold \v'ar so much military action took place, perhaps firing on the 2005 Page #140 in such zones is to take immediate action to escort the intruders away or s 2006 Page #5 rance is to be strictly limited to action necessary to ensure the availabil 2006 Page #20 make it easier to develop plans of action to prevent total domination or de 2006 Page #55 inating structure and mechanism of action. We have been preparing for this 2006 Page #102 selected T-cells) 6. Selective in action—should be defeated by sophisticat 2006 Page #112 e newspapers, there was a World in Action program on TV which dealt with a 2006 Page #126 overnment documentation. "World in Action stated that they had been pressur 2006 Page #126 elevision — the makers of World in Action — were pressuring the Ministry of 2006 Page #126 ly flight. 6. ConAC took immediate action to dispatch interceptors on the i 2006 Page #170 ONTACT, The Center for Ontological Action—please see Appendix 1 for further 2006 Page #181 ply doesn't seem to have been much action of any kind in the sky during thi 2006 Page #189 ONTACT, The Center for Ontological Action. CONTACT hosts monthly meetings, 2006 Page #193 ONTACT (The Center for Ontological Action). Matthew lives and writes in nor 2006 Page #195 ever, this plan was never put into action and my role at the Foundation too 2006 Page #196 in the know claimed it was extreme action for meteor retrieval. On May 5, 1 2007 Page #130 Soviet nature, rhe FBI swung into action, and the frantic tapping of typew 2007 Page #137 landing -forced by human military action? Or a crash? Or a pre-arranged me 2007 Page #149 Nazi war criminals , claiming such action is beyond its jurisdiction. Otto 2008 Page #139 No more resources required • ·· An action passed is an action bandied" "THE 2008 Page #147 quired • ·· An action passed is an action bandied" "THE PENTAGON SAYS NOTHI 2008 Page #147 and covert intelligence collection action. The proper UFO policy, organizat 2009 Page #12 eas espionage and covert political action operations. Of these, we I shall- 2009 Page #12 ight risk nuclear war through such action than give in to President Kennedy 2009 Page #18 and covert intelligence collection action. The proper lJFO policy organizat 2009 Page #23 the overseas espionage and covert action operations. Of these, I shall per 2009 Page #24 resident directed that most urgent action be taken by State, Defense, and C 2009 Page #26 ough as to threaten hostile Soviet action. It seems best to me to eliminate 2009 Page #27 ied set of three National Security Action Memorandums (NSAM) issued on the 2009 Page #38 views no later than October. Your action to this matter is critical to the 2009 Page #39 ennedy would embark on a course of action that would renew his conflict wit 2009 Page #40 t Kennedy issued National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM) No. 271 on Nove 2009 Page #40 the Confidential National Security Action Memorandum, Kennedy issued a more 2009 Page #41 randum refers to National Security Action Memorandum 271 issued to Webb on 2009 Page #41 egitimacy of the National Security Action Memorandum 271.26 NSAM 271 clearl 2009 Page #41 to implement the National Security Action Memorandum. NSAM 271 and the asso 2009 Page #41 ring here to the National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM) 271 released on 2009 Page #42 that led to the National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM) instructing the 2009 Page #43
s from the document. Each of these actions was accompanied by a time and da 2003 Page #181 d the large number of construction actions going on at the time. The fourth 2003 Page #183 ct, or at least what statements or actions he has taken. Many believe that 2003 Page #189 a series of events, decisions and actions that ultimately resulted in the 2004 Page #62 the 'shoot downs.' The U.S. Army's actions either caused, or were a respons 2004 Page #62 int, I was told that the resultant actions were classified. The Air Force p 2004 Page #108 may cause a potential dilemma. The actions reported by other enforcement (m 2004 Page #123 e could have described some of the actions as an interplanetary war. The wo 2004 Page #130 about the UFO field and its future actions in circa 1962. The skills and cr 2004 Page #242 have identified him as a man whose actions bore monitoring, and possibly wo 2005 Page #97 und truths it embodies affirms the actions of those who array themselves ag 2005 Page #104 ibility) Zingers (obscure facts or actions, rare verifiable subtlety, accur 2005 Page #135 int, l was told that the resuJtant actions were classified. The Air Force p 2005 Page #139 e mjght have described some of the actions as an interplanetary war. I feel 2005 Page #140 ducation about nature, purpose and actions of NHI is required to minimize u 2006 Page #66 ducation about nature, purpose and actions of NHI is required to minimize u 2006 Page #66 Given time to coordinate plans and actions, governments might seek to mask/ 2006 Page #67 ough the exact mechanisms of their actions and propagation are unknown, it 2006 Page #113 needed to provide emergency rescue actions, but at the time, the unit was t 2006 Page #132 a or decrypted data. M\X!: So your actions merely appended to or added to t 2007 Page #88 gin of the cosmickidnappers, their actions were perceived by the Collins El 2008 Page #36 aggression could have resulted in actions taken by NORAD and SAC that woul 2009 Page #18 as to future enemy capabilities or actions was recognized by General Smith 2009 Page #18 rst concerns a series of executive actions Kennedy took early in his admini 2009 Page #35 t Chiefs of Staff. These executive actions coincided with Kennedy 's effort 2009 Page #35 dies Project. Kennedy 's executive actions led to a bitter conflict with hi 2009 Page #35 e the time I was there and what my actions were. YOU ARE SEEING WHAT LOOKED 2009 Page #64
IFCO that required him to manually activate the drone's control surfaces to 2006 Page #78 approved , these directives would activate two projects to conduct DOMESTI 2008 Page #111 called SPIKE, HOUSE CLEANING ■Also,activate MK-ULTRA plus ARTICHOKE to cond 2008 Page #122
n the self- destruct mechanism was activated. There were Westinghouse-affil 2003 Page #100 MK-ULTRA and ARTICHOKE are hereby activated to conduct DOMESTIC." Tab H is 2004 Page #253 eply from Cyrus Vance. • Moon Dust activated for this Others yr Writ erelI- 2006 Page #29 t's engraved symbols, he thinks he activated technology that sent light con 2008 Page #94
which were assumed as controls and activation surfaces. (Howe's emphasis.) 2003 Page #100 law enforcement presence, possible activation of National Guards. Depending 2006 Page #59
1986 at age of 81 □ No FBI file d Active in Republican Politics s Learn to 2003 Page #31 n 1892. His father is a contractor active in local Democratic Party activit 2003 Page #85 reaction became apparent when very active bubble formation was noted within 2003 Page #112 acid by volume. Immediately, very active bubble formation occurred. The to 2003 Page #114 an wrap. After about 20 minutes of active bubble release, the cap was remov 2003 Page #114 flask. The result was a very loud, active explosion inside the flask and at 2003 Page #114 inal products. Discussion There is active output of hydrogen gas in these B 2003 Page #115 survey map... Before retiring from active military service, the late Admira 2004 Page #53 are known to people who are still active in the UFO research community. Th 2004 Page #117 TO CHECK • R5, R38: Bill Hamilton active, helpful to the community and may 2004 Page #118 fire fight . R62: Elaine Douglas, active researcher — Mexican bodies • R68 2004 Page #118 ratories. My conclusions, based on active work in this area since 1967, are 2004 Page #130 ehencling Liberals, communists and active Soviet agents, who more than unde 2005 Page #87 ly suspected Ms. Dukas of being an active asset of Soviet intelligence sinc 2005 Page #92 r of the drug regulation elite and active!) helped to create FDA legislatio 2005 Page #93 ity or mistrust of new ideas as an active approach wruch can be ruvided int 2005 Page #103 ngfield will say chat he played an active role in the U.S. government's dis 2005 Page #139 ratories. My conclusions, based on active work in thls area since 1967, poi 2005 Page #140 aim co have seen the film wruJe on active duty long in advance of Santilli' 2005 Page #147 ment knew and, until 1969, took an active hand in the administration of tha 2005 Page #174 elevant that during its life as an active military station, RAF Woodbridge 2006 Page #132 icate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty," as E-7 Chief Petty Officer 2006 Page #156 m's story was Todd Zechel, who was active in UFO research in the latter 197 2006 Page #176 shortly afterward he was called to active duty and sent to Korea as a fight 2006 Page #176 vehicle that was still "alive" or active? Why had no sea life attached its 2006 Page #192 tter FINDING PAT BOWEN ■Vernon was active in a church ■ Secretary knew him, 2007 Page #43 . Supposedly HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) plays a 2007 Page #130 o Albuquerque where he remained in active Army reserves until 1992. \Xlhat 2007 Page #174 ooking like a cheap band aid on an active toddler. Officer Fred Bradshaw -W 2008 Page #55 lled Echalon and the HighFrequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) 2008 Page #123 cussion of the phenomena reflected active interest and questioning by Telle 2009 Page #9 be deployed for either passive or active purposes. In 1928 dr. Hermann Obe 2009 Page #16 ifficulties . I have never been an active member of the professional intell 2009 Page #24 f Central Intelligence will notify active members of 33 Group of the disclo 2009 Page #25 t be camouflaged in all instances, active measures have been used to influe 2009 Page #25 n psychological aberrations . (TS) Active measures have been expended to jo 2009 Page #25 rk of her home. She was physically active until cancer incapacitated her fo 2009 Page #88
search. All these fronts are being actively worked and there is every reaso 2003 Page #38 SHIP TO THE DISC TECHNOLOGY AND WE ACTIVELY FROM THE LATE 1940S ONWARD TRIE 2006 Page #155 criminal investigative agencies to actively seek information concerning thr 2007 Page #175
nt part of this flurry of populist activism was the strengthening of the Fr 2005 Page #84
ring the 1950s, UFO researcher and activist Donald Keyhoe, believing unrese 2005 Page #75
and a short history of the 309th's activities. At the time of this writing, 2003 Page #33 rom Kecksburg who took part in the activities associated with that event. M 2003 Page #57 the removal of the object, and the activities that he reportedly saw going 2003 Page #70 ms will also be speaking about the activities of Matthew Bevan, a computer 2003 Page #83 r active in local Democratic Party activities. His mother is a teacher at a 2003 Page #85 had reported on their thinking and activities to his contacts in the intell 2003 Page #147 agencies that were monitoring his activities felt that their job protectin 2003 Page #148 ention drawn to the base and their activities, then why were they encouragi 2003 Page #148 ressed to the Vice-Director on his activities as an "agent provocateur", 'w 2004 Page #153 Counce of Ministers Ustinov Space Activities USSR 1960-mid 1980's UM =Mt" 2004 Page #155 of questions about British MI6 UFO activities and linkages to CIA & NSA on 2004 Page #210 was engaged in some "questionable" activities, but these activities — wheth 2004 Page #218 uestionable" activities, but these activities — whether they were cons run 2004 Page #218 and evaluate duplication of field activities in light of the current situa 2004 Page #251 made some inquiries regarding our activities which we cannot allow. Please 2004 Page #251 acilitate cooperation with current activities of the group, effective immed 2004 Page #252 ts current intelligence collection activities and counterintelligence funct 2004 Page #253 t and sincere in their beliefs and activities. This would have been most di 2005 Page #10 s, scientific studjes, and support activities. Operation Upshot-Knothole wa 2005 Page #39 wide range of important government activities that had hitherto been beyond 2005 Page #84 tic that he should assume that his activities might be the subject of their 2005 Page #96 e not aware of Reich's UFO-related activities prior to October 1954, they w 2005 Page #97 appreciate being informed of your activities." Douglas's secretary wrote u 2005 Page #97 of the President appraised of his activities, and finally, the posthumous 2005 Page #102 f 1947. Subsequent Majesticrelated activities are described in the "SOM1-01 2005 Page #128 ned enemy equipment and that these activities evolved into Project MOON DUS 2005 Page #142 1960 it became the 1127 USAF Field Activities Group; this became the 7602 F 2005 Page #142 Group; this became the 7602 Field Activities Group; and today it exists as 2005 Page #142 s telJ me that not only were their activities at work monitored , but chat 2005 Page #167 ored , but chat their leisure-time activities and their conversations with 2005 Page #167 int projects engaged in classified activities concerning extraterrestrial t 2006 Page #16 orms. Chief among these classified activities is overseeing the location, r 2006 Page #16 ed by his Army superiors. His FOIA activities led to punishments such as ce 2006 Page #17 ired to disclose the nature of his activities without making unauthorized d 2006 Page #17 number of personnel aware of such activities; and exerting maximum pressur 2006 Page #23 ntion of an individual's training, activities, awards or clearances that ar 2006 Page #24 to changes in tax law, investment activities and social welfare programs. 2006 Page #60 I, in time resulting in treasonous activities. At the same time, business w 2006 Page #64 overnment/military crash-retrieval activities. In this presentation I exami 2006 Page #72 t Sergeant from the 1129th Special Activities Squadron systematically cover 2006 Page #75 tor of the CIA's Office of Special Activities, stated that, "all traces of 2006 Page #76 and the short duration of cleanup activities. TAGBOARD (Article 501) 73 2006 Page #76 g moment came early in the cleanup activities when the drone's destruct pac 2006 Page #79 ng, crash investigation, and other activities surrounding the incident were 2006 Page #82 o confiscated Hoyt's film. Cleanup activities continued for several weeks. 2006 Page #83 to the day after the controversial activities on the Berwyn Mountains. The 2006 Page #133 are interested in either of these activities, or would simply like to rece 2006 Page #193 e me suspect that the Foundation's activities and phone lines are not as pr 2006 Page #205 device for hiding its UFO-related activities. l thjnk this makes a great d 2007 Page #12 ally controversial or eve~ illegal activities." · · ■ New regulation· now m 2007 Page #53 osed Studies on the Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs." 1t was au 2007 Page #76 osed Studies on the Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs," or any re 2007 Page #76 to be. MW: \Xlere you into social activities or sports? GM: l was crap at 2007 Page #79 ely absorbed into che 1127th Field Activities Group at Fore Beh·oir in 1960 2007 Page #133 ClA; hence the surveillance of the activities of the Hollywood actress . Bu 2007 Page #136 Moon Dust and its still-mysterious activities. Today, Moon Dust no longer e 2007 Page #144 ersonnel listened in on the rescue activities from across the Texas border. 2007 Page #186 Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration 2008 Page #36 stance and shall conduct all their activities in outer space, including the 2008 Page #36 Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration 2008 Page #39 if they recall seemingly unrelated activities on the date in question, the 2008 Page #58 the 1940s to help shield military activities. RAF Butley was renamed RAF B 2008 Page #71 onitor the Soviet Union's military activities in the Cold War? What were UK 2008 Page #74 ng the undersigned , witnessed the activities ... " Signed Charles I. Halt, 2008 Page #94 oncerned with duplication of field activities, could each one of them be ru 2008 Page #110 onsibility for coordinating covert activities within the DoD. Slide 42 show 2008 Page #111 r Nazi propaganda and intelligence activities was the Hamburg-Amerika shipp 2008 Page #127 ly tried to conceal their business activities from government investigators 2008 Page #129 he star alignments for the mission activities and launches did not happen b 2008 Page #135 pattern on a day-to-day , mission activities level, which is even more imp 2008 Page #135 es, a case officer who oversaw the activities of the anti-Castro Cubans wit 2009 Page #34 y 's efforts to gain access to the activities of a highly classified projec 2009 Page #35 's Efforts to Gain Access to MJ-12 Activities The existence of a Top Secret 2009 Page #35 to find out more about its covert activities and reestablish Presidential 2009 Page #37 ennedy wanted to learn about MJ-12 activities and the relationship with psy 2009 Page #37 lligence and psychological warfare activities under direct Executive contro 2009 Page #37 for Cold War psychological warfare activities.11 Its responsibilities were 2009 Page #37 gain control over all intelligence activities related to psychological warf 2009 Page #38 (NSM) concerning a review ofMJ-12 activities that Kennedy had learned invo 2009 Page #38 ter gives an overview of the MJ-12 activities with regard to psychological 2009 Page #38 ities with regard to psychological activities. It describes UFOs as part of 2009 Page #38 he more sensitive aspects of MJ-12 activities ." If genuine, Dulles' letter 2009 Page #38 quest for a brief summary of MJ-12 activities. Allen Dulles and the Burned 2009 Page #38 al warfare programs and the covert activities of MJ-12. Up until his resign 2009 Page #38 r struggle with Kennedy over MJ-12 activities and its control of classified 2009 Page #38 made some inquiries regarding our activities which we cannot allow. Please 2009 Page #39 and evaluate duplication of field activities in light of the current situa 2009 Page #39 porate MJ-12 psychological warfare activities under the direct control of h 2009 Page #40 to the U.S. in June 1962, Oswald's activities were closely monitored by CIA 2009 Page #44 visitors monitoring the retrieval activities noted with much pleasure the 2009 Page #53 e .He will also describe transport activities in and out of the Rendlesham 2009 Page #77
110114K114 iii Lla ma.. (411.etiar ActivItis• — initiated in 196 learned ab 2006 Page #26
me the constant component of human activity and require a serious global st 2003 Page #19 night, and they witnessed various activity around that small farm communit 2003 Page #55 ls who returned to the scene. This activity was also confirmed in the Pitts 2003 Page #66 hat evening. While he saw a lot of activity that night, the event that stuc 2003 Page #67 rous other people reported various activity, including a military presence. 2003 Page #70 e area. Bill was curious about the activity taking place and he wanted to s 2003 Page #70 many other people reported various activity on that night. When the group f 2003 Page #70 on the efficiency of the catalytic activity of the bismuth interlayer. In t 2003 Page #115 rious eyes away from the center of activity while, as one DIA man put it, " 2003 Page #148 pment and testing and intelligence activity. The area is also rich in myth, 2004 Page #48 th, legend, and alleged paranormal activity. This has been the briefest of 2004 Page #48 eported to the USAF details of UFO activity in the tri-state area of Southe 2004 Page #108 dn't they be noticing the recovery activity? Here's exactly one example cas 2004 Page #117 t one time we had so much military activity that one could have described s 2004 Page #130 y with highly credible UFO related activity — is the existence of a blue ri 2004 Page #242 hin a classified compartmentalized activity in the early sixties appropriat 2004 Page #253 )" ■ " ••• ample evidence of alien activity on the Moon. 122 photos ... " A 2005 Page #9 hat he thought was used for covert activity beyond its original agricultura 2005 Page #65 secret information concerning UFO activity involving the US military has b 2005 Page #79 rs, and independent reports of UFO activity over :Maine, it was hardly egoi 2005 Page #96 eported to the USAF details of UFO activity 136 2005 Page #138 e know about Project MOON DUST, an activity that updated UFO recovery intel 2005 Page #141 ually disbanded because of lack of activity; Project MOON DUST and Operatio 2005 Page #142 ded out due, allegedly, to lack of activity. Some may not be comforted to h 2005 Page #142 . Some may wonder how the "lack of activity" comports with approxjmatel y 1 2005 Page #142 e of MOON DUST led co renaming the activity, though its functions must cert 2005 Page #143 re a primitive society whose major activity is clearly tribal warfare? Answ 2006 Page #5 hat are dispatched to areas of UFO activity, including with operations. Pro 2006 Page #26 9, there is virtually no UFO story activity except around this august 19-21 2006 Page #46 ) regarding extant claims of alien activity. Rather, it was an attempt to d 2006 Page #51 would increase, along with cultic activity and new religions. The media, l 2006 Page #61 ounder. All non-essential business activity would stop; most workers would 2006 Page #63 rt much greater control over media activity. Public A key risk in this scen 2006 Page #64 urn to survivalism or paramilitary activity. If overt war broke o, much of 2006 Page #64 urn to survivalism or paramilitary activity. Public hopelessness and demora 2006 Page #65 o meteor and not any meteor shower activity anywhere near that area on Sept 2006 Page #97 during this amazing period of UFO activity. 97 2006 Page #100 out the area were due to meteorite activity seen — coincidentally - at the 2006 Page #121 great deal of "ground and aircraft activity" in the area. Extraordinary eve 2006 Page #122 as or major roads. Recon showed no activity, and radio contact between the 2006 Page #135 ed any troop movements or aircraft activity that would suggest the Russians 2006 Page #164 n something big to cause this much activity by the Continental Air Command. 2006 Page #164 questions is an essentially human activity. Annoying at times, but essenti 2006 Page #182 is negligible. No other major UFO activity was reported during the time or 2006 Page #189 es with education level and social activity. This contradicts the popular i 2006 Page #198 y likely that a great dea.l of UFO activity was taking place during \Xlorld 2007 Page #17 Enquirer. Here's a story about UFO activity over :Minuteman missile silos a 2007 Page #25 tool to hide the full scope of UFO activity. 19 2007 Page #25 ivated to do this sort of computer activity that you did ... and co hear fr 2007 Page #91 between extraterrestrial and human activity. In many of the incidences, peo 2007 Page #130 home to a great deal of paranormal activity. Contributing to a strong feeli 2007 Page #192 about unusual military helicopter activity. Henry Harnden, Andy Harnden an 2008 Page #52 dshaw -Witness to Unusual Military Activity On June 22, 1987, I interviewed 2008 Page #55 ocument the persistent and unusual activity. Col. Halt gave John Burroughs 2008 Page #84 en curious or even alarmed by such activity (and rightly so, for the Russia 2008 Page #114 "I have been associated with this activity for almost 30 years and probabl 2008 Page #134 rld Global Strangeness ■ Extensive activity in Europe, especially Spain ■ M 2008 Page #159 ruder Alert ■ Perhaps unparalleled activity in U.S. ■ Animal mutilations ■ 2008 Page #160 mple and self-evident thing. As an activity, it is the pursuit of a certain 2009 Page #15 ing importance of UFO intelligence activity, the actor or agency, of the "r 2009 Page #15 type of organization and a unique activity. Dr. Vannevar Bush's Modem Arms 2009 Page #24 tch was left open to monitor their activity and disappeared inside the craf 2009 Page #53 become a veritable hotbed of alien activity specifically when, in the mid-t 2009 Page #54 the East Gate. I do know there was activity in the woods all three days. I 2009 Page #79 io. They were well aware there was activity going on in the woods. To me, w 2009 Page #79 put policies in place to curb this activity, there were still untold number 2009 Page #177
e weather fronts? And why did thjs activjty seem to attract the appearance 2005 Page #88
rhers to believe in these sorts of activties. "Paul was really interested i 2003 Page #144
was made a couple weeks before by actor Nicholas Cage. In that claim Shirl 2003 Page #197 h first person accounts, including actor Jackie Gleason who reported to clo 2004 Page #147 nts and the Hard Evidence (Part 2) Actor Nicholas Cage had been on the Davi 2004 Page #188 ohn Burrowihs On October 14, 1988, actor Mike Farrell hosted UFO Cover-Up: 2008 Page #84 of UFO intelligence activity, the actor or agency, of the "resultant knowl 2009 Page #15
ear that flying discs were passive actors in 1947. Between May 9 and July 3 2004 Page #66 neurs in search of joint ventures, actors looking for stage sets, heavy met 2009 Page #138
a comment made by Carter's friend, actress Shirley MacLaine, when she appea 2004 Page #187 of the activities of the Hollywood actress . But the CIA had another reason 2007 Page #136 ust 19 that, in Hoover's e~es, the actress commjrr.ed the ulcimate sin-of-a 2007 Page #137
orance c To cover unconstitutional acts c To develop the technical applicat 2003 Page #188 ecrecy has been illegal, unethical acts to ensure silence (a “Cosmic Waterg 2003 Page #188 ere a response to, offensive overt acts initiated by flying discs themselve 2004 Page #62 cover illegal or unconstitutional acts • Now, to maintain the status quo S 2004 Page #122 STUDY OF INTENTIONS i AND HOSTILE ACTS ■ Reconnaissance ■ Advanced propuls 2005 Page #9 as begun co shed light on official acts performed in our name. To explore t 2005 Page #143 nt would lead to more desperation, acts of looting and theft, rising street 2006 Page #65 rms of the Freedom of Inforn1ation Acts of both the United States of Americ 2008 Page #23 expect to see. The Public Records Acts Before the UK's Freedom of Informat 2008 Page #61 force in 2005, the Public Records Acts set down the rules on access to gov 2008 Page #61 s. The best-known feature of these acts was the so-called 30 Year Rule, whi 2008 Page #61 PIONAGE LAWS AND NATIONAL SECUIRTY ACTS AS AMENDED. COPY 01 OF 02 TS CONTRO 2009 Page #26
ly dissipated. I am unaware of any actual reports of flame or fire at the l 2003 Page #53 r been any confirmed reports of an actual fire at the scene. 54 2003 Page #58 elped to drive attention away from actual sightings of experimental or clas 2003 Page #141 ng to wonder this. Slide 29 is the actual content of one of the Manual page 2003 Page #176 l. He told me directly that it was actual footage of the UFOs, etc. on the 2004 Page #50 eared to confound or confuse their actual memories with purely implanted on 2004 Page #51 P. Could you tell from the specs, actual measurements, or how far undergro 2004 Page #53 s seen intact on the ground in the actual photograph," seen by former milit 2004 Page #73 hat Smith had told him: During the actual operation of this, when Mr. Smith 2004 Page #94 empts of denial and ignorance — is actual control of the press." (underline 2004 Page #125 a fraud, which is not to say that actual autopsy film of alien beings migh 2004 Page #137 994, giving a misimpression of the actual contents of that FBI telegram. Is 2004 Page #142 fact involves whether there was an actual crash on the ground that left a g 2004 Page #143 n, and sickened by the belief that actual, deformed human bodies had been u 2004 Page #145 Gen. Ramey ostensibly swapping the actual Roswell crash debris with some "j 2004 Page #226 s, as reported by witnesses of the actual crash debris? Bond looked for str 2004 Page #226 dealers, restoration manuals, and actual surviving vehicles in the hands o 2004 Page #232 connect between official trutb and actual truth is substantial. Year after 2005 Page #76 "runways" that are nor used by any actual aircraft, with cliamond shape ope 2005 Page #83 s previousl y intended ." What the actual reason for this change, it insure 2005 Page #97 low-security inv~stigation of the actual UFO topic, so CI files or highly 2005 Page #124 n 1947 -and not only that, but the actual autopsy of two of the dead aliens 2005 Page #145 In adrution to these systems, the actual material structure of the spacecr 2005 Page #162 ancies when trying to recreate the actual scenario of events. 164 2005 Page #166 ds and mostly human testimony, the actual events around these early crashes 2005 Page #167 ned from both crash retrievals and actual "Hand-me-downs ." The government 2005 Page #174 es over his FOIA requests, and the actual documentation on Project Moon Dus 2006 Page #17 here it stops short of getting the actual clearance and being fully briefed 2006 Page #20 Stone's reference to getting the "actual clearance and being fully briefed 2006 Page #20 c communication with EBEs, and his actual service in that capacity was not 2006 Page #21 ocket booster (Unit 1) that had no actual propellant. These flights allowed 2006 Page #78 audience, who thought it to be the actual likeness of what the witnesses sa 2006 Page #91 a "Duration: 5-6 seconds" with an "Actual Velocity: 27 miles per second." T 2006 Page #96 its "landing near Flatwoods." The actual velocity of the meteor was said t 2006 Page #96 o launch the recovery team but the actual launching was held up for the arr 2006 Page #135 y in the truck looking out. In the actual photograph, you could barely make 2006 Page #158 ely, Doug was not referring to the actual object that plunged into the murk 2006 Page #180 attempt some sort of hoax. But, in actual fact, virtually everyone caught u 2006 Page #192 ion No, is not a photo of an actual UFO crash site. (Or, perhaps it i 2007 Page #7 t also reminds the reader that the actual subject of UFOs is silly-by-assoc 2007 Page #67 peared in some upscale ads, but no actual insider knowledge has ever been a 2007 Page #76 deal with anything to do with the actual charges. I am not even allowed to 2007 Page #91 nt aircraft looked like. Since the actual aircraft and official USAF photos 2007 Page #94 UAP) reported is a fraction of the actual incidents occurring around the gl 2007 Page #121 1976; Tabe, Chile, 1993) in which actual metallic fragments \\ ere retrie\ 2007 Page #193 restrict this paper to cases where actual metallic fragments were retrieved 2007 Page #201 .. He told me directly that it was actual footage of the UFOs on the ground 2008 Page #88 results of the expedition and the actual nature of the alleged alien devic 2008 Page #102 industry and, therefore , without actual declassification of 1982 essentia 2009 Page #10 al defense unless they perceive an actual danger to the United States. A da 2009 Page #21 ties have assured themselves of an actual threat situation is in progress. 2009 Page #25 The FBI, based on true cases with actual back channel access. The real FBI 2009 Page #32 .. He told me directly that it was actual footage of the UFOs on the ground 2009 Page #60 hat the coloring was a part of the actual craft fabric. It made no sense. I 2009 Page #64 Germany and I believe that was the actual tape of the radio traffic that ni 2009 Page #78
irst awareness that I had of it is actually a picture that my father had an 2003 Page #35 - The Alien Photo "Well, it never actually left me, that picture haunted m 2003 Page #35 rrowed to about five square miles, actually areas adjacent to roads at the 2003 Page #36 6:22 pm to 6:58 pm in Houck Woods (actually Louis Houck who lived in the co 2003 Page #37 gather personal material that had actually been worn and I still have grea 2003 Page #48 ss accounts are even close to what actually took place, then questions rema 2003 Page #65 ave stated that military personnel actually aimed rifles at them in an effo 2003 Page #66 red that the propulsion system had actually fused together the many interio 2003 Page #100 guishable from 'normal' Aluminum. "Actually this is precisely the same init 2003 Page #103 was the first time the aliens had actually become proactive. But there was 2003 Page #142 ing, most missed his point. He was actually admitting to this and explainin 2003 Page #147 nnocently interested in UFOs while actually trying to gather as much inform 2003 Page #148 ties were in effect, Excalibur was actually the code name of a Dr. Edward T 2003 Page #149 f "Where is the document control?" Actually, as Don and I were making copie 2003 Page #181 essed by a known false statement?" Actually, most people were aware of our 2003 Page #183 ey didn't want to touch the topic. Actually, there is evidence that this fa 2003 Page #183 tory mentions dead aliens there is actually some evidence to indicate that 2003 Page #192 in the Kecksburg recovery and may actually have been directing the proper 2003 Page #194 o indicate Carter was told and may actually have been told about the crashe 2003 Page #196 r of these photographs. There were actually close up photos of different pe 2003 Page #197 perspectives of the vehicle. They actually had insignia on the side of the 2003 Page #197 r Force guards at the door. When I actually saw these photographs in the fi 2003 Page #197 is funeral. The Reagan White House actually had people hired to keep Reagan 2003 Page #198 6 other people. The story of ET is actually the fictionalized version of th 2003 Page #198 emarks out lest people thing there actually was an alien invasion. Powell s 2003 Page #199 ccurred in Bolivia in 1978, and is actually supported by an intriguing body 2004 Page #7 E ARE SENDING BACK SOME DOCTORS TO ACTUALLY EVALUATE THE WOMAN DAMAGE AND T 2004 Page #24 nd might ask if the Canadian study actually took place and if so, did they 2004 Page #30 them as a cohesive update on what actually happened in those woods that ni 2004 Page #46 dge UFO Incident those tanks would actually virtually lift out and undernea 2004 Page #52 Alamogordo, New Mexico." But what actually happened during that May 15, 19 2004 Page #64 le, according to Rep. Kissner, was actually a SECRET surface-to-air rocket 2004 Page #68 finally said to the family — 'That actually did happen. I was one of the po 2004 Page #72 does the United States government actually know about entities and technol 2004 Page #75 alloon theory to cover up what had actually been found. Later in the second 2004 Page #85 riends and Truman and his wife had actually visited the Rameys on more than 2004 Page #85 Truman was the first president to actually have to publicly deal with the 2004 Page #85 arch. The biggest untold story was actually leaked by the government itself 2004 Page #87 t had been gathered that they were actually anticipating the U.S. governmen 2004 Page #90 DI: Unidentified things, or did he actually use the word flying saucers? Ja 2004 Page #93 m the States? James: Yes. SDI: You actually saw some of these pieces as wel 2004 Page #93 ly how much of it he and Smith had actually handled," he paused for a long 2004 Page #94 him to analyze of hardware that is actually metal that they had found. Acco 2004 Page #94 high-ranking geophysicists who had actually seen the downed craft and occup 2004 Page #97 rganizer of Project Magnet, Newton actually saw the bodies himself. The imp 2004 Page #97 photographic evidence. In fact, he actually testified to the committee, sta 2004 Page #104 ue to the astonishing fact that he actually memorized the entire dictionary 2004 Page #106 mmon man understand this to be so? Actually, the opposite is so. Neither th 2004 Page #121 cover-up of disposal of nerve gas (actually, at the end of the old Denver S 2004 Page #125 e L.A. "air raid" crashes of 1942. Actually, the present Chairman of the Fu 2004 Page #127 swer to the issues he raises would actually require access to some early ro 2004 Page #127 assumes that the UFOs are heavy — actually, there is evidence that some of 2004 Page #129 e I hadn't studied the topic much. Actually, I think he was low. His own da 2004 Page #129 cause they thought the writing was actually in one of those languages, but 2004 Page #135 esident's remarks right there. But actually Clinton continued his remark by 2004 Page #140 d he was never told what the stuff actually was, and he never saw it. But i 2004 Page #142 ashes. The fact that Dr. Sarbacher actually did write that letter was confi 2004 Page #147 nto going to the moon. Kennedy was actually not very interested in outer sp 2004 Page #177 there were UFOs, but that they had actually interacted with the aliens on m 2004 Page #178 reliable source I know that Nixon actually showed some visitors pictures o 2004 Page #181 ll report on the UFO phenomena. It actually had diagrams of all the differe 2004 Page #187 Q clearance, and being the guy who actually declassified the documents, he 2004 Page #191 vernment had a live alien that had actually written a book called the Yello 2004 Page #195 e alien. This military officer had actually lived with a live alicn capture 2004 Page #195 ontinental Divide, New Mexico) had actually been built in 1946, but were op 2004 Page #220 who he says showed it to him — has actually seen the diary. Pflock claims t 2004 Page #221 re be any way Andrew's model could actually tell us what type of lens had b 2004 Page #233 throughout the document. Some are actually short paragraphs with distinct 2004 Page #245 ere is a long handwritten section, actually three paragraphs, signed by "Be 2004 Page #246 ous Strategic Air Command General. Actually, his son "lawyered up" after so 2004 Page #247 conference that fighter planes had actually chased several unidentified fly 2005 Page #35 ch Station, for God's sake! That's actually the beginning of a satellite up 2005 Page #66 mething is going on out here. I've actually interviewed a person in a littl 2005 Page #68 s to the Air Force. The survey was actually a manuscript detailing his theo 2005 Page #95 f Atmospheric Physics. Gardner had actually written co Moise on March 21, 1 2005 Page #97 know conclusively whether the two actually met, and possibly talked that d 2005 Page #99 dered: ''Whether the Air Force had actually such problems in mind, l cannot 2005 Page #100 e to the astonishj ng fact that he actually memorized the entire ilictionar 2005 Page #138 e 1 hadn't studied the topic much. Actually, I think he was low. His own da 2005 Page #140 outside of Santilli's company who actually handled the 16mm film and saw t 2005 Page #148 often possible to do this without actually having a sample of the system. 2005 Page #162 ined to experience antigravity. He actually met several times with an ET th 2005 Page #170 a little booklet that he carried, actually a little thick booklet, a loose 2006 Page #19 years. A number of these sightings actually occurred over and near my cousi 2006 Page #89 eaching the story of this incident actually was. I was also puzzled because 2006 Page #91 laughed at it, while others would actually get nervous and agitated with m 2006 Page #92 involved in the incident, who had actually seen the monster, Mrs. Kathleen 2006 Page #93 iewed Freddie several times and he actually took me to the farm where the m 2006 Page #93 een referred to as a "monster" was actually a metal shelled body that was m 2006 Page #93 hat acted as a probe. The body was actually a metal shell that was aluminum 2006 Page #93 e a head that was red in color was actually an inner helmet that was enclos 2006 Page #94 The so-called arms and claws were actually antennae protruding from the pl 2006 Page #94 the bottom of the lower torso were actually thick metal pipes. These vertic 2006 Page #94 o hover. The aluminum colored body actually reflected the green color of th 2006 Page #94 t reports. I discovered there were actually several other reports of UFOs a 2006 Page #95 ens. The eastern United States was actually besieged by overwhelming number 2006 Page #95 e West Virginia monster so called. Actually the object was the well-known W 2006 Page #96 seen by Mrs. May and the boys was actually a meteor." The Air Force gave a 2006 Page #96 was said to be a single meteor was actually one of several questionable obj 2006 Page #97 e that the "FLAME OVER WASHINGTON" actually flew over the Capitol on a west 2006 Page #97 ll, I realized these three objects actually fanned out across the United St 2006 Page #97 ctory toward Tennessee. The object actually flew more than 100 miles throug 2006 Page #97 ching this area, this fiery object actually crash-landed then lifted off th 2006 Page #97 and took off shortly after and one actually went down then lifted off on fo 2006 Page #98 "The Braxton Democrat" newspaper, actually spoke with the witnesses involv 2006 Page #98 l-smelling fire-breathing monster" actually set up the incident to be turne 2006 Page #99 at the United States Air Force had actually issued orders to their pilots t 2006 Page #99 by the potential threat of aliens. Actually, according to historians, two p 2006 Page #102 s supposed to have taken place, we actually went there. We drove up there, 2006 Page #125 y it didn't hit him, so we weren't actually sure where it had hit. But in t 2006 Page #129 ctronics feedback, but people were actually visually seeing things. NORAD " 2006 Page #146 ut this was the first time that we actually picked them up on radar. They w 2006 Page #146 hen the signal comes back, you can actually hear the target. It's a little 2006 Page #147 that if they wanted to, they could actually bend the light that was around 2006 Page #153 ut he ran the portion where he had actually helped to design the circuits a 2006 Page #154 ts to him (casting shadows). So, I actually had to have this (alien creatur 2006 Page #158 how things would be handled if we actually were to have contact with a UFO 2006 Page #202 from the myth. The American merua actually behave much more like an extens 2007 Page #8 ions . To understand how the merua actually work today, we need to rake a c 2007 Page #8 ve been kept from learning what is actually happenin g, they can then be mi 2007 Page #15 orsrup planrung for World \Xfar JI actually began in 1935, some six years b 2007 Page #16 eceiving the public about what was actually taking place. 15 2007 Page #21 lishing some fact or idea you were actually in search of. lnvestigations ca 2007 Page #59 take security seriously we didn't actually have any threats, but we did ha 2007 Page #83 e interested resurfaced ..... Well actually 1 remember there was a chap l m 2007 Page #84 or somethjng because somebody was actually awake and in the office at the 2007 Page #86 ote control software wruch doesn't actually inrubit the machines ability to 2007 Page #88 te control software, but I haven't actually damaged their data in any way b 2007 Page #88 n a breach of security. GM: Weil I actually left it open in their WordPad ( 2007 Page #89 ? So is it a fine or 60 years? GM: Actually 1 think its both. M\Xf: So vou' 2007 Page #92 Waco Texas). Indeed, "FLlTAFF" was actually painted on a hangar at James Co 2007 Page #99 uses. The O.1.C. permitted Jack to actually kick the tires of the smaller 4 2007 Page #100 re. But you could see the fire was actually growing to a pretty good size, 2007 Page #122 that were old enough to remember, actually only two, Tammy and Teresa, Lea 2007 Page #123 re the town in located, if you are actually walking through the little town 2007 Page #123 is the possibility that aliens are actually behind the giant cover-up, fear 2007 Page #127 hoax. But I've double-checked . He actually is with the 4602nd." "Sounds qu 2007 Page #133 g." I said. "It could mean they've actually got their hands on some flying 2007 Page #133 s Like real thin and sharp. It was actually more like looking at a football 2007 Page #167 dren were outside playing, so they actually saw it before we cLid because w 2007 Page #167 n by Friend, that Hynek and Friend actually went into the area to conduct t 2008 Page #11 unidentified category. They didn't actually have an explanation, yet they h 2008 Page #16 1990s: namely that the aliens were actually nothing of the sort. Rather, th 2008 Page #35 Tuffy got into the area first and actually saw the object. In one version 2008 Page #54 re are what? A thousand a minute? (Actually there are I 00 lightning strike 2008 Page #77 ything seemed slower than you were actually doing." Strangely, John Burroug 2008 Page #81 ily in the minds of those who were actually there. Perhaps I ike human time 2008 Page #96 d occasional grammar errors, would actually be a very nice contribution to 2008 Page #107 che.:.r presenc e not be revealed. Actually, we do not believe it necessary 2008 Page #113 international organization it has actually contributed to the dangers wnic 2008 Page #117 William Moore claimed that Twining actually made a two-day trip to New Mexi 2008 Page #132 gly refutable . This discussion is actually presented in the proceedings of 2009 Page #7 actually notes made by Government employ 2009 Page #8 ilable elements of fire and water (actually a mixture mainly of unslaked li 2009 Page #20 emember, however, that secrecy was actually of greater advantage to us when 2009 Page #20 rial technology , I do not mean to actually throw open our laboratories to 2009 Page #21 in Russia as in the United States. Actually , more money is necessary but n 2009 Page #21 his latter argument is less valid. Actually , the Russian leadership seems 2009 Page #21 ry substance spewed by his saucers actually killed his dog and injured his 2009 Page #31 g into office on January 20, 1961, actually imperiled the existence of the 2009 Page #39 2, Bethurum was out in the desert, actually quite near to the town of Kingm 2009 Page #54 st us in better understanding what actually took place during those last da 2009 Page #140
Methodology • 2001 Social Security Actuarial Tables — probability of death 2004 Page #199
closer look at how news censorship actuaUy works. 1t is important to rememb 2007 Page #15
s, where he died on February 16 of acute respiratory deficiency, septicemia 2005 Page #33 es away from an identical siege of acute onset respiratory illness. Thus be 2006 Page #110 thful adults, all expiring from an acute respiratory distress syndrome. Tem 2006 Page #110 . The cause of death was listed as Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome of u 2006 Page #110
riminal invcstignti\'e agencies 10 acuvdy scd information conccminj! thrc.1 2007 Page #175
ineerview soldia-s. Thm had kl be acx:ortlJaniod by ollca-s and ,ut,jec1ed 2009 Page #151
vl *quarc and lhe material *a* »pn ad i-n thi ground. but there wa* tin or 2003 Page #132 s area. Although he uses some near ad hominem inferences (alluding to "retr 2004 Page #127 ments Other Ministries GAU Seventh Ad)nQatratiort Other Enterpr Deputy Chk, 2004 Page #155 ilitary personnel for a variety of ad hoc duties that are overseen by a cov 2006 Page #15 to MJ-12 classified projects on an ad hoc basis due to their skills, who th 2006 Page #16 -12 Group projects are given on an ad hoc temporary basis, unless the indiv 2006 Page #24 OM1-01 were likely a result of the ad hoc manner that those familiar with c 2006 Page #24 g of human resistance, military or ad hoc, has chance of success based on b 2006 Page #55 eporter, Editor WOR,AD was talking back and forth to us and 2006 Page #139 F MANUSCRIPT ■ Vernon Bowen was an ad man, NYC ■ He went to public library 2007 Page #43 l coaxing to mount an alienrelated ad campaign. Such companies and individu 2007 Page #59 iwano, Starfruit and Rambutan. The ad, dually sponsored by the Safeway Supe 2007 Page #60 c interest in the subject. Another ad is accompanied by what seems to be a 2007 Page #60 les-beings either. ln a 1999 trade ad from Gene Therap) Systems, green alie 2007 Page #62 tech corporatio n ASML In a ·1 998 ad in Electronic Ne111s, a large pair of 2007 Page #62 In their 1985 ll~all Street JomwJ/ ad, a poinry-headed alien has disembarke 2007 Page #62 ar is appropriat e cause for a new ad campaign. The line's loveable additio 2007 Page #64 llow cocktail through a straw. The ad is laid out as a two-page spread and 2007 Page #64 I don't know if the idea for this ad campaign originated within Suntory or 2007 Page #65 t the bar later this evenjng? This ad had fairly wide placement. This one a 2007 Page #65 rettes they must have been. In the ad, set in front of the Capitol Builrung 2007 Page #65 iation on their wonderful, ongoing ad series, a 1950s clad spaceman bravely 2007 Page #66 h for the "universal meow." ln the ad a cat looks on as a huge, Close Encou 2007 Page #66 defer to the dog in this wonderful ad from Friskies. \XlhjJe difficult to s 2007 Page #67 k Times repeatedly ran a small box ad encouraging newsstand readers to subs 2007 Page #67 er I estimated that the dimjnutive ad ran between fifty and one hundred tim 2007 Page #67 and monthly magazines carried the ad. In 1994 the Global Link Corporacion 2007 Page #68 ln doino-so, the Capital l'vf etro ad team composed a clever ad, but one th 2007 Page #69 'vf etro ad team composed a clever ad, but one that embraced a major negati 2007 Page #69 orporatio n placed an alien-themed ad in a 2000 issue of the Elerlro11ic E1 2007 Page #69 rman tech corporation ]NFlCON. The ad promoted their Sensor Integration and 2007 Page #69 tions and business networking. The ad appeared in Time, Ne111s111eek, U.S. 2007 Page #70 RJNG "Don't miss the shot," a 1989 ad from General Electric and Sanyo, admo 2007 Page #71 itting in a drawer for a year. The ad appeared in Pop11/ar Science magazine 2007 Page #71 e clearly." In a trade publication ad from the 1990s Cubic Communication, I 2007 Page #71 is year a similar abduction themed ad appeared in one of England's largest 2007 Page #71 But knowingly or unknowingly, the ad agency responsible choose an image lo 2007 Page #74 m of light in 1975. A s such, this ad may have proved counter productive wi 2007 Page #74 on the UFO abduction theme was an ad placed by AT&T's cellular phone divis 2007 Page #74 pendable beyond the ordinary." The ad saw wide distribution and appeared in 2007 Page #74 COi\ifPANY'S EBES Extraterrestrial ad themes are prevalent throughout broad 2007 Page #75 the implication s of a classified/ad industry alliance and I continued to 2007 Page #76 reference in a Dockers' television ad campaign. l cannot say that Mr. Haas 2007 Page #76 ommercial and popular culture, the ad refers to EBEs as 'extraterrestrial b 2007 Page #76 o be a tried-and-true focus for an ad campaign aimed at a broad ~egment ~f 2007 Page #76 in yet another treatment of the ET ad theme. The government does not need t 2007 Page #77 need to intercede in the work the ad industry is im olved in, unless they 2007 Page #77 nce Edward Islands incident citied Ad Hoc Panel Report on the Septel)l/;er 2007 Page #144 decided to test the suggestion by ad hoc trials under the guidance of a te 2009 Page #165 decided to test the suggestion by ad hoc trials under the guidance of a te 2009 Page #169 =~~i,IPII m .6elli...-,_. mm1•..,. ad --.ilallle 2009 Page #174
of transfection reagent." Even the ad's bullet points are little UFOs. Anot 2007 Page #62
prior preparation; otherwise, much ad-lib and misfire is unavoidable. - Gov 2006 Page #66
he U.S. Air .Force 111011/d 11ever ad111it that aircraft ever existed, 11ev 2007 Page #110
and axteat af aid, Mlftasy sad ooa—ada, w cV£ jCs g£w CM— tat ttoao —a—aaat 2003 Page #221
esponsibilities. Accession Number: ADA0J0043 Title: Kinland Air Force Base 2007 Page #163
- As the old adage goes, "there is nothing new under 2009 Page #156
he plane. They don't know you from Adam. And you expect to be recogruzed as 2007 Page #68
itutions of our society seem quite adamant about controlling the UFO topic 2005 Page #76 for example, was James Prescott so adamant that the incident in which he wa 2006 Page #130 installations. Robert Bigelow was adamant that the cattle mutilations were 2006 Page #201 titi~d. the U.S. Air Force remains adamant that: Of the very few that remai 2008 Page #24 d ever been at WP AFB, but she was adamant she had taken dictation from him 2009 Page #93
stern USA 1 1 1 1 1 Researcher Mia Adams; see detailed interview VII, 17-26 2004 Page #111 y Blann, Chuck & Vicki Oldham, Tom Adams III, 33; VI, 39-49 UFO recovered, 2004 Page #111 e interview held by researcher Mia Adams with one of Einstein's assistants 2004 Page #119
Ray Palmer, Kenneth Arnold, George Adamski, Harold T. Wilkinson, Donald E. 2007 Page #48 py-types that hung out with George Adamski. The encounters had begun -accor 2009 Page #54
cess itself, and how humanity must adapt and respond to the many implicatio 2006 Page #50 nd help other sectors/stakeholders adapt. Since the NHI seems both familiar 2006 Page #60
eligious backlash, allowing social adaptation to occur at a non-disruptive 2006 Page #54
ject security procedures have been adapted to our modern security world • T 2004 Page #124 chael Lindemann This text has been adapted by Michael Lindemann from a draf 2006 Page #48 al report from which this paper is adapted. John L. Petersen kindly granted 2006 Page #49 different bird species are highly adapted to finding their own kind of foo 2006 Page #101 iological Entities", or "EBEs", be adapted as the standard term of referenc 2007 Page #75 Eight years later, Astronauts was adapted into a movie titled First Spaces 2008 Page #102
otechnology; Computer Technolo gy; Adaptive Systems and Artificial; Life -A 2005 Page #162 sting, consultation, education and adaptive response. Being would fit prior 2006 Page #54
mre& tri aalilka• namory•ams arm*. adaWao.A. Sai Wads SCA* lit4.4414 ear. w 2006 Page #32
vestigation. Ben P.S. I will be at ADC for awhile. Why don't you visit and 2004 Page #246 estigation. Ben "P.S. I will be at ADC for awhile. Why don't you visit and 2007 Page #49
inter 1996. 20. Past In The Roses (add more to this? 21. Cape Girardeau Bio 2003 Page #39 TYMOLOGY Four anachronisms seem to add authenticity to the SOM 1-01 □ “Firs 2003 Page #180 ot in the Wedemeyer. Would a faker add a comma? • "Before going to" (blank) 2003 Page #206 idge UFO Incident. It does however add to the body of case knowledge in sev 2004 Page #59 Patterson, and to see if he could add anything more to what he had told Wi 2004 Page #92 umber of different sources. Let me add one that you won't have heard. Earli 2004 Page #191 e told me a number of things which add to our understanding of MJ-12: • The 2004 Page #191 t, and weave it into their tale to add an aura of authenticity? More grist 2004 Page #221 HAS LAND SURVEYOR CREWS. (DR) THEY ADD LAND DRopsONDE CreWS (G) ABQ LAND ba 2004 Page #229 d recovery crews (MN) A ****O says ADD LAND SCAVENGER CREWS Line 9 (M) TEMP 2004 Page #229 , l suppose, is, "what will IV(!)' add to the mix?'' That 1s, while disclos 2005 Page #86 , occurred in Malton in 1955, with add.itional test fLights place a 2007 Page #111 been demonstrated time and again. Add the complication of the unidentified 2008 Page #13 e espionage laws, being careful to add that those laws carried a penalty of 2008 Page #30 od delete one comma lives not life add "be" to be devoid seems not seem col 2008 Page #116 not ineradical ■ inten::ontenental add a "the" in last sentence let's not l 2008 Page #116 ught us to the brink. And, I might add, in an exposed position, whereby Sov 2009 Page #18 an leadership seems wise enough to add inducement to coercion.) This is one 2009 Page #21 otocol. Things that went on do not add up. Things that went on afterwards d 2009 Page #78 ngs that went on afterwards do not add up. We were in the largest tactical 2009 Page #78 not change over time. She did not add or recant any part of it. What she t 2009 Page #95 Bluffs Nonpareil also had this to add to the six main points: "Confirms Ne 2009 Page #161
June, 2003. "These interviews have added a great deal of new information, w 2003 Page #66 at to electricity. Bismuth is also added to metal mixtures in superconducti 2003 Page #107 ter from the South Carolina source added a few more comments about the laye 2003 Page #107 nable 1 to 20 MHz radio signal was added, the Bi/Mg seemed to have a more e 2003 Page #111 ns in the reaction products can be added to the list of very unusual proper 2003 Page #114 box a Overseas shipment: same, but added moisturevaporproof, water-grease-p 2003 Page #175 I hope my presidential tales have added to your knowledge of what is going 2003 Page #202 hat referenced the crash, and that added important data to what was already 2004 Page #8 splayed no magnetic properties. He added that the piece was shiny and malle 2004 Page #30 sergeant, well, I didn't need the added aggravation. Remember, I was tryin 2004 Page #55 struction impractical. Schiff also added, "At least this effort caused the 2004 Page #61 radar station north of Los Alamos added to the New Mexico State Historical 2004 Page #71 ter to a Canadian researcher Smith added: No minister in his right mind is 2004 Page #88 uth. The 1983 reference also gives added weight to the argument that Smith 2004 Page #97 number of very interesting tidbits added authenticity to their accounts — N 2004 Page #216 ies found at the scene, the source added: "I saw d1e creature [d1at] you're 2005 Page #40 his work at Wright-Patterson . He added ... 'Suddenly, the building nearby 2005 Page #42 ink that meant much to her. l then added, "and because there could well be 2005 Page #86 ich Museum. Another laboratory was added soon after for students. Trus stru 2005 Page #94 ansferred and that he was under no added pressure to keep thjs secret other 2005 Page #148 There are more reports that can be added to the list up to the present year 2005 Page #166 e" of debris from the accident and added: "There is nothing left to indicat 2006 Page #80 ll alive." In conclusion, Prescott added that this was "the only time I was 2006 Page #123 Pilots and Planes The MJ-12 panel added an Annex C, Paragraphs 2 to 3, in 2006 Page #140 of the fighting in Korea. But thy added that the airforce had increased it 2006 Page #169 .._ __ ._ __ ,..,. ·---- UFOs were added to a list of phenomena pilots were 2007 Page #19 pings sgl. ■ Red security markings added ■ Many annotations included ■ No c 2007 Page #43 your actions merely appended to or added to the macrunes purpose, it ilidn' 2007 Page #88 g in the sky, strange craft,' they added, chose were their exact words. I d 2007 Page #197 complete change of color. Poulain added in our interview that this anomaly 2007 Page #199 ooked like a nuclear explosion but added quickly that it came from the wron 2008 Page #9 s jet "had exploded ." The wingman added that there was no smoke or flame a 2008 Page #29 aircraft of special interest." He added one of the SEALS winked when he ta 2008 Page #44 others wore helmets. Sandra White added that about four months later she s 2008 Page #45 lling meteor ve,y bright" and then added he believed he had seen "an object 2008 Page #47 were done with her statement, she added, "I knew they were in trouble." Th 2008 Page #50 looking but found nothing. Then he added not long after he observed "some s 2008 Page #52 run out of the area by troops." He added he spoke with one of the soldiers 2008 Page #52 Theory made no sense, and he also added anything that burned that visibly 2008 Page #54 n 1956," author Hunt reported. She added that officers of the Joint Intelli 2008 Page #137 ' mouthpiece in Congress . Tarpley added, "Both he and Senator Joseph McCar 2008 Page #141 y word for word, with the word UFO added. See text below for examples . Thi 2009 Page #11 The bold is words that need to be added to his book to become the words in 2009 Page #11 own as the TS control number. This added consistency could argue favoring a 2009 Page #13 his work at Wright-Patterson . He added that: 'Suddenly, the building near 2009 Page #50 re also tears of regret. She later added she was offered a position in the 2009 Page #93 une quoting the New Zealand Herald added: Had the project been competed in 2009 Page #157 Prof. Leech headed the project, he added. 2009 Page #160 . The Syracuse Herald Journal also added: Snodgrass insisted in an intervie 2009 Page #161 ific place on a limited scale, and added: "Instead of allowing rain clouds 2009 Page #162
Addenda: Rivals A-Bomb? 1:-~ .. ,.::,.,. 2009 Page #180
the object that fell in Kecksburg. Addendum On October 21st, the SCI FI Cha 2003 Page #71 2 -John Burroughs VIDEO Transcript addendum to be distributed at conference 2008 Page #89 3 -John Burroughs VIDEO Transcript addendum to be distributed at conference 2008 Page #90
~«-rrt", on n limited scAI'. r1nil adder.: 1\r:1rc,n oUl?:\al,rl tnr .. :cm 2009 Page #183
f The International Journal of the Addictions listed 105 adverse reactions 2008 Page #141
to have handled the alien picture. Adding more weight to the truth side is 2003 Page #38 t the nature of the fallen object, adding that local authorities for securi 2004 Page #8 story for years," said Mrs. Oates, adding, "Nothing grew for years in that 2004 Page #29 ry many times," recalled Stephens, adding he was almost 20 years old before 2004 Page #30 take place in the Southwest. After adding up the implications of the testim 2004 Page #136 replied that "it was no nonsense," adding that a lot was yet to be said abo 2005 Page #33 nd hard enough to break the frame. Adding co the mystery, a large light was 2005 Page #65 his 74th birthday- yet not before adding immeasurabl y to what history mus 2005 Page #139 disc had gone too," she explained, adding: "When I first came out of the ho 2006 Page #120 t the nature of the fa!Jen object, adding that local authorities for securi 2007 Page #142 he right side of the slide include adding a missing verb, correcting the ve 2008 Page #105 be to win and hold that position." Adding to this puzzling statement are fa 2008 Page #134 orney and Nazi hunter John Loftus, adding, "Such interrelationships were ve 2008 Page #141
the research for this lecture. In addition to reviewing the history of the 2003 Page #41 Courier to Wright Field, Ohio." In addition to the unfamiliar combination o 2003 Page #107 t this now unclassified Manual. In addition (see Slide 5 1), facing the con 2003 Page #183 it the equivalent of a control. In addition, most of the critics assume tha 2003 Page #185 it off as some "swamp gas." And in addition there are other incidents that 2003 Page #195 d direct from the USAF, states: In addition to their staff duty assignments 2004 Page #4 he area where the UFO crashed." In addition, String-field's research led to 2004 Page #10 o — or a few hundred years ago. In addition, Smith made the following, sign 2004 Page #15 Ottawa on 11 June 1959: We have in addition to visual evidence a variety of 2004 Page #15 d bodies — both dead and alive. In addition to the well known name Roswell, 2004 Page #69 as a cover for the MJ-12 zroup. In addition, Brigadier-General Steven Lovek 2004 Page #177 ssed it off as 'swamp gas.' And in addition there are other incidents that 2004 Page #177 the government message on UFOs. In addition to his educational background E 2004 Page #181 and the Hard Evidence (Part 2) In addition to this document Doty offered L 2004 Page #194 s and extraterrestrial bodies." in addition she was offered the now infamou 2004 Page #194 1956 book from the 1st to the 2nd addition • Chapter 18, p243.."Four years 2004 Page #205 handwritten, this possibly a later addition. It seems the negatives may hav 2004 Page #235 nt times prompting the handwritten addition to the envelope notes when the 2004 Page #235 o. He died on December 4, 1960. 1n addition to the testimon y of Fritz \Xle 2005 Page #41 going off tO DRES buildings A new addition some distance from the DRES bui 2005 Page #57 e U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater. In addition to having been the Republican P 2005 Page #79 to protect other great secrets. ln addition to operatio nal duties (incluru 2005 Page #130 about the incident at Roswell. In addition, there is no Project Moon Dust 2005 Page #142 m Personnel" dated 13 Nov 1961: In addition to their staff dury assignments 2005 Page #142 nd scientists who are involved. In addition to local tests conducted in Was 2005 Page #157 are extraterrestrial in origin. In addition to SOM-01 providing such inform 2006 Page #14 ated to recover debris of UFOs. In addition, Stone's military service was c 2006 Page #17 President of the United States. In addition, Stone claimed that he sometime 2006 Page #18 oup project. 4. Training occurs in addition to the normal military duties p 2006 Page #24 on showed 107 degrees that day. In addition, there were now two people (Gar 2006 Page #45 being kept at Ft. Detrick, Md." In addition, in the Interplanetary Phenomen 2006 Page #104 literature has been fruitless. In addition, the hyphenated version of the 2006 Page #105 shape with some sort of hatch. In addition, those aboard the Diane claim t 2006 Page #190 de range of topics of interest. In addition to these public gatherings, CON 2006 Page #193 f quaLity stuffed animals, and the addition of a new teddy bear is appropri 2007 Page #64 w ad campaign. The line's loveable addition is named Admiral Bird and he ar 2007 Page #64 a in any way by doing so, it is an addition to the macrune not a damage to 2007 Page #88 er-project code-named Blue Fly: In addition to their staff duty assignments 2007 Page #134 a thunderous explosion in 1974. In addition, new information has surfaced a 2007 Page #184 portholes , doors, or markings. In addition, no lights of any kind were app 2007 Page #187 inimum traces of titanium (fi). In addition, Taylor confirms the previous a 2007 Page #197 too, can somehow be justified. In addition, the "alien abduction" and "ali 2008 Page #37 29 Helicopters exhaust theory with addition, landing lights on, repeated an 2008 Page #49 , albeit with some speculation. In addition, we will be examining a documen 2008 Page #104 were in German and not typed). In addition, they provided 14 typed documen 2008 Page #106 d. Who speaks for planet Earth? In addition, it's long, was written for bot 2008 Page #107 ns in the USA. ln fact, Dulles, in addition to providing legal services to 2008 Page #127 tary of the Treasury Donald Regan. Addition ally, he named Bush's campaign 2008 Page #142 ibrary of hundreds of books-but in addition, thousands of pages of "leaked" 2009 Page #7 ection between Teller and UFOs. ln addition, Intelligence Corps operative L 2009 Page #9 In addition to the Confidential National Se 2009 Page #41 pths varying in steps to 24 ft. In addition to provision for basic developm 2009 Page #165
of the general, and also obtained "additiona l corroborative" information a 2005 Page #79
ivided between ^^Mg, which has one additional neutron compared to 24Mg, and 2003 Page #107 d to 24Mg, and 26Mg, which has two additional neutrons compared to 24Mg. If 2003 Page #107 Bland fully understood the issues. Additional opinion is being requested. 6 2003 Page #208 ariety of agencies to determine if additional data on the Bolivian crash of 2004 Page #10 e Agency and my quest turned up no additional data — with one exception. Ha 2004 Page #11 z, Bolivia, May 1978 4. Moondust — Additional Object, LaPaz, Bolivia 5. Pue 2004 Page #17 terviewed these people and learned additional information from one of them. 2004 Page #45 nt numbering systems and sometimes additional reports on the same case at a 2004 Page #110 ield 47 1967 Western USA 0 1 0 1 0 Additional data in APRO files III, 10-12 2004 Page #113 e time this paper was written many additional tests are being conducted by 2004 Page #250 n Roads Publishin g Co., 2002. For additional articles on the theme of UFO 2005 Page #73 e of that desert. Bur there is the additional factor to consider as well -t 2005 Page #100 alysis and is still the subject of additional, planned studies. Baca explai 2005 Page #157 aces to check their movement. This additional aerodynamic loading may have 2006 Page #78 the crash site. Both men provided additional details about the proximity o 2006 Page #80 icly accessible land, providing an additional comparative reference. The wr 2006 Page #84 idence I could provide quite a few additional case studies covering a span 2006 Page #86 the impression of a giant figure." Additional sightings were also reported 2006 Page #96 the first. A few minutes later an additional report stated that the second 2006 Page #134 o the CIA. Possibly as many as two additional government agencies also rece 2006 Page #134 ing was held up for the arrival of additional equipment and two additional 2006 Page #135 al of additional equipment and two additional personnel. It was not until 1 2006 Page #135 formation, questions, comments, or additional observations concerning the e 2006 Page #195 lub newsletter article, and obtain additional detailed information concerni 2007 Page #95 ould be the point of manufacturing additional support aircraft, when you ha 2007 Page #107 ire in the park for over 10 years. Additional witnesses in the area reporte 2007 Page #129 trace elements usualJy detected." Additional tests\\ ere conducted b\· che 2007 Page #195 many, etc. Poulain still wanted an additional opinion from the Soviet Union 2007 Page #198 1989. There were still a couple of additional analysis of the fragment that 2007 Page #198 ling to talk about it now. Without additional corroboration , this is littl 2008 Page #15 he west. Then over Nevada, we have additional reports of the object moving 2008 Page #15 d, insufficient data.' There is an additional note to the effect that 'the 2008 Page #15 porter and the Nephi News-Leader . Additional documentation, including the 2008 Page #16 sons, Lance Graham, called me with additional infom1ation . He recalled bei 2008 Page #52 onse to the Crash, a SEAL team and additional personnel could have been sen 2008 Page #60 not until the 1950s and 1960s that additional advancement was made: several 2008 Page #100 he Gazelle report, "a total of I 8 additional Brown Brothers Harriman and U 2008 Page #129 in Argentina. LG. Farben owned an additional 700 companies around the worl 2008 Page #136 rt in the world that does not lend additional credence to statements made b 2009 Page #89 tings for Project Blue Book; also, additional note: My immediate supervisor 2009 Page #94 • Bakersfield area can,·assed for additional infOffll,ltion • Local tips • 2009 Page #193
in their search they drew a blank. Additionally, DATT/AIRA talked this date 2004 Page #9 arren's involvement in particular. Additionally, some of the material that 2004 Page #46 re would not endanger the program. Additionally, it seemed that someone fin 2006 Page #75 in their search they drew a blank. Additionally, DATT/AIRA talked this date 2007 Page #142 f which has never been con finned. Additionally , there is a file that I op 2008 Page #67 usual aircraft" as opposed to UFO. Additionally , while confirn1ing the sig 2008 Page #67 eparation phase-and Apollo itself. Additionally , I have shown that the Apo 2008 Page #135 and tests; whatever they were for? Additionally before leaving the scene th 2009 Page #53
obotics; and Aerospace Engineering AdditionaUy, unknown systems that may en 2005 Page #163
equencing of Entries, Alterations, Additions, Rewritings, Ink Dating and Pa 2004 Page #250
ranged sale of tetraethyl lead, an additive used in aviation gasoline to Ge 2008 Page #127
corpo rated, paper company , whose addre.:,s is lioted as 65, New Yo 2007 Page #46
isenhower Source: January 17, 1961 address www majesticdocumen“In th 2003 Page #6 site, but who had an Acme mailing address. The official Air Force conclusi 2003 Page #56 ion that exists below the base and address the claims that alien bodies and 2003 Page #83 y of 1980, a letter with no return address had arrived at APRO headquarters 2003 Page #146 tion. I recommend sending it to my address at 1727 Candlestick Lane, Newpor 2003 Page #179 breviation of New Mexico as NM for address did not occur u ntil much later. 2003 Page #183 pe in the upper right-hand corner, address block flush left above the text, 2004 Page #227 oclaimed to the world (via a radio address) the debris was that of a "crash 2004 Page #230 pleted circa 1954. It had a return address of the Freedom of Information Ac 2004 Page #243 he FOIA office shown as the return address. AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA THE HIGHEST CL 2004 Page #244 ament o, California, with a return address of the Police Officers Associati 2005 Page #122 eived 6/6/99 bylim Cooper ■ Return address Fort Meade ■ Sheets usually doub 2007 Page #42 r mi]jcary networks with a address and I would look like I was comi 2007 Page #87 nt Dwight D. Eisenhower's farewell address to the nation detiYered on Janua 2007 Page #108 nology discoveries that might help address global issues facing humanity to 2007 Page #121 good, too. COULD THE THREE OF YOU ADDRESS \X'HAT SEEMS TO BE A TIMELlNE QU 2007 Page #169 gency, was secretly established to address the alien abduction issue. The g 2008 Page #35 hington . I was unable to find his address, but I did verify what I had hea 2008 Page #45 length. The famous United Nations address (noted in slide 13) was so easil 2008 Page #107 rst four shown above plus the U.N. address. Einstein 's first two paragraph 2008 Page #107 in writing samples ■United Nations address ■21 references from the Institut 2008 Page #117 about the same for Einstein's U.N. address and the QD Carole Chaski's data 2008 Page #118 l (1), supra-n.;itioarnl (2) (U.N. Address to the General Assembly) Tim Coo 2008 Page #119 ated lune 24, 1999, with no return address. When I opened it, mye~ popped o 2008 Page #119 Implementation of the President's Address of Aug 442 March 23. Memo to Con 2009 Page #10 ixation with practical measures to address a need to contain what it feels 2009 Page #15 functional framework ' in which to address the UFO problem. It worked for u 2009 Page #16 /pdf/burnedmcmo-s 1-pgs 1-2.pdf 22 Address Before the 18th General Assembly 2009 Page #46 eness of sound waves in a prepared address before Massachusetts Institute o 2009 Page #162 l reporter ·Search for R,,ji's II' address/ alternati\'e court order ·Compu 2009 Page #192
inal paper. Next we come to a memo addressed to the Non-Terrestrial Science 2003 Page #27 ame in a green box (Slide 7), hand addressed to Don Berliner using the same 2003 Page #171 t the matter and inasmuch as it is addressed to him, I will include it in h 2003 Page #216 Our publisher began receiving mail addressed to us not long after we hit th 2004 Page #49 of these letters (all specifically addressed to Larry) were from men we'd n 2004 Page #49 nd letters in Stalin's handwriting addressed to the Vice-Director on his ac 2004 Page #153 is a valuable one that needs to be addressed and not discarded. Werner's si 2005 Page #40 ven half of the more than 75 cases addressed b~ Ryan Wood are genuine, tlus 2005 Page #119 hat might happen that had not been addressed? Every effort was made to stre 2006 Page #51 s on some far- away planet was not addressed. Critical Uncertainties A seri 2006 Page #52 ally genuine, not everyone who has addressed this aspect of the Berwyn affa 2006 Page #125 ot-cause of the Tunguska event was addressed deeply in the book The Fire Ca 2008 Page #100 on each page. It is a carbon copy addressed to Ml-2 through 7 and referenc 2008 Page #119 was classified "Confidential" and addressed to James Webb (NASA Administra 2009 Page #40 stated, Dulles' draft document was addressed to another six members of MJ-1 2009 Page #43 ion is the one that is most easily addressed. If you have ever worked in a 2009 Page #155
up the chain of command. The main addressee was the Assistant Chief of the 2008 Page #34 Defence letter in which the date, addressee and writer were blacked out ev 2008 Page #94
ic to the secretary but not to the addressees , who would presumably unders 2008 Page #109
rom the 1940s to the mid 1990s and addresses some of the cases referenced i 2003 Page #79 rom the 1940s to the mid 1990s and addresses some of the cases referenced i 2003 Page #79 round 1960; there are three return addresses for Bowen shown in the upper r 2004 Page #244 I choose this because it directly addresses the essential public relations 2005 Page #120 f 150 TSM 4 TS,x2 _1 _TSOmega 3766 ADDRESSES ON ENVELOPE Typed on an Avery 2007 Page #42 wen wrote children's books ■ Three addresses are shown ■ Obvious red stamp 2007 Page #43 he newspapers have "forgotten" the addresses of the photographers who took 2007 Page #48 doing, not just the lPs (Internet addresses) as well as to trying to find 2007 Page #85 on there probably some fake email addresses. l fl was doing one l would tr 2007 Page #87 NASA does it as well. NASA network addresses all end in (dot).gov and are g 2007 Page #87 rsonal data isn't released. Names, addresses and other personal details rel 2008 Page #63
threat from outside this world. ” Addressing the United Nations General As 2003 Page #7 rk and cable talking heads are not addressing a subject, it must not 2005 Page #119 and the use of zero point energy. Addressing the notion that the famous Ro 2005 Page #120 RESTRIAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ." Addressing matters raised by 11 Don Berl 2005 Page #127 such an anachronism. For example, addressing a military general by his fir 2005 Page #137 fern Introduction When it comes to addressing the nature and possible inten 2008 Page #23
one think this was a jest, Hubbell adds: "He - Clinton - was dead serious. 2003 Page #7 confirmed yet. Another person who adds evidence for this role of Mount Wea 2003 Page #194 the mission. Such an obscure fact adds to authenticity. 2. The ***TOP SECR 2003 Page #210 ssing persons. The &cunt. wh :ola, adds that the grow, wishes to held a pos 2004 Page #20 reads, essentially." They were, he adds, "nothing exotic," and certainly no 2004 Page #220 proach $300 an hour and their time adds up quickly. Two experts that consti 2004 Page #250 the authenticit y of the film, or adds weight to the theory that it is a f 2005 Page #147 struction of humanity. Strangeness adds another layer of difficulty to resi 2006 Page #55 emy is understandable. Strangeness adds difficulty to resisting or combatin 2006 Page #55 ur Force Base, Dayton, Ohio. Riggs adds that rus father told rum that the f 2007 Page #138 s ro chis thing." "Everything," he adds with much significance, "had a i\[o 2007 Page #139 nd report referenced the crash and adds important data to that alread~ in h 2007 Page #141 same shape and size." Vallee then adds that, accorrung co the witnesses, t 2007 Page #199 es the QD and the U.N. results and adds four more criteria which seem to be 2008 Page #107
advise the Prime Minister (Clement Adee of Britain). The Pentagon telephone 2006 Page #167 of the meeting between Truman and Adee which is preserved at the Truman li 2006 Page #168
Weapons Research Establishment at Adelaide for examination. However, upon 2004 Page #16
Air Defense Area does not provide adequate effective coverage necessary to 2004 Page #220 appened. Perhaps they did not have adequate means of transporting what migh 2006 Page #136 ille, Tennessee, fail to evolve an adequate explanation for 2008 Page #28
udes only life forms that we could adequately describe). 2. The life form w 2006 Page #52 ve, but which ultimately failed co adequately resolve the matter. Far more 2007 Page #143 ual happenings which will never be adequately explained by logic or subsequ 2008 Page #30 14. Microwave research of Dr. Ross 2006 Page #208 tml Microwave research of Dr. Ross Adey at Loma Linda, CA 205 2006 Page #208
about Lloyd Pye is his unwavering adherence to a policy of scientific "inc 2006 Page #181
the Bi/Mg test, had a clear, very adherent, colorless film about 29 micron 2003 Page #115
gles s:.w,ur: tu ~ am 5t0rr1r.s wn aDi "'"ti: 1s l'.nclDN SI.M:t w:YI 89. T 2009 Page #150
on, Airframe Der..igns • • 'Secret Adianced Vehicles Demonstrate Technologi 2006 Page #30
,,....., t.:-■ fro,a ,1 ~•--~h: ot aDinl MA .. ll-h•• t.e 1•1 ••r.n•. ._ .. 2008 Page #19
tor,· Ch.aMc-1 • Co.Ht to Co.Ht Jl.adio - lrn,c,lu:d • 11h Oronc-lnn:saig,u 2009 Page #198
five square miles, actually areas adjacent to roads at the time. Historica 2003 Page #36 noticed smoke from a draw adjacent to \'v'alnut Creek, a main trib 2005 Page #154 being, which makes t to runway at adjacent McGuire AFE). • USAF security p 2006 Page #29 esham Forest, a densely treed area adjacent to the joint Royal Air Force/US 2008 Page #31 man airfield in Hoquiam , the city adjacent to Aberdeen to the west. Ernest 2008 Page #49 in the marshy, mudflats or in the adjacent thick forest. 52 2008 Page #58 Fort Lewis, WA and McCord AFB are adjacent to each other and not far away. 2008 Page #59 ut it should not be computed using adjacent punctuation such as commas, quo 2008 Page #108 y enough, in the Cumberland Times, adjacent to the Snodgrass article, was t 2009 Page #161
heel Letter - Jan 30,1996 Note the adjective southwestern rather than the p 2003 Page #29
Report reveals 37 hyphenated verb, adjectives and nouns. The author of the 2006 Page #105 know about nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives -but there are sophisticated 2008 Page #106
ion to tear down part of the fence adjoining the cattle guard on your prope 2005 Page #156 aract= between spaces, stripped of adjoining punctuation fb,-tl'i"UI i(OO i 2008 Page #118
e funded research at UNLV to study adjunct modalities for cancer treatments 2006 Page #206
eral seconds for the men's eyes to adjust, but when they did, a large machi 2004 Page #48
utions n No panic — We are already adjusted to ETs □ It is not a secret any 2003 Page #188
ntagon in 2001: ■ $4.4 tnlfion in "adjustments· to the Pentagon's books had 2007 Page #53
maintain status quo while society adjusts current belief systems to accomm 2006 Page #67
ss, consider this: General Ramey's adjutant, Thomas Jefferson DuBose, who i 2004 Page #142 al Services, Office of the Command Adjutant, Headquarters Air Defense Comma 2004 Page #224 as Jan Aldrich, a former Assistant Adjutant for the U.S. Army. Aldrich poin 2006 Page #15 s in Florida. It was 1967 when the Adjutant GeneraJ's Office at MacDiU AFB 2007 Page #94 oned Officer's Club telephoned the Adjutant General's Office for permission 2007 Page #95 Force photographs available at the Adjutant General's Library at MacDill. A 2007 Page #95
• . 1,b, m,•nrn, n,11 :t: 2_ · l!r.adlC'nt multiplkd b_, .. ;,-. ; i ~ tbc 2005 Page #21
"track" came to be known as Aktion Adlerjlug or Operation Eagle Flight. It 2008 Page #136
OD a dost-bold bllls 'Dday formal aDllOIDlrtffltJII or 1111y decision -·-: 2008 Page #154
explosive bomb, the other In the r.adlo~ct.l\·i!'.y Nl.)'~. from common sub 2009 Page #184
■1' ~~~~~c::::::;: ::: • n-.,?..o:adLt~nUFO~ ■ ! t • Po!:::d Cm: ct f:M~". 2009 Page #141
ual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference Adm. Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter Dr. Vanneva 2004 Page #203 9 PapercLip-relat ed document from Adm. Hillenkoeter, then Director of Cent 2005 Page #125 shred documents from the vault of Adm.iral Frederick H. M.ichaelis, who wa 2005 Page #130 e admiral was a personal friend of Adm.iral Bobby Inman (who, between 1974 2005 Page #130 roject (Code; "SEAL PROJECT11) for Adm. Halsey. Working with an Australian 2009 Page #176
o court would be the equivalent of admfrcing they were in the wrong. Reich, 2005 Page #101
paranoid schizophrenic, thls while admfrting their finrung was "not based o 2005 Page #101
Science and Technology • GUGK:Main Admin. For Geodesy and Cartography • IMB 2004 Page #157 erent earlier job, not the systems admin job. 1 kept in couch with him and 2007 Page #84
g detailed observations, but it is admined that his story has bizarre eleme 2005 Page #165
e used in case First Aid had to be administered to any EBEs found at crash 2006 Page #19 e example of Iodine which could be administered for first aid purposes for 2006 Page #19 ately available. First Aid will be administered by Medical Corps personnel 2006 Page #19 medications of any kind are to be administered as the effect of terrestria 2006 Page #19 at substances could or couldn't be administered. This indicates that in the 2006 Page #19 f some of the drugs and technology administered seems to demonstrate a link 2006 Page #116 ds for the lie detector test to be administered. As of this writing, it is 2006 Page #188 n was so b1g_that it could_ not be administered by one organization, so it 2007 Page #10
RDA -Energy Research & Development Administrati on responsible for nuclear 2007 Page #168
e a "need to know" when it came to administrating first aid to injured EBEs 2006 Page #19
, 16. National Archives and Record Administration photography, RG145, Can 1 2003 Page #39 ence National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) ill 4. ARCHIVES AN 2003 Page #168 (NARA) ill 4. ARCHIVES ANO RECORDS ADMINISTRATION DO NOT REMOV I—o 3 | Z / 2003 Page #168 All the information from the past administration has been removed and the 2003 Page #189 investigation going on within this administration Mr. Vice President with r 2003 Page #202 ind other examples from the Truman administration or related military comma 2003 Page #209 .S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration in order to determine the 2004 Page #8 .S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration to investigate the case. 2004 Page #8 sner to share about why the Truman Administration allegedly authorized a cl 2004 Page #61 f the Roswell incident the Clinton Administration declared it to be. The mi 2004 Page #133 ncident during President Clinton's administration? What prompted not one bu 2004 Page #140 us during President Bill Clinton's administration, requires a belief that t 2004 Page #144 ead extraterrestrials. The Clinton Administration, which had an excellent r 2004 Page #147 W: Center of Flight Control • UNKS Administration of Chief of Space Means • 2004 Page #157 pt part of an effort by the Reagan administration to release information an 2004 Page #192 maybe not — that during the Reagan administration I met with Bob Scott and 2004 Page #192 f the government during the Reagan administration. They all claimed they wa 2004 Page #194 early and often during the Reagan administration. It was also the theme of 2004 Page #195 ents were leaked under the Clinton administration. 1 have not yet found an 2004 Page #196 things happened during the Clinton administration which shows that Bill and 2004 Page #196 opment Board during the Eisenhower administration; he later served as Presi 2004 Page #224 ter of the World Wings held in the Administration Building at Lunken Airpor 2005 Page #43 iple rimes by the Federal Aviation Administration f1ying through controlled 2005 Page #82 Brady and the FDA The Federal Drug Administration began to build ics case a 2005 Page #93 lian offices within the Eisenhower Administration, and the Tucson-based Ins 2005 Page #99 s are as follows. The Federal Drug Administration had begun accumulating in 2005 Page #101 l 1969, took an active hand in the administration of that information . 2005 Page #174 autics After a 1969 Nixon "Purge," administration was handled by an interna 2005 Page #175 01 passage: 4.e. Establishment and administration of covert operations to b 2006 Page #18 retary of HUD during the Bush (41) administration Asks to see the budget. D 2006 Page #32 ave been avoided. Federal Aviation Administration air traffic controllers h 2006 Page #83 the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). After extensive r 2006 Page #87 rted them to the Civil Aeronautics Administration. It was also stated, "One 2006 Page #94 lly requested CDC involvement. The administration had made severe budget cu 2006 Page #110 ce sources contend that the Truman Administration ordered a strict policy o 2006 Page #139 t. It is the current policy of the Administration that no other foreign cou 2006 Page #140 t operated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in 1962.) Paul got 2006 Page #151 apan, seen from ship He was in the Administration building with two other m 2006 Page #157 watched as Toppen ran by into the administration office that contained the 2006 Page #157 nvestigation, the Federal Aviation Administration office at Bellingham Inte 2006 Page #185 onal Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration. January 21, 1985... Acco 2006 Page #188 ent of respondents blamed the Bush administration a "great deal" or a "mode 2007 Page #40 US National Aeronautics and Space Administration in order to determine the 2007 Page #141 US National Aeronautics and Space Administration to investigate the case. 2007 Page #141 an Government . I acer, the Carter administration created a panel of expert 2007 Page #143 vents, at the height of the Reagan Administration , a quasi-official think- 2008 Page #35 in government " during the Reagan administration by Dick Cheney, Donald Ru 2008 Page #123 the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), is one of the mor 2008 Page #137 support the charge that the Truman administration was filled with 'pinkos.' 2008 Page #141 e Subversion of the Secrets of the Administration , in honor of the Nazi OD 2008 Page #141 has been in force since the Truman Administration which has proven to be th 2009 Page #25 policy should continue in the new administration. Barring unforseen develo 2009 Page #25 actions Kennedy took early in his administration. On February I 9, 1961, K 2009 Page #35 ort its authenticity. Early in his administration , President Kennedy showe 2009 Page #37 operative officials in the Kennedy administration . While Dulles and his si 2009 Page #45 the means to deny any Presidential administration access to UFO files, and 2009 Page #45
, Forrestal is invited to join the administration's so-called brain trust — 2003 Page #86 secrets as required in the Truman Administration's strict order of denial 2004 Page #73 ould also have provoked the Truman Administration's decision to keep all th 2004 Page #80 note ended up in the Food and Drug Administration's case file on Reich. It 2005 Page #99
der both Republican and Democratic administrations, estimates that in 1960 2009 Page #21
: training, technical regulations, administrative publications, organizatio 2003 Page #177 business and I've done it myself: administrative staff would bring me file 2008 Page #62 ted . Accordingly , because of the administrative burden involved in respon 2008 Page #63 l in one go, mainly because of the administrative burden of redacting the f 2008 Page #63
emorandum #271 Sent to James Webb, Administrator, NASA www.majosticdocumont 2003 Page #6 dedicated public servant, skilled administrator and a true American patrio 2003 Page #95 ear and fined $5,000.00: "The NASA administrator is empowered to determine 2006 Page #202 e' is left entirely up to the NASA administrator." This legislation was bur 2006 Page #202 nce. The highest I got was Systems Administrator which I had been after for 2007 Page #82 enjoyed that. M\'v': So a Systems Administrator is the person who controls 2007 Page #83 re ail correct and being a systems administrator I could tell that things w 2007 Page #86 as logged in to that rnachjne with Administrator level access I could remot 2007 Page #87 cheduled and was witnessed by NASA administrator Dan Goldin. Considering th 2008 Page #136 FUNDIN • STRUCTURE WAS: • BIGELOW ADMINISTRATOR • STAFF (1'."ELLEHER, DAV 2008 Page #153 and addressed to James Webb (NASA Administrator). 34 2009 Page #40
on May 22. He then calls hospital administrators and informs them that he 2003 Page #91 here. In a network of machines the administrators have a comment field wher 2007 Page #86 hics and because l knew it was the administrators account and the password 2007 Page #87 hear chat you had lee some network administrators know you had been there. 2007 Page #89 I would leave a note on the system administrators desktop. MW: \Xlhat sort 2007 Page #89
Forces General Staff WO Artillery Admintstration • MirtIstrY of Armaments 2004 Page #155
rence Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter Rear Admiral. Director of CIA -1947 “It is ti 2003 Page #10 ector of the CIA. Truman considers Admiral Souers to be one of his closest 2003 Page #90 ath of James V. Forrestal. By Read Admiral Morton D. Willcutts, head of the 2003 Page #93 d finishes its hearings on May 30, Admiral Willcutts' investigation having 2003 Page #94 of classified UFO material for an Admiral in 1976. Matching the type font 2003 Page #179 active military service, the late Admiral Lord Peter Hill-Norton served as 2004 Page #53 d Peter Hill-Norton served as both Admiral of the Fleet (highest ranking of 2004 Page #53 ual friend that in 1952 you showed Admiral Knowles a piece of a flying sauc 2004 Page #102 s. That is correct. I visited with Admiral Knowles and I had with me a piec 2004 Page #102 at year — 1952. I showed it to the Admiral. It was a piece about twice the 2004 Page #102 began in 1954 when Smith's friend Admiral Herbert Knowles was contacted by 2004 Page #103 been learned by Army G-2 that Rear Admiral Anderson , Director of Naval Int 2005 Page #122 75 to 1978. Bailey stated that the admiral was a personal friend of Adm.ira 2005 Page #130 ence Agency). Ba.iJey recaUed that Admiral Michaelis' duties also included 2005 Page #130 cent investigation also shows that Admiral 1v1ichaelis h.imself had once co 2005 Page #130 ith • States in 1961: • I shred to Admiral Knowles the srnaltioiece of a fl 2006 Page #25 nference Notably, the late British Admiral of the Fleet, Lord Hill-Norton, 2006 Page #133 anuary 1943 under the flag of Rear Admiral Alva D. Bernhard. The new comman 2006 Page #161 line's loveable addition is named Admiral Bird and he arrived in stores we 2007 Page #64 ell Ha1Timan. In 1950, he replaced Admiral Hillenkoetter as Director of Cen 2008 Page #132 Sidney W Souers was a retired rear admiral who in 1946 became the first Dir 2008 Page #133 n various ways were Donald Menzel, Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter (ret.), 2009 Page #25 ass was awarded a Navy citation by Admiral Nimitz and was authorized to wea 2009 Page #164 opac) to place the proposal before Admiral W.F. Halsey, Commander of the So 2009 Page #164 March 1944, which was approved by Admiral Halsey and transmitted by him to 2009 Page #165 Command will be at your disposal. Admiral Halsey's request was examined by 2009 Page #165 ous, can be obtained." Confirmed. "Admiral Halsey's request was examined by 2009 Page #167 March 1944, which was approved by Admiral Halsey and transmitted by him to 2009 Page #170
ore room in the inner vault of the admiral's office, old files were destroy 2005 Page #130
but released on orders of British admiralty under Winston Churchill and wi 2008 Page #125 air ministry, the war office, the admiralty and the ministry of supply all 2009 Page #159 ir Geoffrey Taylor, Adviser to the Admiralty, Professor E.D. Ellis, togethe 2009 Page #170
of true scientific inquiry, what I admire most about Lloyd Pye is his unwav 2006 Page #181
book on real subjects. 1 am a real admirer of the military strangely enough 2007 Page #81
o pronounced during the Eisenhower Admirustration, that more than eight ton 2005 Page #87 se bureaucrats at the Federal Drug Admirustration had targeted hjm as a mer 2005 Page #87
e seen things of that kind... This admission of a sighting, and a promise C 2003 Page #196 a very hard rime holding back the admission of an aJjen presence -since it 2005 Page #85 " From outright denial, to limited admission of a conventional project that 2005 Page #142 eply. (25) Moreover, by Pope's own admission, he had a great deal of inside 2006 Page #131 rty was brushed aside by the tacit admission of freedom beyond a certain al 2009 Page #14
84-in the odd manner that rare UFO admissions can lead to retraction s and 2005 Page #123 would increase. B. Mental hospital admissions would increase. C. The stock 2006 Page #9
ns, they were apparently forced to admit to the other security agencies at 2003 Page #150 ronting the truth. No one likes to admit they were duped. There is, however 2004 Page #219 ncident was just a hoax had to now admit that the bases did exist, but that 2004 Page #220 proponents of the Aztec story will admit — and to cast the Aztec story as o 2004 Page #223 le public discourse by refusing to admit any legitimacy to the topic. \X/ic 2005 Page #76 hJ) classified, even though I will admit there is a lot of it that has been 2005 Page #80 seems our of the question. If you admit to the blackworld technolog y prog 2005 Page #85 rstand what officials today do not admit: humankind is not the only marvelo 2005 Page #117 't know what is going on and can't admit that either. I disagree with both. 2006 Page #8 knew about the U- 2, but dared not admit that they couldn't do anything abo 2006 Page #8 ent would require that governments admit they have been lying through their 2006 Page #10 Defense for the last few weeks to admit things, and they were getting the 2006 Page #126 a "friendly flight" and afraid to admit it? (I doubt that. They "admitted" 2006 Page #173 y organization or person who would admit to "owning" the document. They fou 2006 Page #177 x...only that the source would not admit to it. Zechel's opinion is that th 2006 Page #178 evel of U.S. leadership to finalJy admit that "the game is up", and that th 2007 Page #120 ome flying saucers. " "He wouldn't admit that," said Corbin. "But I got the 2007 Page #133 Marshall have read this and I must admit there is some logic. But I hardly 2008 Page #114 rprisingly dangerous world. I must admit that there is a good deal of under 2009 Page #15
eged diary, in which he supposedly admits that the entire Aztec story was i 2004 Page #221 e journal." Of course, Pflock also admits that "I'm certainly not a handwri 2004 Page #221 and their retrievals. Ryan himself admits that some, perhaps many, of these 2005 Page #119 viet Union in 1959. Though the CIA admits to having established a file on O 2009 Page #44 t does know much more than it ever admits publicly about UFO's. I asked her 2009 Page #88
ing on at the crash site. Joel has admitted that his memory isn't as good a 2003 Page #70 himself from the moving car. Once admitted, it is decided to house Forrest 2003 Page #90 tiate the tale. Pranksters in Iowa admitted they made luminescent hot-air b 2004 Page #28 crash. One was Robbie Hanson, who admitted she had no personal knowledge. 2004 Page #29 d in 1992 he broke his promise and admitted to his family that he had seen 2004 Page #84 tons of hardware. They had readily admitted this to Mr. Smith upon intervie 2004 Page #94 Moore, director of Project Mogul, admitted that the materials used in his 2004 Page #143 cation with EBEs, the citizens are admitted to psychiatric facilities and t 2004 Page #170 onal Security Agency, McGeorge was admitted to the briefing session on UFOs 2004 Page #189 they told? Ford and Bush Sr. have admitted off the record that they were b 2004 Page #197 ey were briefed. They have further admitted that the Holloman Air Force Bas 2004 Page #197 fine shape and hospital officials admitted he would be released soon. • He 2004 Page #204 he Aztec incident was just a hoax, admitted that "it's possible there's som 2004 Page #219 cle, wherein he claims that Scully admitted to him that Gebauer was "Gee," 2004 Page #219 s point, real evidence that can be admitted in any meaningful discussion of 2004 Page #222 be enough to have the document not admitted into evidence. In the field of 2004 Page #243 odels of World War II aircraft and admitted that he had a curiosity about f 2005 Page #44 Naval Research Laboratory finally admitted in 1995 that it had launched a 2006 Page #8 tional Reconnaissance Office first admitted in 2005 that it had launched 7 2006 Page #9 to admit it? (I doubt that. They "admitted" to the press that it was a sin 2006 Page #173 Times and other big news companies admitted they had been covertly working 2007 Page #12 r Division at Stead Air Force Base admitted the power in Eureka was knocked 2008 Page #15 odels of World War II aircraft and admitted that he had a curiosity about f 2009 Page #51 rk , but in the same lecture I had admitted what I did for a living-I was t 2009 Page #88
ker alluding to the same incident, admittedly without too much detail, havi 2004 Page #44 e Photos Combining the "best read (admittedly, a highly subjective effort) 2004 Page #230 egreed professionals are involved. Admittedly their job security is depende 2006 Page #12 professional background, and admittedly , I did not consider the true 2008 Page #56
missed his point. He was actually admitting to this and explaining how it 2003 Page #147
rested how a note left to a system admjn can bring down the entire military 2007 Page #90
zoo event" was; even though it was admjued chat on no less than "several hu 2007 Page #144
rst .A.mong Eqw.!s ■ The R.e'.lgan Adml!Ustrat:Jon ■ Big Brother Grows Up ■ 2008 Page #163
by other militaries, and severely admonished him, demanding that he leave 2005 Page #37 turn up next?," we're asked, then admonished to "be alert," and ro "Seay t 2007 Page #62 instant win contest. The copy also admonished kids and their parents to "Se 2007 Page #63 aliens -illegal and otherwise, are admonished to "Learn English -the most p 2007 Page #67 d from General Electric and Sanyo, admonished photographers. "Always be rea 2007 Page #71
- Tem wCTI -with-you auoh^xporta , adMsors and juiristants as you doom noao 2003 Page #216
r that yarn are an a fact-Hartl ng adnaian asad tta& kfco felt ed Statea On 2003 Page #226
that the Roswell Incident is much ado about nothing — or rather much ado a 2004 Page #133 ado about nothing — or rather much ado about some Scotch tape and crash dum 2004 Page #133
outh of the town, in a traditional adobe house with a weU in the front yard 2005 Page #153
ubsequent generations of child and adolescent psychiatrists. The number of 2008 Page #140
ded German Army Intelligence Agent Adolf Hitler, who reported to Captain Ka 2008 Page #126
products, as many people begin to adopt higher ideas about life. Over time 2006 Page #60 al order would plummet. Many would adopt a fatalistic attitude: try to keep 2006 Page #65 ecules are fairly flexible and can adopt a number of subtly different shape 2006 Page #114 matter and, where necessary, shall adopt appropriate measures for this purp 2008 Page #36 pretend to be anything or anybody, adopt any philosophy , tell any lie, ste 2008 Page #126
ally fooled the investigators, who adopted the data as genuine. When the tr 2004 Page #123 he retired in 1989 to raise his 2 adopted children with his wife Roberta w 2005 Page #174 he pseudonym of James Prescott was adopted as a tribute to his fallen colle 2006 Page #128 ff the shores of Lummi Island (his adopted home) in June 1984. But he had l 2006 Page #180 cks. Needless to say, the measures adopted to maintain national security in 2008 Page #25 od.36 The codeword "wet" was later adopted by the Soviet KGB and other inte 2009 Page #43 the Haruaki Gulf, New Zealand was adopted. It was reasonably close to Auck 2009 Page #165
l manner of envelopes and packages adorned with official emblems and stamps 2004 Page #11
eed Advanced Development Projects (ADP), the famed Skunk Works. Some of the 2006 Page #84 e stamps even included the letters ADP. Part numbers bore a "20" prefix fol 2006 Page #84 mbers. For example, a part with an ADP stamp and number 20F123-1 RH would c 2006 Page #84
.. But it was not from Earth. From Adrian Bustinza, former C and D Flight S 2004 Page #50 former C and D Flight Supervisor. Adrian stood next to Larry in the field 2004 Page #50 en page interview in the book with Adrian Bustinza, another former Bentwate 2004 Page #56 et and called him at his home in . Adrian backed up most of Larry Warren's 2004 Page #56 Halt gave John Burroughs and Sgt. Adrian Bustinza pem1ission to go closer 2008 Page #84 er 26, with Jim Penniston, or with Adrian Bustinza on the early morning of 2008 Page #84 sergeant and he was Mexican (Sgt. Adrian Bustinza) . He was coming up towa 2008 Page #89 the craft (Col. Charles Halt, Sgt. Adrian Bustinza and Airman I st Class Jo 2008 Page #89 ; Master Sergeant Bobby Ball; Sgt. Adrian Bustinza and Airman I st Class Jo 2009 Page #69 John Burroughs. John Burroughs and Adrian Bustinza both remember falling to 2009 Page #69 Halt and other men, including Sgt. Adrian Bustinza. We saw something like l 2009 Page #79 cleared me to go forward with Sgt. Adrian Bustinza, who had a radio and he 2009 Page #79 WSA (Weapons Storage Area) tower. Adrian and I were nmning towards the obj 2009 Page #79 I were nmning towards the object. Adrian went down 73 2009 Page #79 e and I'm just standing there with Adrian behind me. I went back towards Ad 2009 Page #80 ian behind me. I went back towards Adrian and he told me that whatever the 2009 Page #80 8, 1980} Right then in the forest, Adrian didn't tell me, but when I talked 2009 Page #80 dn't tell me, but when I talked to Adrian on the phone a few years later, h 2009 Page #80 ght appeared to pull me up inside. Adrian also told me that he did not fall 2009 Page #80
S. Energ) Research and Development Adrrurustration. ls that what attracted 2007 Page #164
systems; and the weapon systems In adrution to these systems, the actual ma 2005 Page #162
effect of such print and broadcast ads they feel, is to placate society by 2007 Page #59 idely used? Do otherwis e innocent ads for technological produces and servi 2007 Page #59 947 UFO incident. A number of such ads appeared in the July issue of The Rl 2007 Page #60 icity missing from most UFO-themed ads. 55 2007 Page #61 ur cats and dogs from alien-themed ads and promotions. ln 1984 the pet food 2007 Page #66 t popular and hjghly visible print ads of 1992 employed an alien to sell it 2007 Page #68 g in their ongoing series of print ads. 'Absolut Roswe!J' depicted a vodka 2007 Page #71 entity.' The pair of Levi Strauss ads were filmed in a grainy black and wl 2007 Page #75 ack to the Levi-Strauss television ads. 69 2007 Page #75 logy have appeared in some upscale ads, but no actual insider knowledge has 2007 Page #76 ut all of them, though I found the ads run by information services, technol 2007 Page #76 t seriouslv. UFO and alien-related ads allow me to do both. J s there a cov 2007 Page #77 though that UFO and alien-related ads wi!J continue to visit the pages and 2007 Page #77
. Nol a single pho(OQI"~ ra:ord of adual oomba e11er ma,ag ed lo be made by 2009 Page #151
ont of the heel than the narrowest adult shoe sold (AAAA). Small Sole As wa 2003 Page #49 an hieroglyphics. Jim felt that an adult man could have easily stood up ins 2003 Page #60 entered by officers, not made for adult humans By September the object dis 2006 Page #29 eater than twice that of the usual adult of their height-weight ranges. The 2006 Page #110 thought anything of it. But as an adult, and being an operaror, l can say 2007 Page #126 o bend under its weight. Child and adult witness accounts have the diameter 2009 Page #135
ls associated with being away from adults, it was a routine outing for us. 2005 Page #154 d a list of five healthy, youthful adults, all expiring from an acute respi 2006 Page #110 DY, \Y/AS THERE. DID YOU, AS YOUNG ADULTS, FEEL AFRAID OF THE MAN WHO TURNE 2007 Page #171 NDY Ai'\JD REBECCA, YOU WERE YOUNG ADULTS THEN. HJ\ VE YOU EVER TALKED ABOU 2007 Page #172 ng programs for children and young adults. One of the most popular programs 2008 Page #57
Poll surveyed nearly six thousand adults' and dealt with the relationships 2006 Page #197
de betoN IVell 'l,' rauS the great adv:inces in very sh()Tt J •radio wave, 2009 Page #182
gents here are ( sa]d to have b~en adv'i.~_ed that the K~emLin believe~ the 2009 Page #177
t to these new ones and ultimately advance the reasonable conclusion that a 2003 Page #21 any. The journey he had been on to advance toward the tightly-held-secrets 2003 Page #147 done more than anyone to build and advance the field of alien abduction res 2004 Page #58 , laser and cancer, all of the R&D advance research — ARPA kind of projects 2004 Page #182 film wruJe on active duty long in advance of Santilli's ownership. Above: 2005 Page #147 that aliens have technology far in advance of Earthling technology. Their v 2006 Page #5 FO "WHY?" QUESTIONS 0. They may be advance men seeking the best site for a 2006 Page #8 he was part of a highly classified advance team for crash retrievals that w 2006 Page #18 scribed in SOM1-01. As part of the advance team attending crash retrieval s 2006 Page #19 he UFO suggests they must have had advance notice that the crassh was going 2006 Page #125 al security" have often done so co advance narrow commercial interests, not 2007 Page #36 oing it less to protect us than to advance their own commercial interests. 2007 Page #36 u would need to know about them in advance and have been given an account o 2007 Page #89 ey don't want to give me a £15,000 advance until they know that 1 am going 2007 Page #92 e was $2 million which was used to advance his political career. "The Treas 2008 Page #141 s the most important and strategic advance in history. Details of this and 2009 Page #17
es are from some other technically advanced civilization. ” USAF pilot and 2003 Page #14 arold Puthoff, Ph.D. Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin “The possibil 2003 Page #15 ime interstellar travel, either by advanced extraterrestrial civilizations 2003 Page #15 Agreement by which the British are advanced millions of tons of badly-neede 2003 Page #86 l's gradual undoing. With the most advanced, awesome defense establishment 2003 Page #89 . S. government was to get as much advanced extraterrestrial technology as 2003 Page #102 might reduce the advantage" of the advanced and potentially threatening non 2003 Page #102 h Con'erance raa^shcdoevraenls com Advanced Study Group Air Materiel Comman 2003 Page #160 cinating title of"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable 2003 Page #169 c if general knowledge o Danger if advanced technology falls into hands of 2003 Page #172 ere challenged by non- terrestrial advanced technologies; • government insi 2004 Page #61 iders saw on radar and photographs advanced aerial devices that could easil 2004 Page #61 ment insiders were shocked that an advanced beam technology can lift up and 2004 Page #61 ory. It was by every definition an advanced foreign weapons system. Effort 2004 Page #65 was to aggressively bring down the advanced discs for study and potentially 2004 Page #65 is book, Col. Corso describes many advanced technologies that the United St 2004 Page #78 the world, would panic. Also, the advanced technologies needed to be kept 2004 Page #79 at Dr. Walker thought UFOs were so advanced only those with the "mind of Ei 2004 Page #99 s'? Shary-Shagan • SDI apparatus • Advanced Optical Weaponry • State of the 2004 Page #162 oduce a series of documentaries on advanced projects in the militay such as 2004 Page #181 ng to do, but for which she had no advanced knowledge M' NC= Dor raucAr • S 2004 Page #207 nd communication •~ny sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable 2005 Page #4 ND HOSTILE ACTS ■ Reconnaissance ■ Advanced propulsion systems ■ Superior m 2005 Page #9 ith many production sites for very advanced aircraft), sightings of silent 2005 Page #82 ests there is a great deal of very advanced aviation technology not onJy at 2005 Page #83 nt clearance. They saw many highly advanced aircraft, inclucling one of the 2005 Page #83 tics counter that any civilization advanced enough to develop interstellar 2005 Page #120 rstellar space travel would be too advanced to notice crude radio signals w 2005 Page #120 lled them in a 1942 memo. Why such advanced extraterrestrial craft would tr 2005 Page #120 he simplest thought is that highly advanced civilizations are not perfect, 2005 Page #121 but also the danger of having such advanced 12 This memorandum and, by far, 2005 Page #128 tually all of these cases couJd be advanced and moved much closer to a firm 2005 Page #134 ntent of "reverse engineering" the advanced technology found in the alien c 2005 Page #161 t even possible to comprehend such advanced technology much less to attempt 2005 Page #161 and crash-landed on earth despite advanced technology. Some of our most ad 2005 Page #161 anced technology. Some of our most advanced aircraft, including the F-117 A 2005 Page #161 to examine the vehicle for new and advanced technolog y with a view toward 2005 Page #162 ready concluded that the UFOs were advanced aircraft or spacecraft , which 2005 Page #166 Glenn ·Martin's vice-president of advanced design, G.S. Trimble, predicted 2005 Page #173 et the 1995 debut of Boeing's most advanced jetliner, the 777, still uses t 2005 Page #173 think that there are probably many advanced civilizations within our local 2006 Page #5 y reasonable assumption that every advanced civilization is concerned about 2006 Page #8 ho can come here, must be far more advanced technologically than are we, si 2006 Page #10 of EBE physiology had considerably advanced since 1954 when no substances w 2006 Page #19 2 Group projects by attending more advanced training, and not leaving MJ-12 2006 Page #24 oy telepathy, telekinesis or other advanced/arcane powers that imply the ab 2006 Page #53 ail. Military command and control, advanced weapons systems and every kind 2006 Page #62 mmodate new realities. Displays of advanced technology, seeming magical to 2006 Page #67 hat is centuries or millennia more advanced than ourselves. Perhaps beings 2006 Page #70 gned, by engineers from Lockheed's Advanced Development Projects division ( 2006 Page #72 authorized history of the Lockheed Advanced Development Projects division) 2006 Page #79 ed inspection stamps from Lockheed Advanced Development Projects (ADP), the 2006 Page #84 itize the site in order to protect advanced materials and design configurat 2006 Page #86 just one science "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable 2006 Page #101 d in the Villas-Boas case suggests advanced chemical technology application 2006 Page #116 merican military interactions with advanced aerial discs and their non-huma 2006 Page #139 to Las Vegas while he studied more advanced radar technology in 1964 to 196 2006 Page #151 ve gone wrong. WHY WOULD SOMETHING ADVANCED, LET'S SAY IN TECHNOLOGY AND MI 2006 Page #155 t these people might be seeing was advanced terrestrial technology that was 2006 Page #199 ight appear to a more peaceful and advanced civilization that has already c 2007 Page #37 tic reprogramming How might a more advanced civilization respond to the hum 2007 Page #37 two avenues where change might be advanced. One is in the area of technolo 2007 Page #38 roond capacities. Northrop Grumman Advanced Systems Division. Tejon RCS Fac 2007 Page #56 hat ASi\1[L is "Imaging for a more advanced civilization." "\'(/here will t 2007 Page #62 us? "They're looking for the most advanced imaging system on earth." Envir 2007 Page #62 ber one brand for digital cameras, advanced gaming functions and business n 2007 Page #70 eople were saying that we had such advanced technolo gy then we could put i 2007 Page #85 It's entirely possible that a more advanced prototype VTOL variant (possibl 2007 Page #109 - the undisputed leader in hjghly advanced aircraft technology. The Me-262 2007 Page #111 signs. Indeed, the Germans were so advanced, that in 1944 they flew a six e 2007 Page #111 s. There is also the potential for advanced technology discoveries that mig 2007 Page #121 y governments could currently have advanced technology and Extraterrestrial 2007 Page #127 governments feel they can keep the advanced technology secret from other na 2007 Page #127 urn for prorruses of giving humans advanced technology. Here's a summary of 2007 Page #127 ts, it seems highly plausible that advanced civilizations have achieved int 2007 Page #184 ology permits. But are we the most advanced race in the universe? 2) What i 2007 Page #184 at if an ET race is 100 years more advanced than us? 1,000? 100,000? I mill 2007 Page #184 tly in excess of those of our most advanced military aircraft, intriguing p 2008 Page #68 e. Indeed, the possibility that an advanced vehicle from another world was 2008 Page #100 journeying to Tunguska and finding advanced technology that is then incorpo 2008 Page #103 analyzing radar systems, and using advanced technology to help make the spa 2008 Page #104 iative to contact the Institute of Advanced Studies in Princeton and had th 2008 Page #106 plea in slide 15. The Institute of Advanced Studies also provided Ryan Wood 2008 Page #107 e~:cracerres::ria:.. peop:..e more advanced t.echnolog1.cally and economica 2008 Page #113 . J. Roben Oppenheimer Director of Advanced Studies Princeton, New Jersey I 2008 Page #114 22 documents from the Institute of Advanced Studies, some in German, some h 2008 Page #116 14 documents from the Institute of Advanced Studies ■Cooper: first 30 pages 2008 Page #116 d with the Institute ■"Director of Advanced Studies" is wrong ■ Hypercorrec 2008 Page #118 through which they gained new and advanced technology. Interestingly, the 2008 Page #130 rd Globalist-supported researchers advanced the Gemrnn Nazis' plan to drug 2008 Page #140 lle Memorial Institute, Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Scien 2008 Page #143 be such devices constructed by an advanced civilization sent here to not o 2009 Page #16 s made it abundantly clear that an advanced weapons system was being deploy 2009 Page #17 eparable. Public awareness is more advanced in the case of scientific appli 2009 Page #20 cetime technology . The RPV, using advanced lJFO electronics , may represen 2009 Page #23
MJ-12 and experiencing the career advancement such covert work would bring 2006 Page #21 he 1950s and 1960s that additional advancement was made: several expedition 2008 Page #100 iety, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, National 2008 Page #143
r nations and use it for their own advancements, which is an understandable 2007 Page #127
e past cenrury saw more scientific advances than any preceding it. But perh 2005 Page #87 human scientific and technological advances that could revolutionize or mak 2006 Page #56 of the Hitler Youth. Using German advances in the study of the human mind, 2008 Page #145 dreams were made before the great advances in very short radio waves that 2009 Page #158
les all at hip level and they were advancing on the wooded area. Don said, 2003 Page #71 into the proposal to find ways of advancing our technolog) ' and national 2005 Page #128 ns relating to curiosity about our advancing technology -as well as concern 2008 Page #38 vatives" only to find such leaders advancing Socialist programs such as the 2008 Page #142 ck channel contacts and sources on advancing Soviet and allied progress in 2009 Page #19
development that might reduce the advantage" of the advanced and potential 2003 Page #102 ntually use these beliefs to their advantage. Fifteen days later, early on 2003 Page #145 tion was during war for technology advantage (Nazis, Soviets) • Early genui 2004 Page #122 ecrecy so as to maintain a decided advantage in the scheme of thjngs in the 2005 Page #162 regarding the prospect of national advantage or the threat to national surv 2006 Page #55 in the hope of gaining significant advantage over competitors. Other busine 2006 Page #56 to great lengths to develop inside advantage, with the aim of controlling/p 2006 Page #58 stakeholders demanding insight or advantage, especially government and med 2006 Page #59 o bold or reckless players to gain advantage. Even benevolent NHI could pro 2006 Page #59 erick entrepreneurs to seek access/advantage. Business would be inclined to 2006 Page #61 7, seeking any path to battlefield advantage. Science would also be tasked 2006 Page #62 to cooperate in the effort to find advantage. Maintaining public order woul 2006 Page #62 ent attempt private deals, seeking advantage. Layers of secrecy wouldprolif 2006 Page #63 emptation in many quarters to seek advantage. Fast occurrence would be well 2006 Page #66 ll see clear opportunity for early advantage. - Governments must lead, but 2006 Page #66 risk takers will undoubtedly seek advantage, to the possible serious detri 2006 Page #67 all stakeholders seek any possible advantage, willing to cut any survivable 2006 Page #68 contact could work to humankind's advantage; but because of strangeness, a 2006 Page #69 red. FOR? For purposes of military advantage. I asked him if the U. S. Pres 2006 Page #162 e United States maintains military advantage over our enemies. You accept t 2006 Page #163 ensive neutron bomb Use electronic advantage to introduce smarter RPVs Cons 2009 Page #10 at secrecy was actually of greater advantage to us when we had secrets to k 2009 Page #20 what disquietin g that the Russian advantage lies in the area that is more 2009 Page #21
oves to be more cost effective and advantageous to current intelligence ope 2009 Page #16
d, some, dll, these • MP.modifier (advcrl,)··(1.Jlckly, stJmm.rily, well' ■ 2008 Page #118
the Govm111m1t T TJ'i1,g lo Hidt? Advenrures Unlimited Press, 1995, p. 67- 2005 Page #83
his did not happen since, with the advent of the personal camcorder, hardly 2005 Page #118 , plans were well underway for the advent of Expo '86, the World's Fair to 2006 Page #183
life. Two weeks after thcir vault adventure, Capt. Seeley ordered Tom Shep 2006 Page #160 ts short run Area 2000 was a great adventure. Strange Happenings One of the 2006 Page #204
d 1 know of some of the incredible adventures he has passed through in the 2009 Page #32
. We all know about nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives -but there are sophi 2008 Page #106
h also says that the media have an adversarial relarionsbjp with the govern 2007 Page #8 ng to take the view that there are adversarial relationships between extrat 2007 Page #130
ina were becoming potent Communist adversaries of the capitalist democracie 2006 Page #165 id or comfort to present or future adversaries of the United States? Whal g 2009 Page #12 id or comfort to present or future adversaries of the United States? What g 2009 Page #23 efing document will aid the CIA 's adversaries if it is published outside o 2009 Page #24
boomerangs-instead of hurting our adversary with it we hurt ourselves. The 2009 Page #20
document about individuals having adverse (and fatal) reactions to an alie 2004 Page #17 eir harmful contamination and also adverse changes in the environment of th 2008 Page #36 urnal of the Addictions listed 105 adverse reactions to Ritalin, including 2008 Page #141 aft." With respect to the issue of adverse effects on the part of the human 2009 Page #53
and people in the region had been adversely affected by whatever it was th 2003 Page #163 and people in the region had been adversely affected by whatever it was th 2004 Page #17
as a woman who had faced tragedy, adversity , and illness with determinati 2009 Page #95
arth and tobacco companies proudly advertised their products in print and b 2007 Page #65 an unseen parry. The product being advertised, the company's Dockers panes. 2007 Page #75
t is extrnterrestrialJy tasty." An advertisement placed by the State of Kan 2007 Page #61 e Flying Object.' And while not an advertisement per se, A 1990 article fro 2007 Page #61 the world." In thjs pubEc service advertisement from the city of Singapore 2007 Page #67 ryone ." In another public service advertisement, this one from Great Brita 2007 Page #67 save the universe. " In a related advertisement, two of the Fujitsu Corpor 2007 Page #70
s knowledge ever filter through in advertisements for their products? \Xlhi 2007 Page #59 an a series J of highly successful advertisements in Time, 1\eumveek and ot 2007 Page #61 ne of the first abduction -related advertisements I'm aware of dates back t 2007 Page #71 knowledge ever filtered through in advertisements? Pop culture references t 2007 Page #76 that UFOs and aliens are real -in advertisements and commercials. * * * * 2007 Page #77
nuary 25, 1974. 7. Border Counties Advertiser, January 30, 1974. 8. Phantom 2006 Page #137 be a UFO photo.Ju st below it the advertiser, Upchurch Scientific Filterin 2007 Page #60 es look on from the sideljnes. The advertiser, Connex Railway Timetable Up. 2007 Page #75
ow if aliens keep pets, we do know advertisers do not spare our cats and do 2007 Page #66
case, its alien and UFO reality in advertisi ng vs. UFO and alien reality f 2007 Page #77
minds of some sponsors and/ or the advertisin g executives involved is, why 2007 Page #61 ka either. In 1997 ✓ the company's advertisin g agency gave us yet another 2007 Page #71
. Emenegger had been working as an advertising executive in Los Angeles, an 2004 Page #181 ...... 44 UFO and Alien Imagery in Advertising Peter Robbins .............. 2007 Page #5 UFO and Alien Imagery in Advertising Peter Robbins Copyright 2007 2007 Page #59 co be perennial favorites with the advertising industry in their mission co 2007 Page #59 t UFO and a]jen-related image[) in advertising is pare of a sweeping gO\·er 2007 Page #59 the private seccor, including the advertising indust~·, co assist in a pro 2007 Page #59 s are using chis image[)' in their advertising? Does there seem to be some 2007 Page #59 tic super hero by night." Truth in advertising is not this product's strong 2007 Page #64 ,, •. _.• In 1992 an alien-related advertising campaign was mounted by the 2007 Page #64 hin Suntory or with their American advertising agency, but I'm going to gue 2007 Page #65 foreground. The popularity of this advertising campaign remains high and de 2007 Page #70 o the ground was used in this 2001 advertising campaign . But knowingly or 2007 Page #74 s the EBEs idea originated with an advertising executive whose hobby happen 2007 Page #76 s are using ti-us imagery in their advertising? All types and sizes of comp 2007 Page #76 What we are seeing I, is an advertising industry driven to sell by a 2007 Page #76 e mass media, which counts on drug advertising for a major portion of its r 2008 Page #141 Direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising grew from $79 I million in I 2008 Page #141
d tried to radio back for help and advice, but found that his walkie-talkie 2003 Page #147 fortunatel y, took his counselor's advice. This proved to be a crucial miss 2005 Page #93 represent rumself, and against the advice of some of those closest to rum, 2005 Page #101 n't talk to others about it on the advice of parents and a friend in the st 2005 Page #154 eased. The DIS provided specialist advice and assistance on a number of are 2008 Page #64
comment: "But it is certainly not advisable for police helicopters to go c 2008 Page #67 ::ed; :hey may think .i.c would be advisable to granc it co all others capa 2008 Page #113
lect group of business leaders who advise the President on economic matters 2003 Page #86 oor, though some close to the case advise he be held on a lower level where 2003 Page #90 and willingness to help. They will advise. 3. Request the department check 2004 Page #7 ot see any bodies; however, he did advise his wife that some of the militar 2005 Page #44 e alerted. I was to infbrm but not advise the Prime Minister (Clement Adee 2006 Page #167 probably be your lawyers who would advise on if it would be good or bad for 2007 Page #91 and willingness to help. They will advise. 3. Request the department check 2007 Page #141 gives me no pleasure whatsoever to advise you, the reader, that both of tho 2008 Page #24 a on Soviet nuclear capability and advise the White House and the military 2009 Page #17 with recommendations as to how to advise the President and the NSC of past 2009 Page #25
t, the Bolivian Army and Air Force advised the U.S. Defense Attache Office 2004 Page #9 ps this is foolish," Good's source advised him, "but for many years now I h 2004 Page #15 f the interview, the man initially advised that he had only seen a UFO £lyi 2005 Page #39 they were "not human." He further advised his wife that, with regard to th 2005 Page #44 s discrediting the UFO subject, as advised in the SOM1-01 manual. Dr. Rober 2005 Page #132 ign countries will be consulted or advised. The national security status of 2006 Page #140 nterestingly the next day, we were advised the entire event was a NORAD dri 2006 Page #147 S. This office very confidentially advised by Army Intelligence, Richmond, 2006 Page #174 her planet." Kilgallen was further advised that a report concerning the cra 2007 Page #136 ld Office, New Haven, Connecticut, advised as follows: a. [Deleted]. Bristo 2007 Page #140 his office on December 5, 1960. He advised that at approximately 4.30 pm on 2007 Page #140 in Bristol, Connecticut. [Deleted] advised that as the object neared the gr 2007 Page #140 a delay in automobile traffic. He advised that this occurred in the neighb 2007 Page #140 d at a 240 degree angle. [Deleted] advised that he had no first hand inform 2007 Page #140 t, the Bolivian Army and Air Force advised the US Defense Attache Office th 2007 Page #142 ber 1978 letter, stating: "You are advised that the Air Force can neither c 2008 Page #30 erein However , if authentic, I am advised the statement would be classifie 2008 Page #30 , wrote to Leonard Stringfield and advised him of the followin g: ... Don B 2009 Page #50 e officer was serious. She sternly advised me that these were not men who j 2009 Page #91 The Air Force have confidentially advised that it is possible to release t 2009 Page #178
hard C. Hoagland, a former science adviser to Walter Cronkite and CBS News 2008 Page #134 hese included Sir Geoffrey Taylor, Adviser to the Admiralty, Professor E.D. 2009 Page #170
u will take with you such experts, advisers and assistants as nay be de*ned 2003 Page #213 osed of some eight or ten experts, advisers and assistants. It is suggested 2003 Page #224 u will take with you such experts, advisers and assistants as you deem nece 2003 Page #225 oeed of soae eight or ten experts, advisers and assistants. It is suggested 2003 Page #228 son was surrounded by a coterie of advisers, collective ly known as his "Wi 2008 Page #141 es' cast, and one of its technical advisers, Mark Felt, later confessed to 2009 Page #32
tely to Air Force Intelhgence. CIC advises data strictly confidential and s 2006 Page #174
ks Harbor on Cape Sable Island and advising them to proceed to the crash si 2004 Page #38 on the TOP SECRET Majestic-12 list advising President Truman on the extrate 2004 Page #69 ret letter dared December 30, 1940 advising President Roosevelt co authoriz 2005 Page #92
Technology Desk. LS Army R&D. .NSC advisor On Camera Interview shortly befo 2003 Page #13 th Fisk's statement that he was an advisor to presidents. Fisk has repeated 2003 Page #36 812 Lives In New Mexico, allegedly advisor to presidents. Refuses to respon 2003 Page #36 f Forrestal's and also a financial advisor to Franklin Roosevelt. Not long 2003 Page #85 ond my..." Clark Clifford, a young advisor of Forrestal's and future Attorn 2003 Page #89 estimony of Robert Landry, the Air Advisor to President Truman, may also he 2003 Page #191 Reagan's former national security advisor. One of Steve Greer's disclosure 2003 Page #199 as Reagan's last National Security advisor. He told presidential historian 2003 Page #199 the pass by Bill Clinton's science advisor Dr. Jack Gibbons, a self acclaim 2003 Page #200 claim that he as National Security Advisor to the president was "out of the 2003 Page #200 spiracy, even as National Security advisor, so I didn't know what to say. I 2003 Page #201 senhower was his national security advisor General Robert Cutler. Cutler, l 2004 Page #103 ngfield served as Public Relations Advisor for NICAP, the National Investig 2004 Page #108 ingfield was 1977: he served as an advisor in November of that year to Prim 2004 Page #108 chool of Georgia Tech and Pentagon advisor), and Major Jesse Marcel (the Ro 2004 Page #132 d who was also a longtime Pentagon advisor, did confirm in a letter to auth 2004 Page #147 in the Carter White House. He was advisor for National and International T 2004 Page #188 957 until 1970 as Public Relations Advisor for the Washington, D.C.-based N 2005 Page #139 development, in 1977 he served as advisor to Prime Minister, Sir Eric Gair 2005 Page #139 phere Component and is the special advisor for atmospheric science at the A 2008 Page #75 to the Air Force's UFO program and advisor to the CIA 's Robertson Panel Re 2009 Page #25 rector of Central Intelligence and advisor to the President's National Secu 2009 Page #25 e control of his national security advisor. This was followed on June 28 by 2009 Page #35 ent Eisenhower's National Security Advisor, Robert Cutler, to U.S. Air Forc 2009 Page #35 f the RDB and a leading scientific advisor to Truman. Bush's role is signif 2009 Page #36 ver to Kennedy's national security advisor, McGeorge Bundy and the Departme 2009 Page #37 t control of his National Security Advisor had been dismissed. While Dulles 2009 Page #40
one of his closest confidants and advisors. On April 23 the President visi 2003 Page #90 d contacts between him and his top advisors with the information Stan Gordo 2003 Page #193 ists and assistants" vs. "experts, advisors and assistants" Concerns Abouf 2003 Page #207 industry and finance. . ■ And your advisors by the Council on Foreign Relat 2007 Page #54 e the White House and the military advisors at all our embassies on what we 2009 Page #17
Atomic Energy Commission; National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics; and O 2003 Page #99 al Intelligence Group Intelligence Advisory Board November 14-16,2003 Las V 2003 Page #157 elligence Group (CIG) Intelligence Advisory Board IAB, held its 14th meetin 2003 Page #157 thn General Advisory G»tM»ittea «f th a Atemie Kaorg 2003 Page #234 the RAND Corporation, the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics (NACA) 2004 Page #63 Hunsaker, Chairman of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NASA 2004 Page #69 r, Jr., Executive Secretary of the Advisory Committee on \V/eather Control 2005 Page #97 ect result of the President's 1953 Advisory Committee on Weather Control. . 2005 Page #99 ouncil and a member of the Medical Advisory Board of the Atomic Energy Comm 2007 Page #75 d to be a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Brookha ven Na 2007 Page #75 il and was a member of the medical advisory board of the Atomic Energy Comm 2008 Page #133 ush and also was on the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Brookhaven Nat 2008 Page #133 ute of Technology and the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. In 1 2008 Page #133 (1'."ELLEHER, DAV IS. 01 • SCIENCE ADVISORY BOARD -..--...-""'-... --, • CO 2008 Page #153 CONTENTS SHOULD BE REGARDED AS AN ADVISORY AND NO CLASSIFICATION HAS BEEN 2009 Page #23 PREPARED BY MJ-12 GROUP TECHNICAL ADVISORY PANEL (MTAP-12) FOR USE BY: EME 2009 Page #26 chairman of the Zealand munitions advisory board and director of scientifi 2009 Page #157
nstead, Stringfield was a forceful advocate to the end, writing books, spea 2005 Page #139 He is now a very big human rights advocate and helps people with awbvard c 2007 Page #91 he Air Force's Office of the Judge Advocate General, Colonel James Johnson, 2008 Page #30 fense-including Nick Pope, a major advocate of the idea that some UFOs are 2008 Page #33 May 757 piece, Teller is a strong advocate for a civil defense program tha 2009 Page #10
size was established in 1951, LASL advocated that the Air Force conduct dro 2009 Page #92
ole in the case of the pro-Roswell advocates. It seems convincing, too, unt 2004 Page #222 but universal. A minority of peace advocates will try to counter religious 2006 Page #68 l also emerge. A minority of peace advocates will try to counter religious 2006 Page #69 sophy or system of government that advocates or exercises a dictatorship of 2008 Page #124
, a virulent version of Socialism advocating public ownership of all means 2008 Page #124
aaad at aaaa wight ar taa. o^wrta, adwlaara aad aaalataatWo It la aaggaatad 2003 Page #220
n will take with yen enah aapexta, adwlaera and anaistasta aa yon daaa aeee 2003 Page #226
aad rajart hartt witkla a MKtk or adx waka* ■» la gaaarall/ ftflfar with a 2003 Page #220 altaatlaa — rayarl teak a —alk ar adx waata, to 1* faamlly faaillar »1M tk 2003 Page #221
hc;r-: m ms try, the w~r oWcc, the ad• hi . · I , 1 b' • mlral!y and U,e ml 2009 Page #182
eaiaa yea artel* aartawer te atate ae aaartaaly aa ynaaiMa yocs? co^saha ef 2003 Page #215 ese recoaaendations have seampd to ae to be based upon an unrealistic or in 2003 Page #228 h article ie eeparately identified ae to eource. Although the two article' 2004 Page #19 vate sector' • (Paaphrase). 'There ae may in the inteihgence corrminty viti 2006 Page #27 had been committed 0• unidentified ae,ial ofvecls, which landed where nucle 2007 Page #176 n earth (if that state should in the future ::.o send explorers to 2008 Page #113
oyd. The object fell down into the aea with a deafenina sound, according to 2004 Page #19
y under study by AMC, AFSWP, NEPA, AEC, ONR, NACA, JRDB, RAND, USAAF SAG an 2003 Page #28 h may have involved the Army, FBI, AEC and Navy. Slide 21 provides a detail 2003 Page #173 Mexico..." vs. "China" and "Sandia AEC" vs. "Korea." • "Such experts, techn 2003 Page #207 proceed on a brief trip to Sandia AEC facility" yet Sandia is in New Mexic 2003 Page #207 ked documents we learn that Sandia AEC is where the core of the "neutronic 2003 Page #207 vered from the powerplant." Sandia AEC headquarters were right there at Kir 2003 Page #207 ? n n brie*' trip to t1-.'' Sandia AEC facility to make an appraise!. or hr 2003 Page #214 ** L The BLACk box* WAS *value tac AEC mer Equipment (MN) device IN THE BLA 2004 Page #229 *** SEND ***TIONS RecovEr IS ORDER AEC ***** (MN) ** * weabl* SAID SEND MIS 2004 Page #229 held this job until 1953 until the AEC no longer considered him reliable an 2004 Page #249 ■ With Roswell, Special Forces and AEC (1947) The agencies did not share {" 2005 Page #5 d by the Atomjc Energy Commjssion (AEC) at the Nevada Proving Ground from 1 2005 Page #39 e was on special assignment to the AEC at the atomic proving ground in Neva 2005 Page #41 ge from Kirtland AFB stating that "AEC, AFS\VP, 4th Arm), [and] local comma 2005 Page #74 have been sighted over the Hanford AEC Plant," and that "Air Force jets att 2005 Page #74 "13. In the opinion of the senior AEC medical officer, current medical equ 2006 Page #105 .. ., ~ ~:1aa..-l"!\e ,.____ ~--.. aec :.s:.~i.4 •r.rl.Nd u,,,,,&.. c. a. u 2008 Page #22 0 by the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC): 21 2008 Page #27 ly over [emphasis mine] Oak Ridge. AEC Security Division Chief at Oak Ridge 2008 Page #28 m Knoxville, altitude 40,000 feet. AEC Security Division Chief checked with 2008 Page #28 opinions of the Security Division, AEC Oak Ridge; Security Branch, NEPA [Nu 2008 Page #28 raft project] Division, Oak Ridge; AEC Security Patrol, Oak Ridge; FBI Knox 2008 Page #28
At the AEC's Nevada Test Site was a man who als 2008 Page #9
ave apparently made of much of the AECI8 file material since 6,014 items ar 2006 Page #104
dwlaera and anaistasta aa yon daaa aeeeoeary te the affkel hare of year nla 2003 Page #226
The United Stales Go1-m1111ml , 1\/aef Scimtisls, and Pro.Jed Paperrlip, 19 2005 Page #125
r;r.ArED Hl.C:.$&,O Y.:Xtoe: o,.,a aEFC,lttT TC-,a.&N0£1: , •~ ~£Ast• , 1/J 2009 Page #126
the MRE should be placed under the aegis of a civil authority, and on 1 Apr 2006 Page #123
otoreres the WC Pgra) — formers W. aegrodve of degri, auras, tor orgeto. 24 2006 Page #35
rplanetary origin" “unconventional aerial phenomenon" Liabilities: no paper 2003 Page #26 t to roads at the time. Historical aerial photography is available for 32 2003 Page #36 ions, identified by dowsers in the aerial photography have not yet been vis 2003 Page #37 ll take a review of the historical aerial photography to verify these fires 2003 Page #37 re call logs is planned along with aerial photography and ground surveys. A 2003 Page #38 reckage, new witnesses, historical aerial photography, soil samples or arch 2003 Page #38 with find) Section 4 The fly-over Aerial view of gap on ground Discussion 2003 Page #44 ensive technical report on unknown aerial objects. It is important to remem 2003 Page #88 ecretary of Defense: "...they (the aerial occupants) must have been satisfi 2003 Page #89 witness. Bennewitz had joined the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization i 2003 Page #143 its to the site behind the scenes. Aerial photographs of Mount Weather show 2003 Page #194 nalysis of Reports of Unidentified Aerial Object., 'shish was pre- pared by 2004 Page #18 ee parson was authorised to 144kv• aerial of ti.... JODICIRITILS UPCIAT SAT 2004 Page #20 e "airship" but also as "the great aerial wanderer," the "flying jenny" and 2004 Page #32 erer," the "flying jenny" and the "aerial monster." The correspondent in Wo 2004 Page #32 aft and have a look around from an aerial position to be able to see those 2004 Page #53 and Office of Naval Research about aerial discs that crashed in the Roswell 2004 Page #60 on radar and photographs advanced aerial devices that could easily keep pa 2004 Page #61 rockets and all other human- made aerial vehicles; • government insiders w 2004 Page #61 Force orders to shoot down foreign aerial discs at the end of the 1940s. Bu 2004 Page #65 United States about "unidentified aerial vehicles" and entities. One of th 2004 Page #69 d intelligence units had retrieved aerial vehicles described as "extraterre 2004 Page #69 ed about the early detection of an aerial disc by Top Secret radar bases in 2004 Page #70 as they were found with a crashed aerial vehicle at a site on the northern 2004 Page #79 tional Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena. He also served on the 2004 Page #108 her with the usual cover-up, of an aerial battle with three UFOs in Septemb 2004 Page #130 ICA ON THE SUBJECT OF UNIDENTIFIED AERIAL VEHICLES." 190 2004 Page #193 ship, are convinced these strange aerial objects are not optical illusions 2004 Page #206 e Evidence of Legend • VI. Similar Aerial Phenomena • VII. The Sightings • 2004 Page #245 d flying objects or unconventional aerial weapons is a subject matter under 2004 Page #252 vidence of UFOs and Unconventional Aerial Weapons (UAW) as a national secur 2004 Page #254 laims there was a crash of an Eben aerial craft near Kingman, Arizona in 19 2005 Page #45 0, 1953, some kind of urudentified aerial craft allegedly crashed in a dese 2005 Page #51 Forest ... SLIDE# 2 June 11, 1953 Aerial photo of triangular pattern ... a 2005 Page #51 the two-dozen large high altitude aerial photos of the triangular feature 2005 Page #60 , -•ll!l'J SLIDE# 28 High altitude aerial image of triangle feature in lake 2005 Page #60 1999 by Steve Jones to examine the aerial photographs of the peculiar trian 2005 Page #61 und in the basement along with the aerial photographs of the triangle. /JU. 2005 Page #62 !- SLIDE# 39 Copy of original 1953 aerial phoro N[iller showed Steve the tw 2005 Page #65 a grid around the triangle. \Xlhat aerial vehicle took the photographs and 2005 Page #65 IS BRAND NEW WITH NEW LOCKS. ''The aerial photographs were taken with the i 2005 Page #66 s lake bed being the center of the aerial photographs." OVERLAY: 1953 AERIA 2005 Page #66 aerial photographs." OVERLAY: 1953 AERIAL IMAGE -ZOOM TO TIGHT CLOSE-UP 64 2005 Page #66 Crash "They took a grid pattern of aerial photographs on June 11, 1953, abo 2005 Page #67 If you rake a look at not only the aerial phorographs that were taken - l s 2005 Page #67 24 inches x 24 inches, single shot aerial photograph s on old photographic 2005 Page #67 IN DRES LAKE BED-\~ide "I've seen aerial photographs before as early as th 2005 Page #67 n." OVERLAY TIGHT ON 1953 TRIANGLE AERIAL PHOTO 65 2005 Page #67 ring feature.' \Xie showed him the aerial photographs . \Y,/e took him out 2005 Page #70 atural phenomena or known types of aerial vehicles." These sorts of memos c 2005 Page #74 tiaircraft guns at a large unknown aerial object suspended in the beams of 2005 Page #121 ent files regarding unconventional aerial phenomenon reported since 1897 an 2005 Page #123 incident but cites "unconventional aerial phenomenon reported since 1897." 2005 Page #123 tional Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena . He also served on the 2005 Page #139 sthand Testimonies About Non-Human Aerial Craft and Entities Linda Moulton 2006 Page #3 atterson AFB to compare historical aerial photography from 1948, 1952 and p 2006 Page #46 tains are haunted by many types of aerial phenomena, including the spectral 2006 Page #119 ) And only hours later, an unusual aerial object was seen by David Upton at 2006 Page #120 e, another account links anomalous aerial phenomena and strange, humanoid c 2006 Page #128 sthand Testimonies About Non-Human Aerial Craft and Entities Linda Moulton 2006 Page #139 policy to shoot down unidentified aerial discs in the late 1940s to early 2006 Page #139 ilitary interactions with advanced aerial discs and their non-human occupan 2006 Page #139 artillery attacks on unidentified aerial discs that the Base Commander cal 2006 Page #139 rsthand Testimonies Abut Non-Human Aerial Craft and Entities Slide 3: Roswe 2006 Page #140 , triangles and other unidentified aerial craft (UACs). But Len said, 'We l 2006 Page #141 policy to shoot down unidentified aerial discs. But the discs retaliated. 2006 Page #141 rsthand Testimonies Abut Non-Human Aerial Craft and Entities national secur 2006 Page #142 COM no longer exists. SLIDE # 13 — Aerial B&W of Four Missile Batteries, Ke 2006 Page #142 tillery in Key West, Florida. This aerial photograph provided by Bill shows 2006 Page #142 and rotary wing aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, and cruise missiles. Th 2006 Page #143 rsthand Testimonies Abut Non-Human Aerial Craft and Entities ship all tapes 2006 Page #144 rsthand Testimonies Abut Non-Human Aerial Craft and Entities Bill: "They ju 2006 Page #146 rsthand Testimonies Abut Non-Human Aerial Craft and Entities because they w 2006 Page #148 rsthand Testimonies Abut Non-Human Aerial Craft and Entities AND YET, BILL 2006 Page #150 rsthand Testimonies Abut Non-Human Aerial Craft and Entities I grew up with 2006 Page #152 rsthand Testimonies Abut Non-Human Aerial Craft and Entities Disc Crash At 2006 Page #154 rsthand Testimonies Abut Non-Human Aerial Craft and Entities marked as such 2006 Page #156 rsthand Testimonies Abut Non-Human Aerial Craft and Entities background. On 2006 Page #158 rsthand Testimonies Abut Non-Human Aerial Craft and Entities the Monday aft 2006 Page #160 rsthand Testimonies Abut Non-Human Aerial Craft and Entities I said, 'Yes, 2006 Page #162 tional Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) and now in the 2006 Page #174 tional Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena), but no one had follow 2006 Page #176 The Evidence of Legend VL Similar Aerial Phenomena VII. The Sightings VIII