UFO/UAP Chronology Client-Side Search Tool
The program itself is Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Richard Geldreich. Jr. The event copyrights vary, please see the list here.
This program is part of the E.C.H.O. (Event Chronology and Historical Overview) Project.
Usage Instructions
The various fields on the search page limit which records are returned in the results window. Multiple fields can be used simultanously to refine the search.
- Search Text: One or more optional search phrases or words to match against the event record
fields. Currently, matching always occurs against the event location, description, and all reference fields.
In the non-precise search modes, case is ignored, and similar lexemes are combined using word stemming, i.e. searching
for "running" will also return events containing the word "runs" or "run" etc. Additionally, in the non-precise search modes characters
with diacritics are normalized to their non-diacritic
forms, i.e. searching for the words "Vallee" or "Vallée" will return the same set of records.
- Search Type: The "in order", "all words", and "any words" options select a word-oriented record text matching mode. In these modes case and diacritics are ignored, and similar word lexemes are combined.
In the "precise" modes, the entire input search phrase is matched against the event record fields. Only exact character by character matches are accepted in precise modes.
- Source: Limits the search to events from the selected source event collection.
- Month/Day/Year: Limits the search to a selected date, or sets the start date for a date range search. Only numeric dates are accepted, i.e. "7/8/1947" (which is Roswell Day). Partial date matching is supported.
For example, if no year is entered, records for any year will be matched, but the other valid fields (month/day) will still be matched. The datch matcher is quite flexible to enable searching by specific days of the month; see Dr. Johnson's work on the "Same Time Next Year Syndrome" for more info.
- End Month/Day/Year: Sets the inclusive end date for a date range search. Both the begin year, month/year or month/day/year fields, and the end year, month/year or the month/day/year fields must be valid to search for records within a date range, otherwise only a single date will be searched for.
- Max Results: Limits the number of records listed in the results windows. The larger this value, the longer the search will take.
- Recent Events First: If checked the most recent events will be returned first, and more recent records will be checked before older records.
Important Notes:
- When date matching against single dates or date ranges, note all records which overlap with the specific date or date range will be returned. For example, if you search for the year 1947, event records
that span from "1940-1950", or records occuring in the "1940's" or "late 1940's" will also be returned, because these events could have occured in 1947.
- This is a client-side search engine. The entire event database is downloaded in a compressed form and then decompressed into memory for fast local searching.
An inverted search index is constructed from this database when the page first loads to accelerate searches. For maximum security and privacy, searches are always
locally conducted against this inverted index inside your browser. Search phrases are never sent to any servers or recorded locally.
- Most of this tool is written in C++, which is compiled
with Emscripten to WebAssembly.